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This study examined the effects of different types of reinforcement on the performance of black males who had been diagnosed as being mildly mentally retarded, using the WISC-R. After each correct response, participants were given no reinforcement, a candy reward, traditional social reinforcement, or culturally relevant social reinforcement. Children given tangible or culturally relevant rewards obtained significantly higher scores than did children given either no reinforcement or traditional social reinforcement.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined concept attainment in 80 educable mentally retarded and 80 normal boys of high and low mental age. The concept of an equilateral triangle was assessed following random exposure to one of four experimental conditions assessing the influence of verbal labels and instruction on the labels. A 2 × 2 × 4 multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of mental age; however, retarded and normal subjects did not differ in mean performance on any of the five dependent measures. The hypothesized treatment effect was significant at the formal level of concept attainment. The findings were discussed in terms of theoretical and educational implications.  相似文献   

教育与生活的关系一直是教育理论和实践的焦点。由于智力障碍儿童自身的发展特点以及特殊教育需要,在培智教育中,历来非常重视教育与智力障碍儿童的生活之间的紧密联系。2007年颁布的《培智学校义务教育课程设置实验方案》,已经从课程设置的角度确立了生活在培智学校课程中的地位。但教育与生活联系的关键环节,还在于教学。探讨教学生活化的内涵、理论依据以及具体表现形式,可以为培智学校教学生活化的实践探明方向,也有助于分析教学生活化的实践中容易出现的困难与问题。  相似文献   

To test the assumption that negative attitudes toward various stigmatized groups are learned in early childhood, four scales of the semantic differential were employed to assess children's attitudes toward four groups (normals, crippled, retarded, and mentally ill) for both male and female third and sixth graders. The mentally ill were rated most negatively on both the Evaluation Scale and the Understandability Scale, but were rated comparable to normal people on Activity and Potency. Both the retarded and the crippled were rated less positively than normals on the Evaluation Scale, but not as negatively as the mentally ill. The retarded and the crippled were rated less Active and Potent than both normals and the mentally ill. No differences were found between the third and sixth graders on attitudes toward the three stigmatized groups. Implications for the “social labeling” theory of mental disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated 3 groups of mentally retarded children on a visual discrimination reading readiness task. Ss included 75 mentally retarded persons residing at the Columbus State Institute divided into 5 MA groups ranging from 3 years to 8 years. Three different groups of 25 Ss were matched on CA, MA, and IQ and two of these were paired on perceptual functioning on the basis of Gellner classifications. The third group included 25 Ss diagnosed as having genetic mechanisms. The task consisted of 100 cards of three coloured pictures with two of them being associated. Results showed the minimally handicapped visual group performed higher than the other two groups. MA was highly related to success especially for the highest MA group. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:Haugen, R. 1981. The Prevalence of Additional Problems among Mentally Retarded Pupils as Compared to Mentally Normal Pupils. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 25,189‐200. The concept of additional problems is introduced in relation to mentally retarded pupils (MRP). It is defined as a significant discrepancy between a pupil's a) MA and achievements in reading‐writing, mathematics, and speech, b) CA and achievements in vision, hearing, fine and gross motor expression, and c) ‘normal’ somatic and emotional behavior and actual somatic and emotional behavior. The results strongly confirm the hypothesis that the prevalence of additional problems among MRP is greater as compared to mentally normal pupils with respect to all the nine variables under comparison.  相似文献   

The purpose was to compare the performance of normal and educable mentally retarded children on pattern recognition tasks. Pattern recognition was assessed by the administration of 96 pattern tasks which measured the ability of children to find: (a) duplicate patterns and same elements as presented in model pattern sequences; (b) opposite patterns and same elements as presented in model pattern sequences; and (c) duplicate patterns but different elements than presented in model pattern sequences. The normal and mentally retarded children were matched on mental age derived from individual and group intelligence tests. Results indicated significant differences in performance measures between groups and various pattern tasks. The data support the suppositions that: (a) mentally retarded children and normal children show the same type of progression through the hierarchical arrangement of pattern tasks; and (b) mentally retarded children show a slower progression through the hierarchy than normal children when matched on mental age. Educational implications from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

