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Reader-Response Criticism is one of the schools of western literary criticism.The scholars of the school hold the view that literature is a performative art and each reading is a performance,analogous to playing/singing a musical work,enacting a drama,etc.Literature exists only when it is read.They maintain that reading is a transction between the reader and the text,meaning is as dependent upon the reader as it is dependent upon the text.So there is no universal and absolute interpretation of a poem;rather,there can be several probable interpretations.According to their view-point,a literary text possesses no fixed and final meaning and value.Literary meaning and value are “transactional”,“dialogic”,created by the interaction of the reader and the text.In this paper,the writer,with his interpretation of the poem The Road Not Taken by famous American poet Robert Frost,tries to demonstrate that Reader-Response Criticism,in a sense,is reasonable in proving that the reality of the text lies between the reader and the text and in the transaction,it is the readers who bring their world of experience to activate the text.  相似文献   

IntroductionTheRoadNotTakenRobertFrostTworoadsdivergedinayellowwood ,AndsorryIcouldnottravelbothAndbeonetraveler ,longIstoodAndlookeddownoneasfarasIcouldTowhereitbentintheundergrowth ;Andhavingperhapsthebetterclaim ,Thentooktheother,asjustasfair ,Becausei…  相似文献   

温力亚 《海外英语》2015,(6):231-233
According to Lakoff et al, metaphor is the main mechanism through which we comprehend abstract concepts and perform abstract reasoning. As a great poet, Robert Frost realized the cognitive functions of metaphors and used them frequently and skillfully in his poetry. By doing so, he was able to convey abstract and philosophical reflections through simple language and enrich the theme of his poetry. This thesis conducts a survey of the definitions of metaphors and makes an analysis of the metaphors employed by Frost in his poetry, trying to answer two questions: 1) How does the use of metaphor help to convey the poet’s abstract and profound philosophical reflections? 2) How does the use of metaphor help to enrich the themes of Frost’s poetry?  相似文献   

尹亮宇 《文教资料》2008,(34):35-36
文章简析了美国著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗--<未选择的路>.本文作者通过对章节的详细分析.逐步了解这首诗的艺术构成.从而让读者得到一定的人生启示.该诗告诉我们.人都有选择生活道路的自由意志和权利.一旦做出选择.便要为自己的选择付出努力.不要因现实的限制而左顾右盼迟迟不采取行动.  相似文献   

The Road Not Taken是美国著名的现代诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一首广为传诵的诗篇.象征主义在诗中的运用将生活中一个极普通的意象赋予了诸多的内涵和人生哲理,极妙地道出了诗歌的思想主题.此外,在写作风格上,这首诗也很好地体现了作者"旧瓶装新酒"的艺术特征.  相似文献   

陈向俊 《海外英语》2011,(5):195-196,199
Robert Frost is generally considered as a lyrical poet,whose poetry often gives the reader pleasant feeling.Yet,his poems have frightening quality,which can be perceived through the appaling world and seen in the great number of abnormal people described in his poems.This paper aims at offering a detailed analysis of 3 typical instances of such poems to illustrate that the frightening quality,in fact,reflects a kind of modern experience.  相似文献   

刘柳  刘曦阳  向天曼 《海外英语》2011,(8):335-336,338
Robert Frost is one of the famous poets of the 20th century American literature who won the Pulitzer Prize for four times. The reason for his popularity is partially because he employs traditional verse form and iambic pentameter pattern in poem writing, but the most important reason for the reputation of his poems lies in the thematic concern of something universal, such as death and life, love and hate, war and peace, the good and the evil, the wisdom of human life and etc. . A brief analysis will be given in the following text about the wisdoms of human life embodied in Robert Frost’s poems from three aspects: 1. Relaxation and responsibility of man. 2. The decisions in life.  相似文献   

申惠颖  潘静玲 《双语学习》2007,(10M):203-205
罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874-1963)身为20世纪的诗人,却与其他现代诗人不同。他既有二十世纪的“音调”,又有接近于传统诗歌的诗体。为了说明弗罗斯特诗歌的文体特征,本文试从三个方面对他的诗歌《纯金难留》进行探讨:诗歌的选词、句法结构和语音模式。  相似文献   

According to Lakoff et al, metaphor is the main mechanism through which we comprehend abstract concepts and per?form abstract reasoning. As a great poet, Robert Frost realized the cognitive functions o...  相似文献   

朱秀文 《海外英语》2012,(6):217-218
Having drawn widespread attention and appreciation,Robert Frost’s poem—The Road Not Taken is known to be rich in thematic sensation and meaning.In exploring the enduring charms of this poem,the present paper attempts to analyze it on the phonetic level in perspective of literary stylistics through which the poet enhances the aesthetic beauty in sound.  相似文献   

