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In order to recruit, retain, and train quality cooperating teachers, a 35‐item instrument was devised to screen for attitudes toward systematic supervisory behavior, perceptions of factors that impact supervision, and beliefs about preferences for and styles of supervision. After pilot testing, the instrument was completed by 76 physical education cooperating teachers who supervised various field‐practicum students for a large southwestern university. Employing MANOVA followed by ANOVA, differences between groups of cooperating teachers were noted for one subscale: cooperating teachers who coached, taught at the high school level, or did not possess a postgraduate degree had less favorable attitudes toward systematic supervisory behavior. Gender and experience supervising did not differentiate subscale responses. Explanations for noted differences are presented as functions of teacher/coach role conflict, exposure to supervisory training, and the status of secondary physical education. Suggestions for refining the measurement instrument and using it to screen potential cooperating teachers are offered.  相似文献   

教育督导是国家对教育工作实施有效管理的重要手段.但目前人们对教育督导机构的性质、督导过程、督导职能及督导评价等本源性问题缺乏深度的认识和深入的探讨.从教育督导的本质、国外教育督导的趋势和我国教育督导的实际来看,教育督导机构应保持相对独立;督导主要发挥监督执行的职能;督导应贯穿管理全程;督导应基于客观事实来进行评定.  相似文献   

探讨了英国教育督导沿革历史,英国的教育督导与评估,督导人员选聘和培训,英国教育督导制度的特点,从中总结出对我国道德教育具有重要借鉴意义的几点启示:加强教育督导法制建设;高度重视教育督导人员素质,重视对督学的培训工作;设立专门的教育督导机构,加强教育督导机构建设;扩大教育督导与评估的主体,使其由单一走向多元等。  相似文献   

在加快建设高水平本科教育的时代背景下,教育督导机制改革成为提升本科教学质量的重要环节。面对高校督导权责利关系失衡、组织形式单一、过程性评价弱化等突出问题,以多元参与、有效协作、良性互动、权力和权威并重为核心内容的治理理论为督导机制改革提供了新的理论范式。转变理论范式,探究高校督导行为及组织架构背后的行动意义,有助于找准问题,有针对性地提出改进策略,促进良性互动、权责利相统一、协商合作共治的教学督导新机制的构建。  相似文献   

随着信息化教育的发展,微格教学环境面临着信息化和网络化的改变,专业微格教室的建设增加了教育成本。主要探讨在现有网络多媒体教室设备资源的基础上,利用IP摄像机对整个教室媒体环境进行二次开发,构建简易的微格教学系统的设想及实践。  相似文献   

This article discusses the interaction of attachment processes and stages of social work student development within the field supervisory relationship and suggests ways supervisors can modify interactions with students. Attachment theory and research provide a framework for understanding innate capacities of students and the relational dynamics of supervision. Developmental stages of learning explain how students mature and the supervisory relationship changes over time. Scenarios from the beginning and ending of the field practicum are used to illustrate how to differentiate attachment traits from developmental states in assessing student affect and behavior. Recommendations are made for training and future supervision research.  相似文献   

Despite its inherent nature of artificiality, microteaching has been widely used as a routine procedure in pre-service teacher education courses to apply theoretical knowledge and develop practical teaching competence. Its importance in the practice element of teacher education programmes has given rise to a considerable amount of attention to its potential in research. However, there has been little or no research on pair microteaching, which is exploited as a circumstantial compromise and innovation. This article reports on a small-scale study of the effect of pair microteaching on EFL (English as a foreign language) student teachers’ professional learning. Triangulated sources of data were collected qualitatively to investigate a group of 30 student teachers’ perspectives about their eight-week-long microteaching experience on an English language teaching methodology course. The results show a high level of endorsement of the experience despite the drawbacks of limited practice opportunity and artificiality of the experience. The article concludes that pair microteaching can be a feasible pedagogy in methodology courses that can be supplemented by other forms of direct and indirect school experiences.  相似文献   

我国独立审计存在的问题、成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国独立审计存在审计法律责任的制度缺失、审计职业道德失范、审计风险意识缺乏、审计监督机制失效等问题。产生的原因有:独立审计不独立;审计失信成本低;审计舞弊难起诉;审计违规处罚轻;审计环境比较差;地方政府庇护。解决这些问题,应重构独立审计的法律责任制度,增强审计人员的法律意识;构筑独立审计职业道德体系,加强审计职业道德教育;建立政府监管机制,重塑独立审计的良好形象;完善行业自我监管机制,规范独立审计的执业行为。  相似文献   

