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In 3 experiments, undergraduates used their own best method (control) or an “imposed” face-name mnemonic strategy to associate 18 caricatured faces, names, and additional facts. On all immediate tests (prompted by the faces), and on the delayed tests of Experiments 2a and 2b combined, mnemonic students statistically outperformed control students on name and political affiliation identification measures as well as on name-affiliation pairs. Interference issues were examined in the latter 2 experiments. The study findings replicate prior positive findings with the face-name mnemonic and demonstrate that additional factual information can be successfully added to the face-name mnemonic strategy through implementation of the present mnemonic format.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a recently devised mnemonic strategy was examined in the context of college students recalling the theme and contents of various paintings. With the painting-artist mnemonic strategy: (a) the artist's name is first recoded as a more concrete proxy; and (b) the recoded stimulus is then related to a prominent feature of the painting. Previous research has demonstrated that such a strategy enhances students' recall of artist names when cued with the associated paintings. The present study extends those findings by demonstrating that the strategy similarly facilitates students' recall of paintings and painting information when cued with the associated artist names. Of three different mnemonic variations included, one that incorporates a verbally described mnemonic interaction into the painting proved most effective. Suggestions for future research and educational implications are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that information acquired through the mnemonic keyword method fades rapidly as time goes by—especially in the absence of an immediate test. Five experiments were conducted to investigate various aspects of this issue and our results turned up the “usual suspects.” That is, we found consistent mnemonic advantages in acquisition (all experiments) as well as delayed mnemonic advantages in cases where students received an immediate test on studied items (Experiments 2, 3, 4, and 5). Further, and of special interest here, even in theabsenceof an immediate test, we found delayed mnemonic advantages (Experiments 3, 4, and 5). Nevertheless, these positive delayed findings were tempered by the observation that, in terms of absolute number retained, there was a somewhat faster forgetting rate for mnemonic students in comparison to repetition controls. In our discussion, we examine other delayed-recall indicators (relative differences and conditional probabilities) in an effort to better compare the “forgetting” of mnemonic and repetition participants. A theoretical explanation for the fragility of mnemonic memories, and implications for future research, are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present 2-experiment study was to determine whether a recently developed mnemonic numeric strategy could be used more independently by middle school students. In the context of associating various 18th-, 19th-, and 20th-century inventions with their dates, the authors found that students could successfully implement the strategy in a group-instructional context (as opposed to the one-on-one individual administrations of earlier investigations). The students were not, however, able to take the basic components of the strategy and effectively apply them without complete mnemonic pictorial support. That is, students did not create their own memory-enhancing visual images in the absence of instructor-provided interactive line drawings. The results are consistent with those of previous research documenting that less sophisticated learners (including middle school students) are unable to apply complex mnemonic strategies independently unless they are provided with sufficient auxiliary support to reduce information-processing demands.  相似文献   

Research in literary response indicates that in classroom contexts, high school students have difficulty constructing thematic interpretations of literary texts, tending instead to summarize or build happiness-bound morals that ignore a text’s potentially negative tones. However, studies in out-of-school contexts show students building thematic interpretations that include positive and negative elements. These conflicting findings suggest that some challenges of thematic interpretation lie not in students’ interpretive limitations but in school-based discourses that define thematic interpretation. In this study, students constructed thematic interpretations with sentence stems using everyday interpretive language, such as “Reading this story suggests the world can be a place where _____.” With no additional instruction, experimental groups constructed more thematic interpretations and made fewer happiness-bound interpretations than a comparison group. Results suggest that students are more capable of thematic interpretation than some research indicates and that everyday interpretive language may help disrupt students’ school-based framing of thematic interpretation.  相似文献   

In some recent studies, researchers have measured teacher implicit bias and some have shown that teacher bias predicts student academic outcomes. Currently, however, how bias is portrayed to individual students is largely unknown. In this exploratory qualitative study, observations totalling 4 h per participant were undertaken with ten secondary, six intermediate, and four primary teachers in New Zealand. We utilised a thematic analysis approach to identify three themes: “differential nonverbal behaviours”, “differential academic interactions” and “differential reactions under the same conditions” that captured teachers' classroom interactions. Our findings suggested that teachers’ differential behaviours were mediating teacher bias. This was because teacher bias was recorded in every classroom; however, teachers displayed biased behaviours to varying degrees. Bias was displayed through various nonverbal and academic interactions, and some teachers portrayed their bias by treating some students differently when the situation for all students was the same.  相似文献   

