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吴茂清 《初中生》2008,(12):49-51
①在遭受地震蹂躏的灾区,许多村镇被夷为平地,到处是残垣断壁和飘飞的尘土,究竟有多少灾民被困在废墟下,还难以统计。如何快速地搜救废墟下奄奄一息的伤员,成为救灾的焦点和难点。随着时间的推移,生命迹象越来越弱。救援人员为了能及时发现废墟下的伤员,使用了一种高科技救生仪——专用于搜救灾难中被困人员的“生命探测仪”。  相似文献   

本文主要讲了there be结构的主要用法以及我们在使用这个特殊句型时应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

著名语言学家张志公先生有一句名言:“语文是百科之母。”这句话讲得太好了!七个字就概括了、说明了、肯定了语文的学理价值和教育作用。遗憾的是至今仍有不少人未能充分理解这句话的重大意义。有人认为在各级学校的各门学科中,语文向来与诸科并列,就说它是“主科”吧,也与数理化外四科并列,怎么能称之为“百科”之母呢?其实道理很简单:人的任何活动都靠思维指挥,而思维的实体是语言,文字是语言的书面形式。没有语文,哪有百科?这还不明白吗?然而,据笔者所知,从南方名都大邑到北国中小城镇,各地中小学学生对语文多半不感兴趣,学习成绩也多半…  相似文献   

现代大学应该有什么   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代大学应有先进的教育思想,现代的办学理念;应有一流的人才,一流的成果;应有有利于人才脱颖而出的管理机制,优良的校园文化。  相似文献   

Creativity is not art optional extra. It is the essence of life.  相似文献   

本文主要通过动词形式、主语形式、从句、倒装、省略以及主谓一致等方面,详细介绍了应予以注意的there be结构的各种特例。  相似文献   

翻译的"目的论"认为,所有翻译要遵循的首要法则就是"目的法则",翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程.由于译文预期达到的目的或功能不同,决定它在翻译过程中处理方法的不同.<蝴蝶>是我国著名作家王蒙的小说,戴乃迭在翻译它的过程中,依据"目的法则",采取了适当的翻译策略.  相似文献   

张闻天同志于一九二四年发表的长篇小说《旅途》具有积极的思想意义和可取的艺术形式,指出小说为现代文学早期人物画廊提供了具有独特认识价值的人物形象,具有里程碑的意义,应给其以相应的地位.  相似文献   

We investigated how students articulate uncertainty when they are engaged in structured scientific argumentation tasks where they generate, examine, and interpret data to determine the existence of exoplanets. In this study, 302 high school students completed 4 structured scientific arguments that followed a series of computer-model-based curriculum module activities simulating the radial velocity and/or the transit method. Structured scientific argumentation tasks involved claim, explanation, uncertainty rating, and uncertainty rationale. We explored (1) how students are articulating uncertainty within the various elements of the task and (2) the relationship between the way the task is presented and the way students are articulating uncertainty. We found that (1) while the majority of students did not express uncertainty in either explanation or uncertainty rationale, students who did express uncertainty in their explanations did so scientifically without being prompted explicitly, (2) students’ uncertainty ratings and rationales revealed a mix of their personal confidence and uncertainty related to science, and (3) if a task presented noisy data, students were less likely to express uncertainty in their explanations.  相似文献   

In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and  相似文献   

Is There Spirituality? Can It Be Part Of Education?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Note is taken of the requirement (expressed in the British Educational Reform Act 1988 and other documents) that the curriculum should contribute to the spiritual development of pupils in the school and of society. Declining to reject the term as vacuous, the paper explores various suggested meanings: induction into a particular religion, consideration of fundamental questions, a sense of self, certain largely inexpressible states of mind, and pupils' non–material well–being. All of these, with the possible exception of the first in the context of a multicultural public educational system, are shown to have some possible validity, subject to the need for further explication. Sincere concern with any profound notion of spiritual development is, however, held to be difficult to reconcile with current officially sanctioned conceptions of education.  相似文献   

Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. Ifyou go to a ____shop, no assistant(营业员)will comenear to you and say,"Can I help you?"You____buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out____the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead(引导)you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is____selling any books at all.  相似文献   

本文旨在从英语语法教学的角度探讨英语学习者在语言学习中所面临的中、英语言语法构架差异的学习方法,着眼于在中文里表达“有”这一含义的不同英语表达形式,帮助学生解决语法的学习障碍,从而进一步提高学生的语法学习能力和教学效果。  相似文献   

做后进生教育工作首先要树立"有教无类"的思想,在实际中要真诚热爱学生,相信他们;通过多种途径走进他们的内心世界,找出问题的根源,逐步让学生走出"泥潭",不断增强自信,步入健康成长的轨道,真正实现教育的功能.  相似文献   

文章有感于中国文学研究及教育的传统与现状,提出当前文学研究与教育中的一个问题,即究竟(应该)有无“标准答案”的问题,并给出初步的理论上的回答。问题提出的价值在于它的确是个问题。文章重在“解构”,而旨在引起关注并对由此问题必然而至的文学研究与教育中一系列的具体相关问题进行深入的讨论。  相似文献   

根据言语行为理论对There be句式进行言内行为、言外行为、言后行为三个层次的立体透视分析,从而揭示这一常用句式的语用意义和特征。  相似文献   

薛宝钗是《红楼梦》中的一个重要人物,对于这一人物形象,评论界历来有不同的看法。在笔者看来,她品格端庄,容貌美丽,才华出众;待人处世不卑不亢,追求爱情不温不火;虚伪世故中透着善良,冷酷无情中透着睿智。她对于封建道德没有采取对抗的姿态,却也不是一味的顺从。她的悲剧不是抗争者的悲剧。而是殉道者的悲剧。正因如此,她的悲剧命运更是揭示了封建道德的冷酷无情,更能打动读者的心。  相似文献   

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