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In this article, the effects of secondary schools, teachers, and classes on mathematics achievement are explored. The results of multilevel analyses indicate important recruitment differences between schools and classes within schools. After controlling for this, the group composition at the class level remained very important for the explanation of differences in mathematics achievement. Also the learning climate in the class, which correlates positively with group composition, explained an additional part of the variance. The effect of other educational process variables disappeared when group composition variables were entered into the model. At the school level, the proportion of girls was positively related to mathematics achievements. Indications of differential effectiveness of classes and schools and of heteroscedasticity related to SES, average class SES, average class SES, sex, and learning climate were found.  相似文献   

初中生的数学自我概念、数学学习动机和数学成绩之间存在非常显著的正相关.数学自我概念与数学成绩之间的影响具有双向性和动态性,初中生数学自我概念与数学成绩的因果关系主要表现为自我增强模型、交互影响模型及发展观等.数学自我概念和数学学习动机对数学成绩都产生重要的影响,两者对数学成绩都具有预测作用.数学自我概念对数学成绩的影响,一方面是直接的,另一方面是部分通过数学学习动机起作用,中介效应占总效应的比例为43.97%.优生与差生在数学自我概念和数学学习动机上存在显著差异.  相似文献   

韩国中小学生普遍补课,背后的关键假设是补课有利于提高学习成绩,但是补课和成绩的关系究竟如何,目前尚无定论。此外,补课的作用可能因条件而异,有必要更加细致地考察补课对不同群体的作用。本研究基于“国际大型数学与科学趋势研究”(TIMSS)2019八年级测评数据,采用双层次线性模型进行分析,发现韩国八年级学生补课时间越长,数学成绩就越好。在此基础上,如果学生所在学校平均补课时间长,学生成绩将额外增加;这种作用可被该校学生的整体家境组成所部分解释。学生补课时长与成绩的关系既不因学校而异,也不因其学业水平的高低而异;但是学生家庭经济与文化资本越薄弱,补课久与成绩提升的关系越大。本研究还发现,校内数学教师的教学水平能够在一定程度上中和补课与成绩的关系,但是这种作用比较有限。韩国已然形成补课主导的教育生态,补课对成绩有顽强的预测力,其背后反映的是学生与家长在学业竞争中胜出的需求无法在公办教育中得到满足;反过来,韩国的补课市场提供了更加多元化、个性化的教育。  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of peer tutoring in the development of verbal and spatial abilities that helps students attain a high level of academic achievement in geography. Students studying in class VIII of five selected schools took one standardized and three self-made tests. Results indicated that peer tutoring strategy plays a significant role in increasing the verbal and spatial abilities as well as in raising the academic level of students in geography.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between adolescents’ difficulty in mathematics and reading and the influence on academic self-concept and school grades was examined. The participants (N = 585; 299 girls, 286 boys) were one age group of ninth-graders whose mathematics and reading skills were assessed at the end of comprehensive school at age 16 years. Five student profile groups were found using cluster analysis: best achievers, normal achievers (NA), the reading difficulty (RD) group, the mathematical difficulty (MD) group, and the learning difficulty (LD) group. Post-hoc tests revealed that the RD group and the LD group had a higher academic self-concept than the MD group. In school grades history, surprisingly, the NA group and the RD group performed equally well across all school grades. Students in the MD group performed as poorly as the LD group. The results emphasise the prolonged and generalised effects of especially MD on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

注重方法层次的数学阅读是帮助学生进行数学学习的重要手段,可以训练培养其分析推理能力,通过简单的数学案例展示了预读、精读、通读、串读的方法和效果。数学的阅读是一种重要的认知方式,能调动学习的主动性,提高学习效力。  相似文献   

Research was conducted to ascertain if a combined repeated reading and question generation intervention was effective at improving the reading achievement of fourth through eighth grade students with learning disabilities or who were at risk for reading failure. Students were assigned to a treatment or control group via a stratified random sampling. Instructional components and training were based on best practices reported in the literature. Students receiving intervention significantly improved their reading speed and ability to answer inferential comprehension questions on passages that were reread. Compared to the control group, students in the intervention group also made significant gains in oral reading fluency on independent passages.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between attitudes toward reading and reading achievement has been well documented, the causal relationship between these constructs remains unclear.Using longitudinal covariance structure modeling, this study tested the hypothesis that 3 reading-related constructs in the primary grades (2nd-3rd grade) – reading attitude, behavior, and achievement – would predict reading achievement in the 7th grade. Results showed that primary attitude was not correlated with primary achievement yet both had causal paths to 7th-grade achievement, described as a “temporal-interaction” model. The resulting model suggests that while reading attitude and achievement may appear unrelated at the early stages of reading they become more closely linked over time, developing into important causal determinants of reading achievement by early adolescence.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of formal teacher competence on pupils' reading achievement. The data comes from the Swedish participation in PIRLS 2001 in grade 3. Information was obtained from pupils (n = 5271) and teachers (n = 351). The analyses were conducted using 2-level structural equation modeling. Teacher competence was operationalized with multiple observed indicators and defined as a latent variable. Two measures of achievement were used: PIRLS 2001 reading test results and teacher judgement of pupil performance in the Swedish language. The results reveal that teacher competence was positively and similarly related to both achievement measures. No selection effects in terms of pupil socioeconomic status were found. The current study provides evidence for a strong impact of teacher competence on pupil reading achievement.  相似文献   

