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Third-, sixth-, and ninth-grade teachers in a Wisconsin county nominated 982 children as consistently displaying socially approved behavior and 568 as consistently displaying aggressive-disruptive behavior in the classroom. Five years after the original nominations teacher grades in English, science, mathematics, and social studies; rank in graduating class for original ninth graders; and STEP scores were obtained. Analyses of covariance (ANACOVA) were made with IQ as the covariate and behavior, grade, sex, and home location as the independent variables. The results indicate clearly that the children whose behavior was aggressive and disruptive in the classroom achieved at significantly lower levels than their socially approved peers.  相似文献   

Children of color are more likely to have poor sleep health than White children, placing them at risk for behavioral problems in the classroom and lower academic performance. Few studies, however, have utilized standardized measures of both classroom behavior and achievement. This study examined whether children’s sleep (parent and teacher report) in first grade concurrently related to independent observations of classroom behavior and longitudinally predicted achievement test scores in second grade in a sample of primarily Black (86%) children (n = 572; age = 6.8) living in historically disinvested neighborhoods. Higher teacher-reported child sleepiness was associated with lower adaptive behaviors and higher problem behaviors in the classroom, and predicted lower achievement. Parent-reported bedtime resistance and disordered breathing also predicted lower achievement.  相似文献   

Four groups (N = 116) were maintained in a 4-factor analysis of covariance design to determine if more frequent, graded unit examinations followed by test feedback facilitate achievement and allow students with high-measured test anxiety to perform better on final course examinations. The testing procedures studied consisted of the administration of 168 examination items as either three or six unit exams, grading or not grading the unit exams, and providing or not providing class feedback and discussion following the examinations. Analysis of performance on two posttest measures indicated that the subjects achieved more from frequent, graded unit tests followed by feedback; however, variations of these conditions did not appear to influence the performance of the students with high-measured test anxiety.  相似文献   

智慧是可以生成的,智慧需要教育的启迪与开发,丰富学生的智慧是教育的责任和教师的使命。丰富学生智慧的前提是教师必须具有丰富的教育智慧,教师具有丰富的教育智慧的唯一途径是追求自己持续的专业成长。智慧的教师应当创造智慧的课堂,在智慧的课堂中,学生的智慧与教师的教学机智与教育智慧会得到同步的增长。  相似文献   

智慧是可以生成的,智慧需要教育的启迪与开发,丰富学生的智慧是教育的责任和教师的使命。丰富学生智慧的前提是教师必须具有丰富的教育智慧,教师具有丰富的教育智慧的唯一途径是追求自己持续的专业成长。智慧的教师应当创造智慧的课堂,在智慧的课堂中,学生的智慧与教师的教学机智与教育智慧会得到同步的增长。  相似文献   

Relations between perceived classroom control, self-regulation strategies and academic achievement were investigated in a sample of 302 sixth grade students. Four distinct perceived classroom control styles were determined, based on the balance between teacher and student control over learning. It was hypothesised that student mathematics achievement would be contingent on the combined effects of teacher and student control: it would be highest when both teacher and student control is high, and would be lowest when both of them are low. Student adoption of self-regulated learning strategies would be linked to the net effect of student control: they would be highest when student control is high and teacher control is low, and would be lowest when teacher control is high and student control is low. The data tended to support these hypotheses, indicating that both achievement and self-regulation strategies were contingent on classroom processes.  相似文献   


Three different tests of intelligence and the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students were administered to 89 Norwegian undergraduate psychology students. The purpose was to investigate the relationship between intelligence, approaches to learning and academic achievement. Factor analysis supported a one-factor solution of the three intelligence tests as an expression of general intelligence. No relationship between general intelligence and approaches to learning was observed. The WAIS vocabulary test of intelligence and the surface approach to learning were negatively correlated. The WAIS vocabulary test of intelligence and the surface approach to learning predicted academic achievement. A curvilinear relationship between surface approach and academic achievement was observed. Multiple regression analysis showed interaction effects between deep-strategic and surface-strategic approaches to learning as predictors of academic achievement. The findings support the construct validity of approaches to learning due to its independence of intelligence.  相似文献   


