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Using actual referrals, this investigation identified teachers’ specific reasons for referring students, teachers’ attributions for students’ difficulties in school settings, and whether causes are related to reasons for referral. Major findings indicated that (1) reasons for referral were consistent with previous investigations, (2) although boys were referred twice as often as girls, teachers ascribed similar causes for boys and girls, and (3) teachers’ attributions were primarily due to factors other than adequacy of instruction. Several explanations for the complexity of factors influencing teachers’ decisions to refer students are discussed.  相似文献   


A comparison of two studies in which the utility of two non-intellective variables, self-expectations and self concept of ability, as predictors of scholastic achievement was examined. Because of its established predictive potential, academic aptitude was included as an independent variable in the multiple regression equations. The results of the comparison show that no significant difference existed in the multiple correlation coefficients of the two female high school student samples. A significant difference was found in the coefficients of the two male samples. The sheer magnitude of the multiple R's was noteworthy. When the non-intellective variables were added to the regression equations, a sizeable gain in explaining variance in scholastic achievement was made over that usually reported.  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed that lower grade elementary school pupils who differ in their ability to learn to read also differ with respect to the optimal time of day for reading achievement. The present study strove to determine the hours of optimal attention in older pupils who varied in their apparent aptitude for mathematics. A sample of 204 fifth graders and 202 tenth graders were divided into three groups (high, average and low ability) on the basis of their mean yearly mathematics achievement scores. The subjects were asked to report on their attention levels throughout the day. The findings showed that fifth graders' attention levels were especially high in the afternoon, whereas tenth graders reported increased concentration during the morning hours. Among tenth graders, but not among fifth graders, there was a significant interaction between mathematics achievement and attention levels at various times of day. The practical implications of these findings for the planning of school schedules are discussed.  相似文献   

以549份高校新生入学教育满意度调查问卷数据为依据,运用有序Probit模型,探究影响新生入学教育实施效果的关键因素。结果表明:新生个人特征变量中的所学专业与报考专业是否一致、生源地、上大学之前是否了解新生入学教育以及新生入学教育的内容、老师讲授的方式、入学教育的时间安排、对学生管理制度的认识状况和新生入学教育能否满足学生的需要对新生入学教育实施效果具有显著影响。而性别差异、专业差异、对所学专业的认识程度以及对自身职业生涯规划认识程度对新生入学教育实施效果的影响不显著。  相似文献   

某教师曾向我谈起这样一件事:一个学生上课不认真听讲,课后老师把他叫到办公室准备“教育”一番,不料学生出语惊人:“老师,你以为你教得好我就学得好吗 ?即使我考试得到高分,也不是因为你教得好,而是我学得好。”老师当时气得话都说不出来,连连感叹当今的孩子太不懂事。   作为一名教师,对学生的这种言论我起初也感到很愤慨。学生对辛辛苦苦向自己传授知识的老师说出那样的话,不啻是一种忤逆和反叛。然而事后冷静下来想一想,那个学生说的话其实没有多大错。试想,如果老师的课堂教学没有面向全体学生 (这是当前的普遍现象 ),…  相似文献   

Method of Measurement and Gender Differences in Scholastic Achievement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gender differences in scholastic achievement as a function of method of measurement were examined by comparing the performance of 15-year-old boys (N = 739) and girls (N = 758) in Irish schools on multiple-choice tests and free-response tests (requiring short written answers) of mathematics, Irish, and English achievement. Males performed significantly better than females on multiple-choice tests compared to their performance on free-response examinations. An expectation that the gender difference would be larger for the languages and smaller for mathematics because of the superior verbal skills attributed to females was not fulfilled.  相似文献   


The effects of cluster registration upon various aspects of student experience at the University of Utah were studied. From among first quarter freshmen, undecided as to academic major, seven groups of students were identified who had registered for the same general education courses and who could be kept together for the duration of the quarter in their respective groups (clusters) by assigning them to appropriate course sections. A control group was used. Findings led to the conclusion that cluster registration (used in this investigation) did not improve the quality of the university experience of these entering college freshmen.  相似文献   

文章分析了大学生成就行为的外部动力源因素,这些因素分别是大学生的成就目标、学习任务难度、外部奖励及环境氛围等,它们对大学生的成就行为有着重大的影响。在此基础上本文还提出了相应的对策以激发大学生的成就行为,使之成为社会的有用之才,并为教育者的教育、教学和管理提供必要的帮助。  相似文献   


Two groups of freshmen were admitted to the University of Florida whose qualifications were below the established minimums. The students in one group were routinely handled. The second group received special guidance, sectioning, and reduced course loads. The two groups were matched on test scores, and their achievement, as measured by grade point average (GPA), was compared over two quarters. Neither the quarters nor cumulative GPA's yielded a significant difference between the two groups. A possible positive effect of the reduced load is suggested by the study and considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

本文介绍1996年投入使用的“韩师招生管理系统”的基本功能和制作过程中采用的技术等。  相似文献   

新一代大学生刚刚踏入校门,往往会感到无所适从。文章从大学新生应当首先树立正确的奋斗目标说起,总结了大学新生实现奋斗目标需要注意的三个主要方面,即勤奋、方法和正视挫折的能力,以期为大学新生迅速适应新的环境奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学新生学业成绩与心理健康状况之间的关系.方法:选取某二级本科院校2008级全体大学新生3310名,集中进行UPI和SCL-90测试,与其第一学年学业成绩进行相关分析.结果:大学新生中约两成学生心理异常,男女学生心理正常异常状态比例相当,理科学生心理健康状况弱于文科学生.大学新生学业成绩与心理健康状况之间的关系是:成绩越优秀的学生在UPI的精神病性、抑郁、神经症方面更容易出现问题,而成绩较差的学生在这几个方面的心理健康状况反而要好;而不同群体学业成绩与心理健康状况的相关性存在差异,不同专业新生间这种差异不显著,男女生之间和独生子女和非独生子女间在UPI的多项因子上差异显著.结论:2008级大学新生心理健康水平良好,学业成绩与心理健康状况之间存在显著相关,且不同群体相关性有差异,提示我们对大学新生要分群体有针对性地开展心理健康教育和学习辅导工作.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of Asian peers on non-Asian student achievement in New York City public schools. We use exogenous variation in the share of Asian students across cohorts within schools stemming from a fertility shock among the Asian population in the Chinese year of the Dragon. Results show that a 10-percentage-point increase in the share of Asian students reduces non-Asian math and ELA scores by 0.14 and 0.16 standard deviations. The reduction in achievement is associated with an increase in the share of non-Asian students who fail to demonstrate the skills expected at the grade, especially in math.  相似文献   

“心理断乳”的问题在各高校大一新生中普遍存在.面对这一问题,文章从“心理适应”的概念出发,揭示开展大一新生心理适应问题研究的价值,结合实际挖掘出影响新生心理适应高低的各种因素,继而从高校和学生两大方面提出促使新生心理适应水平提高的对策,以切实可行的方案推进高校大一新生融入大学环境.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether a relationship existed between cultural literacy and academic achievement. It was found that among the fifth graders involved in the study there was a significant positive correlation between cultural literacy and academic achievement. In addition, although ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and type of school attended influenced the cultural literacy of the students, the positive relationship between cultural literacy and academic achievement existed among all these subgroups. The article briefly examines reasons behind this relationship.  相似文献   

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