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本文在全面反思近百年来特别是20世纪80年代以来新诗研究状况的基础上,从考察新诗历史与现象出发,探索了一种以“话语”为理论基点的研究范式。本文将新诗本体和历史视为一种特殊的对话关系,认为新诗的生成和发展是多重因素相互交织和碰撞的结果。其中至关重要的因素是语言和语境。语言为新诗的形态、样式等提供了质地基础,而语境则为这些要素的形成提供了开阔的“场域”。作为新诗语境的场域与场域之间的复杂运作。深刻地影响了新诗自身的内在构成和历史进程。对新诗语境的重视,将有助于消除以往研究中某些关于新诗的似是而非、不证自明的判断或成见,让研究者以求真的态度回到新诗的“起源”。本文的目的,并不在于从别一种角度完成对新诗历史的“重述”,而是藉此彰显新诗发展和自我建构过程中的“基本问题”。  相似文献   

基于多模态语篇分析理论认为,语篇意义不仅能够由语言手段体现,也能够由图像、声音、颜色、动漫等其他手段体现。语篇整体意义体现模式的多样化,为翻译领域提供了新的课题与探讨视角。分析多模态语篇翻译探讨的现状及其对现有翻译理论的冲击,指出该探讨的必要性、可能性,并依据系统功能语言学中的语境理论探索其翻译策略。  相似文献   

The article draws on postcolonial and feminist theories, combined with critical reflection and autobiography, and argues for generating decolonizing texts as one way to write and reclaim home in a postcolonial world. Colonizers leave home to seek power and control elsewhere, and the colonized suffer loss of home as they know it. This dislocation from home is analyzed in terms of the material (outer), educational, and psychic (inner) reaches of colonization. Furthermore, under colonization, the self is split, alienated from itself, ‘home’ becomes rife with contradictions, and text(s) and education are shaped by Eurocentrism and ‘us–them’ binaries. Finally, implications for decolonization – including engaging and generating decolonizing text(s) – are discussed.  相似文献   

语篇衔接研究新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言学界在如何看待衔接与连贯的关系这一问题上提出了许多不同的观点。文章首先论述了衔接的实质,然后从认知科学的角度探讨了语篇的衔接。  相似文献   

In this article, the concept of competence is studied from the point of view of the semiotics of education. It will be claimed that it is a central key concept when we are trying to analyse the meaning of education. Educational action can be reasonably understood as an insecure and complicatedly mediated trial to affect another person's competence. First, the recent discussion about the concept of competence and its relatives is shortly reviewed. Then, competence is analysed and defined according to Greimassian semiotic theory as a basic determining character of an acting subject. At the same time as competence is indispensably central for understanding the subjects of action, it is problematically empirically ineffable. This ineffability has a special meaning in education, where we must try to both plan our own educative action and evaluate the learning of the student according to these invisible features. It is proposed that in the recent discourse of education, the very popular use of the concept of competence is misguided and problematically mixed with its conceptual counterpart performance. From this viewpoint, the concept of competence should rather be connected to the ontological concept of disposition. The problem of multi‐dimensionality of competence is considered with the help of the Greimassian conception of modalities to create a richer and more detailed picture of the role of competence in action, and especially in education.  相似文献   

In recent years, semiotics has become an innovative theoretical framework in mathematics education. The purpose of this article is to show that semiotics can be used to explain learning as a process of experimenting with and communicating about one's own representations (in particular ‘diagrams') of mathematical problems. As a paradigmatic example, we apply a Peircean semiotic framework to answer the question of how students develop a notion of ‘distribution' in a statistics course by ‘diagrammatic reasoning' and by forming ‘hypostatic abstractions', that is by forming new mathematical objects which can be used as means for communication and further reasoning. Peirce's semiotic terminology is used as an alternative to concepts such as modeling, symbolizing, and reification. We will show that it is a precise instrument of analysis with regard to the complexity of learning and communicating in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

本文以《新思维综合英语》第三册第一课“Arctic Adventures”——《北极探险》为例,进行了语篇分析教学,从表达完整确切意义和思想内容的语段篇章结构形式入手,分析句子之间、段落篇章之间的衔接和相关意义及逻辑思维的连贯。此方法有利于培养学生的分析、归纳、综合和推断能力,有助于“以学习者为中心”的教学活动。  相似文献   

传统的翻译注重的多是原著与译著之间的文本对比,在一定程度上忽略了原著的语用意义,以及部分译著的文学和社会价值。个案结果显示:将批评性话语分析理论应用于翻译实践和翻译批评,其中的系统功能语法分析能帮助译者更深刻地理解原著的文化意义和语用意义;批评性话语分析中的社会历史分析法能帮助翻译批评工作者更客观地发现译著的文学和社会价值。  相似文献   

