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The WISC and WISC-R protocols of 94 special education students (51 white males, 5 black males, 30 white females, and 8 black females) who tested in the mildly retarded and borderline range of abilities (IQs of 50–78) were examined. Their test performance was then followed longitudinally for two additional WISC and WISC-R assessments. Mean age of subjects was 8 years at Test 1, 10.75 years at Test 2, and 14.9 years at Test 3. As predicted, subjects had lower IQ equivalent scores on Bannatyne's Sequencing Ability category than their IQ equivalent scores on the Verbal Comprehension or Perceptual Organization factors of the WISC and WISC-R for all three testings. Results were interpreted as supporting the notion that mildly retarded children and learning disabled children have qualitatively similar learning patterns.  相似文献   

Incidental learning of film content was investigated in institutionalized retarded children. In the first of two studies, 40 retardates at six IQ levels, three MA levels, and five CA levels were tested. In the second study, 21 Down's Syndrome, organic, and familial retardates were tested. The stimuli consisted of an 8‐minute film which was shown individually. All subjects were questioned on twenty incidental aspects of the film. In Experiment 1, a curvilinear relationship was found between incidental learning and IQ. Incidental learning improved with MA. A retest, taken 120 hours later, revealed a 10.9 percent loss of incidental learning. Higher IQ children showed the greatest loss. Experiment 2 reported no difference in incidental learning as a function of etiology of retardation. A retest showed a short term memory deficit in organic retardates and a significant loss of incidental learning in Down's Syndrome and familial retardates. Implications of these results were discussed in terms of structured teaching techniques.  相似文献   

对10-14岁(平均年龄12、13岁)的37名不同智商的弱智儿童的敲击动作速度进行了测定.弱智儿童根据智商不同分为二组一组为轻度智力残疾,智商55-75,平均智商61.3;一组为中度智力残疾,智商38-51,平均智商42.8.实验使用一台BQS-80-Ⅱ型敲击仪进行.被试各测定左、右手一分钟的敲击动作速度.结果表明智商较低的一组弱智儿童(平均智商42.8)左、右手的敲击动作速度均明显较之智商较高的一组弱智儿童(平均智商61.3)为慢,前者只相当于正常7岁儿童水平.无论哪一组弱智儿童,右手敲击速度均快于左手速度.这种情况表明,在弱智儿童中,由于智商的差异,也会对简单的动作速度产生影响.  相似文献   

An argument is presented for grouping retarded children in school by developmental level rather than by chronological age or IQ. The potential advantages of this scheme are discussed in terms of the effects on: teaching, social acceptance and self-esteem, motivation, parental acceptance, and general benefits to society at large.  相似文献   

The Quick Test, Form 1 (QT) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Form L-M (SB) were administered to 70 preschool children. A low significant correlation of.36 for the MA scores and.39 for the IQ scores were found. However, the mean IQ achieved on the QT was 73 which is at the borderline intellectual level, while the mean IQ achieved on the SB was 111, which falls in the bright-normal range of intelligence. This 38-point difference is highly significant. These findings raise serious doubt about the validity of the QT for the intellectual estimation of preschool children with above average functioning. Further research with a group that also includes children of below average intelligence is indicated.  相似文献   

A factorial study of the revised Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities was carried out with 98 moderately mentally retarded school children to determine the domain mapped by the subtests and whether these fit the theoretical psycholinguistic model of channels, processes and levels of communication. Raw scores from the 10 subtests together with Binet IQ were subjected to three methods of analysis: the alpha factor analysis, image analysis and principal component analysis to obtain “method independent” and more meaningful results. Factor loadings from the alpha factor and image analyses were tested for congruence by the Schonemann method and a factor “reliability” study was carried out with separate principal component analyses on two random subsamples of 49 children each. Results support the channel separation postulated by the theoretical model. Implications for language programming for the moderately mentally retarded are discussed. The need for a taxonomic study of psycholinguistic abilities of retarded and non‐retarded children within the framework of current views of developmental psycholinguistics is stressed.


