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大专学生英语阅读中存在着缺乏整体认知,过分依赖字典,不善于分析长句、难句的问题,为此,应在教会学生阅读技能的同时,适当进行强化训练.  相似文献   

Two theories, schema and dual coding, and the conjoint retention model were contrasted to explain the role of geographic familiarity and prior knowledge in map-passage retention. One hundred, eighty-six college students listened to a passage taking place in either a familiar or unfamiliar geographic domain and viewed either a map or no map of either of the two geographic areas. One-third of each group received either a general or specific advance organizer of the passage topic, or no organizer at all. Results revealed that maps function to bridge what learners already know about an area and what they need to remember from a passage. However, prior knowledge of geography is activated by the geographic propositions contained in a passage, with or without a map. Thus, maps serve a mnemonic function of imagery, but learners' prior knowledge of the geography of the map's space mediates the value of the map. Learners are able to generate an image of the map themselves if there are locational markers in the passage, and the geography of those markers are familiar.  相似文献   

Two studies explored the role of the spontaneous use of spatial note-taking strategies (i.e., creating maps and drawings) and spatial ability in learning from a scientific passage. In Study 1, college students read and took notes by hand on a 10-paragraph scientific passage about the human respiratory system. Students tended to use verbal strategies such as lists (on 48% of the paragraphs), outlines (29%) and running text (15%), but also used spatial strategies such as maps (28%) and drawings (11%). Regression analyses indicated that spatial ability and the use of spatial strategies (maps or drawings) significantly predicted learning outcomes, with spatial strategy use explaining additional variance beyond spatial ability. In Study 2, students read the same scientific passage and took notes either by hand on paper (paper group), by hand on a large whiteboard (whiteboard group), or on a laptop computer (computer group). A similar general pattern as Study 1 was found for the paper group, but this pattern was not found for the computer or whiteboard groups, suggesting that the relationships found in Study 1 might depend on the note-taking medium. Results also indicated that students in the paper and whiteboard groups spontaneously used more spatial strategies, whereas the computer group tended to use verbal strategies (i.e., words only), suggesting that different note-taking contexts encourage different strategies.  相似文献   

Twenty-six college student read a 5000-word prose passage and answered either verbatim or paraphrased inserted questions while reading about international communication. Students either were or were not permitted to review the text while answering the inserted questions. On a subsequent post-test containing new paraphrases of the adjunct questions, students who received paraphrased adjunct questions outperformed students who received verbatim adjunct questions. This result supported the contention that paraphrased adjunct questions could facilitate meaningful learning from prose.  相似文献   

对于网络新媒体,大学生有着出色的接受能力;然而,大学生所表现出来的媒介素养却处于一种自发自觉的状态.尽管网络新媒体已经成为大学生使用的主流媒体,但是大学生对它的认知却浅显和不够深入理性,也缺乏相关的媒介知识和媒介技能,对媒介信息的互动参与也不够.此外,在网络的拟态世界中,大学生与外界的沟通能力减弱,大学生的媒体道德规范也将受到挑战.因此,推行大学生媒介素养教育,加强大学生媒介素养培养,是当前大学生教育的迫切需求.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of person praise and process praise on college students’ motivation and how these effects change as students progress through their undergraduate years. Hundred and eleven college students worked on three puzzle tasks and received either person praise, process praise, or no praise. Following subsequent failure, students reported on their intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, performance attributions and contingent self-worth. Results indicated that process praise enhances intrinsic motivation and perceived competence more than person praise, and that these effects vary as students advance toward their degree. While person praise decreased motivation for sophomores and juniors, process praise increased motivation for seniors; freshmen reported no significant differences in their motivation. Implications for classroom practice and the need for research that considers developmental differences within college samples are discussed.  相似文献   