“神”“妙”“能”“逸”自唐开始便作为中国绘画的品评标准,从这个体系内部来看,前三者的关系更为紧密,且有递进关系;“逸”则游离于法度之外,有自身的特殊性。关于“神”“妙”“能”,以往的研究大多是对其进行理论溯源,索求各自特征,或者考察其对后世的影响等,这些都是从个体角度分别对“神”“妙”“能”进行讨论,而没有建立三者之间的联系。若联系中国艺术的体道观点,就会发现三者对“道”的体悟是在逐步逼近的。以“道”为旨归,愈能见其高下。所以从横向看,“神”“妙”“能”是中国画三个不同的品评标准,有着各自的内涵;从纵向看,“能”“妙”“神”的一步步推进体现着中国画对体道的逐级向往。  相似文献   

The following research study presents data drawn from an arts-based qualitative research study from 2013. Students created artistic interpretations of biblical texts using a variety of media. One of the significant findings of the study was that learning through the arts provided students with an opportunity to take on the role of parshan, or biblical commentator. Three examples of artwork is presented and combined, they show that by taking on the role of parshan, students were able to craft original interpretations of text and develop new connections with the text. Learning in this way demonstrated the significance of integrating the arts into Bible curricula as a vehicle for developing new types of positive and educational experiences for students.  相似文献   

The concept of smart phone apps forms a mnemonic device and checklist for students who are learning critical thinking and reading skills. “Use your apps” reminds students to consider the importance of Author, Audience, Assumptions, Point of View, Perspective, and Scale when reading any text. “APPS” also lends itself to class discussion and assessment, even in large class settings.  相似文献   

Eighth-grade students silently read passages that described dichotomized attributes of nine North American minerals. One-fourth of the students were given instruction in the use of mnemonic techniques, and were provided with “keywords” and mnemonic illustrations of the passage content; one-fourth were provided with keywords and given instructions for creating internal mnemonic images of the passage content; one-fourth were given instructions for creating their own keywords and internal mnemonic images; and the remaining fourth were given motivational instructions and told to use their “own best method” of studying while reading the passages. Mnemonic instruction, when accompanied by experimenter-provided keywords and mnemonic illustrations, produced superior recall of the mineral attributes in comparison to the other three conditions on both immediate and eight-day delayed performance tests. Implications of the findings are discussed with regard to the amount of external support necessary for effective use of mnemonic techniques by students reading expository prose passages.  相似文献   

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a contemporary approach to promote science with and for society for aligning scientific innovations with societal needs. Literature about education for RRI is limited because it is not a widespread practice at the moment. To explore this gap, this study examines teachers’ views about a novel inquiry game with Augmented Reality to foster inquiry skills for RRI. This game about Genetic-Modified food was used by 18 educators from Secondary and Higher Education who engaged 390 students to form opinions about risks and benefits of GM cereal. The thematic analysis of qualitative data: semi-structured questionnaires, teaching reports and focus groups, revealed motivations and practices that influence teachers’ adoption of OER created with new technologies. Findings revealed that the 3-phase-model approach used in the game engaged students to “CARE” about global issues, “KNOW” science concepts and “DO” actions through an active open schooling network. The key drivers for educators’ adoption of AR inquiry games are to make learning more meaningful and engaging through students-centred approaches and topical resources for them to develop scientific knowledge and skills. However, the key requirements for that are easy-to-use technologies and pedagogical strategies for identifying learner’s achievements and difficulties.  相似文献   

Fifty elementary teachers rated the problem behaviors of students to indicate both how much the behaviors “disturbed” them and how much they were “concerned” about the behaviors. The results suggest that teachers are more concerned about behaviors than disturbed by them. However, teachers were both disturbed and concerned about aggressive interaction with and between students. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

新高考改革倒逼高校更加关注"用户需求".通过采集某师范大学新生数据构建可视化模型,发现存在三类特征差异较为明显的新生"典型画像".基于画像,可以制定不同群体的精准招生宣传措施并提供不同阶段的个性化服务.根据细分市场提供精准信息服务成为研究热点和行业共识.精准服务的前提是对细分市场用户群体特征的分析,把握潜在目标群体的择...  相似文献   

