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A controlled experiment was conducted in forty-four fifth-grade classrooms to investigate the extent to which creativity and problem-solving skills of children could be nurtured through a series of self-instructional programmed lessons. Also studied was the relationship of such skills to (1) learner characteristics (IQ and sex) and (2) classroom “environment” as it may have facilitated creative thinking. Significant differences were found favoring the experimental group (which received the programmed lessons). Improvement in productive thinking skills was found for both boys and girls of both higher and lower IQ. Greater gains were found in classrooms providing relatively little support and encouragement for productive thinking. Also the performance of girls on the productive thinking measures exceeded that of boys and there was a strong positive relationship to IQ.  相似文献   

在现今社会中,人们对个人素质提出更高的要求以适应时代对高素质人才的需求。为此,在学校教育中,应在开发智力的基础上,注重学生非智力因素和创造力的培养。  相似文献   

Subjects were three groups of sixth-grade students relatively low in creative ability. It was predicted that a set of training sessions which included both instructions to respond creatively and verbal reinforcement for creative responding would be more effective in increasing creative responses than either simple practice or instructions to respond creatively without accompanying reinforcement. It was also predicted that more-intelligent subjects would benefit more than less-intelligent subjects from the experimental treatment which included reinforcement. Results confirmed the first hypothesis whether creative responding was operationalized in terms of number of responses, number of unique responses, or percentage of unique responses. The second hypothesis was not supported, but the main effect of intelligence was significant both for the number of unique responses and the percentage of unique responses, though not for the total number of responses.  相似文献   


Fifth-grade students (N = 103) from 4 classrooms were administered a multiple-choice test of Piaget tasks (B. J. Wadsworth, 1996). Fifty of the students were identified as preoperational in their cognitive understanding. Two of the classrooms served as the experimental group for 24 identified students; 26 students were in 2 classrooms that served as the control group. The experimental group received special lessons and activities designed to increase abilities in concrete and abstract thinking. The school had a large Hispanic population; therefore, the students received the instruction in the language in which they demonstrated mastery. Students in the experimental group showed a significantly greater increase in concrete operations than did the control group. All the students in the 2 experimental classrooms indicated greater use of concrete operations than did the students in the 2 control classrooms.  相似文献   

隐喻是一种思维方式,人类以隐喻式思维认知世界,语言中的隐喻只是隐喻式思维过程的钻研无处不在,隐喻式思维是一种创造性的思维方式。  相似文献   

依托逻辑思维,强化创新思维是时代发展的必然要求。挑战传统思维、追求独特思维、培养立体思维是优化思维方式的基本要求。  相似文献   

创造教育是当今教育的热门话题;多元智力理论是人类智力认识上的飞跃。二者的关系表现在:人人平等都是二者的内在出发点;多元智力理论为创造教育提供理论基础;创造教育是多元智力理论实施的有效途径。多元智力理论要求创造教育树立创造力的多元发展观、确保创造教育的连续性、推动创造教育的系统化和本土化以及探讨适合超常儿童的教育模式等。  相似文献   

创造性思维是以创新发展为目的,以发散性求异思维为核心的复杂思维过程。它与再造思维的主要区别在于其思维过程的多维度和思维结果的新颖性。而思维定势主要是一种求同的、单维度的纵向思维,使个体的思维局限于原有的思维框架中,从而构成创造性思维的障碍。  相似文献   


Theories of self-concept usually maintain that the individual’s self-esteem is reflected in peer ratings. The purpose of this 6tudy is to isolate factore of self-esteem and of peer ratings and to determine significant relationships between the derived factors. Over two hundred elementary pupils were selected from two metropolitan areas.

Approximately half were black, disadvantaged pupils; the remainder were white with above average cultural advantages. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) and a semantic differential (SD) were administered to all students. From a factor analysis of responses to the SEI, four factors of self-esteem and a lie scale emerged.