The study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between subtest scatter on the WISC and higher intellectual potential. All subjects at one time obtained Full Scale IQ scores within the retarded range. Group I consisted of those children who upon reexamination with the WISC obtained Full Scale IQ scores of 75 or below, while Group 2 consisted of those children whose Full Scale IQ scores were now found to be nonretarded upon reexamination. The results indicated that the scatter on the initial examinations failed to predict the future group membership. Irrespective of group membership, scatter was found not to be related to change in Full Scale IQ scores. It was concluded that subtest scatter is a poor indicator of the presence of higher intellectual potential. It was also suggested that these findings are relevant to the WISC-R.  相似文献   

This report is a review of reliability data on the PPVT obtained from 32 research studies published between 1965 and 1974. Much of the research was done on Head Start children. Overall, the median of reliability coefficients reported here (0.72) has remained remarkably close to the original median of 0.77 found in standardizing the test. Unexpectedly, elapsed time between test and retest had only a slight effect on the reliability coefficients. However, as expected, the greater range in ages and ability levels of subjects, the higher were the reliabilities. For average children in the elementary grades, and for retarded people of all ages, PPVT scores remained relatively stable over time and there was close equivalence between alternate forms. Scores were least stable for preschool children, especially from minority groups. Black preschool girls were more variable in their performance on the PPVT than boys, and preschool girls generally were more responsive than boys to play periods conducted before testing was begun. A number of variables associated with examiners and setting affected the scores on the test. As expected, raw scores tended to yield slightly higher reliabilities than MA and considerably higher reliabilities than IQ scores.  相似文献   

This study compared the WISC-R and PPVT scores for a group of 65 students classified as mentally retarded, ranging in age from 7.5 to 14.5. Pearson product moments (r) and correlated t values were employed in the analysis of data. The evidence from the present study indicated that for this sample of mildly retarded children and youth, the PPVT IQ score is significantly higher than the Full Scale IQ from the WISC-R. The current findings indicate that the same general pattern exists for the WISC-R and PPVT as for the WISC and PPVT scores.  相似文献   

This study investigated sex differences on the WISC-R subtests for retarded males and females who were matched in terms of WISC-R Full Scale IQs. The sample consisted of 126 children and youth (63 females, 63 males) ranging in chronological age from 7–3 to 8–3, with a mean CA of 7–8. Each subject was matched in terms of Full Scale IQ score. A 2 × 10 analysis of variance with repeated measures on a single factor was used to analyze the data. Students' T and Fisher's F ratios were calculated, and differences between subtest means were analyzed by Newman-Keuls test for sample effects. Evidence from the investigation indicated that a significant interaction effect existed between sex and subtest scores.  相似文献   

This study investigates the adequacy of predicting differential value systems of college students from their American College Test (ACT) scores. Sixty male college Ss were divided into two groups based on ACT scores: a.) high English-low math group, and b.) high math-low English group. The Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values, which measures six dominant values in personality, was administered to each of the two groups. Comparison of mean scores on each scale indicated that only the Theoretical scale distinguished between the two groups, scores for Group II being higher than scores for Group I. Stepwise discriminant analysis indicated, however, that scores on the Theoretical scale were highest for Group II, whereas scores on the Political and Social scales were highest for Group I. The Religious, Economic, and Aesthetic scales were not significantly different in the two groups.  相似文献   

Adapting a modified reception paradigm, three bidimensional rules (conjunctive, disjunctive, conditional) and two instructional conditions (enforced attention vs standard rule learning) are used to test the assumption that deficient rule learning rather than inattention is responsible for poor learning with learning-disabled children. Main findings indicate learning-disabled children are deficient on binary conceptual rule tasks for three age groups (6 to 7, 8 to 9, 12 to 13) compared to normal children matched on sex and IQ regardless of experimental instructions. For both groups, learning is retarded by rule complexity while rate of learning diminishes with increasing age. Data reflect a truth-table logic at all ages for both groups, although there is evidence that disabled children perseverate with a rule-learning hypothesis characteristic of younger nondisabled children. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that rule learning is deficient in children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This study evaluated 3 groups of mentally retarded children on a visual discrimination reading readiness task. Ss included 75 mentally retarded persons residing at the Columbus State Institute divided into 5 MA groups ranging from 3 years to 8 years. Three different groups of 25 Ss were matched on CA, MA, and IQ and two of these were paired on perceptual functioning on the basis of Gellner classifications. The third group included 25 Ss diagnosed as having genetic mechanisms. The task consisted of 100 cards of three coloured pictures with two of them being associated. Results showed the minimally handicapped visual group performed higher than the other two groups. MA was highly related to success especially for the highest MA group. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) were given to 69 randomly selected children in grades one through six in an urban school system. A regression equation for predicting WISC-R full scale IQ from SIT was developed. Previous studies had reported that SIT IQs tended to be consistently higher than WISC-R IQs. The present study revealed that SIT IQs were considerably higher than WISC-R IQs in the upper range and slightly lower in the lower range. A possible reason for the discrepancy is that the present study used a normal population and previous studies used restricted ranges. It was concluded that the SIT provides a good estimate of WISC-R full scale IQs when a regression equation is used. It was recommended, however, that educational placement decisions should not be made on the basis of any single IQ measure.  相似文献   

