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This study focuses on how different educational programmes contribute to student teachers efficacy for classroom management and their abilities to provide learning opportunities and good classroom outcomes. Data were gathered from 491 student teachers attending different teacher education programmes in Norway and analysed via structural equation modelling. The results revealed the following: (1) problem behaviour in the classroom has a negative effect on student teacher efficacy, (2) students' perceptions of the integration of pedagogic knowledge and practice supports students' efficacy beliefs, (3) support from supervisors contributes positively to student teachers' efficacy beliefs, and (4) student teachers in university college programmes for primary school teaching report higher teacher efficacy than students in university programmes for secondary school teaching.  相似文献   

课堂教学从本质上说是一种”沟通“和“合作”的活动。如何使我们的教学更有成效,使我们的学生得到应有的发展,是新一轮的基础教育改革必须面对的一个问题。师生互动的教学过程既充分发挥教师的主导作用又充分调动学生的主体性,教师只有进行有效的课堂教学互动,才能产生课堂效益。  相似文献   

This article adds to the existing body of data that demonstrates how the use of in-depth case studies that include social episode analysis can deepen the teaching students’ and researchers’ understanding of the perceptions and skills needed for Classroom Management (CM). In this article, CM is defined as a meta-skill that integrates cognitive perceptions (proactive, ecological-systemic, and leadership-oriented), self-regulation skills, and interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. CM is also perceived as a cyclical process that includes advance planning, implementation, assessment during the implementation, and a final evaluation that takes into account factors related to the children and their environment, intended to bring about progress in the activities carried out for the learning and emotional well-being of the children in the class. Two cases showing opposite positions with regard to social-moral CM were selected from 34 cases documented by second-year, 4-year-track, preservice teaching students enrolled in a CM course in Israel in the spring of 2008. One case shows how, guided by the desire to ensure a child’s well-being, a student developed perceptions and skills related to all components of the CM theoretical framework. The other case shows how opportunities were missed to learn and develop a social-moral, complex, CM perception. Based on an analysis of the two cases, the discussion examines the usefulness of case studies in teacher training and offers insights related to improved teacher training.  相似文献   

Classroom activities were observed and audiotaped in four schools for pupils with moderate learning difficulties. Teacher talk which encouraged reflection by pupils was identified and categorised. Characteristic teacher styles emerged which differed mainly in the extent to which they encouraged pupils to reflect, by justification, explanation and metacognition, for example. Teacher styles in classroom interaction were related to their views on the nature and source of their pupils’ learning difficulties and on the role of cognitive challenge in helping their school achievement.  相似文献   

The problem of this research was to determine whether training teachers with the Utah State University Protocol Modules brought about significant changes in teaching performance and related pupil outcomes. Twenty-eight in-service elementary school teachers were randomly assigned to two groups. One group was trained in the classroom management modules (Group A), the other in the self-concept modules (Group B). Before and after treatment, teachers and their pupils in both groups were observed in their own classrooms on performance variables related to both sets of modules. Pupils were also administered two self-concept measures. Since the two sets of modules deal with different teacher behavior, this design permitted each group to serve as control for the other group. Results indicated that Group A teachers had significantly more favorable post-treatment means than Group B teachers on 7 of the 13 classroom management skills. Group B teachers had significantly more favorable post-treatment means on 11 of 12 behaviors covered in the self-concept modules. Pupils in Group A classrooms made significant reductions in both mildly deviant and seriously deviant behavior. No significant changes in pupil self-concept test scores occurred.  相似文献   

教育公平是时下热门的话题,而作为教育有机组成部分的课堂教学中的均衡与公平,则是与学生联系紧密、学生受益最直接的一部分。文章就当前课堂教学中的不公平现象进行分析,并从课堂教学的主导者——教师身上寻找出解决不公平问题的对策,从而更好地做到课堂教学的公平。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of teacher misbehaviors and caring on students' affect, teacher evaluation, and teacher competence and trustworthiness. After reading hypothetical scenarios of teachers engaging in appropriate (or inappropriate) behaviors and communicating caring (or non-caring), students reported perceptions of teacher competence and trustworthiness and affect. Results of the analysis of variance revealed significant main effects for teacher caring and appropriateness on teacher competence and trustworthiness. Although there were interaction effects, the variance accounted for was minimal. Teacher caring was also positively related to students' affect toward the course and the teacher. This study demonstrates that teachers should maintain appropriate classroom behavior and communicate caring towards students to preserve their credibility and affect in the classroom.  相似文献   

目前,课堂问题行为表现愈加突显,主要存在如下成因:教师的教育教学失策、学生身心发展的不平衡、教育教学环境的不良。对此,教师应该明晰成因,进行精准施策,提前控制,做好预防;管控课堂,适时终止;及时矫正,促使改正;社区渗入,合力共治。  相似文献   

人的品德是由道德观念、道德情感和道德行为所构成的,美国心理学家J.Rest认为,道德行为的产生经历了解释个人面临的道德情境、作出道德判断、进行道德抉择和履行道德行动计划等一系列复杂的过程。道德行为的形成反映了个体社会化的过程,是价值(行为规范)内化的结果,是在家  相似文献   

高师小学教育专业学生由于面对的教育对象的特殊性 ,必然要求他们要运用课堂纪律管理技能来驾驭好课堂纪律 ,保证课堂教学的良好秩序 ,这也是提高师范生课堂教学质量 ,使他们的从教能力得到锻炼的前提条件之一。因此 ,加强师范生课堂纪律管理技能知识的学习和培养训练是十分重要的。  相似文献   

努力提高幼儿的生活自理能力和社会适应能力是幼儿园的重要教养任务之一。根据陶行知"生活即教育"理念,在幼儿园中大班班级管理中,充分利用"小老师"角色的作用,不仅能锻炼幼儿的管理能力,强化幼儿的自律意识,发挥幼儿的个性特长,而且能有效提高班级的管理效率。  相似文献   

This paper opens with a debate about the importance of care in education and the author suggests it is not near the heart of current policy. He then explores some of the special challenges for care and this includes a focus on some pupils whose need for care is extra great. He then highlights key aspects of secondary–school management including issues around the curriculum, assessment, the role of pastoral leader, the use of ICT and the use of support staff. He uses his range of experience to critically review developments since his first writing on this topic in the 1970s.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to trace the dynamic processes involved in the establishment and maintenance of teacher‐pupil relationships and to explore some of the frameworks to be found at the level of face‐to‐face interaction. The article draws upon a qualitative study of one‐to‐one adult literacy tuition (Braund, 1981), which utilises the perspectives, experiences and definitions of grass‐roots participants to provide illumination and insight into an essentially ‘closed’ world. To these everyday interpretations, concepts from social phenomenology and symbolic interactionism are applied. The study reveals the stage by stage evolution of tutor‐student relationships during which individual interpretations and definitions of the situation are combined through negotiation to form a tailor‐made working concensus within each dyad. It goes on to show how the seeds of change contained within each relationship cause it to be in a state of constant evolution leading ultimately to its metamorphosis or termination. This emerging pattern, or relationship ‘career’, provides a framework to an apparently unstructured situation and it is the analysis of this process which forms the basis of the paper.  相似文献   

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