何琴 《海外英语》2012,(3):192-193
John Edgar wideman’s "Fever" is a multiple-voiced text, narrating experiences of the blacks during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. The "fever" is essentially a metaphor of racism and endangered human existence. This paper attempts to uncover what lies beneath the "fever" via disentangling the text’s narrative strategies and to foreground Wideman’s concern on his people.  相似文献   

Given the Cartesian influence in mainstream American education, writing instruction has come to reflect a dualistic worldview, with the writer understood as an autonomous observer/knower. As such, writing instructors have the potential to convey problematic lessons about the self as entirely separate from the world. This essay delineates a corrective to the Cartesian mindset in mainstream writing instruction: Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing as a way of being-in-the-world. In the spirit of connectedness Yagelski espouses, I consider the ways in which Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing might work in tandem with Rosenblatt’s transactional theory of reading. Together, Yagelski and Rosenblatt allow English educators to reimagine reading and writing as activities with the ethical potential to repair the rifts of a dualistic worldview, and ultimately to reimagine English education as a field that breaks the Cartesian frame.  相似文献   

The Road Not Taken是弗洛斯特的著名诗篇之一.作者弗洛斯特作为讲述者,使自己化身为诗中的主人公而融入到诗的具体情景语境中,表达他的态度和推断,在潜移默化中影响和感染读者的态度、情感以及行为.以诗篇语言的文体效果为基点,从情态量值的理论依据入手,可以探究诗中语言的人际功能,促进对全诗的领悟.  相似文献   

罗伯特·费罗斯特是美国最著名诗人之一,他的诗句字里行间透漏着朴实的气息,《The Road Not Taken》写于1914年,其表达着对密友爱德华·托马斯的想念之情.从诗的内容上看,初读时似乎非常简单,但细读后会发现其中所暗含的深层意义却非常复杂和含混,有时甚至表达出与初始印象完全相反的含义.[1]也正是这个原因,他的诗广为人们所喜爱,在惬意品读的同时,不乏有更深的领悟.  相似文献   

于质洁 《海外英语》2012,(14):196-197
This paper is to explore the function of colour in Ezra Pound’s Imagist poetry.As the position of image in poetry is raised,colour,as a part making up image,play a much more positive role in Pound’s Imagist poems by defining the image to be more concrete and definite and reinforcing the theme directly.Pound’s Imagist poetry includes his typical short Imagist poems and his poems in Cathay.  相似文献   

弗洛斯特的诗歌名篇<未选之路>题目选择可谓独具匠心.细心的读者会发现,该诗中诗人明明选择了人迹军至之路,但题目却定为"未选之路".诗人之所以这样选择题目,一方面是在强调"未选之路"的存在,与此同时影射出那条"所选之路",实则暗示读者在人生之路上,两条路的重要性实际上是相差无几的,没有必要为"未选之路"而遗憾.事实上,无论选择哪一条路,即使这种选择会造成人生经历的差别,人们最终都会在一点相遇,即死亡--永恒.  相似文献   

张亚敏  刘海杰 《海外英语》2013,(13):211-213
"The River-Merchant’s Wife:A Letter",written by the great poet Li Bai,is the most prestigious version among the translations of Chinese ancient poetry by Ezra Pound and has been accepted as one of the classics of American literature.The poem exquisitely expresses the changes of the wife’s mind at different phases.Martin and Rose’s Appraisal Theory provides us with a theoretical framework for the analysis of the different realizations of the sentimental resources of the poem in the original and its English version.  相似文献   

William Blake is the British famous painter in the period of the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century,He is also one of the most complicated and most special poets in the British literature history.He is also acknowledged as a religious visionary and mystic and one of the leading figure of the Romantic movement.His well-known poem "the lamb" is one in the colletion named Songs of Innocence.Through this poem,the poet sees the life with the child’s pure eyesight and a very world with love,kindness,compassion and happiness is described in it.The author will introduce this poet and analyze his poem "the lamb" with the three "s" literary approach in this paper.Three "s" means sense,sight and sound.  相似文献   

“The River-Merchant’s Wife:A Letter”, written by the great poet Li Bai, is the most prestigious version among the translations of Chinese ancient poetry by Ezra Pound and has been accepted as one of ...  相似文献   

This media review focuses on one of Atlanta's episodes entitled "FUBU." The episode is utilized as a proxy to provide a critique of American society and its power relations in everyday life. Atlanta and its writers use television as their vehicle to create critical and constructive discourse in spaces that they would otherwise not be able to physically occupy. Out of this, the hope is that this discourse leads to healthier interaction in the educational spaces facilitated by educators with an understanding of the social forces at play.  相似文献   

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