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学批评的任务是分析研究作家作品、学思潮和学流派,帮助读正确鉴赏和理解各种学现象,总结创作经验,推动学发展。本从学批评和价值取向、学的话语批评、学批评精神的屈从等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

《赎罪》是当下英国文坛最具影响力的作家之一——伊恩·麦克尤恩的代表作。他运用其高超的写作技巧,在小说中为读者刻画了多个让人印象深刻的人物形象。原型批评是当代西方文艺批评理论中不可或缺的一个部分,它为经典作品的解读提供了一个新的视角。本文旨在运用弗莱的神话原型批评理论对《赎罪》女主人公进行分析,从深层次来解析这部作品。  相似文献   

幽默是马克.吐温中短篇小说中最突出的语言特征。传统的幽默研究局限在修辞层面上,因而,从认知语用的视角来分析马克.吐温中短篇小说中幽默语言具有创新性。预设和会话含义是幽默的认知语用理论的两个主要方面。马克.吐温中短篇小说中幽默的预设和会话含义的解读可以加深读者对小说语言建构和作者的写作技巧的深层理解。  相似文献   

英语逻辑连接词是连接句内或句子间语义关系的逻辑纽带.逻辑连接词在阅读理解过程中起重要作用--通过逻辑连接词,读者可以了解句内或句子之间的语义关系,甚至可经前句从逻辑上预见后续句的语义,从而提高阅读速度,很快理解阅读材料的语义.  相似文献   

斯蒂芬妮·梅尔书写的小说《暮光之城》系列,自问世以来连续创下了出版佳绩,并赢得评论界及读者的广泛关注。国内外学者从不同角度进行研究,如:女性主义、读者反应、主题研究和原型批评等。此外,也有学者从互文性的角度讲将《暮光之城》系列与《呼啸山庄》进行研究,得出结论:前者充分参考并引用了后者,从而使《暮》系列与《呼啸山庄》跨越时空的限制,实现了多视角,多视觉的互文性。但是《暮》系列与中国蒲松龄的小说《聊斋志异》也存在着互文性。两部作品都是通过鬼怪传奇直击人心,代表社会、人性的反射。因此.文章通过文本细读,深入挖掘《暮》系列小说与《聊斋志异》之间的互文性,进而了解中西鬼魂文化的交融。  相似文献   

从图式理论的视角看阅读理解的心理过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阅读理解是个复杂的心理活动过程,在这个过程中,读者往往借助“自下而上”和“自上而下”两种信息加工方式的交互作用来解读阅读内容。因此,图式理论将阅读过程解释为读者所具备的背景知识和阅读材料相互作用的过程。影响阅读理解的主要因素是内容图式和形式图式。对图式理论的研究,有助于揭示阅读理解的认知心理过程并对外语教学有所启示。  相似文献   

学术阅读的主要目的有两个:解和批判。对批判性阅读和系统功能语法中及物性分析探讨的基础之上,本文认为及物性分析是一门能很好地运用于批评性阅读的有用的语言工具。本文对在批评性阅读过程中如何运用及物性分析提供了一篇样本分析,展示出及物性分析是如何帮助阅读者提高对阅读材料的批判理解,并帮助阅读者成为语言运用能手的批判性阅读过程。  相似文献   

我国读者应根据《荒原》现代主义作品的文本性质 ,根据诗人的创作倾向及其所属流派和相关流派的创作倾向 ,运用现代文艺理论更新自己的阅读视角 ,调整期待视域。唯此 ,才能一定程度上弥合SSSHE自己与该诗的理想读者之间的差距 ,才能解读出《荒原》用典的必然性、必要性及其重要的文学、美学价值  相似文献   

Popular culture images of reading tend to portray readers as solitary individuals deeply immersed in reading a single text in a quiet, undisturbed spot. Yet, in our documentation of adolescent students reading in Singapore secondary schools, we find that there are many ways and modes of reading, much of which is social in nature. Through the use of comparative, critical visual analysis, this paper expands the understanding of what it means to read and to understand how adolescent readers experience reading in school contexts. Visual images serve to disrupt dominant readings of what counts as reading to elicit new considerations for engaging adolescents in reading.  相似文献   

