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Clare Wood 《教育心理学》1999,19(3):277-286
ABSTRACT A review of current literature into children's use of orthographic analogies during reading results in an apparent contradiction: that normal readers’ ability to draw such analogies is not predicted by their prior phonological awareness (Muteret al., 1994), rather by their reading experience and proficiency (Bowey and Underwood, 1996), but that dyslexic children are less able to draw these analogies because of theirlack of phonological awareness (Hanleyet al., 1997). It is suggested that in the absence of extensive reading experience, a combination of analogous problem‐solving ability and phonological awareness may be necessary for the successful use of orthographic analogies during reading. To assess this possibility, 70 children of limited reading experience and ability were assessed on phonemic awareness, their ability to make visual analogies and use orthographic analogies when reading. Phonemic awareness was able to account for 14% of the variance in reading ability. Phonemic awareness also accounted for 40% of the variance in children's orthographic analogy scores, and the ability to make visual analogies accounted for another 5%. It was also found that the ability to make orthographic analogies does not account for variance in reading ability scores once phonemic awareness has been taken into account.  相似文献   

培养“问题解决”能力要从精选问题题材、剖析问题本质、有效类比转化、注重非逻辑思维、加强回顾评价、构造问题体系及提高教师素质等方而着手,以切实提高学生学习数学的能力。  相似文献   

大学生问题解决能力培养研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在总结国内外学术界关于问题解决能力研究成果的基础上,运用现代认知学习理论,分析研究了大学生问题解决的过程或程序,问题解决的能力构成和思维模式等理论问题;在此基础上,提出改进和提高大学生问题解决能力的途径,主要应通过实施问题解决的教学模式,倡导研究性学习,开展专项能力培训以及提高思维技能的实践活动四方面开展.  相似文献   

谈职业核心能力中解决问题的能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业核心能力培训的全面展开,迫切需要对其子项进行深入地研究。人们对问题及问题解决已有的理解不能延及到职业活动领域。现行培训中解决问题的程序和能力还需要进一步完善。预见和发现问题、面对问题的态度、对问题解决的品质评估也应是解决问题的能力和程序中的重要部分。在解决问题的能力培训中,既需要抓住解决问题的通则,同时还需要从教学角度出发.将区别于其它职业能力的部分作为能力培训的重点。  相似文献   

The relationship between cognitive style, achievement motives and problem solving performance was investigated. Two insight problems of the practical construction type were employed as criterion variables in Study 1, and five analytic insight problems were used as criterion variables in Study 2. In Study 1, 44 males and 43 females, aged 17 to 21 years, from a senior high school participated as subjects. In Study 2, 179 female and 96 male students from the same population were employed as subjects. In both studies, Assimilators profited from having high Ms scores, while there was a decrease for Explorers with higher Ms scores. The pattern of findings supports Atkinson's hypothesis (1980) of optimal motivation.  相似文献   

PISA:解决问题技能的界定与测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际学生评价项目(The ProgrammeInternational Student Assessment,以下简称PISA)是由经合组织(OECD)发起组织实施的,以15岁年龄为取样,每三年举行一次,通过阅读、科学、数学等领域的测试以便于各国进行比较的国际性比较评价项目。2000年国际学生评价项目就阅读、科学、数学等  相似文献   

右脑对创造性问题解决的贡献:来自国外的研究证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
右脑开发和创造性培养是当前教育和心理学界的两大热点。国外关于右脑对创造性问题解决的贡献,主要表现为非语言依赖性、避免固有成见、获得次要性解释、认知结构重建诸方面。这些研究成果对进一步研究创造教育有启示。  相似文献   

问题图式在物理问题解决教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据认知心理学研究中提出的问题图式及构成要素,阐述物理问题解决教学的目标、教学方案,并通过具体的教学实例呈现教学方案的实施。  相似文献   

