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The present study examines the achievement attributions of Greek Cypriot students and their parents. Its aim was to investigate the role of parental and child achievement attributions as parameters of the child's actual school achievement and to examine the existing differences between attributions made by children and their parents. A total of 477 Sixth Grade Greek Cypriot students and their parents participated in the study. A structural equation model was constructed and its ability to fit the data was tested. It was found that child attributions of achievement to effort, ability and other internal factors are positively related to actual achievement, while attributions to luck and external factors are negatively related to achievement. This is in line with earlier findings. Parental and child attributions are not strongly and reliably related. Thus, claims that children develop their own attributions on the basis of their parents’ attributions were not supported. Gender differences were found, with females attributing their achievement to effort more than males did. Finally, underachievers tended to attribute their school performance to external factors (luck, role of others such as parents and teachers), while highly achieving students tended to attribute their performance to their own effort and other internal factors.  相似文献   


Theories of self-concept usually maintain that the individual’s self-esteem is reflected in peer ratings. The purpose of this 6tudy is to isolate factore of self-esteem and of peer ratings and to determine significant relationships between the derived factors. Over two hundred elementary pupils were selected from two metropolitan areas.

Approximately half were black, disadvantaged pupils; the remainder were white with above average cultural advantages. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) and a semantic differential (SD) were administered to all students. From a factor analysis of responses to the SEI, four factors of self-esteem and a lie scale emerged.

Three SD factors were obtained from a factor analysis of the peer ratings. One significant canonical correlation (.325 p = .01) resulted from the correlation of the three SD factor scores with scores on the five SEI factors. “Activity” dominated the relationship between peer feelings and self-concept dimensions.  相似文献   

品格的理论和应用实践研究近年来获得了广泛的关注。品格包括了习惯、特质和美德三种相互依赖又彼此交叠的概念。作为一个多维度的动力发展系统,在个体与环境相互影响下,积极品格可以得到充分的培养和塑造。积极品格不仅能够促进儿童青少年的心理健康,减少问题行为,提升幸福感,对学业成绩的提升亦有助益。但是对于品格的结构模型及其衍生出的具体测量模型,不同学者仍存在一定的争议。西方国家基于研究基础开展了一系列的品格教育项目,试图通过营造学校环境氛围、提供针对性的培训实现促进学生积极发展的目标。在未来的理论和实证研究中,应重视中国文化下儿童青少年品格的内涵、结构的建构,并在完善测量工具的基础上开展品格发展轨迹、影响因素及其功能的追踪研究。在实践中则需逐步建立具有中国特色的中小学品格教育教学体系,尤其要重视针对处境不利儿童群体开展的品格教育。  相似文献   

陶志猛  杨迎 《天津教育》2021,(3):183-184
小学六年级法治教育专册旨在通过专门的法治教育,帮助学生了解法律、学习法律、运用法律维护合法权利,帮助学生初步树立法治观念,逐渐形成法治思维。如何将"法律专册"课程中抽象的、生涩的法律条文,在儿童认知可以接受的思维方式落实,本文从三个方面阐述,即梳理教学内容,普及法治概念;采取多样的教学方法,深化法治理解;组织丰富的实践活动,落实好"法治专册"培养学生法治思维的任务,进而落实思政课立德树人的根本任务。  相似文献   

教师如何开展品格教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师有责任对青少年学生进行积极有效的品格教育。开展品格教育,不能仅仅依靠直接的品格教育课程,更要把品格教育整合进所有课程,融入班级建设之中。具体来看,品格教育可通过良好团体建设、角色扮演、品格讨论、社区服务学习与小组学习等方式进行。开展品格教育,教师要树立积极的教育观,立足学生实际,制订可行计划,争取各方面支持,并且要调动学生的自觉反思与发展的主体性。  相似文献   


