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法国博士生教育职业化改革以“博士生教育作为一种研究型职业经历”和“基于学术能力基础上的可迁移技能”为逻辑起点,在实践中采取注重博士生可迁移能力培养,构建博士生院的博士生职业化培训机制,加强博士生培养的计划与落实,促进博士生与企业双赢的产学研合作协议等具体举措来推进博士生职业化改革。这对我国进一步改革博士生培养模式、提高博士生培养质量具有一定的启示:政府应加强博士生教育顶层战略规划及相应的政策引领与保障;博士生教育机构需重申博士生培养理念,构建多元化培养模式;博士生要加强自身专业理论自信,提高可持续发展和可迁移能力。  相似文献   

博士生教育和学术劳动力市场之间存在紧密联系,但尚未有研究系统分析我国学术劳动力市场变革对博士生教育的影响。近年来,全球学术劳动力市场发生了巨大变革,我国学术劳动力市场也出现了“预聘—长聘”制度的引入、次级学术劳动力市场的形成、精英学术劳动力市场饱和、海外学术劳动力回流的冲击等变革趋势。以入口—过程—出口理论模型为分析框架,结合访谈调查资料及各高等学校公开数据分析发现,上述趋势对博士生教育的入口、过程及出口三个方面产生重要影响:博士生生源总量持续上升,但优秀生源向海外流失;在博士生社会化过程中,教学能力、职业规划能力及可迁移能力培养不足;博士生就业呈现“下沉式”和多元化就业趋势。面对学术劳动力市场的变革,我国博士生教育须进一步提升培养质量,并加强对博士生教学能力、职业生涯规划能力与可迁移能力的培养。  相似文献   

传统医学生能力培养存在缺陷。在通识教育视阈下,医学生能力培养由单一专业技能培养向包含了专业知识能力、自我管理能力和可迁移能力的复合能力培养转变。要培养医学生的复合能力,需要更新通识教育课程体系,拓宽知识能力的培养路径;改革通识教育教学方式,提升医学生自我管理能力;创设通识教育学习环境,培育医学生的可迁移能力。  相似文献   

利用15所高校的博士生抽样调查数据,分析了博士生就业偏好和薪酬预期以及就业压力和就业能力状况。研究发现,大部分博士生定位于成为科学研究人才,倾向于在高校等事业单位从事学术科研工作,但也有超过30%的博士生想成为实用技术、企业经营管理和党政人才。博士生看重职业成就,首份工作的期望薪酬不高,但就业压力已成为博士生日常生活最苦恼的事情之一。尽管博士生的综合能力素质略高于本科生和硕士生,但就业多元化背景下博士生就业能力有待进一步拓展提升。提升博士生就业能力,拓宽就业渠道,成为博士生培养机制改革的重要出发点。  相似文献   

博士生培养规模与学术职位的供需失衡,导致各国博士的就业逐渐呈现多元化的趋势。文章以北京大学和南开大学2005年及以前培养的数学博士为样本,对其就业和职业迁移情况进行了专门分析,以期为我国以数学为代表的基础学科博士生教育的改革提供启示。  相似文献   

博士生培养规模与学术职位的供需失衡,导致各国博士的就业逐渐呈现多元化的趋势。文章以北京大学和南开大学2005年及以前培养的数学博士为样本,对其就业和职业迁移情况进行了专门分析,以期为我国以数学为代表的基础学科博士生教育的改革提供启示。  相似文献   

博士生的创新能力是反映博士生培养质量的重要指标。随着博士毕业生就业去向的多元化,学术创新能力之外的通用技能也越来越重要。基于《自然》杂志2019年"全球博士生调查"得到的15个国家的5 383位在读博士生的数据,利用OLS回归、似不相关回归和门槛效应模型等方法,分析自主学习和与导师互动两种时间投入与博士生学术和通用能力之间的关系。研究发现,与其他国家相比,我国博士生的通用能力较好,但学术能力不足。在所测度的时间投入范围内,博士生的两种能力并非随自主学习时间的增加而一直提高,而是呈三次曲线的关系。分样本回归的结果保持稳健。另外,与导师互动的时间投入不仅显著促进博士生的两种能力发展,还相对延缓下降拐点的出现。博士生与其自己"蛮干",倒不如多与导师交流,获得导师的指导,进而"巧干"。  相似文献   

