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"入园贵、入园难"是我国学前教育突出的难题,建设普惠性幼儿园是破解这一难题的有效路径。普惠性幼儿园建设标准是能够保证普惠性幼儿园正常运行和发展的条件标准。普惠性幼儿园的建设原则是"够用、适用",不追求豪华和特色,以为大众和低收入家庭的幼儿提供保底的、基本的早期教育为目的。  相似文献   

The purpose of teachers, teaching, and the curriculum in schools is to promote learning. Attempts to clarify teacher effectiveness in relation to pupil learning where they exist in past literature have been notably ambiguous. Rather global measures by headteachers, college tutors and inspectors have been used instead, or dimensions have been extracted from detailed observations of classroom interaction. Reasons for recent concern with evaluation of the applicability of the teacher's training, method or lesson content to his task are advanced, and it is argued that once the dimensions of children's learning that are to be the specific responsibility of the school are defined, criteria for successful learning could be evolved by teachers along each dimension. Assessment and interpretations would, however, need to involve wide considerations of the concepts of learning, behaviour, interest, motivation etc., and this, although an enormous task, must be done.  相似文献   

The language children hear presents them with a multitude of co-occurrences between words and things in the world, and they must repeatedly determine which among these manifold co-occurrences is relevant. Social factors—such as cues regarding the speaker's referential intent—might serve as one guide to whether word-object covariation should be registered. In 2 studies, infants (15–20 months and 18–20 months in Studies 1 and 2, respectively) heard novel labels at a time when they were investigating a single novel object; in one case the label was uttered by a speaker seated within the infant's view and displaying concurrent attention to the novel toy (coupled condition), whereas in the other case the label emanated from a speaker seated out of the infant's view (decoupled condition). In both studies, subsequent comprehension questions indicated that infants of 18–20 months registered a stable link between label and object in the coupled condition, but not in the decoupled condition, despite the fact that covariation between label and object was equivalent in the 2 conditions. Thus, by 18–20 months children are inclined to establish a mapping between word and object only when a speaker displays signs of referring to that object.  相似文献   

教育论文可分为一般论文和特殊论文两类,两类论文有其不同特征。但两类论文的撰写,实质上都是提出问题、分析(或陈述)问题、解决(或回答)问题的过程。据此,我们可以探讨两类论文共同的评价标准。对教育论文的评价,一般认为有五个评价标准。这五个评价标准有其特定的内涵,它们是评价一篇教育论文是否优良的基本依据。  相似文献   

笔者从构筑学习环境及学习机制的角度出发,创建了学习型组织的测评指标体系。指标体系各部分呈“人”型结构。其中,企业文化是组织学习的环境,指导观念是“组织学习人”’的“大脑”,组织学习机制是“组织学习人”的“身体”,领导者和组织成员是“组织学习人”的“双脚”,组织结构和信息技术是“组织学习人”的“双手”。这七个部分为组织学习构筑了良好的学习环境和学习机制,构成了测评学习型组织创建效果的指标体系。  相似文献   

Pressures on colleges and universities have spawned numerous studies to improve our understanding of faculty and their worklives, including examinations of faculty satisfaction, morale, motivation and productivity, reward, and retention and turnover. In response to external pressures for improved accountability in higher education, institutional leaders seek to identify outcome measures and generate benchmarks that can be used to assess change over time. The purpose of this study is to propose a structural model of faculty worklife and to test its generalizability by examining possible differences in the model across three cross-sectional samples of probationary faculty at a major research university. Identified trends in faculty perceptions about their worklife over time can be used as benchmarks to aid institutions in retaining faculty by monitoring and improving aspects of their worklives.  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是利用金融手段完善我国普通高校资助政策体系,加大对经济困难学生资助力度所采取的一项重大措施.运行中存在问题是当前市场经济法制不健全、社会信用部分失范的必然结果.要形成大学生助学贷款良性运行机制,必须建立国家、银行、高校、学生与社会"五位一体"的联合保障机制.最重要的是应尽快建立全国性的以居民身份证号码为依托的"全国大学生信用网",并以此作为建立全国性的信用机制的开端.要在全社会形成一种讲诚信光荣、不讲诚信可耻的持久氛围,让信用缺失者无论在何处都要为自己的行为付出代价.此外还应大力发展学生生源所在地贷款业务.  相似文献   