对10-14岁(平均年龄12、13岁)的37名不同智商的弱智儿童的敲击动作速度进行了测定.弱智儿童根据智商不同分为二组一组为轻度智力残疾,智商55-75,平均智商61.3;一组为中度智力残疾,智商38-51,平均智商42.8.实验使用一台BQS-80-Ⅱ型敲击仪进行.被试各测定左、右手一分钟的敲击动作速度.结果表明智商较低的一组弱智儿童(平均智商42.8)左、右手的敲击动作速度均明显较之智商较高的一组弱智儿童(平均智商61.3)为慢,前者只相当于正常7岁儿童水平.无论哪一组弱智儿童,右手敲击速度均快于左手速度.这种情况表明,在弱智儿童中,由于智商的差异,也会对简单的动作速度产生影响.  相似文献   

The effects of tangible reinforcement on a set of four different intelligence test measures for 72 trainable mentally retarded children was investigated. Performance under a standard and reinforced (M & M) condition, differences in split-half reliability, power estimates, as well as the effect size resulting from treatments, were considered. The Lorge-Thorndike vocabulary, WISC Arithmetic, Picture Arrangement, and Comprehension subtests were administered. Reinforced administration resulted in significantly superior performance on all but the Comprehension test, although magnitude of treatment effects was low. Reliabilities under the reinforced condition were higher for all but the Lorge-Thorndike measures. Confidence bounded effect sizes even at their maximal value did not result in “meaningful” differences in performance, however.  相似文献   

Research and theory suggest that young children are highly attuned to causality. This study explores whether this drive can motivate task engagement. Fifty‐six 3‐ and 4‐year‐olds completed a motor task as many times as desired, viewing a picture of a novel item upon each completion. Forty‐two randomly assigned children then received either: (a) causally rich information regarding the item, (b) causally weak information regarding the item, or (c) a tangible reward. The remaining 14 children participated in a baseline condition featuring no rewards. Preschoolers completed more trials when rewarded with causally rich than causally weak information, or when given no reward. Children also trended toward lengthier persistence in the causally rich than the tangible reward condition. Implications for theory and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Educable mentally retarded children and normal children of average intelligence were compared in performance on the Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale. The purpose of the study was to determine the following: 1.) a measure of long-term test-retest reliability, 2.) suitability of the scale with a younger chronological age group, and 3.) comparative data on differences in anxiety scores between normal and retarded children.Controls for procedural modifications, residential and educational status, sex differences, chronological age range, and range of IQ were employed. Test-retest correlations indicated that the scale was reliable for normal Ss but not for the retarded Ss. CMAS effects based on age and IQ did exist. Older retardates received higher anxiety scores than younger retardates on Test 2, while Test 1 difference was not significant. Retarded children obtained higher anxiety scores than normal children on Test 1. It was concluded that reliability over a 10-month period is poor for retarded Ss. Moreover, the instrument is of doubtful utility with younger retarded Ss.  相似文献   

In this series of studies the author examined the achievement and interest of 226 first-grade pupils (6-7 years old) in performing a task and the changes in achievement and interest interventions, including various rewards. The children's task was to put a circle round the differences on the drawings they were given. The task was the same for all the children, but they were divided into four groups in respect of reward: Group 1 = not rewarded, Group 2 = rewarded by token, Group 3 = rewarded by a 'lucky dip' (contingent, salient, tangible reward), Group 4 = rewarded by public achievement feedback. After completing the first task, the children could choose whether to go to play in the school-yard or to ask for another similar exercise. The degree of intrinsic motivation is shown by the spontaneous activities performed without any rewards. The achievement was the number of correctly identified details in the first task. The results showed that in Groups 3 and 4 the intrinsic motivation was significantly reduced, while the quantitative indices of achievement rose. The series of experiments revealed gender differences: public feedback on achievement brought about a significant increase in achievement in both boys and girls, while, if feedback was withdrawn, the boys lost interest in the task significantly more than the girls. The author interprets this as being due to the greater social inclination and empathy typical of females, in contrast with males' typically greater inclination towards facts and higher motivation to achieve.  相似文献   

为了探讨智障儿童构音障碍的矫治方法,文章采用个案研究方法,对一名6岁10个月中度智障儿童的构音障碍矫治进行研究。先用构音障碍评估工具对其构音功能进行评估,后根据评估结果制定口部运动功能训练和构音音位训练相结合的训练方案并实施训练,最后进行训练后的评估。训练后该患儿的口部运动功能、构音清晰度等构音功能指标有明显提高。结果显示:对存在构音障碍的智障儿童实施有针对性的构音训练,能有效改善其言语状况;对智障儿童实施口部运动功能训练和构音音位训练相结合的实施方案是可行的。  相似文献   

