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该研究旨在观察考试焦虑对考生考试过程中眼动模式的影响.采用考试焦虑量表(TAS)选取了北京师范大学和北京邮电大学的29名本科生,并根据测量分数分为高、低考试焦虑两组;使用贝克抑郁量表(BDI)以及瑞文标准推理测验分别测量他们的抑郁程度和智商.采用眼动仪记录被试回答以瑞文高级推理测验作为选择题时的注视时间、注视点个数等眼动指标.结果表明:1)高考试焦虑组被试对题干、选项的平均注视时间以及总注视时间均显著长于低考试焦虑组,空白区域则没有表现出显著差异;2)高考试焦虑组被试对所选选项的总注视时间以及其占整体选项总注视时间的比例显著高于低考试焦虑组,然而前者对空白区域总注视时间与其他两区域总注视时间之比则低于低考试焦虑组被试;3)高低考试焦虑组被试在题干区域的注视点个数方面存在显著差异,在空白与选项区域的注视点个数则不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

Item-response changing as a function of test anxiety was investigated. Seventy graduate students completed the Test Anxiety Scale and 73 multiple-choice items during the quarter. The data supported the hypothesis that high test-anxious students make more item-response changes than low test-anxious students. Results also suggested that both high- and low-anxious students profit to a similar extent proportionally from answer changing. It was further found that more responses were changed on difficult than on easy items for both high- and low-anxious students. Test anxiety is suggested as a factor forming test-taking style.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Learning gains associated with multiple-choice testing formats that provide immediate feedback (e.g., IFAT®) are often greater than those for typical...  相似文献   

A new measure that focused explicitly on the cognitive dimension of test anxiety was introduced and examined for psychometric quality as compared to existing measures of test anxiety. The new scale was found to be a reliable and valid measure of cognitive test anxiety. The impact of cognitive test anxiety as well as emotionality and test procrastination were subsequently evaluated on three course exams and students' self-reported performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test for 168 undergraduate students. Higher levels of cognitive test anxiety were associated with significantly lower test scores on each of the three course examinations. High levels of cognitive test anxiety also were associated with significantly lower Scholastic Aptitude Test scores. Procrastination, in contrast, was related to performance only on the course final examination. Gender differences in cognitive test anxiety were documented, but those differences were not related to performance on the course exams. Examination of the relation between the emotionality component of test anxiety and performance revealed that moderate levels of physiological arousal generally were associated with higher exam performance. The results were consistent with cognitive appraisal and information processing models of test anxiety and support the conclusion that cognitive test anxiety exerts a significant stable and negative impact on academic performance measures.  相似文献   

任何一种测试都要公平、公正,否则就失去了它存在的价值和意义。对语言测试的公平性问题的研究是测验开发者不可推卸的责任和义务。汉语水平考试(HSK)是专门为汉语作为第二语言的学习者而设计的语言测试。经过二十多年的发展,HSK在公平性问题研究方面已经取得了长足进展。针对HSK特有的考生构成特点,本文将考生数量较少的非亚裔考生当作研究对象,将其设为目标组,考察HSK是否会对这个亚群体考生不公平。本文运用3种传统的DIF检验方法——MH方法、SIBTEST方法和Logistic regression方法,对HSK【初中等】一套试卷的听力理解测验进行DIF检验,比较目标组(非亚裔考生)和参照组(亚裔考生)在同一组项目上的表现。  相似文献   

Abstract:Gjesme, T. 1981. The Factor Structure of Test Anxiety among Children with Different Characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 25,63‐98. A principal component analysis with oblique rotation of the Test Anxiety Scale for Children (TASC) revealed five cognitive/worry‐oriented factors and two emotional/somatic‐oriented factors. The results, based on 849 5th graders, of a sex of S X Future Time Orientation (FTO) x Achievement Motives X Ability X Perceived Intrinsic Instrumentality (Pil) analysis of variance, revealed a number of explainable interactions for each subdimen‐sion of TASC indicating that the Achievement Motives, FTO, and Ability were the most important factors, whereas the instrumentality (PiI) revealed itself at the higher order interactions. An increase in instrumentality seemed to accentuate the influence of motives and FTO on several subdimensions of TASC.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Test anxiety is a context-specific academic anxiety which can result in poorer academic and metacognitive performance. We assessed how the quantity and relative...  相似文献   

A statistical test for the detection of answer copying on multiple-choice tests is presented. The test is based on the idea that the answers of examinees to test items may be the result of three possible processes: (1) knowing, (2) guessing, and (3) copying, but that examinees who do not have access to the answers of other examinees can arrive at their answers only through the first two processes. This assumption leads to a distribution for the number of matched incorrect alternatives between the examinee suspected of copying and the examinee believed to be the source that belongs to a family of "shifted binomials." Power functions for the tests for several sets of parameter values are analyzed. An extension of the test to include matched numbers of correct alternatives would lead to improper statistical hypotheses.  相似文献   

Abstract Many studies have indicated that children of divorced parents perform less well in school than children of intact families. A variety of reasons have been put forward for these findings. The chief purpose of the present study was to examine the level of test anxiety that is characteristic of adolescent children of divorced parents and to suggest this as a possible explanation of the lower scholastic achievements of such children. A sample of 30 tenth‐grade adolescents boys (15 of whom were children of divorced parents and 15 from intact families) were given Spielberger's Test Anxiety Inventory and their school achievement over a period of two semesters was calculated. The results showed that the children of divorced parents had significantly higher Test Anxiety scores than did the children of intact families. These results are discussed in terms of the appropriate school environment and the exerted pressure on children of divorced parents to succeed in their studies.  相似文献   

本研究应用项目反应理论,从被试的阅读能力值和题目的难度值这两个方面,分析阅读理解测试中多项选择题命题者对考试效度的影响。实验设计中,将两组被试同时施测于一项“阅读水平测试”,根据测试结果估计出的两组被试能力值之间无显著性差异。再次将这两组被试分别施测于两位不同命题者所命制的题目,尽管这些题目均产生于相同的阅读材料,且题目的难度值之间并没有显著性差异,被试的表现却显著不同。Rasch模型认为,被试表现由被试能力和试题难度共同决定。因此,可以推测,这是由于不同命题者所命制的题目影响了被试的表现,并进而影响了使用多项选择题进行阅读理解测试的效度。  相似文献   

汉语水平考试(HSK)初中等包括听力理解、语法结构、阅读理解、综合填空4大部分,每一部分又分为若干小部分共9个分部分。每个大部分代表所要考查的一部分语言能力。语言能力的潜在因素(PotentialFactor)有很多,我们假定HSK测试了语言能力的4种因素,如果测试的每一部分在这些因素上的载荷(Factor Loading)不同,即它们对这些因素的贡献不同,这间接说明考生语言能力的结构存在差异。本文用探索性性因素分析(Exploratory Factor Analysis)的方法考查在本国内学习汉语的外国学生、在中国学习汉语的留学生以及新疆少数民族学生三类不同考生在汉语能力结构上是否存在差异。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - The inverse relationship between test anxiety and test performance is commonly explained by test-anxious students’ tendency to worry about a test and the...  相似文献   

Assessment instruments of the future will probably be composed of a combination of different types of questions. Even though different kinds of questions require different scoring procedures, there may be a need to have those different scores combined as a composite. In this article, we describe how mixtures of such scores may be efficaciously combined. Also, if no post hoc adjustment is desired, we provide two characterizations of measurement effectiveness to aid in making unadjusted score combinations efficient. In addition, we explore the implications for test construction of some typical findings.  相似文献   

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