Conclusion As you can see, this is a rather holistic view. These categories may have to be expanded depending on the particular needs of your task. However, it seemed to be efficient. This process may also be applicable to other situations such as student papers. This was my attempt to compare texts with a minimal amount of bias. I welcome input of others in an effort to expand and refine this rubric.  相似文献   

Michels  Barbara J. 《TechTrends》2005,49(1):69-70
TechTrends - As you can see, this is a rather holistic view. These categories may have to be expanded depending on the particular needs of your task. However, it seemed to be efficient. This...  相似文献   

给出IVFS集合套的两种形式,并分别讨论它们的基本性质,在此基础上建立IVFS的表现定理,从而进一步刻画了IVFS理论.  相似文献   

从政策制定来看,民族教育政策与其他公共政策一样,并不是凭空产生的,而是有其理论依据和现实依据。从理论这个层面来看,我国民族教育政策的制定深受教育平等理论、民族平等理论、积极差别待遇与补偿理论的影响。从现实条件这个方面来看,我国制定民族教育政策主要依据是我国的国家制度与性质、我国的民族宗教状况、党和国家当前面临的民族主要工作任务、民族区域自治制度的实施、民族地区的现实需求等方面。  相似文献   

研究教师话语对于改善教师课堂话语质量、提高课堂教育教学质量具有重要作用。文章以英语教师真实课堂为研究对象,对比分析了英语教师课堂话语及其产生的效果,提出了IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F英语课堂话语模式这一会话策略。  相似文献   

20世纪中国存在着探讨话语变异规律的极其丰厚的资源。话语研究对于百年剧变的中国学术流程的考察,具有不可回避性,或具有“不能不”性。只有深入地考察转型中的话语的本质、形态、功能和命运,才能真切地把握20世纪中国学术的生命脉络。论文考察了在西学东渐的全球性对话和旧学更新的现代性嬗变的双重维度中,中国人对自己的文化话语进行重新编码,及现代话语的创造和转型,并重点讨论了如下原创话语的建构与多声部学术对话:严复的以自由附加物实行多声部学术对话,梁启超重铸旧词以成原创话语的新民话语,鲁迅的“立人”的“第二维新之声”,王国维的“境界”,宗白华的在文化还原中追求原创的“意境”,胡适的“大胆的假设,小心的求证”的“十字真言”,顾颉刚的“层累地造成的中国古史”,傅斯年把史料、语言、方法置于学科的中心位置,闻一多唐诗研究的年谱学——诗样分析——诗唐观这种相互为用、逐层深化的学术三部曲,钱锺书做得非常充分和独到的通感、诗可以怨、比喻有两柄亦有多边等。  相似文献   

20世纪中国存在着探讨话语变异规律的极其丰厚的资源。话语研究对于百年剧变的中国学术流程的考察,具有不可回避性,或具有“不能不”性。只有深入地考察转型中的话语的本质、形态、功能和命运,才能真切地把握20世纪中国学术的生命脉络。论文考察了在西学东渐的全球性对话和旧学更新的现代性嬗变的双重维度中,中国人对自己的文化话语进行重新编码,及现代话语的创造和转型,并重点讨论了如下原创话语的建构与多声部学术对话:严复的以自由附加物实行多声部学术对话,梁启超重铸旧词以成原创话语的新民话语,鲁迅的“立人”的“第二维新之声”,王国维的“境界”,宗白华的在文化还原中追求原创的“意境”,胡适的“大胆的假设,小心的求证”的“十字真言”,顾颉刚的“层累地造成的中国古史”,傅斯年把史料、语言、方法置于学科的中心位置,闻一多唐诗研究的年谱学——诗样分析——诗唐观这种相互为用、逐层深化的学术三部曲,钱锺书做得非常充分和独到的通感、诗可以怨、比喻有两柄亦有多边等。  相似文献   

20世纪中国存在着探讨话语变异规律的极其丰厚的资源。话语研究对于百年剧变的中国学术流程的考察,具有不可回避性,或具有“不能不”性。只有深入地考察转型中的话语的本质、形态、功能和命运,才能真切地把握20世纪中国学术的生命脉络。论文考察了在西学东渐的全球性对话和旧学更新的现代性嬗变的双重维度中,中国人对自己的文化话语进行重新编码,及现代话语的创造和转型,并重点讨论了如下原创话语的建构与多声部学术对话:严复的以自由附加物实行多声部学术对话,梁启超重铸旧词以成原创话语的新民话语,鲁迅的“立人”的“第二维新之声”,王国维的“境界”,宗白华的在文化还原中追求原创的“意境”,胡适的“大胆的假设,小心的求证”的“十字真言”,顾颉刚的“层累地造成的中国古史”,傅斯年把史料、语言、方法置于学科的中心位置,闻一多唐诗研究的年谱学——诗样分析——诗唐观这种相互为用、逐层深化的学术三部曲,钱钟书做得非常充分和独到的通感、诗可以怨、比喻有两柄亦有多边等。  相似文献   

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