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The recency of the community college movement has prevented large scale organization and dissemination of knowledge concerning the processes and steps required to establish a community college. There is, therefore, a need for means to incorporate contemporary evidence into the curriculum of prospective administrators of higher education. The purpose of this study was to compare Higher Education Administration students’ peceptions of a logical sequence of events for establishing a community college with a sequence of events for establishing a community college as determined by practice. The Edwards’ matched-pair technique was used to rank the perceptions of the students. A sequence of twenty-nine events was selected from the literature. Each event was matched with every other, thus providing 406 decision situations. From these decisions an ordering was obtained. Using the Spearman rho correlation technique, a coefficient of 0.82 was found between the sequence of events taken from the literature and rank ordering of these events as determined by the Edwards’ matched-pair technique.  相似文献   

A 2-stage robust procedure as well as an R package, rsem, were recently developed for structural equation modeling with nonnormal missing data by Yuan and Zhang (2012). Several test statistics that have been used for complete data analysis are employed to evaluate model fit in the 2-stage robust method. However, properties of these statistics under robust procedures for incomplete nonnormal data analysis have never been studied. This study aims to systematically evaluate and compare 5 test statistics, including a test statistic derived from normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood, a rescaled chi-square statistic, an adjusted chi-square statistic, a corrected residual-based asymptotical distribution-free chi-square statistic, and a residual-based F statistic. These statistics are evaluated under a linear growth curve model by varying 8 factors: population distribution, missing data mechanism, missing data rate, sample size, number of measurement occasions, covariance between the latent intercept and slope, variance of measurement errors, and downweighting rate of the 2-stage robust method. The performance of the test statistics varies and the one derived from the 2-stage normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood performs much worse than the other four. Application of the 2-stage robust method and of the test statistics is illustrated through growth curve analysis of mathematical ability development, using data on the Peabody Individual Achievement Test mathematics assessment from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort.  相似文献   

在此考虑非参数回归模型的模型检验问题.基于Plug-in经验似然方法,构造经验似然比检验统计量.证明其满足Wilks’现象,而得到了一定显著性水平的拒绝域.最后通过数据模拟,讨论了其检验功效.  相似文献   

用EXCEL软件编制一个方便、实用的考试系统,它能对“单项选择题“和“多项选择题“进行“考试“、“阅卷“和“分数统计“工作进行自动处理,使教师从简单重复的脑力劳动中解脱出来,将更多的精力投入到教学与科研.  相似文献   

根据可编程控制器(PLC)控制系统的优点,对气密试验机控制系统进行改造。介绍三菱FX1N系列PLC的I/O点分配图的设计情况、主电路组成的设计,并进行系统安装与调试。实现气密试验机预压、本压、排压的控制。改造结果使气密试验机的稳定性、自动化性、生产效率和使用率均大幅提高。  相似文献   

When the assumption of multivariate normality is violated and the sample sizes are relatively small, existing test statistics such as the likelihood ratio statistic and Satorra–Bentler’s rescaled and adjusted statistics often fail to provide reliable assessment of overall model fit. This article proposes four new corrected statistics, aiming for better model evaluation with nonnormally distributed data at small sample sizes. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to compare the performances of the four corrected statistics against those of existing statistics regarding Type I error rate. Results show that the performances of the four new statistics are relatively stable compared with those of existing statistics. In particular, Type I error rates of a new statistic are close to the nominal level across all sample sizes under a condition of asymptotic robustness. Other new statistics also exhibit improved Type I error control, especially with nonnormally distributed data at small sample sizes.  相似文献   

利用多项式回归模型给出了用氮量与玉米产量间的关系,并对最高单产量时的用氮量以及最佳经济用肥量予以确定。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷考察《心理统计学》考试成绩影响因素的结构、特点及影响途径。结果发现,影响考试成绩的个体内部因素是学习态度、学习信心、学习方法,外部因素是课堂教学质量、教材与课时安排、复习资料;学习态度、学习信心的性别差异显著;学习态度、学习信心、复习资料对考试成绩有直接正向预测性,课堂教学质量、教材与课时安排通过学习态度或学习信心起间接正向预测作用,据此提出了相应的教学措施。  相似文献   

用多元概化理论变革命题方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前测验编制中双向细目表存在明显的缺陷。三向细目表克服了双向细目表的缺陷。可从多元概化理论的角度提出和论证三向细目表的命题方法。该方法对我国心理与教育测验的研究和应用具有重要价值。  相似文献   

基于将正项级数审敛法推广到函数级数一致收敛上去的思想,类比正项级数的Gauss判别法、对数判别法、拟对数判别法以及它们的极限形式,得到了函数级数一致收敛的相应判别法,丰富了函数级数一致收敛审敛法.  相似文献   


