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我国正处于经济转型时期,货币流动性、利率、通货膨胀及股票市场都具有不同于其他国家的特点。文章选取2005年1月至2013年6月月度数据,实证分析所选变量之间的关系,得出我国股票市场存在以下特点:货币流动性过剩、利率、通货膨胀对股票市场泡沫形成具有较强的作用机制;股票市场泡沫对通货膨胀、利率影响明显,对货币流动性过剩影响并不明显;通货膨胀、货币流动性过剩对股票市场泡沫的影响要比利率对股票市场泡沫的影响更大。这一研究结论可以为国家宏观经济政策的制定和股票市场投资者确定投资策略提供参考。  相似文献   

Three studies compared the common Likert agree/disagree question form to a behavioural observation form in which students report recalled frequencies of described teaching or learning events. The agree/disagree form seemed to prompt global, impressionistic approaches to responding, while the behavioural observation form seemed to prompt more objective approaches. Between‐student response consistency was greater for the behavioural observation form than for the agree/disagree form. Across separate samples of teaching, mean overall ratings derived from behavioural observation form questionnaires spread more broadly than did those from agree/ disagree forms. Across separate elements within an individual's teaching, the ratings from the behavioural observation form spread more than those from the agree/disagree form. The conclusions drawn were that using behavioural observation form questions rather than agree/disagree questions in teaching evaluation questionnaires can yield measurable improvements in inter‐rater reliability and in the capability to distinguish amongst levels of teaching quality.  相似文献   

我国股票市场历经十多年的发展,已逐渐成为影响货币政策的一个不可忽视的因素。股票市场发展对货币政策的挑战已经成为我国金融体制转轨过程中货币政策无法回避的现实问题,因此我国在实施货币政策时要关注金融资产价格,进一步推进利率市场化改革,开辟证券市场与货币市场之间资金合理流动的联系渠道,从而提高货币政策的有效性。  相似文献   

The Impact of Lottery Incentives on Student Survey Response Rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lottery incentives are widely used by institutional researchers despite a lack of research documenting the effectiveness of postpaid incentives in general and lottery incentives in particular. A controlled experiment tested the effects of lottery incentives using a prospective college applicant Web survey, with e-mails sent to more than 9,000 high school students. The impact of the level of lottery incentive on response rates and response bias is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether high performers performed better (a) under individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay and (b) under individual incentive pay than under group incentive pay. Participants were 11 college students. An ABCDC within‐subject design was used in which A was hourly pay with individual feedback, B was individual incentives with individual feedback, C was individual incentives with individual and group feedback, and D was group incentives with individual and group feedback. Participants performed better under both individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay (p<.01). They did not significantly decrease performance when switched from individual to group incentives, but increased their performance when switched back to individual incentives (p<.01). Individual incentive pay was rated as the most preferred and most satisfying of the three pay systems, and group incentive pay as the least preferred, least satisfying and most stressful. These data suggest that high performers perform better under individual than group incentive pay after exposure to both and are highly likely to prefer individual incentive pay.  相似文献   

从基于要素密集度不同的两部门例子出发,说明了由于行业自身的异质性,每个行业对同一货币政策冲击的反应各异。利用E-G两步法、ADL模型和基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数分析1995年后中国六个行业对货币政策冲击的反应。结果显示第一、二产业、房地产业对利率政策冲击反应明显,第三产业、餐饮业和批发贸易零售业反应较小。在此基础上简单分析了造成行业反应不同的原因并给出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

学校道德氛围问卷的初步编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献检索、专家访谈、师生访谈等多种途径,编制学校道德氛围调查问卷,为进行学校道德氛围研究提供工具。问卷由“公正”、“关爱”和“宽恕”三个分问卷组成。256名学生参加了问卷调查,结果表明,问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

李乐 《南平师专学报》2010,29(2):108-111
网络虚拟货币并非真正的货币,但在其行使类似货币的职能时,却有可能影响到货币供应量。通过分析,网络虚拟货币在某些使用场合会导致现实中流通的货币供应量增加或减少。针对网络虚拟货币影响货币供应量的方式和途径,最后提出了一些对策性的结论。  相似文献   

货币政策对中国快速经济增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1978年改革开放以来,我国的GDP几乎每年都达到平均高达10%的增长率。在经济全球化的今天,我国的市场经济体制与国际接轨,并且在不断地完善之中。应对全球金融危机,建设有中国特色的社会主义,使得拥有一套独立的、有效的、符合本土客观需要的货币政策制度以保障我国经济稳定而迅速的增长变得日益重要。文章从三个主要经济问题:较高的价格水平(通货膨胀)、人民币重新估值的必要性和疲弱的本土消费需求,来研究货币政策的应用对GDP增长的影响。并且针对这些问题,分析货币政策是如何达到宏观经济调控、控制通货膨胀、增加内需、稳定经济增长、保障进一步实质增长的可能的。  相似文献   

