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This study investigated if crying, sleeping or feeding problems that co-occur (multiple regulatory problems [RPs]) or are persistent predict attention problems and diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood and adulthood. Participants were 342 individuals who were assessed at 5, 20, and 56 months for crying, sleeping, and feeding (RPs) and at 6, 8, and 28 years for ADHD diagnoses, attention problems, and attention span. Infants/toddlers with multiple/persistent RPs had an increased risk of receiving an ADHD diagnosis both in childhood and adulthood compared to those who never had RPs. Multiple/persistent RPs were further associated with a high-decreasing attention problems trajectory from childhood to adulthood. Interventions to alleviate early RPs may prevent the development of attention problems.  相似文献   

Effects of a comprehensive early intervention program for low birth weight, premature infants—the Infant Health and Development Program—on mother-child interaction were examined at 30 months ( N = 683). Small significant positive effects were found: Intervention mothers had higher ratings on quality of assistance; intervention children had higher ratings on persistence and enthusiasm and on an overall child rating of competence and involvement and lower ratings on percentage of time off-task; intervention dyads were rated as more synchronous. Of a set of initial status variables indexing biological and environmental risk, only 2 treatment interactions were found. Intervention group black children had higher ratings on enthusiasm and lower percentage of time off-task. Independent of treatment, maternal ethnicity and education were significant predictors of maternal and dyadic ratings, while ethnicity and birth weight predicted child ratings. Implications for early intervention and center-based care are discussed.  相似文献   

采用青少年问题行为自评问卷和社会支持评定量表对374名职业院校学生进行调查,结果发现:中职生问题行为检出率较高,问题行为普遍存在;问题行为在年级、生源地、家庭结构上存在显著差异,在性别、是否独生子女上不存在显著差异;问题行为与社会支持呈现出显著负相关,社会支持在问题行为的发生上起着缓冲器作用;社会支持和对支持的利用度可以有效预测问题行为。因此,中等职业学校应根据这些特点,有针对性地对学生的问题行为进行干预,构建良好的教育氛围,为学生成才打下基础。  相似文献   

上课睡觉是常见的课堂现象,对这一现象进行深入的分析并采取有效的纠正措施,对实现有效课堂管理、提高教与学的质量、实现教育的最终目标有很强的现实意义。一、关于上课睡觉的观点笔者认为,上课睡觉从有效课堂管理角度来看,无庸置疑属于违纪行为,无论对学生本人还是对整个班级以及授课教师,都是不利的。睡觉是一种权利,但是权利的行使必须得看是在什么时间和地点,用教室这个地点与上课这个时间来做“睡觉”这件事情,绝对是不合适的。但是要我们更应该做的不应是在这个“是”与“非”的问题上浪费太多的口舌,而应该从似乎相似的现象——外浮…  相似文献   

This small-scale qualitative study explores whether there are differences in the way parents, educational psychologists and special educational needs co-ordinators understand the concept of dyslexia. Q methodology was used to analyse the data. Results indicated that although there were differences between the three groups, there were also areas of agreement. The implications of the findings for educational psychology practice are discussed .  相似文献   

大学生网络行为调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当今时代,网络已成为大学生学习、生活的一部分。大学生的网络行为存在上网目的娱乐化、上网时间随意化、上网场所寝室化、网络依赖明显化、网络影响严重化等特征,对大学生的学习、生活造成负面影响。引导大学生健康的网络行为,需要采取措施引导大学生实现上网目的学习化、上网时空规律化、网络使用科学化,以最终养成其健康文明的上网行为。  相似文献   

通过对顺德大良北区新松社区社会工作服务进行专业考察,了解到新松社区居民对社会工作者的专业服务表现出极高的认可度。然而居民在社区内的互动机会、互动机制、互动网络较少,且缺乏归属感的提升渠道。这表明新松社区的社会工作服务应从当前的探索期尽快进入策动期,借助社会工作者的专业影响力让大部分社区居民积极参与社区建设。只有这样,社会工作机构才能凭借有限的专业人力资源去组织无限的社区资源,才能从根本上提升社区社会工作的服务质量。  相似文献   

