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通过论述当代水彩画艺术在现代艺术环境下的拓展,和对传统绘画语言的固守和扬弃,可以探索如何将传统的艺术资源和当代艺术观念融合,形成个性语言等问题.  相似文献   

艺术愈来愈向着大众化的方向发展,一步步走进日常大众生活。然而,在我们的绘画艺术中,艺术家的创作趣味却已远离了占大众群体比例多数的当代农民。农民在艺术的创作与接收的互动关系中处于缺席状态。不管出于何种原因,艺术家作为化发展最敏感之一,应关注普遍意义上的人民大众,体现知识分子应有的社会责任感。  相似文献   

通过阐释当代漆艺教育的发展历程,分析当代漆艺面临的主要问题,并结合漆艺在当代文化语境中的多重身份,探讨了当代漆艺教育的发展方向。当代的漆艺教育要兼顾漆艺研究、漆艺教学与相关产品设计开发的均衡发展,坚持大漆技艺传承的基础上,促进教学形式的多样化,并结合文化创意产业发展,促进当代漆艺与现代生活的融合。  相似文献   

艺术展览作为艺术家和美术作品的重要载体,记录着艺术发展过程。中国当代艺术展览只是相对于中国这个独特的国度,正由一个单一的以主题为先导的展览方式走向成熟,走向多元。多元化是中国当代艺术展览的现代趋势。  相似文献   

坚持当代设计艺术的民族化发展,必须在转变观念树立信心的同时,注重从中国文化传统中求索个性化的设计形式和设计语言,并在合理利用先进的技术手段中不断开拓不断创新.这是中国社会物质文明和精神文明进步的需要,也是具有民族自尊心和社会责任感的设计艺术家的历史责任.  相似文献   

作为对现代主义的一种超越与反叛,后现代主义以其反基础、反理性、反本质主义的态度充斥并影响着各个领域。就服饰艺术来说,自20世纪70年代直至当今,伴随着服饰设计多元化的态势,当代服饰艺术的发展也呈现出明显的后现代主义特征,主要表现在解构主义、折衷主义以及黑色幽默等方面。对于中国服装界而言,在保持民族特色的同时,不断吸收外来服饰文化的长处,才能创造出富有东方神韵的现代民族服饰。  相似文献   

建筑环境艺术是一门能体现设计师所处文化背景以及生活状况的学科,是设计师的思想体现.他们设计的成果直接应用于人们日常的生活,影响着人们的生活状态和心理状态.因此,正确的引导人们的思想意识,使其对世界和文化艺术有正确的认知,就显得尤为重要.风水学作为一门古老的学科,一直没有受到正视,总被民众误认为是旧社会的封建迷信,而其也常被不法分子用于违法活动.其实,学习和善用风水学理论能对环境艺术设计的学科发展和教育起到积极而重要的作用.  相似文献   

女性艺术家和所有的艺术家一样生活于当代社会、经济与政治环境中,也生活于民族、文化、历史情境中,只是她们的自我的成长变异所含次第、比例与进程往往更自觉、更典型。传统文脉中相对封闭的自洽生成造就了独特的中国式的观察与表现程式在当代艺术中悄然流逝,女性艺术家的当代化与之不同,生活中交流所产生的诱惑与机遇在艺术思维中潜移默化,呈现为生活客体存在与女艺术家、读者的内在精神的契合更是艺术的终极存在状态,在构成女艺术家的生存气场的诸多画面因素中,色彩的潜意识选择透露了这一系列信息,通过女性艺术而对当代性、性别及色彩做出的研究与阐释,对于女艺术家的生存环境的认知与改良具有实际性意义。  相似文献   

在全球化资讯快速发展和相互连接的当下,当代艺术正在以前所未有的生命力勃兴。随着众多数字、传媒、电讯、网络等各种媒体技术的发展,新媒体艺术应运而生,除了打破了传统艺术创作对单一媒介的依赖性,也带来当代艺术媒介运用的转型。借助于媒体技术,新媒体艺术可以将现实与虚拟合二为一,开拓了未来对新媒体产品开发和应用的前景。这是新时期下传统审美与媒体技术相互补充的结果,也是对整个人文世界中正在发生的存在方式转向的隐喻。  相似文献   