Three SD factors were obtained from a factor analysis of the peer ratings. One significant canonical correlation (.325 p = .01) resulted from the correlation of the three SD factor scores with scores on the five SEI factors. “Activity” dominated the relationship between peer feelings and self-concept dimensions.  相似文献   

在《语言与人类行为》一书中,比克顿批驳了大脑增长谬论,指出智能与大脑脑容量的大小不成正比。比克顿从生物学的角度重新定义了智能,认为智能是保持体内平衡的一种方式。他提出线上思维和线下思维两个概念来诠释人与动物的区别。动物只能进行线下思维,而人类则可以同时进行线上思维和线下思维。比克顿关于语言、智能与思维之间关系的独特论述遭到了有关学者的质疑,但也同时启发大家从不同的角度去重新探索这一问题。  相似文献   

Research into school choice has focused primarily on parental perspectives. In contrast, this study directly explores children's experiences as they are going through the secondary school choice process in two inner London primary schools. While there were important commonalities in children's experience, in this paper we have concentrated on the differences. These, we argue, lay in (a) children's material and social circumstances, (b) children's individuality, and (c) the ways in which power is played out within families. However, despite both individual and family differences there remains a strong pattern of class-related orientations to choice. We also found that while the vast majority of children were actively involved in the choice process, the children's accounts highlight an important distinction between making and getting a choice. In this particular urban locale, there is less choice for black and white working-class boys than for other groups of children.  相似文献   

以601名初中生为被试,对教师创新支持行为、学生创新自我效能感和创造性思维的关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)三者之间有显著相关;(2)控制人口统计学变量后,教师创新支持行为和学生创新自我效能感对学生创造性思维有较强的预测作用;(3)学生创新自我效能感在教师创新支持行为和学生创造性思维间起到了中介作用。  相似文献   

素描是绘画艺术的基础课题,在素描教学中如何把握基础训练与创造性思维之间的关系,在基础训练中,又如何提高学生的基本造型能力和审美能力,培养创造性思维并提高创新能力,是美术教学中一个非常重要的课题.  相似文献   

数学建模活动在高校进行素质教育中有不可低估的作用,因为,进行素质教育目的就在于能把大学生培养成具有创新精神的21世纪开拓型的高质量人才.  相似文献   

创造性思维及其培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人的智慧的最集中体现就是人的思维,思维的核心是创造性思维,创造性思维的培养是我们当前素质教育的重要内容。培养学生的创造性思维的途径:强化知识教育是基础;铸塑创造性人格是动力;掌握创造性思维策略是法宝;丰富学生的想象力是条件;营造宽松的心理安全环境是保障。  相似文献   

创造性思维存在于思维主体对事物关系的认知反映活动中,更体现于它能够发现新关系形成新组合的功能中。创造性思维是多种思维形式参与的高级思维活动,它与思维者素质密切相关,可以通过后天培养获得提高 。  相似文献   

培养儿童创造性思维的方法初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了儿童创造性思维培养的方法.认为向儿童提供恰当的学校教育和家庭教育是培养儿童创造性思维的主要途径.学校应对儿童实行民主的教管方式,重视培养和激发儿童从事活动的内部动机,提供儿童充足的业余时间,创造条件让儿童参加游戏活动,对儿童进行创造性思维的训练,家庭也应确立有利于儿童创造性思维发展的教养态度  相似文献   

本文通过创新思维与实践之间的关系,阐述实践对思维的决定作用;创新思维重要方式的运用;创新思维与实践结合过程中所展现新的创造力开发和历史局限性;进而形成创新思维与实践之间相互联系的整体认识。  相似文献   

研究生创新思维和创新能力的培养   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文论述了研究生创新思维和创新能力培养的重要性,讨论了研究生阶段创新思维培养的意义和指导教师对研究生创新思维培养所起的作用,认为培养研究生创新思维重要的是强化研究生的创新意识。  相似文献   

培养学生的创造力是学校教育的基本职责 ,而创造力的培养离不开创造性思维的培养。单就语文教育来讲 ,语文教育有培养学生就创造性思维进而培养学生创造力的得天独厚的优势。因此 ,有目的地论述了创造的涵义、创造力的要素、创造性思维的特点和构成以及语文教育在培养创造力中的优越条件等问题  相似文献   

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