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[目的/意义]互联网渗透了人类社会的方方面面,各种力量在这个虚拟空间中相互角逐,各方的权力差呈现不稳定、不均衡的变化。档案作为客观对象,探索互联网对档案权力产生的影响有利于档案部门及时把握时势、调整自身定位、做出相应变革。[方法/过程]通过思辨法阐释档案实体权力与档案软权力的概念及其关系,指出互联网赋权打破官方叙事、网络安全威胁档案证据力、海量数据冲击档案地位是互联网时代档案权力解构的三大原因,并从话语层面、资源层面剖析互联网时代档案权力初步重塑的表现。[结果/结论]认为档案权力重塑的三条路径是:让渡部分权力融通对话渠道、创新工作机制提升知识服务、整合档案数据驱动行业变革。  相似文献   

Understanding how designers of information and communication technologies conceptualize and perform their work can contribute to the larger goals of more effective design environments and more effective information systems. This article discusses the narrative analysis method in the context of a digital library design project related to environmental science and suggests that useful insights can be gained when both the design product and the design process are framed in narrative terms. When designers embraced the narrative aspects of the system, indicators of communication, information sharing, and integrative work increased. Narrative analysis supplemented social network analysis and demonstrated more explanatory power regarding the outcomes of the usability study and was an effective research method insofar as it mirrored the participants' evolving views of the design environment, suggesting that a reflexive approach to narrative data collection and analysis is warranted.  相似文献   

软实力的概念是上世纪80年代末提出的,近年来软实力已经受到越来越多的关注。对于一个国家来说,提升其综合实力需要从硬实力和软实力两方面进行;对于一所大学来说,同样如此。提升大学软实力,是贯彻落实党的十七大精神,增强国家文化软实力的迫切需要;是建设高等教育强国和世界一流大学的必然选择;也是全面落实科学发展观,促进大学自身又好又快发展的内在需求。  相似文献   

“软权力”理论是美国学者约瑟夫·奈在20世纪末提出的,重点对国家在国际交往中展示出的柔性力量加以阐释。档案是国家软权力提升的重要倚靠资源,档案部门应该充分认识自身在国家软权力提升过程中的重要作用,在参与国家软权力提升的过程中发挥档案独特的价值。本文从意识形态、文化和制度三个方面阐释档案与国家软权力的内在联系,从认同性推力、文化性推力、制度性推力三方面挖掘了档案对国家软权力提升的三个维度,并回归档案工作收集、开发的核心业务,从档案的宽口收集、多维开发探索档案对国家软权力提升的助推策略。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents a narrative analysis of an elementary school student's view of his visit to an astronomy science center in South Africa. We illustrate the power of narrative in illuminating the importance of the student's perspective in understanding the conditions for learning in a museum setting. Using principles of narrative presentation, the paper describes Tlotlo's thinking throughout his participation in a school visit to the visitors' center at a radio telescope. The paper discusses six features of the visit: student misconceptions; inadequate preparation and followup; memories and imaginings; enjoyment; discussing the visit afterwards; and socioeconomic constraints on visits. These features are examined within the context of a developing country: both confirming previous research on school visits and providing new insights into how such visits can be interpreted. The significance of narrative analysis for science center educators is discussed and suggested as appropriate for current research in museums.  相似文献   

认为图书馆跨界服务带来的诸多挑战,对学科馆员团队软实力建设提出新的要求。指出以团队核心价值观、员工综合素质、团队文化、制度体系、协同机制及内外部环境和谐度等要素为核心的团队软实力建设,已成为打造学科馆员团队核心竞争力的重要组成部分。介绍中国科学院国家科学图书馆学科馆员团队积极创新、应对挑战,进行团队软实力建设的做法以及以软实力建设促进硬实力发展的实践经验。  相似文献   

A narrative approach to studying media that focuses on character motivations represented in film is presented. A content analysis identified the motivations of 58 mental health professional characters represented in popular films (1990–1999). These characters were most commonly motivated by money, power, or a concern for others. Characters motivated by love/lust or self-healing were less common. Young female characters were more strongly motivated by love than other characters. Those characters motivated by a concern for others also tended to be motivated by a need for self-healing but not by a need for power. The distortions and insights of cinematic depictions of mental health professionals' motivations are considered. The implications of a narrative approach for future audience response media research are also discussed.  相似文献   

地方文献的功能:提升文化软实力的另一维度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十七大报告将增强文化软实力作为发展、繁荣社会主义文化的重要任务,表明文化建设被提升到了国家战略的高度。文化软实力是当代社会发展的重要力量,要提升文化软实力,就要加强文化建设,而作为与文化事业相生相伴的地方文献,在文化建设、提升文化软实力中具有根基、凝聚、教育、增值、创新融合的作用。  相似文献   

文化软实力越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素。大学是一个国家传承、创新、引领文化的重要基地,在提升国家文化软实力方面发挥着重要的作用。大学图书馆应不断加强自身建设,提供优质高效和多元化的服务,积极参与校园文化建设,为所在大学的文化软实力建设发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