Modern art curricula derive from the assumption that visual arts education can be of a high quality only if productive and receptive artistic activities are implemented. In art education practice, we are able to follow incentives for artistic expression but pay less attention to developing art appreciation that is based on developing as subtle perceptions of artwork as possible. Students have few opportunities to observe, enjoy and understand artwork. This discussion presents the results of a study that monitored the development of art appreciation abilities of 11–14 year‐old students in Slovenian compulsory education. The level of art appreciation abilities is rather average and more developed with older students and girls. There were no statistically significant differences with regard to school stratum.  相似文献   

基于注意理论、记忆理论、词块音位重复理论,针对音位重复对词块记忆的影响进行探索,旨在为中国英语学习者提供词块的补充性学习策略。研究发现:音位重复的词块和无音位重复的词块的助记效果有显著性差异;单词重复和押尾韵(双韵)的助记效果最好,押元音韵的助记效果最差,押头韵的助记效果居中。  相似文献   

月宫中玉兔捣药之神话传说的滥觞,可能是在两汉时期。汉画像中的兔有两种常见形象:一为画于月中,以代表月亮和阴,常作奔跑状的月中兔;一为常出现于西王母图像或仙境图像中的捣药玉兔。原本属于不同的系统,且形态、功能和意义亦不同的两种图像,在流传的过程中,可能因神话传说常见的混同与借用,遂使得月中出现了捣药玉兔的说法,更因此而形成月神话传说的一种定式,并由此影响着千百年来中国人对于月宫奇幻世界的想象。  相似文献   

“以文为诗”的新变与北宋经学、词与书画等领域的新变异体同质,都是北宋思想文化革新的产物。北宋士人的新文化理念,施于经学则是独具特色的“元祐新经义”;施于文则接续中唐韩、柳的古文运动;施于诗则打破自《诗经》以来“以诗为诗”的诗歌传统,代之“以文为诗”;施于词则是打破词的乐体本质与“花间宗风”,“以诗为词”,成曲子中缚不住的士大夫之词;施于书画则是打破晋唐以来“尚法”的书画之风,成“士人书画”一体。  相似文献   

Recently, multiple studies have focused on the phenomenon of “undermatching”—when students attend a college for which they are overqualified, as measured by test scores and grades. The extant literature suggests that students who undermatch fail to maximize their potential. However, gaps remain in our knowledge about how student preferences—such as a desire to attend college close to home—influence differential rates of undermatching. Moreover, previous research has not directly tested whether and to what extent students who undermatch experience more negative post-college outcomes than otherwise similar students who attend “match” colleges. Using ELS:2002, we find that student preferences for low-cost, nearby colleges, particularly among low-income students, are associated with higher rates of undermatching even among students who are qualified to attend a “very selective” institution. However, this relationship is weakened when students live within 50 miles of a match college, demonstrating that proximity matters. Our results show that attending a selective postsecondary institution does influence post-college employment and earnings, with less positive results for students who undermatch as compared with peers who do not. Our findings demonstrate the importance of non-academic factors in shaping college decisions and post-college outcomes, particularly for low-income students.  相似文献   

Educators have increasingly implemented remedial education in elementary and secondary schools throughout Taiwan as a systemic approach toward closing achievement gaps. However, students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and those in remote areas have shown little improvement in academic achievement. This issue raises the question of how educators are providing needed learning support to disadvantaged students in school and classroom settings. Thus, this study applies grounded theory to investigate teachers’ reactions to the remedial education policy in Taiwan, to have a reflective assessment on the policy, and to provide suggestions for policy implementation. The findings suggest that teachers’ responses to this government-imposed, centralized approach—classified as “cosmetic compliance,” “professional commitment,” and “try-out participation”—vary widely based on whether their ideological underpinnings are consistent with the government’s policy intent to close achievement gaps, and on whether they are equipped with professional knowledge and practical strategies to support the effective implementation of remedial education. Based on the findings, this study develops an interactive systemic model for more effectively implementing the remedial education policy, which illustrates a conceptualization that educational practitioners can hold professional autonomy while improving teaching and learning for low-achieving students.  相似文献   

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