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学习一种语言就是学习转换一种思维方式,这种思维方式深藏于目的语深层文化之中。因此,语言、思维和文化是相互影响相互作用的。认识到英汉语言结构的差异是源于思维方式的不同这一事实,不仅可以为我们的英语学习找到一个有力的理论依据,也可以帮助我们有效地避免英语学习过程中容易出现的错误,进一步提高英语学习的效率。  相似文献   

It has long been realized that language is of great importance to culture and that the impact of culture upon a given language is indispensible.One claim about the relationship between language and culture is that the structure of a particular language influences the habitual thought of its speakers.Today,the claim is referred to as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,which is composed of two versions.The strong version,also known as linguistic determinism,states that language patterns determine speaker's thinking.The weak version,also known as linguistic relativity,implies that language do really influence thought but doesn't determine it completely.This paper tries to give a brief introduction to the hypothesis,illustrate some experiments used to test the theory and state some arguments against the strong version of the hypothesis.Although the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis doesn't offer the most reasonable explanation of the nature of the relationship between language,culture and thought,it is still influential in the development of linguistic science.  相似文献   

可持续发展是近年来影响广泛的一种社会思潮。在可持续发展战略中,教育具有举足轻重的地位。为了实施可持续发展战略,可持续发展的教育概念应运而生,并对大学教学思想的更新产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

With the purpose of having a better understanding,this article discusses the correlations between language, culture and thought as well their interactions. They not only correlate but also are differen...  相似文献   

This thesis narrates the relationship between language and culture, thought and culture, focuses on the four theories of the relationship between language and thought and the shortcomings of the four theories. Finally the author will propose the view on language and thought and apply it to vocational English teaching.  相似文献   

语言是思想的外衣,是思想的直接体现。通过隐喻思维在语言各个层面上的表现模式,深化对语言隐喻性本质和隐喻特点的认识。思维是隐喻性的,语言也是隐喻性的。了解语言的隐喻性本质及其隐喻特点对语言学习大有裨益。  相似文献   

学术界对于庄子的理论已有很深入的研究 ,只是专门研究庄子思维与语言关系的文章尚不多见。本文认为 ,庄子对思维对象“道”的精神生命的体认 ,使得思维及用于思维的语言具有了诗意。庄子以这一具有诗意的语言 ,表达了他对对象世界的诗意的思维 ,致使思维与语言达到了“思”即是“言”、“言”即是“思”的完美融合的艺术境界。  相似文献   

语言与思维两者的关系,在语言学领域一直都是语言学家感兴趣的一个话题,至于两者孰先孰后,一直饱受争议,众说不一。本文采用文献综述法,在已有理论的基础上,运用相关有说服力的例子,推导出思维先于语言,思维可以独立于语言之外的观点,从而充分肯定了思维的能动性在人类活动中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

外语网络教学与数字语言实验室的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在分析了外语网络教学特点的基础上,介绍了数字语言室的技术特点及其对外语教学的推动作用,结合我校网络教学的发展,对数字网络语言实验室建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   

B·帕斯捷尔纳克的《日瓦戈医生》揭示了作家只有把握命运的逻辑才能驾驭简单而深邃的情节;只有具备了精深的语言思维才会有文学准确、完美、自然的表达。《日瓦戈医生》反映出俄罗斯文学面对强权不屈的灵魂。  相似文献   

创新型研究生培养的复杂性来自于两个方面:内在认识上,创新思维的形成过程至今尚无定论;外部环境上,师资力量、制度建设、资金投入等均是影响创新的重要因素。将创新过程理解为突破原有的限制而进行的"新组合",创新型研究生的培养与思维以及环境这两大因素有着密切的联系。其中,思维发展是实现新组合的基础,环境建设则是实现新组合的条件。具体操作时,应当充分推进研究生创新思维的发展,同时着重加强有利于创新型研究生培养的环境建设,切实提高研究生的创新能力。  相似文献   

传统的通感修辞教学,教师往往以本为本,就课文中的典范例句来引导学生认识通感,而忽略了对这种极具审美情趣和艺术魅力的表达技巧的实用训练。本文旨在通过作者自身教学中的一些实践及体会,粗浅地谈谈如何指导学生进行品味鉴赏及语言的构建来培养通感思维,形成通感智慧,提高语言表现力,真正实现学以致用,学有所获。  相似文献   

论福多的思维语言假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思维语言假说(LOTH)是关于思维(thinking)和思想(thought)本质的一个经验主义的论题。根据LOTH,思维是在心理语言中进行的,即在相应有机体的头脑内物理地实现的符号系统中进行的。本文从思维语言的界定、思维语言的主要特征等角度分析了福多的思维语言假说,在此基础上,评述了当代主要的心灵哲学家对福多的思维语言假说的观点。  相似文献   

口语能力是语文能力的重要组成部分 ,口语能力开发与思维发展具有密切的关系。思维是智力与能力的核心 ,思维的品质与口语能力存在许多交叉点 ,口语能力的开发可以直接促进思维品质的改善 ,提高思维监控力的水平 ,使思维更加丰富、具体  相似文献   

Generally speaking, environmental education teaching, research, and practice have been informed by the traditions of western, Euro-centric culture. In this context indigenous perspectives are often marginalized, maligned, and perceived to be unscientific and therefore inferior. This essay adds to the growing body of literature exploring aboriginal indigenous environmental epistemologies and responsible human interactions with the natural environment. The paper provides a Canadian context as it examines the environmental philosophy and attitude of a Canadian First Nations community to the natural environment grounded in the lived experiences of adults, children and elders from the Walpole Island First Nation. We make the argument that while not a panacea, Aboriginal environmental epistemologies hold lessons for teaching environmental stewardship and sustainability behavior in mainstream classrooms.  相似文献   

This article offers a series of reflections based on a recent edited collection, Environmental and Sustainability Education Policy: International Trends, Priorities and Challenges. As one of its editors, here I bring together key features of the collection and themes pertinent to this emerging field of scholarship, to offer some way-markers for possible future research avenues. Taken together, I trust these observations might help others navigate what we encountered in policy studies and practice development, and illuminate various blank, blind, bald and bright spots for research and policy in both environmental and sustainability education, and related fields of inquiry.  相似文献   

黄爱琼  罗雨青 《海外英语》2011,(12):311-312
Being a classical theory in the field of linguistics, the relationship between thought and language has been drawing the attentions of linguists, psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists to carry out a great deal of researches and debates. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis about the relationship between thought and language is both influential and controversial .  相似文献   

There are many disputes about the relationship between language and thought. Being a classical theory in the field of linguistics, the relationship between language and thought has been drawing the attentions of linguistics, psychologists and sociologists to carry out a deal of debates. This paper tries to conclude all kinds of opinions about the relationship between language and thought from different scholars, then come up with personal ideas after analyzing one by one in detail.  相似文献   

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