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在杜威“艺术即经验”的思想中,“经验”的圆满被视为艺术的特征,即当人们的日常经验达到了一定的完满程度,就可以被称为艺术了.当前我国儿童艺术教育的实践还存在着分裂化、技能化和功利化等问题.根据杜威“艺术即经验”的思想,我国的儿童艺术教育首先应树立起“大美育”儿童艺术教育观,继续开展综合艺术教育改革,同时关注儿童日常生活中的审美与艺术教育.  相似文献   

This article introduces the art‐based action research (ABAR) methodology as part of the international discussion of art‐based educational research (ABER). The participatory and dialogical approach of ABAR was inspired by a consideration of the pressure for change in art education stemming from the practices of relational and dialogical contemporary art. The need for ABAR as a tool of culturally decolonising, sustainable art education research was identified in multidisciplinary collaboration with the University of Lapland's (UoL) northern and circumpolar network. The methodology was developed collaboratively by a group of art educators and researchers at UoL to support the artist/teacher/researcher with professional skills for seeking solutions to recognised problems and to promote future actions and aspirations in the changing North and Arctic. This article describes how ABAR has been used in school projects, in doctoral theses and finally in a development project with an impact on regional development in the North. These examples show how art education developed through the ABAR method has supported decolonisation, revitalisation and cultural sustainability in schools, communities and businesses.  相似文献   

张欧 《煤炭高等教育》2009,27(2):115-117
吴冠中是中国当代著名画家,在半个多世纪的艺术实践中,他一直在探索融会中西,追求油画的民族化和国画的现代化。他的作品既具有西方绘画的深厚功力,更具有中国绘画的意境与神韵。他的创作实践既为21世纪的中国画坛提供了卓有成效的探索,也为当下专业划分过于狭窄的美术教育提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Art educators have been promoting Community‐Based Art Education (CBAE) in schools in order to enhance students’ sense of socio‐cultural identity and contextual learning about local art and culture. It cannot only bridge the gap between the students’ daily lives and the communities and art, but can also enhance their inquiry, discovery and meaning‐making abilities. In China, the community‐based approach plays a significant role in the National Standards for Visual Arts, and Chinese art educators have been applying CBAE in school art education for decades. However, Western art educators are still unfamiliar with the issues, practices and challenges related to CBAE in China owing to language constraints. In light of the above, this article aims to initiate a dialogue between Western and Chinese CBAE researchers through discourse and discussions on the main issues related to CBAE in Chinese art education. It outlines current practices of, and issues related to, CBAE from the perspective of Chinese art education. It also discusses the three major challenges to the implementation of CBAE in China, namely the conflict between indigenous knowledge and official knowledge in the school art curriculum, lack of motivation among teachers, and neglect of context in the practice of local art in schools. It is hoped that this article it will enrich our overall knowledge of CBAE and contribute to the understanding of CBAE from a global perspective.  相似文献   

杜威哲学的形成和发展是个曲折的过程,其美学思想的理论渊源也纷繁复杂.与其哲学思想的演变过程相呼应,杜威的美学先后受黑格尔的哲学方法、达尔文的生物进化理论和詹姆斯的心理学的影响.  相似文献   

Decision‐making in educations systems has become more complex: while decentralisation has moved the locus of power to lower governance levels, the central level still is held responsible for the quality of outcomes. As a consequence, new steering strategies have emerged that tend to apply softer modes of governance as opposed to harder ones in the past. This article aims at shedding empirical and conceptual light on these new developments. It compares two national examples for soft modes of governance with a supra‐national one (the EU's Open Method of Co‐ordination OMC) and argues that OMC might be both a useful analytical lens to categorise new steering mechanisms and a possibly promising policy strategy at the national level.  相似文献   

Executive education (EE) has been an important part of business school offerings for nearly as long as there have been business schools. Similarly, business schools were among the first in higher education to adopt online approaches as a means for course delivery. Despite this experience, few business schools have been able to successfully integrate EE with online delivery approaches. This study suggests that a project‐based approach can achieve EE/online delivery integration. The case is first made for a project‐based approach by telling the story of our institution's journey toward a project‐based EE model. Challenges, successes, and plans for the future are then discussed.  相似文献   

Art and design programmes are educationally unique in that students themselves play a central role in determining their own learning needs. To be successful in their study, art and design students are required to operate with a high degree of independence and self‐direction. Developing the skills for greater self‐reliance requires students to become aware of their conceptions of the subject of study, and of themselves as learners in a particular learning context. Developing greater self‐awareness as a learner and becoming more independent in one's learning is captured by the concept of meta‐learning. In this article I present an alternative strategy to prevalent diagnostic approaches to assist in developing a student's capacity for meta‐learning in the subject context of art and design. An inquiry cycle was created to provide a structure within which to facilitate generative thinking about learning through engaging with fundamental questions related to the subject of learning (art and design) rather than the learning subject (i.e. the student). This method represents a departure from existing approaches to engaging students in meta‐learning. A pilot study used to trial the effectiveness of this strategy is also presented here. The inquiry map, and the conceptual base upon which it was developed, were found to be useful ways to structure reflective thinking about learning and to assist in developing a student's conception of the subject.  相似文献   

国际理解教育概念产生于在20世纪40年代。当今关于国际理解教育的研究中,大多只是从现实层面阐释了其产生的时代背景,但在理论层面上缺少对其思想来源的研究。本文基于杜威的经典著作《民主主义与教育》,探究其民主社会思想与教育哲学观对国际理解教育的指导与启示,为国际理解教育在全球化背景下的开展提出具体建议。  相似文献   

1920年左右,杜威教授受邀来华,为迷茫中的中国教育点燃了一盏明灯。在华宣讲期间,他立足于当时中国国情,积极倡导实用主义在中国的推广,不仅扩展了国人的视野,对中国教育的学制等具体问题也提出了可行办法。他的讲学更是影响到了中国一大批教育家,对中国教育的发展产生了不可估量的深远影响。  相似文献   

教育即生活是杜威生活教育观的核心内容,其价值取向立足于生活的实践性,放眼于生活的过程性.致力于生活的目的性,在教育改革中保持着长久生命力。重温杜威的教育思想,关注学生,关注生活,对于构建具有中国特色的教育理论体系具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Visual Art educators are keenly aware of the significant contribution art can make to the growth and development of young children as it provides unique opportunities for personal expression and creativity. However, while it is acknowledged that art contributes to the development of the whole child, the link between thought and practice is often tenuous. Hence the question needs to be asked, what do student teachers really think about art and art education. This longitudinal study aimed at an exploration of student teachers prior experiences, existing knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and interest in the visual arts. One hundred and ten B.Ed. (Primary) students enrolled in two compulsory Visual Arts Education units of study were surveyed in March 1999 and then in October 2001 to ascertain how they interpreted the term visual arts; how this related to visual arts education (if, in fact it did); where they would position visual arts amongst the other five key learning areas of the primary curriculum; and ultimately how they felt about the prospect of teaching visual arts in a primary school context. The findings of the research revealed a number of significant differences between the initial data (March 1999) and the final data (October 2001).  相似文献   

The authors examined best practices in university‐level teaching, as premised on the evidence‐based teaching (EBT) literature found in fields external to counselor education. Findings were reported in relation to 3 areas: developing an effective learning environment, structuring intentional learning experiences, and assessing teaching effectiveness. Implications regarding the training of doctoral‐level counselor educators using EBT practices are discussed.  相似文献   

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