研究阅读元认知策略对学生数学成绩的影响具有一定的价值和意义。基于PISA2018测试数据,从理解与记忆策略、信息概述策略、信息评鉴策略3个维度,利用多元线性回归模型和分位数回归模型,分析阅读元认知策略对学生数学成绩的影响。研究发现:理解与记忆策略、信息概述策略、信息评鉴策略对学生数学成绩均存在显著的正向影响,其中信息评鉴策略对学生数学成绩的影响最大;理解与记忆策略、信息概述策略、信息评鉴策略对不同能力水平学生数学成绩的影响存在显著的差异性;信息评鉴策略显著扩大了家庭经济社会文化背景对25%分位点及75%分位点处的学生数学成绩的影响。  相似文献   

This quantitative study evaluated the effects of Supplemental Educational Services (SES), a federally mandated component of No Child Left Behind, on student achievement in reading and mathematics. SES provides free tutoring outside school to disadvantaged students who attend Title I schools that are in their third year of failing to achieve adequate yearly progress on state assessments. Data from the fifth year of SES implementation in a large urban school were analyzed to determine if the mostly small and not statistically significant effects obtained in prior years were stronger as the tutoring services acquired additional refinement and maturity. A matched treatment-control group design was employed, in which students who received SES tutoring in reading, mathematics, or both were matched to similar schoolmates who were eligible for SES services but did not participate. Results showed consistently positive but small, not statistically significant, effect sizes for the outcome measures. Student achievement results and their implication for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

数学与物理同为理科,它们之间有一定的相关性,高中数学对物理成绩的影响是客观存在的。本文在解读学科特点和高考考纲的基础上,以近5年江苏省高考物理试卷为样本一,靖江市某中学高二学生成绩为样本二,通过量化分析的方法探讨高中数学对物理成绩的影响和不同层次学生物理成绩受数学影响的程度。结果显示:高中数学知识点在物理学习中有很多运用,其中以解方程或不等式、解析几何、向量这三个数学知识点最多;高中数学成绩与物理成绩呈现出显著的正线性相关,且线性相关性高于语文、英语学科;高中物理学困生与数学成绩相关性最大,物理学优生与数学成绩相关性最小。  相似文献   

中学阶段是学生掌握数学思想和方法的关键时期,也是数学成绩形成分化的一个重要时期.研究成绩分化成因,并采取相应对策是数学教师的一项十分重要的任务.其中个别辅导的作用不容忽视.本文结合多年教学实践,就中学数学辅导有效性问题进行了研究,对辅导的意义、原则、方法、误区与研究过程作了阐述,并对三个不同类型的辅导个案进行了分析.  相似文献   

This study examined the independent and interactive effects of supplement format (knowledge map vs. text vs. no supplement) and strategy (cooperative learning vs. cooperative teaching vs. individual study) on learning. After training and practice sessions, subjects studied a science and math passage over which they were tested. Two individual difference measures were also taken and combined into a general ability score. Repeated-measures analysis of variance of the recall variables indicated that (a) high ability subjects outperformed low ability subjects, and (b) cooperative learning with map supplements had a mutually facilitative effect on the low ability subjects’ recall.  相似文献   


The effect of changing item responses on scores of elementary school children on a standardized achievement test was studied. Previous research, primarily involving non-standardized instruments and adult samples, indicates that changed responses are more likely to be correct than not. Subjects were 165 third grade students using the Metropolitan Reading Tests. Students received no special instructions regarding changing responses. Changes were identified visually and were independently verified. While frequency of response changes was low, such changes generally improved scores. Sex differences in number and success of changes were non-significant. The relationship between frequency of response change and test score was minimal. Responses to difficult items were changed more frequently with less success than changes on easy items. High scorers made more successful changes than did low scorers. Within the limits of the methodology, results clearly indicated that response changes of elementary students on multiple-choice items tend to improve test scores.  相似文献   

基于文献综述和问卷调查,本文就补习对中学生英语学业成绩的相关性进行了探讨。结果表明,补习与英语学业成绩的提高并没有必然关联,真正与学业成绩相关的因素是学习者可控因素——英语学习信念:高低分组在学习焦虑、信心、兴趣和态度方面表现出显著差异,高分组学生比低分组学生更积极。研究表明,对英语补习应持理性判断,更应谨慎行事。  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data from a cohort of middle school students from a large school district, we estimate separate "value-added" teacher effects for two subscales of a mathematics assessment under a variety of statistical models varying in form and degree of control for student background characteristics. We find that the variation in estimated effects resulting from the different mathematics achievement measures is large relative to variation resulting from choices about model specification, and that the variation within teachers across achievement measures is larger than the variation across teachers. These results suggest that conclusions about individual teachers' performance based on value-added models can be sensitive to the ways in which student achievement is measured.  相似文献   


In this editorial, we provide an introduction to the special issue on Inquiry-Based Learning in First and Second Year Courses. We also discuss the essential features of inquiry-based learning and provide a brief overview of the literature and evidence for its effectiveness.  相似文献   

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