Fifty-one third grade subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. Both groups were exposed to a standard presentation on the concept of first class lever and were asked the same questions in both treatments. Experimental subjects were all required to make overt responses to every question, while questions to control subjects were addressed to one individual at a time. Those in the experimental group exhibited significantly fewer off- task behaviors than control subjects, and classified new examples of levers more accurately. Apparently, oral questions are nominal stimuli when individually addressed, and Rothkopf’s theory extends from prose learning to concept learning tasks in classroom settings.  相似文献   

Understanding the etiology and relationship between standardized intelligence and academic achievement tests is essential, given their ever-increasing role in American education. Behavioral genetic studies have examined the genetic and environmental etiology of intelligence, academic achievement, and their relationship. Results suggest that genetic, shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influences have an impact on intelligence and academic achievement. Behavioral genetic studies also suggest that the importance of genes may vary as a function of age. Other studies suggest that genes drive the correlation and that the nonshared environment drives the discrepancy between measures of intelligence and achievement. Implications for the identification of intellectually and academically relevant environmental influences are discussed.  相似文献   

The title of my contribution could as well be “Cassandra Lives,” though one might hope that even this precarious reading of the future may have a more salutary effect than those of the star-crossed ancient seer.  相似文献   

Negotiating Classroom Knowledge: Beyond Achievement and Socialization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

焦虑、班级成就目标知觉对个人成就目标定向的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷测量法,以472名初中生为对象,探讨焦虑、班级成就目标知觉及个人成就目标定向三者之间的关系.结果表明,焦虑可以通过班级成就目标知觉间接地影响个人成就目标定向,低状态焦虑通过班级掌握目标知觉间接影响个人掌握接近目标,高特质焦虑通过班级成绩目标知觉间接影响个人掌握回避目标、个人成绩接近目标和个人成绩回避目标.  相似文献   


The relationship between teacher locus of control (A), teacher behavior (B), student behavior (C), and student achievement (D) was investigated. It was predicted that internal teachers would produce higher achieving students by maintaining a controlled learning environment, thereby engaging students in more appropriate on-task behavior. The first part of the study found modest correlations between I-E scores of 44 fourth grade teachers and student achievement in reading, language, and math. In the second part, the behavior of a subsample of 17 teachers and their students was observed. Although the complete A-B-C-D link was not obtained, several parts of the model did relate significantly.  相似文献   

近日读了汪中求先生所著的《细节决定成败》一书,受益匪浅。书中“从小事、从细节做起”“细中见精”“小中见大”等观点,体现了求真务实的精神,印证了“伟大寓于平凡”的真理。阅读此书,让我明白了这样一个道理:当今学校,决不缺少各种花样翻新的管理制度,缺少的是对规章制度不  相似文献   

情感目标是新课程三维目标的重要一维。以布鲁姆的教学领域情感目标的分类为依据,借鉴国内学者对该分类的改造与理解,以此分析课堂导入环节在达成情感目标的机制与特点时发现,课堂导入是乐情维度情感目标达成的关键、是冶情维度情感目标达成的前奏、是融情维度情感目标达成的润滑剂。从实践中的课堂导入案例分析发现,具备一定特征的课堂导入的确对情感目标的达成起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

基于多元智能理论的多媒体智能课程与智能课堂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多元智能理论是针对传统智能一元化理论提出的,随着多媒体和网络技术在教学中的广泛应用,多元智能理论为多媒体、网络环境下的课程的开发、实施和评价提供了一个全新的视角。本文从课程改革的角度分析了在网络和多媒体环境下的“智能课程”的概念,通过对基于多元智能理论指导下的“智能课程”的特征分析;提出了基于多元智能理论的现代课堂教学的新模式——智能课堂。  相似文献   

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