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Educational language choice has been one of the most provocative issues of the 20th century and continues to be a dominant issue at the turn of the new millennium. Efforts to naturalize English as the only suitable language for post primary school education persist in many African countries, including Tanzania. In the United States the campaign for "English only" in the schools is gaining momentum, despite the increasing multilingual population in the schools. Focusing on Tanzania and the United States, this article examines the fallacy of a monolingual, English only, policy in education. It examines the ethos surrounding the debate about the language of instruction, and considers some of the detrimental effects upon students of attempting to impose a monolingual policy. Finally, the paper suggests possible roles of educators and researchers in fostering international understanding of educational language issues as one aspect of the quest for global peace and social justice in the 21st century.  相似文献   

语言迁移是第二语言习得领域里的一个重要概念,也是影响外语语感养成的一个重要因素。本文着重从语言迁移的角度探究了母语与英语语感培养的关系,以期促进英语语感教学及学生综合外语能力的提高。  相似文献   

English is the most widely spoken language in the world.However,people from different countries usually have different accent when they speak English.Though English is India’s official language,there are much interesting phenomenon in Indian’s English speaking,of which we are quite fond.Therefore,we start to compare the English accent of Indian with that of China.This essay is written to study the difference"th"pronunciation between China and India’s offi cial news.  相似文献   

彭娟 《海外英语》2012,(17):153-155
张爱玲是中国20世纪文学史上才华横溢的作家和翻译家,她将自己的很多作品相应翻译成英文,形成翻译界奇特的自译现象。该文从生态翻译学的视角出发,对张爱玲的翻译理念和《金锁记》的英译本进行解读,指出张爱玲的翻译理念与实践都体现了生态翻译学中"译者中心"、"选择适应"等概念,《金锁记》的英译本成功地实现了"三维"适应性选择转换,是整合适应度较高的翻译。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a 4-year project that developed and implemented a blended inquiry science and English Language Development (ELD) program in a large urban California school district. The sample included over 2,000 students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Participating students’ English and science achievement was compared to a similar group of students who were using the district’s established English language development curriculum. Student performance on statemandated English and science assessments were analyzed using Mann–Whitney U tests for overall performance and by number of years of treatment. Modest but statistically significant improvement was found for students who participated in the blended program. Results from this study suggest that restricting instructional minutes for science to provide additional time for ELD and English language arts may be unnecessary. Rather, allowing consistent time for science instruction that incorporates ELD instruction along with inquiry science experiences may provide the authentic and purposeful context students need to develop new language without restricting access to science content.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,随着全球化趋势的加剧,各国纷纷将外语作为基础教育新课程改革的主要内容.相关数据分析表明,英语从20世纪初的冷门学科到世纪末已然跻身为被80%以上的国家纳为学校课程体系的一匹黑马,剖析其原因主要有国际局势的变幻、世界文化圈制度化动态影响以及语言不再被看作意识形态的载体.  相似文献   

中国是世界上第二语言学习者最多的国家。基于Krashen的语言"输入假说"和Swain的语言"输出假说",得出了语言习得的一般模式是输入→输入过滤→有效输入→输出过滤→输出。但在不同语境下,阶段性语言习得会呈现出两种基本模式:输入导向和输出导向模式。这两种模式及其相互关系的探讨,可以确定不同语境下第二语言习得的一般路径,这对我国英语的教与学两方面均会产生有益的影响。构建第二语言习得的一般路径有助于改进第二语言教学活动,完善语言习得考核机制,为选择妥当的学习策略提供借鉴,最终提高学习者语言习得效率,促进语言能力的提升。  相似文献   

语言是教学思想的直接体现,是教师使用最广泛、最基本的信息载体。在课堂教学过程中,学科知识的传递、学生接受知识情况的反馈、师生间的情感交流,都必须依靠课堂语言。在英语教学课堂上,教师的评价语言及其运用的质量,决定了学生自信的建立、潜能的发挥。对教师课堂评价语言进行分析、总结,旨在提高教师对课堂评价语言应用的意识,从而达到教学相长的目的。  相似文献   

詹颖 《考试研究》2012,(3):88-94
关于英语考试与中国学生的论述只是零散见诸学术期刊,从未被集中讨论。English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner(《英语测试与中国学生》)一书弥补了这一缺憾。该书借用语言测试专家Bachman的评估,使用论证理论框架对考试效度和考试使用进行了全面细致的讨论。为英语测试与中国学生研究提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

Language in Use     
The conference set up one commission to look at the particular place of the English lesson within a framework of Language across the Curriculum. Such a view of language in school could have awkward implications for English: that either a pupil's growth in language might be provided for by the work of the whole curriculum, or that the English lesson should ‘service’ a pupil's language for his work in other studies. Two questions arise: are there certain responses and experiences which pupils need time for and which can only be allowed for in the English lesson ? And are there particular studies in language that only the English lesson can take responsibility for ? In order to set this discussion on its way, Peter Doughty was invited to talk about the special work which his team at University College, London, had been doing on language in English, and which has now been incorporated into material known as Language in Use. We print here an extract from his paper, published by the Schools Council, a fuller version of which is available on application from Great Portland Street, London, W.1. Fred Inglis took issue with this point of view about language in English.  相似文献   