This article assembles some ideas on equality and learning in relation to the notions of truth and emancipation. It considers learning as a political act, as defined by Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, rather than, for example, an incremental process of psychological or sociological development. Practical exemplifications will be taken from contexts of art practices and art in education, but the general argument is directed at learning and equality across all human endeavours. The article discusses the idea of the truth of learning as something which ruptures existing frameworks of practice and knowledge and ponders the kind of pedagogies we require to inform effective pedagogic action. To this end it proposes what might be termed pedagogies against the state, or pedagogies of the event, in order to respond to acts of learning that involve leaps of becoming into a new or reconfigured world.  相似文献   

This article is part of a broader investigation exploring how contemporary art allows us to think about the process that underpins our teaching and learning in order to change it. We are tutors in initial teacher education and we teach, learn and communicate through contemporary art for a pedagogical module. In the following article we will show how teaching, learning and communicating through contemporary art helps future teachers to be aware of their educational models. Art encounters generate new learning and teaching experiences by allowing students and teachers to make various rhizomatic wanderings. The rhizomatic wanderings are diverse with the content and the form depending on the personal experience. The article concludes that the more rhizomatic wanderings future teachers make, the more they will be able to rethink the process of teaching and learning in order to attend to the diverse situations of classrooms of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

书籍装帧艺术可以说是书籍的造型艺术,是书籍在出版过程中对书籍各部分结构、形态、材料、工艺、装订等设计活动的总和.只有不断地研究和提高书籍装帧艺术,设计出精美的书籍艺术作品,才能符合时代的进步和需要,才能满足人们日益增长的物质和精神的需要.  相似文献   

美术教育正是以其自由、超越的审美快乐,使人们的情欲受到规范、节制和净化,从而陶冶和塑造人们一种超越的人生境界,赋予人们一种超脱精神、一种旷达的人生态度.  相似文献   

In this article empirical examples are used to connect theories about young people, contemporary art forms and learning. The first part of the article introduces the new forms of consciousness which, according to the youth researchers Birgitte Simonsen and Thomas Ziehe, characterize young people of today. In the second part, the qualities of contemporary art forms experienced by young people are connected to the theories of the French art critic Nicholas Borriaud regarding ‘relational aesthetics’. Finally, the third part of the article discusses four preconditions for learning, which were experienced as positive by the young people included in the empirical material: ‘the hook’, ‘the experience of otherness’, ‘social interaction’, and ‘meta‐reflection’.  相似文献   

This study draws upon interviews with fifteen secondary art teachers in Australia and England and focuses on the selection and censorship of artists and art works for student study. Given that cutting edge art must shock if it is to change artistic sensibility it would seem that the study of contemporary art must present students and teachers with many ethical dilemmas. The violent, sexually explicit, disgusting and psychologically disturbing, nature of many contemporary arts works make them potentially offensive, disturbing, provocative and confusing to young impressionable minds. While wishing to be open‐minded and to teach inclusive curricula, art teachers are also aware of their accountability in the community and their responsibility for the well being of their students. The study examines ways in which art teachers achieve postmodernist plurality in their programs yet also respectfully stay within the parameters of modernist school charters which define curriculum limits.  相似文献   

地域与民族精神的自然的联系是人类存在的基础,绘画艺术也必然受到一定的、独特的自然环境与人文环境的浸润与影响。20世纪50-80年代,许多美术名家都将自己的创作视角定格在神秘的藏地高原。随着时代的发展,特别是“地球村”概念的形成,一个民族题材的创作就不能再以上述的创作基点为目标了,它必须走向深化。我们如果用发展的眼光去审视那片神秘的雪域,就会感到渴望了解外面世界躁动的可贵与迫切,这也正是藏族题材美术创作的新的当代意义。  相似文献   

本文从中国陶瓷艺术的四个方面即:巧夺天工的艺术价值;贵超黄金的收藏价值;意义深远的文化考古价值;满足民众生活需求的使用价值等进行分析与思考,从而探讨中华陶瓷艺术对于当代学术与生活的价值。  相似文献   

新疆题材当代文学作品从1963年即入选了中学语文教科书,在随后的五十年里,一直在语文教科书中占有一席之地。语文是我国基础教育中的主干课程,语文教科书对受教育者的行为修养有着很大的影响,教科书中的新疆题材当代文学作品,从《哈密瓜的故乡》,到《天山景物记》,再到进入二十一世纪后的多样选文,这些新疆题材作品分别体现着号召青年开发边疆、热爱祖国关丽河山、关注人文情感、增强环保意识等思想主题,具有独特的教育价值。  相似文献   

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