Children who had been nominated as potential candidates for gifted programs were assessed to determine the relationships among certain behavioral and intellectual characteristics. Records were compiled listing 132 first- through eighth-grade children's race, sex, age, grade level, Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) IQ scores, Scale for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS) scores, and WISC-R IQs. Only children achieving SIT IQs of 130 or higher were included. A regression equation for the prediction of a WISC-R Full Scale IQ score from a given SIT score was computed and compared to that developed for predicting the WISC-R IQ in another study. All variables except SIT IQ were poor predictors of WISC-R IQ scores. A moderate correlation was computed between SIT and WISC-R Verbal and Full Scale IQ scores. A somewhat lower, but still significant, degree of relationship was found between SIT and WISC-R Performance IQ scores. Some difficulties with using the SIT as a screen for gifted programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by impairments in social communication and social cognition. Difficulties in emotion understanding, from emotion recognition to emotion regulation are common features that can affect the inclusion process. One outstanding question is the extent to which age and IQ affect such impairments. The effect of IQ and age on emotion understanding was estimated in 55 children with ASD aged between 5 and 10 and with IQ ranging from 70 to 130. Emotion understanding and non-verbal cognitive ability were assessed, respectively, with the Test of Emotion Comprehension and the Leiter-R scale. The majority of participants scored significantly lower on the TEC compared to the normative sample. Performance compared against norms decreased with age and improved with increasing IQ; children with ‘borderline cognitive functioning’ performed significantly worse than children with ‘normative cognitive functioning’. Emotion understanding skills in children with ASD are affected by cognitive level and age. Implications for educational interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children-III and the Wide Range Achievement Test, 3rd Edition. The study investigated the scores of 37 children in a rural Arkansas school district who were referred for evaluation because of academic difficulties. The children ranged in age from 6 to 16 years and included 35 Whites and 2 Blacks, with 22 males and 15 females. The findings indicated that the WRAT3 correlations with the WISC-III ranged from .42 to .66. These findings are consistent with others on the general correlations between IQ and achievement test scores.  相似文献   

This study investigated the efficacy of predicting academic achievement as measured by the Wide Range Achievement Test, using the Slosson Intelligence Test For Children and Adults as the predictor. Ninety-five children referred for psychological evaluations in a five-county area in southeastern Nebraska were given both instruments, and a regression analysis was conducted where the Slosson IQ scores were separately regressed on Reading, Spelling and Arithmetic standard scores from the Wide Range Achievement Test. The results indicated that the Slosson IQ significantly predicts Wide Range standard scores. Derived regression equations are reported.  相似文献   

Both IQ and age related differences in the zones of proximal development of 89 four to eight year olds were investigated. Each child was asked to learn, transfer and generalize a strategy for solving the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The speed, efficiency, accuracy and extent of support needed were analysed. Multivariate analyses of variance were performed on the data from each task. The benefits of high IQ were not as consistent as those of chronological age. They were most apparent in the learning and generalization tasks. Some high IQ children created challenges of their own in the unchallenging transfer task, or became bored. Two practical implications became apparent: the range of learning potentials in classes of children grouped by chronological age poses a formidable challenge for educators, and the learning of highly able children may detoriorate when they are offered the same curriculum as their peers.


This study addresses the need for systematic longitudinal research documenting the stability of WISC-R scores in special education populations. WISC-R scores of 100 learning-disabled and 60 mildly retarded children retested on three separate occasions at three-year intervals were examined. The stability of WISC-R scores was evaluated according to three different criteria: (a) the consistency of group means over time, (b) the frequency of significant changes in individual scores, and (c) correlations between administrations as an index of stability of subjects' relative positions in the group. Different results were obtained depending on the criterion considered. Examination of group means and correlation coefficients indicated that Full Scale IQ was fairly stable over a period of six years for both learning-disabled and mildly retarded samples. However, greater variability was noted when examining the frequency of changes in individual subject's scores. Verbal IQ and Performance IQ demonstrated somewhat more variability by all criteria examined. The implications of these results with regard to the importance assigned to IQ in special education classification decisions, the usefulness of retesting IQ in three-year reevaluations, and the efficacy of special education are discussed.  相似文献   

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