我国对高等教育的监督只有行政监督机制以及不规范的、有限的社会监督,社会监督虽已被引入但监督不力,我国尚未建立起社会对高等学校依法提高管理水平和教育质量的有效的监督机制。本文通过总结我国高等教育监督的发展过程与现状,指出了对高等教育社会监督存在的主要问题,从建立高等教育社会监督机制的原则、社会监督机制的主要构成、加快社会监督立法与依法监督、完善社会监督机构和形式建设等四个方面,提出了构建高等教育社会监督机制的建议。  相似文献   

英国的学校发展性教育督导经验对于我国的督导实践探索具有较强的借鉴意义。 结合对英国的督导学习考察经历,发现学校教育、依法督导、教育质量、督导活动、督导结果和督学队伍六个要素对于学校发展性教育督导的有效实施非常关键。 文章介绍了英国学校在这六个方面的具体做法,这些做法值得我们在督导实践中借鉴。本文还结合上述六个要素就我国的督导工作给出了建议。  相似文献   

教育督导制度是我国教育的一项基本制度,在职业教育改革与发展中所起的宏观调控作用比较显著。实施职业教育督导应以《教育督导暂行规定》为依据,从职业教育的性质、特点出发,抓住大力发展职业教育的机遇,采取点面结合的督导方式,按不同办学体制和学校类型分层推进,逐步提高职业教育督导的理论水平。  相似文献   

Teacher education is constantly being renewed in response to continuous social, economic and technological changes. In 2008, teacher education in Iceland was extended from a three-year to a five-year master's degree program and this significantly increased the number of students at the master's level. To respond to these changes, 3 university-based teacher educators organized collaborative supervisory meetings for 18 master's students during the school years 2012–2014. We used self-study methodology to analyze our progress and inspire our development as supervisors. The goal was to gain a better understanding of how we learn together in collaborative supervision and to develop, adapt, and change our teaching and learning practices. Data included reflective notes and journals, recordings of students' and supervisors' meetings, e-mails, tickets out of class, and material from Moodle. Constant analysis of data was conducted with personal reflection and collective discussion, using theories to scrutinize data. Our findings show that, by working together on supervisory issues, we expanded our resources, strengthened our collaboration and trust, developed our professional identities, and improved our collective supervisory efficacy. We discovered that self-study provided an in-between space for us to explore cultures, roles, and visions as we collaboratively contested, defined and recreated our roles as supervisors.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,监理行业的竞争日益激烈。但是,由于市场不规范,监理事业始终处于一种低水平发展趋势,监理工作大多维持在成本线以下运转,给监理“三控”(质量控制、工期控制、投资控制)工作带来很多不便,大大削弱了“控制”,“协调”等职能,长期下去必将产生恶性循环,影响工程质量,影响工程投资效益,影响工程的按时完成,进而防碍监理事业的健康发展。本文就规范监理市场行为、提高监理成效方面谈几点看法并提出解决问题的途径和方法,以期提高建设管理水平,完善建设项目管理体制,推进监理事业向着健康和规范化方向发展。  相似文献   

将计划行为理论应用到微格教学中,通过端正师范生的训练态度、提升主观规范能力和自觉控制微格训练行为,达到提高微格教学技能水平的目的。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the characteristics of women discipline supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel, through their professional development to their attainment of senior supervisory posts. It examines how they attain supervision posts and perform various managerial functions in what is considered a male role, in a patriarchal society, highlighting changes they introduce. In-depth interviews elucidated the life stories of four women supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel. Findings point up the need for a policy of gender equality in role appointments, and the need for mentoring and support to encourage women to undertake senior roles in education.  相似文献   

This paper presents our theorizing about the complex nature of higher degree research supervision. The intent is to make a contribution to the current debates about higher education generally, and supervision of higher degree research students in particular. We add to the pedagogy of supervision by extending its scope to and beyond the supervisory relationship via our tripartite view of supervision. We see supervision as a creative, synergistic relationship interweaving activities concerning (1) the student, (2) knowledge and (3) the research project. From our perspective, the discourse of supervision has been relatively silent on this third element until now.  相似文献   

教学督导工作作为高校教学质量监控体系的一个重要组成部分,已日益引起各高校的重视。本文从当前高校教学督导工作中存在的问题出发,对加强教学督导工作提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

教育评估——德国高等教育界推崇的监督模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章在介绍联邦德国高等教育监督的权限、内容以及传统类型法律监督和专业监督的基础上。分析了德国高教领域把评估作为监督手段从接受到推崇的历史原因及现实背景,并重点总结、归纳和分析了德国高等教育评估的组织形式、宗旨、任务、种类和过程划分。  相似文献   

高校环境的巨大变化,给高校的监督工作带来严峻的挑战。高校应积极整合内部、外部监督资源,以强化对高校权力运行的监督。高校监督资源的整合可以通过保持政府对高校的合理控制、加强党内监督、引进社会力量监督、发挥教职工民主监督作用、建立监督委员会、加强审计监督、加大监督意见的整改落实力度等途径展开。  相似文献   

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