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While a substantial body of research exists on First- and Second-Language Acquisition (SLA), research on the language acquisition process that a language minority student goes through when they are acquiring a second language has been largely unexplored. Pedagogical practices that espouse language learning theories facilitate both the language development and integration of the language minority child into the classroom. This paper will look at various linguistic variables within the field of SLA which are of particular relevance to the language acquisition process of such students in an Irish context. By embedding these linguistic factors into pedagogical practices, educators can engage with a transformative framework which will not only aid their linguistic and cognitive development, but will also empower the students by developing their critical language skills and facilitate their ability to access the mainstream curriculum.  相似文献   

身势语研究历史悠久,作为重要的交际手段,身势语具有五种基本功能,即:说明功能、辅助功能调节功能、标志功能及替代功能。身势语在儿童母语习得过程中也起着重要作用。  相似文献   

认知语言学的习得理论,认为语言的相关知识是学习者们积极主动构建而来的,语言知识的习得主要还是在于学习者所处的环境以及学习者本身的认知能力,并不是在于学习者先天的语言天赋。根据认知语言学的主要观点,探讨基于认知语言学理论的儿童语言习得的方式和机制,并从社会文化途径、模仿学习途径、类比与结构映射途径等方面具体论述了认知语言学理论下儿童语言系统形成的途径。  相似文献   

文章采用观察法、数理统计法和文献资料法对方言对儿童语言习得的影响做研究,主要论述方言与儿童语言习得的关系。从方言运用环境、方言的特点、语言表层语音能力、深层内外部语言转换能力、心理因素等多个角度分析方言对儿童语言习得的影响,并进一步探讨方言与普通话教育之间的关系,探究克服方言对普通话影响的对策。  相似文献   

Halliday(1985/1994)提出的语法隐喻理论为儿童语言习得提供了一个新视角。语法隐喻对儿童意义潜势的发展意义重大,是其语法能力提高的一个重要标志。本文在回顾Halliday有关语法隐喻及其个体发展研究的基础上,着重评述Painter(2003),Torr(2003)和Derew ianka(2003)等采用纵向研究的方法对英语国家儿童母语习得过程中语法隐喻个体发展情况的实证研究,以探讨儿童语法隐喻习得的规律。  相似文献   

Vocabulary is important in language and language acquisition, but it did not catch as much attention as it deserved for a long time. In this thesis, I'll go through changes of vocabulary studied in linguistics and language teaching as well as rise of L2 vocabulary acquisition studies. Several aspects of L2 vocabulary acquisition studies will then be reviewed.Issues that need to be further studied will at last be put forward.  相似文献   

What influence has Vygotsky’s work had on recent research in language acquisition? Vygotsky’s influence first emerged in the United States, and more specificaly in J. S. Bruner’s work. It is often implicit, and now essentially concerns one domain of language acquisition, the development of speech acts in children. Vygotsky’s approach has a certain number of points in common with the so-called “pragmatic” theories derived from the philosophy of language: the nature of signs, utility in the study of conscience and utility in phylogency The main point of divergence between the Vygotsky perspective and the one proposed in pragmatic theory concerns ontogency: ontogency was one of the focal points of Vygotsky’s work, and pragmatists are not interested in the question of ontogeny as such. From the proximal zone of development, and from the transition from an inter-psychological phase to an intra-psychological phase, Bruner developed the notions of tutoring, scaffolding and interaction format. Applying the notion of format to interactions involving children older than 2 allows to account for the early production of certain utterances. Some very recent studies have shown that Vygotsky’s approach can be discussed from two angles: the link between the adult’s assistance and the child’s language learning, and the role of asymmetry in the adult/child relationship during language acquisition.  相似文献   

王秀雯 《海外英语》2012,(15):36-37
幼儿早期(1岁~3岁)语言习得最重要的方面是语音的习得,语音习得的丰富性,一定程度上代表幼儿语言习得能力的强弱。从语言习得关键期的理论以及幼儿生理心理和大脑神经的发育特点,阐明幼儿早期开展双语语音习得的重要性,并对幼儿早期如何进行双语语音习得提出见解。  相似文献   

语言是儿童生长过程中掌握的最复杂的符号系统,语言的发展几乎影响到儿童发展的所有方面。多年来,心理学家和语言学家们对儿童语言获得这一问题进行了持续的研究,从不同的角度试图解释儿童语言的获得。先后形成了经典条件作用范式观点、操作条件作用范式观点、认知发展的观点、普遍性观点、成熟观点、"先天论"的观点、精进或调谐理论等研究成果,而从人类进化的宏观视角阐述与分析儿童语言获得机制又给我们提供了一种新的方法论。  相似文献   

不少学者以二语习得理论研究儿童英语教学的有关问题。本文作者在社会语言学的框架下讨论中国儿童的英语学习,认为我国儿童在中国这样一个非英语的环境中只能是学习英语,而绝非习得英语,他们在英语的学习过程中由于缺乏一个良好的语言环境而面临着诸多障碍。  相似文献   

儿童语言习得与第二语言习得都属于语言习得范畴,但习得所花费的时间与精力以及最终达到的水平却相差甚远。本文通过研究和分析儿童语言习得的过程,找出儿童语言习得过程中适用于二语教学的方法和策略,并通过具体事例进行阐述,希望对二语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

