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Desde 1982 las sátiras de Guadalupe Loaeza han servido como radiografía de la sociedad mexicana durante los años de crisis económica de 1982-al presente. Mientras otras escritoras como Christina Pacheco y Elena Poniatowska se afanan por pintar la cruda realidad de las masas, Loaeza se concentra en los excesos de la burguesía—en su pretensión, materialismo y corrupción—como materia prima para poner de relieve el gran abismo que existe entre las clases sociales en México. Debido a la inmensa popularidad de sus artículos, Loaeza se ha convertido en cronista de la burguesía capitalina moderna, cuyo poder social y político se ve cada vez más amenazado por la crisis económica y la inestablilidad del gobierno.  相似文献   

宋明仕宦对岭南文化的建构:以张九龄为中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋代以前,岭南一直被中原士人视为烟瘴荒蛮之地。宋明时期,岭南仕宦围绕张九龄这一历史文化资源,挖掘整理张九龄文集,建立祠庙,附会各种传说,阐释其忠孝两全、才华横溢的光辉形象,以此改变中原士人对岭南历史的刻板印象,树立岭南社会早在唐代已开化的新形象。  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, we are experiencing a new round of acceleration in the Anthropocene. On all fronts, art and education are facing new challenges and chances. On the one hand, the technological and media developments have compelled art, design, and knowledge production to change, whereas the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence have brought about a revolution in education and learning. As a consequence, the ideas of art education and the form of the university are also remodeled. On the other hand, the reverse side of this technological optimism is the proletarianization of sensibility resulted from digitalized, intelligent, and automated technologies, as the motivations for art are depleted and replaced by the conveniences provided by the big data and artificial intelligence. How to find the force to reverse this trend? And how to locate “another register of the dialectic” – beyond that of the technologization of nature and the naturalization of technology, and of the technologicalization of humans and the humanization of technology – has become the fundamental mandate of art and education in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

In this article the author speaks to the teaching of Barack Obama in U.S. schools. Drawing from scholarly literature on the heroification of American historical figures in public memory, the author argues that focusing on Obama's firstness as an African American may lead students to have incomplete and misleading understandings of what the 2008 election means for American racial politics and progress. Using a racial literacy framework, the author suggests Obama's narrative as an ideal subject for furthering students’ conceptions of race in its historical and contemporary manifestations. The author concludes with pedagogical recommendations for employing Obama's narrative toward improving students’ racial literacies.  相似文献   

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