当前,社会上日益强调学生的英语听说能力,强调学以致用,语法翻译法因其局限性而显得不能完全适应大学英语听说课堂的需要。口译法继承了语法翻译法表达简洁明了、信息传递快速等优点,与听说课堂交际活动融为一体;无论是学生自发的课堂口译行为或者教师有意组织的口译训练活动,都为促进学生更好地参与课堂活动,全面提高听说实践能力起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of online assessment training, with synchronous group discussion as a key component, on subsequent web-based peer assessment results. Participants included 81 college students, mostly women, taking a business writing class. After initial submission of a draft counter-offer letter, they completed online assessment training by engaging in a consensus-seeking, synchronous group discussion of the rubric-based ratings they gave to sample counter-offer letters. They then engaged in web-based assessment of randomly assigned peer counter-offer letters and upon receiving peer feedback, submitted revision of their own counter-offer letter. The discussion groups were randomly assigned to either anonymous (using a pseudo name) or identified conditions (using real name). Findings indicate that the quality of student counter-offer letters improved after online assessment training, and improved even more after web-based peer assessment. There were no significant differences between anonymous discussion groups and identified groups.  相似文献   

大学生学习动力不足是高校普遍存在的一个现象。文章系统阐述了激发大学生学习动机的四个连贯的策略。了解与使用这些策略有利于教师创造一个适应大学生心理需要的学习环境,激发学生成为自己的老师与培养独立学习的能力,进而产生令人满意的学习效果。  相似文献   

英语听力教学是英语教学中的重要环节之一。本文深入分析影响听力的各种因素内涵及其相互关系.就我院高职生在英语听力培训中存在的问题进行剖析。总结了英语听力教学的经验及应对策略。  相似文献   

This study compared the achievement of high- and low-reading-ability students in two classes of a one-semester introductory college biology course after they either received and used teacher-provided questions posed at various taxonomic levels on textual reading assigned over a five-week period (Group 1) or learned via training to generate and use their own questions at the identical taxonomic levels based on the same text over the same period of time (Group 2). Independent variables included (a) form of questioning (teacher provided and self-generated), (b) reading ability (low and high), and (c) question type (referent, literal, interpretive, inferential, and self-critical). Dependent variables included scores from weekly quizzes and from a summative examination. Results indicated that (a) training students to generate and answer their own questions based on text reading had a favorable effect on their midrange (weekly quiz) performance; (b) relative to long-range (summative exam) performance, training students to generate and answer their own questions based on study reading was no more efficacious than providing students with questions based on the same text; and (c) teacher-provided questions at the literal level facilitated the acquisition of intended and incidental discrimination material better than teacher-provided questions at any other taxonomic level.  相似文献   

A total of 46 children in Grades 2 and 3 with low word-level skills were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups that received supplemental phonics-based reading instruction. One group received intervention October through March (21.5 hours), and one group served as a control from October through March and later received intervention March through May (17.5 hours). Paraeducators trained in a standard treatment protocol provided individual instruction for 30 min per day, 4 days per week. At the March posttest, the early treatment (ET; n = 23) group outperformed the controls (late treatment, LT; n = 20) on reading accuracy and passage fluency. Across both groups, second graders outperformed third graders on these same measures. At the 3-month follow-up, the ET group showed no evidence of decline in reading accuracy, passage fluency, or words spelled; however, 3rd-grade ET students had significantly higher spelling skills compared to 2nd graders. The LT group demonstrated significant growth during their intervention in reading accuracy and spelling, but not passage fluency. When we compared the ET and LT groups on their gains per instructional hour, we found that the ET group made significantly greater gains than the LT group across all 3 measures. The results support the value of paraeducator-supplemented reading instruction for students below grade level in word identification and reading fluency.  相似文献   

