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课程意识是教师对正在实施的课程系统的认识以及对即将实施的课程进行的规划。新课程倡导课程功能的转变以及提出新的课程理念要求教师树立并提升课程意识。教师树立课程意识对于提高教师的专业化程度,促进教师的专业发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

在处理物理极值问题时,我们常采用数学的方法来求解,这无可非议,也是高考大纲列出的着重考查的五种能力之一,即运用数学方法处理物理问题的能力。但笔者以为,在平时训练求解有关物理极值问题的时候,如果用纯数学的方法,有两个缺点:一是运算量太大,易出错;二是不利于物理思维的训练。本文试通过以下几个例子,从数学方法与物理方法两个角度进行比较,希望能得到一些启发。不当之处,恳请同行指正。例1设湖岸MN为一直线,有一小船自岸边的A点沿与湖岸成α=15°角匀速向湖中驶去。有一人自A点同时出发,他先沿岸走一段再入水中游泳去追船。已知人…  相似文献   

We now live in a global age. Technology and trade have narrowed the gap which once separated cultures and nations. In this world, which is becoming smaller and smaller, children need to have opportunities to learn about other cultures and to develop a positive attitudes toward cultures other than their own. There are many ways to help the children develop cultural awareness. Celebrating New Year's Day around the world is one approach. The following are activities for Chinese New Year celebrations.Yi Hao, from the People's Republic of China, is head teacher at the Early Childhood Research Center at the State University of New York at Buffalo, where she is completing her doctoral study.  相似文献   

在党的十三届四中全会和十四大、十五大路线、方针、政策的指引下 ,在以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体的正确领导下 ,1 3年来 ,中国高等教育学会坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导 ,坚持正确的政治方向和学术导向 ,围绕高等教  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,艺、商联姻已成为新的趋势,商道可以为艺道提供丰富的物质基础,促使艺道树立商场观念,艺道和商道可以相互拓展生存空间。然而艺、商联姻,不等于二的价值相同,艺术之道按精神化规律运行,和按经济规律运行的商品之道有着本质的差别。艺术品除了这种交换价值,还有它自身的艺术价值。交换价值只能体现经济效益,无法体现精神效益。艺术生产不同于物质产品的生产。惟利是图必然导致艺术比例的失调。因此,艺术的生产需要市场手段和非市场手段相统一的综合调控。这就需要在使用市场杠杆的同时.还必须使用政府管理、法规监护、学科调研、舆论导引、社会协作等手段,使艺道与商道共生于社会化结构中,形成良性的化生殖运动。  相似文献   

留白指艺术创作中为使整个作品画面、章法更为协调精美而有意留下相应的空白,留有想象的空间。从艺术角度上说,留白就是以"空白"为载体进而渲染出美的意境的艺术。从应用角度上说,留白更多指一种简单、安闲的理念。"留白"被广泛用于中国绘画、陶瓷、诗词等领域中,具有很高的审美价值,达到"此处无物胜有物"的艺术效果。  相似文献   

也许,你已经欣赏过大堡礁,从新几内亚岛一直到澳大利亚,延绵有1000多里。导游经常带着游客去那里参观。在一次旅行中,一名游客问了导游一个很有趣的问题。"我注意到在礁湖一侧的大堡礁看上去苍白暗淡、毫无生机,而在海水一侧的大堡礁则活力四射、生  相似文献   

This paper seeks to interrupt the dominant discourse of action research that emphasises the celebration of achievements, paying less attention to the ‘unwelcome truths’ that can sometimes be revealed. Building on our work in supporting inservice teacher professional learning thorough practitioner research in contexts such as the Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools, we examine the capacity of practitioner inquiry and student voice to contribute to teachers’ broader professional knowledge base. Welcoming ‘unwelcome truths’ requires a robustness on the part of teachers, an openness to the professional learning and growth that can ensue from genuine critique and reflection. Among other things, asking questions of young people in schools can sometimes yield new and challenging insights into school and learning. We draw on examples from our work with schools and teachers to consider what might be done to make these ‘unwelcome truths’ the basis for the reconceptualisation of practice and catalysts for the ongoing formation of teacher professional identity.  相似文献   

Research has explored multicultural teacher education from multiple, sometimes divergent perspectives; yet, these studies agree that what passes for multicultural education fails to address issues of educational inequity. This paper is part of a larger evaluation study of Reduction of Stigma in Schools (RSIS) – a professional development program aiming to empower educators to create affirming environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Interview data indicate that though workshops utilized a critical approach, what teachers embraced was a call to understand and “protect” LGBTQ students through the “safety” discourse – a form of understanding and valuing the “cultural other” – and investment in one time “visibility” or “celebration” events as symbols of improved school climate. Further, educators framed LGBTQ issues as “risk” issues rather than as equity issues, which continue to mark LGBTQ students as “victims” or “problems” in need of saving or solving. We posit that responses to RSIS content reflect educators’ understanding of their obligation to “diversity” as presented during their teacher preparation programs and that workshop content which resonated with them was that which they could easily fit into these familiar frameworks.  相似文献   

The way ahead     
The following paper, a Sidney Robbins Memorial Lecture, was read at the Federation of Children's Book Groups' celebration of their eighteenth birthday in April, 1986, at Durham, England. The Federation is a parent-based organization which works to bring children and books together both locally and throughout the U.K. In 1965 Anne Wood sowed the seeds of the Federation when she launched her magazineBooks For Your Children, and the first group was started. By 1968 the movement had grown, and The Federation of Children's Book Groups was officially formed. There are now seventy-five member groups, each organizing book-related events for children and adults, author visits and book fairs. In the U.K., the Federation speaks with an increasingly powerful voice on issues affecting the world of children's books. It organizes the Children's Book Award, an annual award for which children choose the winning book, and it promotes National Tell a Story Week.Robert Leeson's twenty-five children's books since 1973 includeThird Class Genie, It's My Life, Silver's Revenge, Candy for King, and five Grange Hill books. He received the 1985 Eleanor Farjeon Award for services to children and literature. His latest nonfiction work,Reading and Righting (Collins, 1985), assesses the past, present, and future of fiction for the young.  相似文献   

Finding our way     
Conclusion The guidelines presented here are based on my experience as a classroom teacher and a staff development coordinator for technology, and upon my study of the literature regarding the use of technology for instruction. I do not present these guidelines as a recipe for success in integrating the use of computers into instruction, nor as an exhaustive list of what must be done for integration to occur. To do so would be an oversimplification of a complex issue. There are many difficult decisions that schools need to make, and I offer these guidelines as a means for drawing upon the experience of those of us who are in the process of integrating technology into instruction. Even those of us who are heavily involved in this work feel as though we are just finding our way. I hope that what I have shared in this article will help others to find their way as well. He has taught math, science, and computer programming at the secondary level in the North Syracuse (New York) School District for the past nine years. During 1999–2000 school year, he coordinated the district’s staff development program for technology in addition to his teaching duties  相似文献   

The way ahead     
《New scientist (1971)》2000,165(2223):3

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