分析了PLC技术在实际工程应用中容易出现的问题,阐述了高职学生专业能力培养的重要性,提出了培养学生解决实际工程技术问题能力的具体措施。  相似文献   

通过实验给出了克服认识障碍,构建良好的认识结构,从而提高学生解决实际问题能力的若干途径。  相似文献   

问题解决能力是幼儿在数学学习中需要具备的一种能力。文章以大班数学集体教学活动"一起‘寻宝’"为例,分析了如何在数学活动中培养幼儿的问题解决能力,具体包括:创设源于生活的问题情境引发幼儿的问题意识,通过不同层次的提问引导幼儿发现需要解决的问题,善于倾听和等待为幼儿表达而留白,借助实物和动作帮助幼儿验证假设,运用数学语言帮助幼儿深度建构数学认知等。  相似文献   

从应用题到解决问题,这绝不仅是名称上的变化.弄清楚这其中变化的实质,有助于我们更好地继承应用题教学宝贵的、成功的经验,也有助于我们更好地开展解决问题的教学.该文立足于应用题和解决问题的内涵,探讨解决问题的教育价值,并结合当今小学数学教学实际,提出了解决问题的教学建议.  相似文献   

个体差异是二语习得过程中的一个重要因素。个体差异因素中包括年龄、性别、语言学能、动机、人格、学习风格和学习策略,其中最主要的是学习动机。文中主要论述的是国内国外的动机分类,影响动机的因素,动机对二语习得的影响以及激发学习动机的策略。  相似文献   

不确定性问题是答案无法被准确预知的问题。培养大学生解决不确定性问题能力,是当代社会对大学生素质的迫切要求,是提高大学生活质量的必要保障。强化大学生的直觉策略训练,培养大学生的创新型人格,发展大学生的选择能力,是培养大学生解决不确定性问题能力的有效教育策略。  相似文献   

承载数学知识的数学符号是自成体系的,不仅具有文字语言、符号语言、图表语言三种等价的符号形式,而且具有基本意义、转换意义、联想意义等六种不同的符号意义。数学符号的这种特点决定了数学符号意义获得能力具有多元性、层次性、发展性。在数学问题解决教学中,培养学生的符号意义获得能力一般包括符号的识别与切分、符号意义的联想与发现、符号意义的整合与优化、符号的操作与表征四个阶段。  相似文献   


The present study replicated an earlier analysis of teacher-raters’ judgments of quality of writing affected by a sentence-combining (SC) treatment (5). It also examined similar judgments of free writing samples collected eight weeks after the treatment period, /-test analysis of results (employing a matched-pairs design) confirmed the findings of earlier studies and showed that differences in judgments of quality at posttest remain significantly different at the delayed posttest. Thus, even though gains in syntactic maturity erode significantly, gains in judgments of quality apparently do not.  相似文献   

中学生工作记忆资源分配策略的研究结果表明:(1)随着问题难度的增加,首次内部思考时间也在增加.在解决简单问题时,学优生与学困生的首次内部思考时间没有显著差异,但是在解决中等题和难题时,学优生与学困生的首次内部思考时间存在显著差异.(2)学优生使用外部策略的总频数呈现随着数学问题难度的增大而增加的趋势,而学困生使用外部策略的频数呈下降的趋势.这说明,较学困生而言,学优生能够较合理地利用工作记忆资源.  相似文献   

Representations are used extensively in mathematics and translation ability is highly correlated with success in mathematics education. The authors investigate the translation ability of university students as far as the concept of function is concerned. The research focuses on the relationship between success in, solving direct translation tasks and success in solving problems by articulating different representations of the concept of function. Furthermore, it examines the relationship between student performance and the nature of the representation included in the translation task. The ability to pass from one representation to another was associated with success in problem solving. These results indicate that translation ability should be considered as an important factor in problem solving. Percentages are lower when an iconic representation is included in the translation task. This could be partly attributed to the holistic nature of iconic representations and to the way the concept of function is taught at secondary schools.  相似文献   

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