王朔小说是20世纪80年代重要的文学现象,其“新京味儿”语言也同样是20世纪小说中重要的语言形象。和以往的“京味儿”语言相比,这种语言形象不提供道德参考系数,将口语、调侃作为解构价值规范的策略,以获得游戏生活的快感为唯一的目的。这种语言形象产生于中国特定的历史语境和文化转型的缝隙之中。  相似文献   

人才是兴国的基本,我国楔形法学人才缺乏。在新世纪,我国法学教育肩负着"科教兴国"和"依法治国"的双重历史使命,英语这一门语言在国际中发挥着日益重要的作用,鉴于此,本文从德育渗透的角度探讨楔形法学人才培养中大学英语课堂教学的优化。  相似文献   

20世纪的语言学主要经历了几个阶段:前半期描写语言学,后半期生成语言学和功能语言学,后期认知语言学。语言的研究从描写到解释,从形式到功能,从客观到主观。而理解和认识语言离不开意义,所以对各个学派关于意义以及意义的哲学渊源的探讨进行分析可以促进对其主张的语言观的认识,从而促进对人和世界的认识。  相似文献   

张禕 《海外英语》2012,(4):123-124
Though China’s present situation in English language teaching is quite favorable,some problems are still very outstanding.It seems that the communicative competence of Chinese students is not that satisfactory.The Communicative Language Teaching(CLT) approach,which regards"communicative competence"as the goal of language teaching,is becoming more and more popular in China’s English language teaching.This paper shows that the CLT approach does work in improving students’ communicative competence to some degree,through reviewing relevant literature on this approach.However,it is not a panacea to solve all the problems occurring in students’ communicative competence for it also has some weak points.Several suggestions were proposed to enhance students’ grammatical competence as well as the communicative block due to cultural differences.It is also advisable for teachers to be as flexible as possible in choosing the teaching techniques and adding whichever input needed to effectively achieve the main goal of making students both grammatically accurate and communicatively proficient.  相似文献   

During 2nd language acquisition, a learner’s identity is consigned, juxtaposed, coconstructed, and reified through various affective positions and mitigating linguistic behaviors. Our study of adult Latino ESL students in Dallas, Texas, shows how language socialization experiences are shaped by the learners’ affective stances toward the project of learning and using the English language. Students reflected on how their specific social barriers created conditions that impeded interaction with interlocutors who could potentially aid their socialization process in English.  相似文献   

在教育国际化背景下,大学英语教学目标应适时从培养学生的基本社会交往能力转到培养他们的认知学术语言能力。在大学英语环境中培养学生的学术英语能力可采用以学科内容为依托的语言教学模式,开发适合中国学生使用的教材进行。教学活动设计应考虑提高学生的英语语言水平、学科知识水平以及高层次思维能力。教学过程中应发挥教师的指导和帮助作用,也要充分发挥学生积极建构认知学术语言能力的作用。  相似文献   

从分析非专业英语教学现状、英语教学改革需求、课堂互动实施的重要性和教学实践等方面入手,阐述了“课堂互动是一种有效的英语教学活动模式”的教学理念.认为创设课堂互动,培养学生自主学习的积极性、主动性,将以教师为中心转变为以教师为主导,学生是主体,提高学生的英语综合应用能力应成为现代教学研究的主要课题之一。  相似文献   

徐志摩是20世纪二三十年代中国文坛最具有影响力的诗人之一.他的诗歌作品语言新颖别致、清新活泼、节奏鲜明,给予读者独特而鲜活的审美感受.徐志摩在追求纯美的思想指向下,不断将其诗歌的内容与形式完美和谐地统一起来,在语言上,它善于运用音乐美与视觉美,使其诗歌成为艺术性和诗情的完美结合.  相似文献   

张桃桃 《海外英语》2012,(3):274-275
Politeness is a very important topic in modern linguistics. With the development of the study of linguistics, a lot of people lay the emphasis on the study of politeness language. It can be observed in all languages and cultures as a social phenomenon, which plays an important role in individuals’ linguistic behavior. But due to different culture, different politeness principles and other reasons, different peo ple have different understandings about the definition of politeness, and they deal with politeness in different ways. Through different study background, principle and theory, this paper focuses on the politeness language in English and Chinese culture caused the differences. Politeness languages are mainly expressed in the forms of address, greeting, congratulation, appreciation and apology . The biggest difference between English and Chinese is that the Chinese system is profusion and complicated, but the English one is quite simple. Age, income, marriage and religion, etc. are taboos in English and people in western countries like to talk about weather when they meet each other; greeting in Chinese almost includes different things about one’s life. Appreciation in Chinese is not used frequently. Peo ple do not often say "thank you" to their families or friends. Appreciation in English can be used among families, friends, and colleagues and so on. At the end of this thesis, a conclusion is drawn; limitations and some suggestions of the research are stated!  相似文献   

西方语言学家、美学家卡西尔通过繁琐论证,阐明了这样一个观点:语言的权利正是"隐喻的权利"。这一划时代的观点揭开了语言的奥秘,它与海德格尔的"语言与存在"、"语言的本质即是诗"的真理站在了同等的科学高峰,20世纪西方的文艺美学观点也为语言教学开辟了宽广的探索空间。文章试图在这些理论的引导下,从"思维与语言"、"语言与隐喻"、"隐喻认知能力培养"诸方面探讨英语教学过程中的文化建构、文本解读、英语教学模式改进等问题。  相似文献   

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