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Postsecondary institutions seek to create a pedagogical environment that increases students' knowledge, expands their powers of reasoning, and shapes their psychosocial dispositions. In this study, we examined a conceptual model of academic attainment including two aspects of the pedagogical environment experienced by students, namely the cognitive demands set by professors and the social support provided by both professors and other students. Along with these climate variables, three psychosocial dispositions of students, self-esteem, perceived academic control, and coping strategies, were also included. A sample of 854 undergraduate students in the faculties of Arts and Science from a mid-western Research-1 (Canadian) university was used to estimate the effect parameters in the model. The results suggest that both cognitive demands and social support affected the students 9 perceived academic control and coping strategies. In turn, the pedagogical environment and the psychosocial dispositions affected the students' academic achievement. Implications for establishing and maintaining supportive pedagogical environments and for helping students improve their perceived control and coping strategies are discussed.  相似文献   


The present classroom experiment used an analysis of variance for a 2x3x2 factorial experiment to investigate the relative effectiveness of inductive and deductive methods and to determine interaction among ability, sex, and method variables. Data were derived from a recognition and transfer criterion administered immediately after the 5 week instruction period and 2 weeks later. Obtained F values favored the inductive treatment (p.<.01) in each case and method by sex interaction was noted for the total score variable of the delayed test (p.<.05). It was concluded that the inductive method is superior in the teaching of morphological and syntaxical concepts regardless of Ss’ verbal ability level, and an investigation of the treatment by sex interaction suggests that inductive methods may be more effective with female Ss.  相似文献   

本文利用2011年H大学本科生就读经历调查数据,对本科生的时间分配现状进行描述,并探讨了上课、课外学习、课外活动、社会及休闲活动、工作职责和通勤六项活动时间分配对学生成绩的影响。研究发现:上课、课外学习、社会及休闲活动时间均显著地影响学习成绩;上课和课外学习时间对学生学习成绩的影响是积极的,但社会及休闲活动时间却对其有消极影响;课外活动、工作职责及通勤时间对学习成绩没有显著性影响。这启示学校在尊重不同群体学生的时间分配特征的基础上,应注意营造良好的学习氛围、提升教师教学能力、加强对学生的分类指导和课外指导、培养学生规范利用时间的意识与行为习惯,以提高学生学习投入水平和学习成绩。  相似文献   

Self-esteem and Academic Achievement Among Adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main purpose of this research is to analyse what strategies are pursued in order to protect self-esteem when it is threatened by a negative self-evaluation of school competence. Participants were 838 secondary-school students from the seventh to the ninth grades. Data were collected using Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, together with a Scale of Attitudes towards School. Our results show that there are significant differences between the self-esteem enjoyed by successful and unsuccessful students in the seventh grade; such differences disappear in the eighth and ninth grades. They also reveal success-related differences in domain-specific self-evaluation. We also found that students with low levels of academic achievement attribute less importance to school-related areas and reveal less favourable attitudes towards school. We discuss these results in terms of Harter's self-esteem model and Robinson and Tayler's self-esteem protection model.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported that twice-exceptional (2e) students were vulnerable in psychological traits and exhibited low-academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy. Such vulnerability may cause their academic failures. This study applied interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative approach to investigate the perceptions of academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy in six 2e students from a Singapore secondary school. Results demonstrate that 2e students could possess high-academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy that empower their academic success. This study suggests strategies such as focusing on the 2e students’ strength areas and developing their interests in particular academic domains to enable their development of high-academic self-concept. We also recommend practices such as creating the experiences of success, practicing effective parental and teacher support, and providing positive peer influence to foster 2e students’ high-academic self-efficacy.  相似文献   

The study examined the relation between possible selves, academic performance, motivation, self‐esteem and persistence on task. The assumption was that envisioning a desired end‐state produces information processing favouring the desired state and, as a consequence, the action seems more likely and people are able to construct more efficient plans. We hypothesized that academic performance is best for subjects who are able to produce well‐elaborated, vivid pictures of future selves. The sample consisted of 289 students, 14 and 15 years old, of both sexes. The statistical analysis revealed that those who endorsed specific, elaborated positive selves outperformed the other groups in academic achievement. There was also indication that this group of students showed more persistence on task. The results are discussed in terms of their importance for the motivational role of possible selves in achievement situations.  相似文献   