A 41-item self-rating inventory was developed for the purpose of determining whether such an instrument could be used to identify groups of children differing in curiosity as effectively as could combined teacher and peer rating. An estimated reliability of .91 had been obtained for the instrument by using the split-half method. The instrument was administered to groups of children differing in curiosity level who had been selected from 577 fifth-grade pupils attending suburban middle class schools. The groups were controlled for intelligence and had been subdivided by sex. In all cases, the differences between the means of high-curiosity children and the means of low-curiosity children were significant at the .05 level or better.  相似文献   

Accurate equating results are essential when comparing examinee scores across exam forms. Previous research indicates that equating results may not be accurate when group differences are large. This study compared the equating results of frequency estimation, chained equipercentile, item response theory (IRT) true‐score, and IRT observed‐score equating methods. Using mixed‐format test data, equating results were evaluated for group differences ranging from 0 to .75 standard deviations. As group differences increased, equating results became increasingly biased and dissimilar across equating methods. Results suggest that the size of group differences, the likelihood that equating assumptions are violated, and the equating error associated with an equating method should be taken into consideration when choosing an equating method.  相似文献   

关于构建电大学生满意度测评指标体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在调查研究的基础上评判了各项满意度指标,并运用专家评定辅之以经验加权的方法确立各项指标的权重,建立了一套客观可行的电大学生满意度测评指标体系,并在一所县级电大试用,具有较高的信度和效度。  相似文献   

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is considered as one of the classics among children's literature. His curiosity wins love, especially boys' and girls' for Tom Sawyer is the reflection of themselves.  相似文献   

影响"学生评教"的因素及改进措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生评教属形成性评价,而高校在实施中往往更重视评教的终结性功能,很少关注对教师教学技能提高的形成性功能。甚至直接把形成性评价的结果用于终结性评价的目的,把评教结果直接与教师的利益挂钩,导致教师的抵触情绪及学生评教的失真,学生评教的形成性评价目的很难实现。本文就“学生评教”中存在的问题进行探讨,并提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

合理多样的评价体系是提高素质教育的一个重要内容。目前存在的学校教育评价体系的失误和社会人才选拔方面评价体系的弊端亟待解决,应从树立正确的人才观和质量观,建立合理且多样的评价体系、重视激励的作用以及管理者要信奉无为而治的思想等几方面入手进行调整。  相似文献   

由于城乡二元发展模式的长期影响,我国城乡间经济与社会发展差距巨大,城乡发展不均衡,教育发展也不均衡。随着和谐社会理念的深入人心和社会主义新农村建设的大力开展,如何切实保障和全面提高农村教育质量,使农村儿童逐步享有与城市儿童同等的受教育机会和教育条件,成为当前亟待解决的教育问题。建设一支高素质的扎根农村的标准化教师队伍,是提高农村教育质量的关键。  相似文献   

公允的收入、成本确认方法对企业集团经营业绩评价有重大影响 ;投资额的计价以及投资的范围确定也影响集团的业绩评价。  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦现行高等教育行政管理机构及组织体系下,巴基斯坦高等学校设置制度的构建缘起、设置程序及标准具有一定的特色.研究发现,巴基斯坦高等学校设置程序围绕申请、审核、考察、赋权等四个环节进行,具备系统的设置标准,涵盖师资队伍建设、设备场地规范、经费使用、管理若干方面.巴基斯坦高等学校设置制度较为完备,符合本国国情,利益主体均衡,标准刚柔相济,但也存在重硬件、轻科研,未能为高等教育国际化纵深发展预留对接平台,以及“一刀切”色彩过重等问题.  相似文献   

李艳  吉梅 《教育与考试》2011,(3):81-84,93
教师权威是合法化的教师权力。中国经济的快速发展促使高校教师权威结构中传统教师权威、法定权威开始弱化,教师感召权威、专业权威的影响力逐渐提升。与中老年教师相比,高校青年教师由于年龄、阅历、心理等诸多方面不同的特征,构建教师权威显得更为必要。  相似文献   

龙榆生创办《词学季刊》,将其定位成以词学研究为主的专业性杂志,在确定作者人选范围、确立与读者取得沟通方式的编辑思想主导下,推出"创刊号",实现他的编辑意旨;而后着力搞好编辑与作者间的协作,以利于期刊的持续发展;为读者着想,争取读者参与到期刊编辑工作中来。《词学季刊》的出版,为词学研究期刊编辑史上留下了浓厚的一笔。  相似文献   

好奇心的理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
好奇心是重要的人格特征,同个体的学习以及创造力的发展有密切关系.在简要叙述了好奇心的概念、问题的由来及好奇心研究意义的基础上,重点对有关好奇心的理论进行了介绍,并对这些理论进行了综合评价.  相似文献   

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