言说者是文学活动中读者阅读文本时所领悟到的、现身在文本中的说话人角色。在文学欣赏中,对言说者的领会不仅对文本的欣赏有帮助,而且只有领会到言说者的存在,才能达到文学欣赏的最高境界。  相似文献   

Poorer adolescent readers are often regarded by teachers as unable to read whole narratives and given short, simplified texts, yet are expected to analyse every part in a slow laborious read‐through. This article reports on a mixed methods study in which 20 English teachers in the South of England changed their current practice to read two whole challenging novels at a faster pace than usual in 12 weeks with their average and poorer readers ages 12–13. Ten teachers received additional training in teaching comprehension. Students in both groups made 8.5 months' mean progress on standardised tests of reading comprehension, but the poorer readers made a surprising 16 months progress but with no difference made by the training programme. Simply reading challenging, complex novels aloud and at a fast pace in each lesson repositioned ‘poorer readers’ as ‘good’ readers, giving them a more engaged uninterrupted reading experience over a sustained period. However, the qualitative data showed that teachers with the additional training provided a more coherent faster read and better supported poorer readers by explicitly teaching inference, diagnosed students' ‘sticking places’ mid‐text and created socially cohesive guided reading groups that further supported weaker readers and also stretched the average/good readers.  相似文献   

评价系统主要是用来分析语篇的人际意义,而作为语篇分析为主的英语阅读教学则主要是通过学习者对其文本中的各种语言信息或标记及语篇的结构特征进行分析来达到学习者对所阅读的文本研究和理解的目的。通过评价理论的学习,可以帮助英语阅读者自主地掌握和不断地提高英语阅读的水平和理解的能力,进一步达到英语学习的最终目的。  相似文献   

语言学家们一直都在研究预设的问题。预设往往由触发语(trigger)来引发,根据不同的触发语,George Yule将其分为事实预设、非事实预设、反事实预设、存在预设、词汇预设和结构预设。触发语有助干我们在阅读当中理解作者的真正用意。因此如果我们将预设触发语运用于阅读理解当中,那么对学生阅读理解能力的提高会起到良好的作用。  相似文献   

考察了时下高校读者图书借阅情况,发现高校读者图书借阅量不及美国、俄罗斯、以色列等国家一般公民的平均借阅量。探讨了影响高校读者阅读热情的原因,考察分析了网络因素、高校读者的读书心理因素以及外围的一些相关因素。提出激发读者阅读热情的策略和新途径,包括介绍先贤读书史,启发厌读者提升阅读热情;提倡研制书药,针对不同厌读者的厌读原因用药;推荐阅读疗法著作,帮助厌读者寻医问药,根治厌读症等。  相似文献   

A controversy whether developmental dyslexia is qualitatively different from other forms of reading disability has existed among reading specialists for many years because poor readers, regardless of the labels attached to them, resemble each other symptomatically (i.e., in reading achievement). For this reason, it is difficult to establish a priori criteria based on symptoms to identify dyslexia and compare it with other forms of reading disability. One possible solution to this impasse is to see if poor readers differ in the etiology of their reading disability and, if they do, then to see whether one group of poor readers fits the traditional definition of dyslexia. This strategy was adopted in the present study. In this paper, it was hypothesized that the etiology of dyslexia is different from that of other forms of reading disability because there is a difference in the components that malfunction in dyslexia and other forms of reading disability. Studies have shown that the two components that account for a large proportion of variance in reading are decoding and comprehension. Previous studies also indicate that dyslexic children are deficient in decoding skills but not necessarily in comprehension. In this study, reading-disabled children were divided into two groups on the basis of their listening comprehension. Children whose listening comprehension was at or above grade level were placed in one group; poor readers with below-grade-level listening comprehension were placed in the second group. Both groups, however, were matched for reading comprehension. The two groups and a control group of normal readers were administered a number of tasks that were designed to assess the efficiency of the components of reading. It was found that poor readers with normal listening comprehension were deficient in tasks that involved grapheme-phoneme conversion (Component I, decoding). When tested on tasks that minimized decoding requirements, their reading comprehension was comparable to that of normal readers. In contrast, the group with sub-average listening comprehension was poor in measures of reading comprehension, even when decoding requirements were minimal. With the exception of very few children, this group also had adequate decoding skills. Because poor readers with normal listening comprehension had average or above average IQ, they conform to the traditional definition of dyslexia. Poor readers with below average listening comprehension had below average IQ and could be considered as “general reading backward.” It was, therefore, concluded that the etiology of developmental dyslexia is different from that of general reading backwardness. In this paper, the termetiology refers to proximal causal factors such as decoding and comprehension and not to distal causal factors such as genetic and neurological characteristics.  相似文献   