This replication study compared 86 petition students who received course substitutions for the college foreign language (FL) requirement with 40 nonpetition students who fulfilled the FL requirement by passing FL courses on cognitive and academic achievement measures and graduating grade point average. The results showed significant differences between the two groups, favoring the nonpetition group on one measure, the American College Testing (ACT) score, when IQ was used as a covariate; however, no significant group differences remained when ACT score was used as a covariate. More than half of the 126 petition and nonpetition students did not meet a minimum criterion for classification as learning disabled (LD), and more than half of both groups (54% and 63%, respectively) were not classified as LD before enrolling in college. Sixty percent of the petition students either had not taken an FL course in college or had achieved only grades of withdrawal before petitioning for substitution of the FL requirement. Implications addressed include petition students' persistence in fulfilling the FL requirement, students' use of instructional accommodations and services, criteria used to classify students as LD, use of the Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT), and why some students classified as LD pass FL courses and other students classified as LD do not.  相似文献   

"紧逼防守"现代篮球运动发展的趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着篮球运动的快速发展,各队在训练中越来越重视对防守的训练,比赛中通过具有攻击性的防守及防守阵型的突然变化,扰乱攻方进攻节奏,给攻方造成心理压力.利用这种战术反败为胜的例子屡见不鲜.本文通过对紧逼防守、区域防守等防守战术的变化及训练谈一些看法.  相似文献   

会计模拟实验课是提高高职学生实际操作能力的有效方式,通过对会计模拟实验课与会计理论课、会计校外实习相比较,对会计模拟实验课的优点从多方面进行了论证,特别是结合教学实际,分析了会计模拟实验课在实施中存在的若干问题,并针对每一问题提出了几种解决的对策。  相似文献   

不同的训练方法对男大学生身体素质有一定的影响。以45名男大学生为研究对象,随机分为对照组、核心力量组和一般力量组进行训练,测量指标为50m跑、1000m跑、坐位体前屈、立定跳远、握力、引体向上,实验时间为10周。结果表明,核心力量训练可使50m跑、握力成绩显著改善(P<0.05),立定跳远、引体向上成绩极其显著提高(P<0.01)。一般力量训练可使立定跳远、握力、引体向上成绩显著提高(P<0.05)。两种训练方法对于1000m跑和坐位体前屈成绩没有影响。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effectiveness of the systematic modeling teaching strategy on integrated science process skills and formal reasoning ability. Urban middle school students received a three-month process skill intervention treatment from teachers trained in either the use of systematic modeling or the learning-cycle model. A third, control group received traditional science instruction. The analysis of data revealed that (a) students receiving modeled instruction demonstrated a significant difference in their achievement of process skills when compared to either of the control groups. (b) Students taught by teachers who had received special process skill and strategy training demonstrated a significant difference in their process skill achievement when compared with the control group. (c) Students at different cognitive reasoning levels demonstrated significantly different process skill ability.  相似文献   

The effects of self-regulated strategy development revising instruction for college students that targeted the use of argumentation schemes and critical questions were assessed in three conditions. In the first condition, students were taught to revise their essays by asking and answering critical questions about the argument from consequences and argument from example schemes while writing about controversial topics. In the second condition, students were taught to revise their essays by using argumentation schemes to justify their standpoint, but did not learn the critical questions. In the third condition, students received no instruction about either the argumentation schemes or the critical questions. Compared to students in the contrasting conditions, those who were taught to ask and answer critical questions wrote essays that were of higher quality, and included more counterarguments, alternative standpoints, and rebuttals. These findings indicate that strategy instruction that includes critical standards for argumentation increases college students’ sensitivity to alternative perspectives.  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生依恋类型及其与孤独感的关系,为开展大学生心理辅导与救助提供参考.方法采用成人依恋类型自我报告量表及孤独感量表对四川、重庆200名大学生进行测试.结果大学生依恋类型的分布为安全型占69.7%,回避型占19.1%,矛盾型占11.2%;除男女大学生在矛盾依恋上有显著差异外,大学生依恋类型均无年级和城乡差异.大学生依恋类型与孤独感之间呈显著的负相关.结论大学生成人依恋类型以安全型为主,依恋类型与孤独感密切相关.  相似文献   

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