最近,笔者再一次拜读、品味詹振权教授的大作<温州教育论稿>,又有了新的感悟.詹振权教授是一位深受广大中小学教师热爱的、在省内外有广泛影响的资深学者.他几十年如一日,孜孜不倦、卓有成效地进行教育教学实践和理论研究.他的研究植根于教育教学实践,表现出鲜明的时代特色和感人的艺术魅力.<温州教育论稿>选录了他主要的教育论文和研究报告,是詹教授一生心血和研究成果的浓缩和结晶.他的这些研究正如原温州市主管教育的副市长陈莲莲先生所评价的那样,具有 "思想的深刻性与表述的生动性的精妙揉和、理论的抽象性与行为的可操作性的有机转化、视野的个性化与科学的预见性的生动印证"的显著特征,读后令人赞叹,使人感动.  相似文献   

从学业成就测量与评价的意义、教育测量在教育评价中的作用入手分析探讨了教育测量在高职学校中的应用。分析指出,学业成就的测量与评价作为一种必不可少的机制和手段,应用到高职院校日常教学和管理中将起到积极作用,通过测量与评价可以有效地提高教学质量,反馈教学信息,完善教育目标。  相似文献   

This study attempted to examine the long range effects of ITA, four years after its inception as a method of beginning reading instruction. IQ and achievement data were collected for both ITA and conventional (TO) reading groups. With achievement test subscores at the end of grade four as the criterion variable, results of 2-way analysis of variance designs indicated significant differences between the reading groups in four of twelve comparisons. Compared with TO, the ITA group achieved significantly higher mean scores on measures of word meaning, average reading, word study skills, and science. Although there were no interactions of mental ability with reading method in any of the twelve analyses, reading scores increased as IQ level increased regardless of the reading method considered.  相似文献   


The reform movement embracing charter schools is based largely on the promise that these autonomous schools will out-perform public schools plagued by bureaucratic administration-an expectation reflected in the federal NCLB law. However, the many state-based reports have been mixed, and previous national studies have suffered from serious methodological shortcomings. In a multi-dimensional analysis of a large and comprehensive dataset, we found charter elementary schools performing at a level beneath those of non-charter public schools, even after accounting for differences in student demographics and school location. In view of this and previous studies, the best current estimate of the performance of charter schools is that any academic advantage is negligible, isolated, or even negative relative to achievement in non-charter public schools. Implications regarding the premise of the federal law are considered. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_07  相似文献   

Scholars Who Teach: The Art of College Teaching: Edited by Steven M. Cahn: Nelson-Hall, Chicago, 1978, Cloth $14.95, Paper $7.95, 246 pages. Reviewed by Marilyn L. Schaefer.

Support for Teaching at Major Universities: Edited by Stanford C. Ericksen with John A. Cook.: Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Fall, 1979. $3.00. Reviewed by Kurt F. Geisinger.  相似文献   

在科学研究制度中,科学规范制度预设了科研诚信,普遍主义、公有性、无私利性和有组织的怀疑主义都以诚信为前提和基础;而科学奖励制度则强调科学发现的独创性,由此加剧了科研人员之间的竞争,并使他们在遵守科研诚信并付出科研努力却得不到科学奖励的情况下,有可能为了满足个人需求而违背科研诚信,实施科研不端行为。科学规范与科学奖励之间的内在张力成为科研不端行为的重要制度成因,并为治理科研不端行为制度建设的合理性提供了依据。  相似文献   

Governments of Australia have, at least since the 1960s, desired the control of tertiary education. From the mid-1960s to 1988 Australia had a binary system of higher education comprised of universities and colleges of advanced education. The latter were subject to much stricter government regulation. One of the main intentions was to have a system of tertiary education which was more attuned to the economic needs of the nation and less expensive than traditional universities. Colleges of advanced education were supposed to be ‘equal but different’. Historians of education have been criticised for concentrating on facts and acts and for ignoring the human and social dimensions of institutional history. This paper redresses some of these shortcomings. The paper focuses on the individual working lives of a group of academic staff in one of Australia's oldest colleges of advanced education. It examines the influence of government regulations at the individual level. The paper investigates how system-wide restraints were reflected in the institutions they were supposed to influence. The issues covered include academic recruitment, induction programmes, institutional history, the use of sanctions and rewards and controls on teaching.  相似文献   

科学客观地评价教学质量是提高教学效果的重要保障。当前高校的教学质量考核存在着设计理念上的偏差:比较重视教师的奖惩,不够重视教师发展;侧重简单量化,忽视内涵质量;重考核形式,轻学业收获;偏重考核人员的数量,不讲究其素质等。以学业成绩进行的教学质量考核,能够反映考核的科学性和客观性。  相似文献   

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