信息概念的应用已经渗透到了所有的人文与社会科学、部分自然科学和个别工程科学,信息研究已经对很多学科产生了影响。人类信息学、人类语言学、人类传播学、人类心理学这四门学科是一组对信息进行本体、符号、传输、处理等研究的信息学群,可以合称为基础社会信息科学。以它为基点和具体的学科进行交叉,就必然形成新闻信息学、历史信息学、科学信息学、教育信息学、艺术信息学、文学信息学、宗教信息学等应用社会信息科学学科。  相似文献   

文章通过对286名员工的问卷调查,探讨了影响员工越轨行为的因素。结果发现:知觉组织支持与员工越轨行为呈负向关系;心理契约破裂与员工越轨行为呈正向关系;组织认同与员工越轨行为的关系不显著。  相似文献   

Poverty, Social Support, and Parental Behavior   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The associations among poverty, measures of social support, and parents' reports of punitive and unsupportive behaviors were examined using the National Survey of Families and Households. Analyses revealed a significant interaction between perceived social support and household income: perceived social support was negatively associated with parents' reports of punitive behavior, but mainly when income was low. The amount of help received from others was negatively associated with parents' reports of unsupportive behavior. The study suggests that some forms of social support lower levels of problematic behavior among all parents, whereas other forms of social support are particularly beneficial to parents living in poverty.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that infants with iron-deficiency anemia show behaviors, such as increased proximity to caregivers, increased wariness or hesitance, and decreased activity, that could contribute to “functional isolation.” The behavior of 52 Costa Rican 12- to 23-month-old infants with iron-deficiency anemia was contrasted with that of 139 comparison group infants with better iron status during free play and mental and motor testing and in the home. Infants with iron-deficiency anemia maintained closer contact with caregivers; showed less pleasure and delight; were more wary, hesitant, and easily tired; made fewer attempts at test items; were less attentive to instructions and demonstrations; and were less playful. Adult behavior also differed. The results indicate that iron-deficiency anemia in infancy is associated with alterations in affect and activity, suggesting that functional isolation is a useful framework for understanding poorer developmental outcome in iron-deficiency anemia, the world's most common single nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

残疾人社会经济地位的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从社会学的角度,对某市残疾人的社会经济地位进行调查。结果显示:占被调查总体的66.4%的残疾人月收入低于居住市最低生活保障线。在所调查家庭的各项支出中,最大支出为吃的消费,但是,64.5%有子女的残疾人家庭把子女教育放在了家庭支出的首位。近60%的残疾人接受过初中及以上的教育,33.9%接受过职业培训。半数以上的残疾人处于无业或下岗状态。  相似文献   

分享行为是亲社会行为的一种表现形式,幼儿分享意识和分享行为的发展是幼儿建立良好同伴关系、形成道德的基础。通过创设糖果分享、玩具分享和奖品分享3种情景,对农村3-5岁幼儿的分享行为进行观察与分析。结果显示:农村幼儿的分享水平较低,分享水平随年龄的增长而提高;玩具分享上存在性别和是否独生的差异,不存在年龄差异;糖果分享和奖品分享上存在年龄差异,但不存在性别和是否独生上的差异。基于对农村3-5岁幼儿分享行为的特点分析,进一步提出提高农村幼儿分享水平的建议。  相似文献   

加强家庭婴幼儿照护支持是二孩时代实现幼有所育的关键。从家庭育儿压力、母职困境和社会支持出发,调查6个省12个市共计11453个3岁以下婴幼儿家庭。结果发现,家庭育儿压力较高,抚育成本高昂,子女教育成为最大挑战,且二孩家庭育儿压力更大;母亲育儿工作难平衡,超过三分之一的母亲职业中断,且二孩家庭、低收入和低学历母亲面临更大的职业困境。在社会支持方面,家庭内部支持以祖辈为主,父亲参与不足;对教育支持最为迫切,但所获外部支持有限。在历史短板、时代挑战和文化制约的多重影响下,亟待构建婴幼儿照护家庭支持体系,通过加强对家庭婴幼儿照护的支持和指导,形成夫妻同工、祖辈适度参与的动力机制,保障女性就业权,最终实现家庭与社会共同参与的婴幼儿照护良好格局,切实缓解家庭的育儿压力。  相似文献   