Sixty-eight victims of aggression were identified through sociometric techniques with fifth and sixth grade students. Each of the classrooms was found to have at least one male and one female victim. Teachers and students showed substantial agreement in their identification of the victims. Chi-square tests among items on a questionnaire administered to 412 students showed the victims to be passive, non-conforming, and socially rejected. Presumably, two courses of action are open to the counselor of the victim: to train him to become more aggressive or to help him become more socially acceptable. Implications of these two courses of action are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of kindergarten and 3rd-grade children to accurately interpret implied motion in pictures was examined. Sixty-four children responded to pictures from experimental conditions that varied type of motion, cueing strategy, pictorial complexity, and color. The 3rd-grade children were more adept at identifying implied motion than the kindergarten children, the postural motion condition was more effective than the flow-line condition in conveying motion, and cues and relevant pictorial background information increased accuracy of interpretation.  相似文献   

特殊儿童的教育权利的特殊性,主要在权利主体、权利本质以权利救济等方面得以体现。这些也是特殊儿童教育权利获得救济的前提和基础。对特殊儿童权利的救济难以依靠传统民事救济制度得以实现,还需要援引惩罚性的损害赔偿机制。  相似文献   

为促进我国残疾儿童教育的权利与机会公平,针对我国残疾儿童教育现状,作者建议制定特殊教育法、加大执法力度,从而保障残疾儿童教育权利的平等;建立特殊的教育财政投资制度,全面普及残疾儿童义务教育,优化教育结构,从而促进残疾儿童教育机会公平。  相似文献   

美国政府通过税收豁免、退税、资助、公共产品提供以及拍摄地免费提供等多种方式补贴电影业。然而,这种补贴主要由美国各州实施,而非在联邦层面发生。为吸引电影业到本州发展,美国各州之间展开了补贴的底线竞争,并迷失于其中。  相似文献   


The proposition has been advanced that the appropriateness of conventional approaches to evaluation of EE needs to be regarded as problematic. The paper addresses this proposition by considering the resonances between two different perspectives to evaluation, and commonly accepted characteristics of EE. Both perspectives to evaluation will be considered in respect to their epistemology, locus of control, and interests served—in short, in respect to their “political theory.” Finally, the argument will be advanced that the choice of evaluation paradigm for EE be a deliberative one based on the relationship between the “political theory” of the evaluation, and the intentions of the program to be evaluated.  相似文献   

负折射介质具有许多独特的物理性质,即反常折射现象、自聚焦效应、逆Dopp ler频移和反常Cerenkov辐射等,这些性质为人们提供了控制光的全新手段,具有良好的应用前景。先回顾了负折射介质的研究历史,然后对负折射介质主要物理性质的物理机制进行了详细的解释,最后简单介绍了光子晶体负折射效应。  相似文献   

识字是低年级语文教学的重点,也是难点。要想使任务艰巨而繁重的识字教学取得良好的教学效果,教师应根据学生的实际情况,采用形式多样的教学方法,并与家长一起形成家校合力,挖掘学生的识字潜能,从而使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中有效识字。  相似文献   

家庭教育由于其早期性、持久性以及亲子之间无可替代的血缘、情感关系,它的影响力甚至在某些方面已经超过了幼儿园。因此,我们需要充分发挥家庭教育的作用,形成家园共育的大环境,建立一种合作、互补的关系,共同进行养成教育。  相似文献   

自我价值感作为自我意识的核心部分 ,是一个人人格的灵魂。自我价值感对个体的心理和行为产生重要影响作用主要表现在归因方式、人际交往、自我悦纳和心理健康等方面。在家庭人格教育中 ,父母对孩子要做出客观的评价 ,创设适当的生活情境 ,提出合理的期望值 ,并以自己的言传身教影响和培养孩子形成客观的自我价值感  相似文献   

Some relationships and similarities between regression analysis and 2-group discriminant analysis are pointed out. In particular, it is shown that in the special case of just two criterion groups the predictor variables may be equivalently ordered (with respect to contribution to prediction or discrimination) by the univariate F-ratios and by estimates of the predictor versus the linear discriminant function correlations.  相似文献   

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