The purpose of the longitudinal research reported in this Monograph was to examine language acquisition in the second year of life in the context of developments in cognition, affect, and social connectedness. The theoretical focus for the research is on the agency of the child and the importance of the child's intentionality for explaining development, rather than on language as an independent object. The model of development for the research is a Model of Intentionality with two components: the engagement in a world of persons and objects that motivates acquiring a language, and the effort that is required to express and articulate increasingly discrepant and elaborate intentional state representations. The fundamental assumption in the model is that the driving force for acquiring language is in the essential tension between engagement and effort for linguistic, emotional, and physical actions of interpretation and expression. Results of lag sequential analyses are reported to show how different behaviors--words, sentences, emotional expressions, conversational interactions, and constructing thematic relations between objects in play--converged, both in the stream of children's actions in everyday events, in real time, and in developmental time between the emergence of words at about 13 months and the transition to simple sentences at about 2 years of age. Patterns of deviation from baseline rates of the different behaviors show that child emotional expression, child speech, and mother speech clearly influence each other, and the mutual influences between them are different at times of either emergence or achievement in both language and object play. The three conclusions that follow from the results of the research are that (a) expression and interpretation are the acts of performance in which language is learned, which means that performance counts for explaining language acquisition; (b) language is not an independent object but is acquired by a child in relation to other kinds of behaviors and their development; and (c) acquiring language in coordination with other behaviors in acts of expression and interpretation takes work, so that acquiring language is not easy.  相似文献   

研究立足于儿童二语习得和儿童英语教学的研究现状,采用个案研究方法,从社会文化视角对来自北京城区的10位英语成绩优秀的儿童进行了为期一年的跟踪访谈、观察和实物分析,旨在探究外语环境中影响儿童二语习得的社会文化因素和高水平儿童外语学习者的共性。研究发现影响儿童外语学习的宏观社会文化因素主要有两个层面:(1)宏观层面:社会环境和家长教育理念对儿童英语语言接触的决定作用;(2)微观层面:语言接触中真实语言的系统输入和文化体验的长效性。其中,微观层面为高水平儿童外语学习者的共性。  相似文献   

浮现主义为语言习得研究提供了一个很好的理论框架和新颖的研究视角。基于浮现主义的语言习得研究,在语音、言语产出、词汇、句法和话语五个方面取得了一定的成就。本文综述了这几方面最新的进展,并探讨了浮现主义重要的理论和实践意义,指出了语言习得研究可能的发展方向,加深了对语言习得机制的认识。  相似文献   

基于语料库的语义韵研究为语言学研究开辟了一个新的领域,为词汇研究提供了新的思路,并且对学习者中间语、二语习得等也有重要的指导意义。本文介绍了语义韵的含义、发展、分类、研究方法及其重要意义。  相似文献   

普遍语法框架下的语言习得研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔姆斯基试图从人类语言官能和人类生物学角度寻找语言的基础,制定适合人类所有语言的语法,即普遍语法。普遍语法以儿童母语习得为载体研究不同语言背景条件下具有共性的习得模式。由于研究目标的共通性,普遍语法理论引起二语习得者的兴趣。语言学家们通过大量的实证研究从四个方面论述了普遍语法在二语习得中的可及性。普遍语法不断发展和完善将给人类的语言认知领域的研究提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

本文从性别语言形式差异研究、性别语言使用风格研究、第一语言习得性别差异研究、语言中的性别歧视研究以及性别语言差异和性别歧视的成因研究等五个方面,对以往的性别语言研究成果进行了总结,并在此基础上提出了性别语言研究领域新的研究课题和发展方向,对该领域研究已达成的共识和亟待完善的内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

"三语习得"和"二语习得"相比较,"三语习得"表现出语言耗损与逆转性、相互依赖的复杂性、认知语言的优势性等特征。笔者从"三语习得"特征入手,分析了我国少数民族地区的学生在学习外语过程中存在的问题,提出应发挥少数民族地区的双语优势、注重语言能力的保持和以开展三语语际迁移研究工作来优化该地区的外语教育教学工作。  相似文献   

Informed by knowledge of linguistics, research findings in the areas of monolingual and bilingual acquisition, dyslexia and speech therapy clinical practice, five factors are proposed to argue that the acquisition of English by young non‐native learners can be enhanced by learning activities which take into account factors of developmental sequence in language acquisition, language‐specific properties, the relationship between oral and written language, the what‐to‐learn‐first issue and the quality of the language input. Proper language goals can be set and appropriate activities designed, only if the language input provider interacts with a learner in a concrete activity while being sensitive to the developmental trajectory of monolingual speaking children, the development of the less dominant language in a bilingual child, the prosodic and phonological differences between the learner's mother tongue and the target language, the importance of phonological awareness which defines dyslexia, the use of non‐abstract language structures grounded in concrete lexical items in the early stage of language acquisition and the strategy of expanding learners' utterance by one element as used in speech therapy.  相似文献   

张禕 《海外英语》2012,(2):173-174,184
Language transfer is one of the central questions in second language acquisition (SLA) study. It claims that learners’ the native language (NL) or first language (L1) will make great impacts, either promoting or hindering, on their second language (L2) acquisition, i.e. positive transfer and negative transfer. The issue has been widely concerned and researched in such relative fields as language education and psychological study during the past years. It is far beyond the scope of this paper to discuss it thoroughly since the scope of L1 influence is so wide that it affects almost all linguistic subsystems. Instead, this paper aims to focus on how the Chinese language facilitates Chinese learners’ English lexical acquisition. Some suggestions on how to make use of the positive aspects is provided at the end of the paper for practical purpose.  相似文献   

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