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Black male teachers are consistently positioned in teacher recruitment and teacher education discourse as the potential solution to a myriad of social and educational problems. However, the expectations of Black male performance are at times predicated on limiting and oppressive assumptions. In this qualitative study, the authors use the Black feminist tenet, heteropatriarchy, to examine the life histories of two Black male teacher candidates and one Black male teacher in order to convey the problematic relationship among racial and gendered stereotypes, professional identities, and classroom experiences. Our findings suggest that the expectations Black male educators perceive others to hold of them do not leave space for diverse expressions of racial, gendered, and sexual identities. We conclude by offering recommendations toward identifying and challenging themes of heteropatriarchy within the social, cultural, and professional expectations communicated to Black male teacher candidates and teachers.  相似文献   


New models for prison ministry are crucial during the current era of mass incarceration in America—a time when the potential reach of prison ministries can grow as the population of incarcerated individuals grows. In this article, I lift up one prison ministry in New Jersey as an example of how Christian evangelicals who are engaged in traditional prison ministry can bravely open their minds and hearts to models of religious education that go beyond individual conversion toward communal transformation.  相似文献   

张阳 《时代教育》2012,(9):272-273
Since the birth of Disney films,the subject of"otherness"represented in Disney films has been scarcely touched by the scholars.For these decades,the Disney films are invariably received as a purified and exorcized form of art which perpetuates and validates universal values and truths that transcend time and space.However,we can perceive the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in them.This thesis intends to explore how the western ethnocentrism is related to Disney representation of Otherness by choosing one typical film"Mulan".Structurally,the article is divided into 3 parts.The first part introduces the concept of"otherness"and tries to decode the"otherness"in orient.The second part gives us a general view of the Disney’s producing formula.The third part analyses the rewritten"otherness"identity of Mulan in Disney film.Thus the identity of the native culture has been rewritten.  相似文献   


This study compared the effects on reading outcomes of delivering supplemental, small-group intervention to first-grade students at risk for reading difficulties randomly assigned to one of three different treatment schedules: extended (4 sessions per week, 16 weeks; n = 66), concentrated (4 sessions per week, 8 weeks; n = 64), or distributed (2 sessions per week, 16 weeks; n = 62) schedules. All at-risk readers, identified through screening followed by 8 weeks of oral reading fluency (ORF) progress monitoring, received the same Tier 2 reading intervention in groups of 2 to 4 beginning in January of Grade 1. Group means were higher in word reading and ORF at the final time point relative to pretest; however, the groups did not differ significantly on any reading outcome or on rates of adequate intervention response. Of potential covariates, site, age, free lunch status, program coverage rate, and tutor were significantly related to student outcomes; however, the addition of these variables in multivariate models did not substantially change results. Rates of adequate intervention response were lower than have been reported for some first-grade interventions of longer duration.  相似文献   

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in the Romantic period of England. This paper focuses on the exploration of the symbolic meanings of the image of "sea" from three aspects: the image of "Destiny", "God", and "A loving mother", then concludes that the "sea" has spiritual connotation which can give inspiration to human beings.  相似文献   

lintroductionThedetectionofinfl.aredandvisiblelightradiationbysuperconductingfilmsisawell-knownphenomenon.Ithas4beenknownthatinconventionalsuperconductors,incidentlightisreflectedfi.omthesuperconductorsurfaceasaresultoftheplasmaoscillationoffi.eeelectrons…  相似文献   

There is a unique history of evolution behind every single word surviving into Modern English.This paper is to explore the etymology and history of evolution of the word"woman"in terms of spelling(form),pronunciation,gender,part of speech,and meaning.Also discussed are the reasons that cause the changes on all aforementioned aspects of the word"woman".  相似文献   

Cross-cultural analysis is becoming an important way to realize the different cultures. This article is mainly focusing on the colonialism in The Tempest. Colonialism is one main aspect of cross-cultural interaction. The Tempest is the last play written by William Shakespeare. In his play, he mentioned several characters and some special relationships between them. These can be regarded as the reflection of colonialism which is the most important theme in this play. As we all know, some colonialism can make good influence while some only produce bad influence. In this article, it introduces the negative cross-cultural interaction from several aspects. As a result, we could understand the process of formation of colonialism from these debates.  相似文献   