隐喻化批评作为一种诗化批评,具有与普通文学批评大异其趣的审美特征和理论特征.它借助于隐喻的修辞手法,创造出某种艺术氛围和境界,引导读者在其暗示下去感受、体验、理解文学作品的艺术氛围和境界.中国古代文人既是诗人又是批评家的特殊身份,为这种批评形式的发展提供了内在根据.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrate that individual differences among normal adult readers, including lexical quality, are expressed in silent reading at the word level. In the first of two studies we identified major dimensions of variability among college readers and among words using factor analysis. We then examined the effects of these dimensions of variability on eye movements during paragraph reading. More experienced readers (who also were higher in reading speed) read words more quickly, especially less frequent words, while readers with higher lexical knowledge showed shorter early fixations, especially for more frequent words. These results suggest that individual differences in reading may reflect differences in the quality of lexical representations and in reading experience, which is a source of lexical quality. In a second study, we controlled the lexical knowledge readers obtained from new words through a training paradigm that varied exposure to a word’s orthographic, phonological, and meaning constituents. Training exposure to orthographic and phonological constituents affected first pass reading measures, and phonological and meaning training affected second pass measures. Incomplete knowledge of word components slowed first pass reading times, compared to both more complete knowledge and no knowledge. Training effects were mediated by individual differences, pointing to lexical quality and reading experience—which, combined reflect reading expertise—as important in word reading as part of text reading.  相似文献   

Cece Bell’s (El Deafo, Amulet, New York, 2014) is a middle childhood graphic novel memoir that explores the author’s experiences of losing her hearing and growing up with a severe hearing loss. As a graphic novel, the story is able to avoid a medicalized view of disability by combining image and text, a format that allows readers, those with hearing and those without, to step inside the narrative and deeply consider Bell’s experiences. The narrative elements typically found in graphic novel autobiography create a communal reading experience, which does not allow readers to forget who the book is about. After an analysis of the primacy of these narrative graphic novel elements in telling a story about a disability, this article shares the reading experiences of university students in exploring this story, during which students used both the image and text to help them confront misconceptions they had about deafness, broadening their understandings and experiences around disability.  相似文献   

阅读活动是人类视觉文化的重要组成部分。互联网使得以知识为主要内容的信息,借助各种各样新技术,新设备与电信、网络融合在一起,阅读活动从纸媒到电媒,从室内到室外,阅读方式呈现多元化发展趋势。本文通过介绍包括我国和其他几个国家电媒网络阅读和阅读工具的发展简况,帮助读者从原理和事实两方面了解融合的现状和电媒阅读方式的特点,从而在闻读时做出自己的选择。  相似文献   

图式理论认为阅读是一种复杂的心理过程。读者经过预测、推理、验证直至最后的肯定等一系列思维活动,利用储存在记忆中的各种知识,通过文字解码来理解语篇。根据图式阅读理论,影响阅读效率主要有四个因素:语言图式、内容图式、修辞图式和阅读策略。因此,在阅读教学中必须加强学生的语言图式,并利用语篇、文化背景、阅读策略等促进教学方法,提高英语阅读教学的质量。  相似文献   

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