Assessing Response Rates and Nonresponse Bias in Web and Paper Surveys   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Using data collected as part of the second pilot administration of Your First College Year (YFCY), a national survey of first-year college students, this study was designed to examine both response rates and nonresponse bias across four survey administration groups: paper-only, paper with web option, web-only with response incentive, and web-only without response incentive. Findings indicate that response rates vary by mode of administration. Moreover, predictors of response differed by administration group. Results are discussed in light of the recent surge of interest in online survey research.  相似文献   

美国反危机货币政策的特征与效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007-2009年美国金融危机可划分为危机初现阶段与危机爆发后阶段.危机初现阶段美国货币政策明显具有"不作为"的特征,丧失了对次贷进行隔离手术的最后机会,大幅度提高了反危机成本.在危机爆发以后,美国金融市场处境艰难,由于反危机货币政策时滞较长,拖延了拯救进程.对美国反危机货币政策的总体评价是,前期准备不足,后期走向正轨;总体值得肯定,政策时滞尚待解决.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine response rates and bias among a sample of community college students who received a district-wide survey by standard mail or e-mail. Findings suggest that predictors of response and types of responses are not appreciably different across paper and online mail-out samples when these samples are “matched” in terms of key demographics. Rates of response, however, differ by mode of survey administration, gender, and race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

本文研究了添加剂种类和升温速度对气压烧结Si_3N_4陶瓷显微结构的影响。结果表明:只加入Sc_2O_3,升温速度对β—Si_3N_4晶体生长影响甚微。同时加入Sc_2O_3和ZrO_2,升温速度对β—Si_3N_4的晶体形貌影响显著。慢速升温可有效地提高β-Si_3N_4晶体的长径比,并形成长径比大的大晶体镶嵌在细小晶体群之中的显微结构。  相似文献   

龚翠玲 《海外英语》2020,(6):275-276
There are several approaches to data collection, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus groups and so on. This essay will look at two specific methods, interviews and questionnaires. It will involve individual strengths and weaknesses at first and then have a brief clarification of'why'and'when'to use. Finally, this essay will list out some problems that researchers might face during the process.  相似文献   

近年来,为应对美国次贷危机演变而来的经济危机所带来的负面影响,主要发达国家相继采取量化宽松货币政策稳定和刺激经济,对我国外贸产生显著影响。基于此,本文在后危机时代国际货币政策与对外贸易趋同走势分析的基础上,阐释国际货币政策对国际贸易传导机理,采取VAR模型及脉冲响应函数进行实证分析。研究得知后危机时代国际货币政策对我国外贸存在一定滞后影响,在货币供应量、国内生产总值、外汇储备三方面体现尤为明显。最后在宏观政策调节、外贸结构改革、外汇储备利用等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

国内有关体育教师职业认同的研究还处在未进入成熟的发展阶段.多数学者以魏淑华博士在2005年把教师职业认同的结构按照职业认识、职业情感、职业意志、职业技能、职业期望和职业价值观6个维度编制问卷,在已有的关于体育教师职业认同量化研究的问卷调查法中为依据.但在职业认识这一维度中,问卷设立的题目还不能认定出职业认识的总体水平.因此,将按照体育教师的角色特征重新编制问卷,对今后体育教师职业认同的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of issues involved with traditional paper versus online course evaluations. Data were gathered from university faculty, who transitioned from traditional paper to online course evaluations. Faculty preferred traditional course evaluations versus online course evaluations by a small margin. However, faculty overwhelmingly believed that traditional course evaluations result in higher response rates from students. Incentives were also believed by faculty to increase student response rates. Suggestions from faculty on how to improve student response rates are also provided in this article.  相似文献   

开放经济条件下,众多因素影响着汇率的变动,国民收入变动和利率变动对汇率的影响在国际收支说和货币主义模式中有着完全相反的结论,文章从不同角度分析了两种理论模型产生差异的原因.  相似文献   

Collecting feedback from students through course, program and other evaluation questionnaires has become a costly and time consuming process for most colleges. Converting to data collection through the internet, rather than completion on paper, can result in a cheaper and more efficient process. This article examines several research questions which need to be answered to establish that results collected by the two modes of administration are equivalent. Data were gathered for a program evaluation questionnaire from undergraduate students at a university in Hong Kong. Students were able to choose between completion on paper or through the internet. In six of the seven Faculties the number of responses through each mode was roughly the same. Students in the Engineering Faculty favored the internet. Scores on the 14 out of 18 scales in the instrument showed small differences by mode of response, which became smaller still with controls for pertinent demographic variables. The main response question addressed in the study was whether there was any difference in the way respondents to the two modes interpreted the questions. The study demonstrated the equivalence of the two data sets by showing that both could be fitted to a common model with structural equation modeling (SEM). Five levels of tests of invariance further confirmed the comparability of data by mode of administration. This study, therefore suggests that changing to internet collection for course and program evaluations will not affect the comparability of ratings.  相似文献   

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