随着新课改的进行,科学教育在我国基础教育中的地位已越来越重要,为了解培智学校在科学教育方面的情况,本研究对南京地区培智学校教师进行了关于培智学校科学教育情况的凋查。结果表明:科学教育的内容存在于培智学校的多门课程中,绝大部分内容是弱智学生感兴趣和需要的,而教师们在教学方法的运用上还存在着问题;同时弱智学生的学习特点亦说明了普通学校科学教育课程的可借鉴性。因此,在培智学校课程改革中应重视科学教育的作用和有关理念的借鉴运用。  相似文献   

研究选取了注意缺损多动障碍(ADHD)儿童38名,正常儿童36名,采用两项选择任务,考察在复杂任务中ADHD儿童的注意稳定性是否落后,以及反馈是否能增强ADHD儿童的注意稳定性。结果发现,(1)注意的稳定性会受到任务难度的影响。在复杂任务中,无反馈的条件下ADHD儿童的注意稳定性与正常儿童没有差异;(2)反馈对正常儿童的注意稳定性起到了积极的促进作用,即在反馈条件下,正常儿童的个体变异性减小,注意稳定性增强;但反馈并没有提高ADHD儿童的注意稳定性;(3)复杂任务中,ADHD儿童的认知加工速度落后于正常儿童。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine normal (N = 34), learning disabled (N = 34), and borderline mentally retarded (N = 33) children's performance on the WISC-R and K-ABC. Results revealed no significant differences between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and K-ABC Mental Processing Composite by group (F = 0.7, p > .15). The Full Scale IQ and Mental Processing Composite standard score correlated .85 for the entire sample, and all other subscale correlations ranged from .65 to .90 (all significant at p < .001). Analysis of Verbal-Performance, Mental Processing-Achievement, and Simultaneous-Sequential discrepancy means by group revealed no significant differences in comparison to normative values. Subtest patterns analysis revealed high rank order correlations between the learning disabled and mentally retarded groups, but lower correlations between the exceptional and normal groups. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of item analyses of the CAK-C was conducted for a sample of 155 educable mentally retarded children. The probability of a correct response was found to differ from task to task, and there was evidence that the order of difficulty of the tasks for this sample resembled that for nonretarded children. The probabilities of the two incorrect responses were generally not equal, and the choice of one or the other incorrect response showed some relation to CA, MA, and IQ, particularly the last two variables.  相似文献   

This study examined teacher reports of reward use and students' preferences for rewards across elementary school grades. Forty-eight urban elementary school teachers indicated which of four basic categories of rewards (edible, tangible, activity, and social rewards) they use in their classrooms and their evaluation of the effectiveness of these rewards for their age group of students. Ninety-eight second through fifth graders randomly selected to represent the students assigned to these teachers were individually administered a reward preference survey. Findings revealed high reward use by teachers. Children reported a wide variety of reward preferences, with no significant gender or age differences found. Additionally, there was no clear relationship between teacher use and children's preferences. Implications for intervention programming are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study examines the differential effect of three reward situations on children's helping behaviour. Ninety‐six boys front kindergarten and second grade were put in one of four experimental conditions: (a) a tangible reward was promised for helping; (b) a social reward was promised for helping; (c) undefined reward was mentioned and (d) no reward was offered. The results indicated that more second‐grade than kindergarten children helped and that the more concrete and tangible the reward offered, the more children helped. These results are discussed in the framework of the development of helping behaviour.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a strategic keyboard training program for improving the spelling performance of children with mild disabilities. The sample consisted of 36 mildly disabled students divided into two groups: 18 learning disabled students, and 18 educable mentally retarded students. The teachers used strategic procedures emphasising awareness of word structure and spelling strategies, combined with keyboard training, for a duration of three months (45‐minute sessions, twice weekly). The results demonstrated a significant decrease in spelling errors, as assessed through computer typing and handwriting. However, the comparisons between the group achievements of the learning disabled and mentally retarded children did not reveal significant differences in the development of the spelling performance. Analysis of the results, and of the four case‐studies, pin‐pointed attention onto the initial individual differences in the spelling performance, and onto the students’ individual learning style during training, emphasising the need for an individualised approach in remedial computerised spelling procedures.  相似文献   

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