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对抽象行政行为进行行政诉讼具有必要性和可行性,但仅仅扩大行政诉讼的范围,而不建立行政公诉制度,将会收效甚微。确立行政公诉的涵义、主体,探讨进行行政公诉制度的必然性,是创建抽象行政行为公诉制度的前提。  相似文献   

行动研究对外语教师的自我职业发展具有重要的指导作用,为教师在外语教学理论与实践方面的探索提供了切实可行的方法,外语教师应将这两者有机地结合起来,带着研究者、批判者的眼光去对待教学活动.通过对自身教学行为的反思,外语教师可以改变教学观念,提高教学教育质量.  相似文献   

文章从行政处分无效、撤销和补正的基本含义着手,阐明了它们之间的关系,并对行政处分无效、撤销和补正的理论基础进行了简要的分析,为行政处分的相关制度的建立提供了理论支撑,用列举和比较的方法。阐述了国外有关行政处分无效、撤销和补正的规定,为我国相关制度的建立提供了法律基础。文章介绍了我国行政处分的无效、撤销和补正的现状,并提出了建立我国行政处分的无效、撤销和补正相关制度的建议。  相似文献   

传统行政诉讼只能对具体行政行为提起行政诉讼,这种模式无法解决抽象行政行为致公益受损进行保护的问题。从我国现行法律规定和现实需要出发,重点探讨将抽象行政行为纳入到行政公益诉讼受案范围的可能性和现实性。  相似文献   

刑事可罚性是判断教师惩戒行为犯罪与否的重要标准。一般而言,教师惩戒行为可能被认定为法令行为、被害人承诺或者正当业务行为而排除其刑事可罚性。其中,法令行为中的"权利行为"强调教师的职业与专业特性,更符合教师惩戒行为的正当化要求。教师惩戒行为的正当化依据主要有目的说、法益衡量说和社会相当性说。相较之,"社会相当性说"注重对学生权利的保护和教育秩序的追求,更具包容性和实用性。教师惩戒行为的正当化构成需要满足"指向学生特定的偏差行为"、"主体是从事教育、管理的教师"、"以教育学生为目的"、"遵守教育法律法规"、"不能超出必要限度"五个要件,反之则有入罪之可能。  相似文献   

Action research is a form of professional inquiry in which the teacher's role is seen as key to educational improvement. This paper describes methodologies developed by the Logo Action Research Collaborative – a national network linking 100 teachers at nine sites – that facilitate and support collaborative inquiry by teachers into their own teaching practices, in order to understand, improve, develop, and incorporate new forms of student assessment, teaching methods, and curriculum. The project focused on the Logo computer language, a powerful learning environment for problem‐solving and mathematical inquiry. The authors provide background information on action research as an evolving discipline. They identify three phases of a year‐long action research cycle, and describe key strategies developed by the project to support teachers in taking on a research frame of mind, identifying areas of concern, and undertaking and completing action research projects. The paper includes several illustrative examples of action research investigations undertaken by teachers, and demonstrates the benefits to the students and teachers involved. It closes by making a case for the potential contribution of action research to current educational reform initiatives and school restructuring.  相似文献   

刘洋 《海外英语》2013,(16):75-76
Theory and practice, researchers and practitioners are usually isolated in traditional education research, so much so that the research results can not solve the problems that teachers encounter in their teaching practice. As a new mode, action research provides a bridge linking theory and teaching practice as well as a way to promote teacher development.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

班主任危机表现为教师害怕或拒绝担当班主任、工作技能欠缺及教育方式简单,其成因主要有教师职业倦怠、不合理的评价体系、生存与工作压力以及媒体的过度关注等。针对班主任危机,可采用制度管理、合作管理、培训管理、人性化管理等策略。  相似文献   

接纳冲突:当代教师面对师生冲突   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类社会发展经历过三种冲突观:传统冲突观、人际关系冲突观和相互作用冲突观。人们对待冲突的态度也经历了因惧怕而回避冲突、接纳冲突、自觉利用冲突的正面功能三个阶段。冲突是民主社会的特征之一,冲突具有不可忽视的正面功能,接纳冲突是当代教师应具有的冲突观。在接纳冲突的基础上,教师可以利用冲突处理策略妥善解决师生冲突。  相似文献   

时芸  郭海燕 《教学研究(河北)》2007,30(3):214-216,248
从梳理行动研究的历史发展入手,分析了行动研究的特点,着重探讨了行动研究对于教师专业发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

The educational community has, in recent times, abandoned a quantitative approach to research on teaching, characterized by process-product research, for a focus on naturalistic inquiry and the use of qualitative research methods. Major changes in research directions are accompanied in time by an integration process, that is, attempts to assimilate new knowledge with an already existing knowledge base. Attempts to integrate process-product research on teaching with more recent work have been impeded by major assumptions in research paradigms that have made the two directions seeming antagonists in the pursuit of knowledge. This paper explores the potential of integrating the results of earlier research on teaching with recent work stemming from both naturalistic inquiry and theoretical work in cognitive science. Major directions and issues are examined for their compatibility and ability to contribute to a broader perspective of the teaching/leaming process and teacher education.  相似文献   

教师发展通常指教师的智力、经验及观点的可持续性发展,其基础是不断对自己的教学过程以及教学理论进行反思,行动研究是解决教师发展问题的有效途径,通过参与行动研究可使大学英语教师提高自身素质。达到教师发展的目的。  相似文献   

通过分析教育行动研究的内涵,结合教育行动研究对教师专业发展的影响和作用,阐明教育行动研究是推动教师专业化发展的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

大学英语教师应开展行动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行动研究是提高大学英语教师科研能力、促进大学英语教师队伍专业化发展的有效途径,是推进和深化大学英语教学改革的重要保证。大学英语教师开展行动研究不仅要加强理论学习,还应该积极和他人进行合作,培养合作精神。  相似文献   

抽象行政行为就其本质属性而言 ,具有可诉性 ;抽象行政行为违宪、违法 ,较具体行政行为更具有危险性和破坏性。唯有开放抽象行政行为诉讼 ,才能更为及时且切实有效地维护相对人的合法权益  相似文献   

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