徐苏 《海外英语》2013,(19):226-227
As one of renowned English novelists,Thomas Hardy concerns about the nature and the living environment.In his sixth published novel,The return of the Native,Thomas Hardy puts human being’s fate into nature,sets the heroine’s fate into her attitudes to nature and suggests that just like nature’s destroy and tragedy,nature and women are ruled and conquered by pa triarchal society.  相似文献   

Teachers around the world are using YouTube movies for different purposes. This mixed-methods study was a preliminary investigation of United Arab Emirates teachers’ perceptions about YouTube's advantages in the classroom, current practices, and major challenges faced. Forty-five teachers completed an open-ended questionnaire. Results indicated that perceived advantages included supporting the learning process, increasing interest and efficiency, and enriching content. Moreover, findings revealed that the majority of participants were using videos for presentation purposes in teacher-led classrooms. Connectivity, technical issues, appropriateness of content, and administrative support were perceived as major challenges.  相似文献   

Within the current accountability framework of public education, kindergarten teachers face the challenge of balancing traditional developmental programing and current academically oriented curriculum. Central to this challenge is teachers’ uses of assessment to measure and communicate student learning in relation to their curricular stance. The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth examination of three teachers’ approaches to assessment within the current context of kindergarten education in order to elucidate potential approaches to bridging developmental and academic demands. Based on data collected from teacher interviews and classroom observations, three profiles are constructed that link focal teachers’ curricular stances with their approach to assessment. The paper concludes with a discussion on assessment within kindergarten education and areas for future research in the field.  相似文献   

Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use" raises a question of great significance in the postcolonial theories: How do individuals attain identity-formation in a postcolonial cultural context? This paper attempts to have an analysis of the question,particularly through interpreting the character Dee because she is a typical colonial subject trapped in a difficult multi-cultural situation.  相似文献   

1 .Theindependenttheoryandcooperativeteaching&learningmodeofdistanceeducation .Differentfromtraditionaleducation ,distanceeducationisbasedonstudent’spersonalizedstudy .Therefore,oneimportantpartofdistanceeducationisindependent -studytheory .Thetheoryfocuses…  相似文献   

"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is a short story by Katherine Anne Porter representing her views of southern women's self-consciousness in the male-dominated world.On the one hand, Granny Weatherall stands for a typical southern woman who cherishes the conventional values in southern partriarchal society.On the other, the sense of selfhood obtained from suffering many mishaps in her lifetime, in return, however, strengthens the subjective consciousness constructed through the stream-of-consciousness narrative technique, thus drawing an intimate portrait of a strong, independent woman.  相似文献   

The God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy is a novel about the post-colonial India. Based on the main clue of an upper-class family in a small town, the author describes the life and the state o...  相似文献   

The worries & wishes of 14 -19 years-old adolescents of Abadeh, Bavanat & Khorambid cities in the north of Fats province are investigated in this research. The wishes & worries are measured by wishes measurement scale (WMS) and Ahwaz worry inventory (AWI) respectively. The Ss consisted of 300 Adolescents (150 girls & 150 Boys) that selected by ratio sampling method. The most important results of project are as following :(1) there are significant positive correlations between wishes & worries. (2) Girls in comparison with boys have been significantly higher on emotional-psychological and moral-philosophical wishes. Further more, they haven't been different on somatic- physical & social - familial wishes. (3) In self -esteem, vocational, other relations, insecurity, detail problems worries and AWI, girls have been significantly worrier than boys. While in cognitive & future worry factors their situation have not been different. (4). According to the influence of gender on adolescents, worries and wishes for prompting of their mental health should be used in different ways.  相似文献   

"The Old Man and The Sea"is Hemingway latter years’masterpiece,with which he was awarded the Nobel prize in1954.As the protagonist of the novel,Santiago plays a vital role to the novel’s motif.Hemingway expresses his attitudes toward the life through the image of Santiago.The paper intends to explore the character of Santiago from different facets and angles.In the end,we reach a conclusion that Santiago is a strong-willed man with a young,indestructible soul,he is kind,sensitive as well as hardworking.In a ward,he is a perfect Hemingway hero.  相似文献   

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