伴随信息时代而来的是全面网络化社会的形成,以及信息洪流充斥的虚拟世界的蔓延,这种时代背景与生存空间带给了大学生无穷的选择机会,但网络行为失范现象也屡有发生。为了解失范类型与行为成因,我们选取了22所高校1708名大学生、126名教育工作者和46名大学生家长作为对象,进行了问卷调查。结果显示,目前大学生的网络行为失范主要包括"违规行为、侵权行为、暴力行为和犯罪行为"等四种类型;对"虚拟网络"的误解、对网络信息技术的过度崇拜等为行为产生之内因,社会集体意识的衰落和规范的缺位、高校网络思想政治教育和管理工作的相对滞后等为行为之外因。基于此,高校教育工作者须采取引导大学生遵规意识的自我强化、创新思想政治教育的方法、改善大学生的网络生态环境等干预策略。  相似文献   

This article views assessment as generic to all professional social work practice and suggests that locating the teaching of the theoretical basis of assessment in the Human Behavior and Social Environment (HBSE) sequence helps to assure the consistency of a common knowledge base for all students. The multiplicity of ideas necessary to teach the understanding of human functioning in a complex environment presents a challenge to the educator to develop a method of ordering and selecting theories which can more effectively inform professional practice and preserve professional values. The construct of the Developmental Wheel (see Figure 1 which encourages the use of a broad range of data) is presented as one method of organizing the curriculum of the HBSE sequence. It allows for more dynamic integration of social psychological phenomena and helps to ground discrete methods of intervention in a common theoretical framework.  相似文献   

采用《大学生学习拖延问卷》对河西学院185名在校大学生的学习拖延行为进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示:有47%的大学生存在不同程度的学习拖延现象,大学生学习拖延现象较为普遍;大学生学习拖延行为存在显著的性别差异和年级差异,但不存在学科与城乡差异。男生的学习拖延行为多于女生,一年级学生的学习拖延行为少于其他三个年级学生。学习拖延对大学生的消极影响较大,这些消极影响包括情绪困扰、学业不良、生活不适等。  相似文献   

为了解高职酒店管理专业学生的社交回避及苦恼状况,探讨其影响因素,采用社交回避及苦恼量表(SADS)为调查工具,对四所高职院校酒店管理专业的学生进行施测,并运用统计方法进行分析。结果显示,高职酒店管理专业学生的社交回避及苦恼得分高于常模,且与常模比较有显著差异(p〈0.001)。社交回避程度在独生、父母文化程度、父母离异、课余时间对网络的沉溺、曾受处分以及娱乐能力这些因素上存在显著差异(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);社交苦恼在家庭年收入、娱乐能力上存在显著差异(P〈O.01)。娱乐能力和独生是社交回避和苦恼状况的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

新的阶层人士的统战工作是当今统战工作面临的一个新的工作内容,切实掌握和认真研究此类人群的基本情况和规律特点,是当今统战工作面临的一个新的课题,通过分析和认识桂林市开展新的社会阶层人士统战工作,来探讨开展新的阶层统战工作的工作思路和着力点,是开展此项研究的出发点和主要目的。  相似文献   

残疾人在社会生活和工作中属于较为典型的弱势群体,他们的日常生活面临许多的特殊困难,因此也十分需要得到社会关注和保障。内蒙古乌海市是一个以工业发展起来的移居型城市,在整体的经济当中工业占了很大的比例,其中各种矿业尤为的发达,乌海的矿产资源非常丰富,因为地理特征及自然条件的特殊,使得该地区的残疾人要比普通地区的多些,残疾人的致残原因也多因矿难和职业病,所以本文根据第二次全国残疾人抽样调查汇总数据,对乌海市海南区的残疾人社会保障状况做了具体的描述,根据现状分析了存在问题的特殊性并提出具有针对性建议,如,实现残疾人保障制度规范化;提供稳定可靠地基本生活保障;提高残疾人教育水平;积极促进就业;实现多元化服务等来提高残疾人社会保障体系。  相似文献   

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