通过设置不同的练习题,培养学生的迁移能力和解决问题的能力。本文中,笔者讲述了巧设"拐杖题",变式题和"模特题"来实现学生对问题的解决。利用产生迁移的相同要素,寻找、设计产生迁移的中介,是课堂教学的重点。  相似文献   

深化博士生考试招生制度改革是保障博士生培养质量的重要前提.本研究采用"研究生满意度调查"数据,实证考察了"申请-考核"制与博士生培养质量的关联性.研究结果表明:"申请-考核"制入学的博士生在学期间学术能力与通用能力提升更高,在运用倾向得分匹配消除了样本自选择问题后,结论依然成立;个体努力程度在申请考核生的学术能力与通用能力提升方面起到了部分中介作用,即"申请-考核"制不仅挑选出更加具有学术能力和通用能力潜质的申请人,也挑选出更加努力的申请人.为此,我国应充分发挥"申请-考核"制在选拔高素质博士生过程中的重要作用,提高"申请-考核"制的内部信度,探索建立申请材料结构化数据的核验与评分系统.  相似文献   

知识生产模式演变对博士生培养模式改革提出了新要求。为适应知识生产模式变革需求,一些国家和地区对博士生培养模式进行了系列改革,如灵活设置学科,建立丰富多样的博士学位授予类型;设置跨学科研究计划,提升博士生应用跨学科理论与方法解决复杂问题的能力;协同多元主体,构建博士生协同培养网络;采取多种方式,评价博士生研究成果等。我国博士生培养模式改革应以需求为导向,灵活设置多样的博士学位授予类型;打破学科壁垒,加强跨学科博士生培养;强化组织协作,构建多元主体协同的博士生培养网络;改革评价方式,建立多元化博士学位成果评价机制。  相似文献   

Since at least the 1990s, voices both inside and outside the academy have vigorously debated whether the university has the responsibility to educate students in ‘transferable skills’ in addition to disciplinary content. Lists of these skills often include critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and innovation, and, almost always, communication, this article's focus. I briefly review the debate on whether such skills should be a prominent part of the university curriculum, and specifically address one argument advanced by the critics—that these skills cannot be taught. I describe my experience teaching communication relying on research-based practices and reflect on what it means to teach transferable skills in the digital age, as pedagogy changes and the university extends its reach. The article concludes with a recommendation to expand the teaching and learning of transferable skills and suggests how this can be accomplished.  相似文献   

宋争辉 《教育研究》2012,(5):154-157
大学生专业与岗位技能对接教育是普通高等教育一种全新的教学实践模式。在这个模式中,大学毕业生入职岗位技能培训前移,大学生在校期间就已经掌握了岗位技能,职业素质得到拓展,就业能力得到提高;学校"双师型"师资队伍建设得到加强;用人单位对人才质量满意度提升。此模式建立了普通高等教育与职业教育融合的新渠道,完善了学校教育与社会需求相结合的人才培养、培训体系,创新了大学生培养机制。  相似文献   

从博士生自身角度探讨工科博士生的创新技巧和创新能力培养,具有重要的现实意义。在创新要素与创新动机的思考基础上,结合国防科技大学雷达信号处理专业部分创新实践,从问题创新和方法创新方面总结了相应的创新技巧,最后对工科博士生创新能力的培养提出若干建议。  相似文献   

As job security declines and precarious employment arrangements become more prevalent, transferable skills have become vital for job seeking success. In recognition of this issue, many governments are seeking to redesign their training systems in ways that transferable skills become better emphasised. This paper examines the challenges of developing transferable skills among a nation’s workforce and the tensions that can emerge between training design intentions and training delivery outcomes when training delivery is marketised. Australia, where incremental training sector reforms have occurred since the late 1980s, serves as the context for this study. While training design occurs through a tripartite process involving employer, government and union representatives, training delivery is now determined in an open, deregulated market environment. Our analysis reveals a complex underlying design with an in-built intention of developing widely transferable skills, yet there exists significant concern about the actual training outcomes. We conclude that in an environment where VET delivery is user-choice driven with the aim of fulfilling specific employer skills needs the quality, depth and breadth of transferable skills are compromised.  相似文献   