简述图书馆在提升国家文化软实力中的作为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对文化软实力的剖析揭示了图书馆在提升国家文化软实力中的地位与作用,分析了图书馆在提升国家文化软实力中所面临的处境与问题,提出了图书馆在提升国家文化软实力中的发展对策。  相似文献   

By considering a neglected realm of narrative discourse, this article contributes to the communication scholarship on narrative authority. Authors of self-help books face a challenge that demands different methods of cultivating authority. Rather than do so by articulating professional expertise, they construct their authority based on personal narratives of self-transformation. Throughout the self-help genre's history, a particular type of talking cure has been intimately woven with ideas of selfhood. Positive thinking holds that our thoughts produce reality. Narratives about the self then place a tremendous power in and responsibility on the self, just as they deny the influence of social structures. In this study I aim to expose the implicit values of selfhood and storytelling that are occluded by the explicit stories of a free and helping self espoused in self-help and to demonstrate that that occlusion is enacted through the cultivation of narrative authority.  相似文献   

"软实力":图书馆发展的永恒动力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
图书馆的"软实力"包括图书馆的人员素质、人际氛围、服务意识、创新意识、价值观念等文化精神方面所具备的能力,认为只有不断增强这些"软实力"的构件,才能推动图书馆事业不断向前发展,提出了增强图书馆软实力的途径.  相似文献   

中非智库合作进入新时代。为全面落实中非合作论坛北京峰会成果,加快中非命运共同体的构建,中非智库论坛第八届会议就“中非智库媒体交流合作与中非话语权建设”议题进行深入探讨。构建命运共同体对中非智库媒体提出新要求,讲好中非故事、捍卫话语权是中非智库媒体的新使命。中非应强化智库建设,构建全方位、立体化的中非智库合作网络;拓展中非智库合作领域,聚焦治国理政、职业教育、出版传播、法律服务等;加强智库媒体融合,创新叙事方式和路径,提升话语权和影响力,为共筑中非命运共同体提供智慧支持。  相似文献   

图书馆职能在文化软实力发展中的创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在文化软实力发展中,图书馆面临着与世界文化接轨的挑战、核心价值体系形成的挑战和人才危机的挑战。在这样的形势下,图书馆必须在软件建设、保存和传播文化、加强管理和开展教育等方面,实施职能创新。  相似文献   

建设广州文化“首善之区”,重点在于提升广州的文化软实力。本文指出,加强公共文化服务体系建设,能够提升城市文化软实力,进而实现广州文化“首善之区”的建设目标。本文还提出了广州在公共文化服务体系建设中要完善社区文化服务设施建设、完善广州公共图书馆服务体系、统筹广州城乡公共文化建设的三点思路。  相似文献   

文章分析了图书馆在提升安徽文化软实力中的重要作用,指出安徽省各类型图书馆在经费投入、人员及服务水平等方面存在的问题与不足;并针对这些问题,从重视人才培养、加强基础设施建设和信息资源建设、积极宣传和加快资源共建共享等方面,提出提升图书馆服务安徽文化软实力的策略。  相似文献   

邵萍 《出版科学》2016,24(3):106-109
分析电子游戏叙事的3个特点,即玩家介入叙事,多媒介叙事,空间叙事加强和时间叙事弱化。从叙事符号和叙事模型两个角度探讨电子游戏如何叙事,并较为详细地探讨了线性叙事模型、线性叙事衍生模型和沙盒游戏叙事模型3种大型电子游戏叙事模型。  相似文献   

陈薇 《国际新闻界》2020,(1):136-153
"想象的共同体"确立了论述国家的话语方式,书写(论述)国家的行动本身,就是通过想象(叙事)来弥补在多元复杂的社会力量中所遗失的国家"同一性",从而将宏大的民族国家叙事和细碎而弥散的日常生活建立起勾连。本文从想象国家的理论脉络出发,以新世纪以来《人民日报》对海外撤侨行动的报道为研究对象,对报道中所呈现的"国家"话语进行文本分析。研究发现,建构主义范式与原生主义范式共同作用于国家想象的生成与可见,从而"标识"国家。由此,撤侨话语成为一种展现国家力量与国家意识的权力书写,通过英雄原型叙事、建构集体记忆的话语互文、塑造"家国一体"的概念隐喻以及话语互动,实现国家情感的表达与国家认同的凝聚。  相似文献   

本文从叙事主体、叙事客体、叙事过程三个角度对叙事理念于档案文化传播中的运用进行价值阐释,并提出相应的档案叙事运行机理,包括平分析公众需求,明确叙事主题建构叙事场景,善用媒体技术,评论反馈以优化档案叙事服务等.建议通过树立叙事理念、多媒体并行发挥多方联动效应、多元合作增强文化凝聚力等几个方面入手探索档案文化传播的新路径,...  相似文献   

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