?Multitiered systems of reading instruction and intervention, including response to intervention, are widely used in early reading by schools to provide more intense services to students who need them. Research using randomized controlled trials has compared innovative Tier 2 interventions to business-as-usual Tier 2 approaches and established a number of important components that compose effective Tier 2 interventions in early reading. The purpose of this study was to test the impact of a Tier 2 intervention with Tier 2 compared to Tier 1 instruction alone using regression discontinuity. A cut score was used to assign first-grade students at risk for reading difficulties to Tier 2 intervention plus Tier 1 instruction. Students who missed the cut score in the control group received Tier 1 instruction only. Students in the treatment group, just below the cut score, made greater gains on the SAT10 total score and the individual subtests than students just above the cut score. Outcomes were not significant on oral reading fluency.  相似文献   

The logistic regression (LR) procedure for differential item functioning (DIF) detection is a model-based approach designed to identify both uniform and nonuniform DIF. However, this procedure tends to produce inflated Type I errors. This outcome is problematic because it can result in the inefficient use of testing resources, and it may interfere with the study of the underlying causes of DIF. Recently, an effect size measure was developed for the LR DIF procedure and a classification method was proposed. However, the effect size measure and classification method have not been systematically investigated. In this study, we developed a new classification method based on those established for the Simultaneous Item Bias Test. A simulation study also was conducted to determine if the effect size measure affects the Type I error and power rates for the LR DIF procedure across sample sizes, ability distributions, and percentage of DIF items included on a test. The results indicate that the inclusion of the effect size measure can substantially reduce Type I error rates when large sample sizes are used, although there is also a reduction in power.  相似文献   

目前,传统实验教学中落后的教育观念和方法妨碍了学生创新思维能力的培养。打破传统的教学模式,提高学生的科学素养,使学生乐于探究,敢于质疑,激发学生强烈的好奇心和探索欲,培养其合作意识和动手能力,势在必行。  相似文献   

伴随科学技术的突飞猛进,DNA、测谎、痕迹学等现代技术越来越多地被运用在法律领域。其中,测谎技术在我国民事诉讼领域由于缺乏相关法律规定,其运用也在不同的地区呈现不同的态势。做为一项不成熟且并不能保证正确率的发展中技术,测谎结论不具备最基本的证据资格,即使"有限"采用,也不利于法官心证的形成,不利于保护案件当事人最基本的诉讼权利,并对我国当前的民事诉讼规则具有破坏性。  相似文献   

中国古代考试制度演变及其对高考改革的启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文回顾了我国古代考试制度的演变历程,认为考试制度在中国经历了一个直线前进、健康发展的过程,从其价值取向上来说体现了教育公平和社会公平,在中国历史和世界范围内发挥了重大作用,产生了深远影响。但是由于古代考试制度颠倒了“育才”与“选士”两种功能的关系,其教育功能沦为政治功能的附庸,因而失去了生命力。当前改革考试制度,就要使考试回归其本质功能,真正成为促进学校教育发展、促进人才发展的制度,而不仅仅是一种选拔人才的工具。  相似文献   


Educational stakeholders have long known that students might not be fully engaged when taking an achievement test and that such disengagement could undermine the inferences drawn from observed scores. Thanks to the growing prevalence of computer-based tests and the new forms of metadata they produce, researchers have developed and validated procedures for using item response times to identify responses to items that are likely disengaged. In this study, we examine the impact of two techniques to account for test disengagement—(a) removing unengaged test takers from the sample and (b) adjusting test scores to remove rapidly guessed items—on estimates of school contributions to student growth, achievement gaps, and summer learning loss. Our results indicate that removing disengaged examinees from the sample will likely induce bias in the estimates, although as a whole accounting for disengagement had minimal impact on the metrics we examined. Last, we provide guidance for policy makers and evaluators on how to account for disengagement in their own work and consider the promise and limitations of using achievement test metadata for related purposes.  相似文献   

当网络遭受拒绝服务时,信息包不能到达目的地:已有的路由协议不能很好地解决拒绝服务的问题。本文提出了路由基础结构拒绝服务的模型,同时描述了用入侵检测保护路由基础结构免遭拒绝服务的方法。  相似文献   

用化学、仪器两种方法对居室空气中的甲醛进行了样品的对照实验及显著性差异的检验,并对化学法标准曲线进行了回归方程检验.结果表明:标准曲线符合要求;两种方法所测样品结果无显著性差异,且用甲醛检测仪省时省力,是开展室内甲醛监测的理想仪器之一.  相似文献   

本通过对静态继电器整定用数字拨盘开关接点转换示意图和易发生的故障介绍,初步探讨了静态继电器的测试点的合理选择方法。  相似文献   

从TEM-4听写的考试要求和评分标准谈备考策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短文听写在英语专业四级考试中起着重要的作用,它不仅影响到考生总分的高低,甚至还会关系到整个考试的成败。本文仅从大纲的角度对听写的考试要求和评分标准进行了分析,并提出了一些相应的策略,旨在进一步提高学生的听写水平和促进以后的听力教学。  相似文献   

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