The traditional ‘lone scholar’ view of an Arts and Humanities doctoral student sits uneasily with the skills-based discourse underpinning policies aimed at enhancing researcher development and employability. This paper reports on a case study of a research training programme for doctoral students in the Arts and Humanities at a UK university. It calls for the embedding of the generic skills agenda within a more clearly articulated pedagogic discourse and formulates four pedagogic principles for research training programme design. Additionally, the paper problematises the research trainer role and highlights the importance of paying attention to the students' own learning agendas and the learning value they are prepared to derive from training.  相似文献   

高职生专业核心技能的确定和培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
专业核心技能是某一专业学生所具备的,而其他专业学生很难替代的一技之长.对于学生自我和整个高职教育都具有重要的意义。因此,在专业培养方案中应突出专业核心技能,明确不同专业专业核心技能的差异,以及专业核心技能与其他技能的关系。在具体的培养中,要加强“双师型”教师队伍和实训基地的建设,以“双证书”制度为导向。  相似文献   

The case for integrating generic skills in university accounting programmes is well documented in the literature, but the implementation of strategies designed to teach generic skills in the context of accounting courses has posed ongoing challenges for academics and course administrators. The imperative for generic skills in accounting programmes derives from an economic view of the role of universities, reflecting the views of government and employers who perceive graduates as economic assets to business and the economy. It is argued that the role of universities extends beyond the economic imperative to encompass a greater social and cultural role. This paper traces the historical evolution of the generic skills discourse with an emphasis on accounting and places it in the broader context of the social and economic roles of universities in an era of transformation in the sector. The generic skills discourse, however, transcends disciplinary boundaries and international borders. The new knowledge economy, emerging as a result of technological advancement, needs graduates across disciplines with flexible mindsets and transferable skill sets, capable of innovating and adapting to a dynamic work environment. Consequently, universities must develop the transferable, generic skills required by graduates to advance their careers and contribute to economic innovation and social development. The generic skills debate must, therefore, be addressed from a systemic perspective, reaching beyond national and disciplinary borders. The lessons learned from the generic skills debate in accounting have wider interdisciplinary application for university policy-makers and educators facing the challenges of a new era in higher education.  相似文献   

Transferable skills are essential in allowing graduates to make the transition between the world of learning and the world of work. Teaching these skills, however, is a challenge that institutions of higher learning are still grappling with. This article describes how the transferability of skills can be encouraged using e-portfolios. It is based on a review of a skills course taught to first-year undergraduate economics students. Google sites were used by students to develop platforms of reflection and evidence their skills development. The approach used included bolt-on and embedded methods. The sites developed by students are reviewed alongside post-module focus group discussions. We find that the embedded approach is more effective in enhancing transference. We also find that e-portfolios provide a relevant platform and context for the development of transferable skills. The assessment aspect of the portfolio also provides the incentive to transfer.  相似文献   

Recognising the importance of graduates being equipped with appropriate employability skills alongside their subject-specific skills, we have had transferable skills training embedded throughout our degree programmes for 30 years. More recently, a specific employability skills module for final-year honours students has been created. This module consists of a programme of activities supporting employability skills, which was delivered to final-year undergraduate students from 2012 to 2015. A key feature in the development and delivery of these activities was the involvement of external experts. Detailed questionnaires have captured student perceptions and thematic analysis has revealed key themes. The module has been perceived to be highly useful, resulting in significant increases in students’ confidence across key areas of employability skills. Furthermore, students may hold skewed perceptions of the relevance of generic employability skills to their chosen career path. This fact should be considered when delivering employability skills programmes.  相似文献   

哈佛大学教育博士专业学位改革对世界各国教育博士培养具有引领和带动作用。在回应专业博士教育社会质疑、弥补哲学博士教育长期缺失双重需要推动下,哈佛大学对教育博士学位培养进行了大刀阔斧改革:撤销原教育博士学位(Ed.D.)、新设教育领导博士学位(Ed.L.D.)、创设教育哲学博士学位(Ph.D.),形成了两种博士学位并存共生新格局。从培养模式比较看,专业博士回归“实践”属性,教育哲学博士凸显“学术性”特点,且两者均高度重视跨学科教育和培养质量提升。我国培养教育博士起步较晚,具有较大发展空间,可借鉴哈佛大学经验教训,积极推动教育博士培养模式改革,更好地满足国家经济社会和教育事业发展需要。  相似文献   

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