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This study analyzes and classifies items that display sex-related Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in attitude assessment. It applies the Educational Testing Services (ETS) procedure that is used for classifying DIF items in testing to classify sex-related DIF items in attitude scales. A total of 982 items that measure attitudes from 23 real data sets were used in the analysis. Results showed that sex DIF is common in attitude scales: more than 27% of items showed DIF related to sex, 15% of the items exhibited moderate to large DIF, and the magnitudes of DIF against males and females were not equal.  相似文献   

教授治校是一种重要的现代大学管理制度,因而对其研究和思考也非常的关注.当前,有的学者对大学教授治校采取支持态度,而有些学者采取不赞同的姿态甚至走向反对的立场,还有些学者持一种中立的态度,当然,还有些研究是一种矛盾的姿态.那么,什么原因导致了这种现状?左右其原因主要有:内部因素和外部因素以及内外交错的因素,诸如欧美等国大学教授治校受到挑战,我国大学教授治校的现实困境,等等.为了更好推进教授治校,促进大学内部管理体制的改革,我们需要寻求实现教授治校的可能策略.  相似文献   

Exact nonparametric procedures have been used to identify the level of differential item functioning (DIF) in binary items. This study explored the use of exact DIF procedures with items scored on a Likert scale. The results from an attitude survey suggest that the large-sample Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) procedure identifies more items as statistically significant than two comparable exact nonparametric methods. This finding is consistent with previous findings; however, when items are classified in National Assessment of Educational Progress DIF categories, the results show that the CMH and its exact nonparametric counterparts produce almost identical classifications. Since DIF is often evaluated in terms of statistical and practical significance, this study provides evidence that the large-sample CMH procedure may be safely used even when the focal group has as few as 76 cases.  相似文献   

A total census of the professional staff (N = 374) at a college was taken to assess the staff’s attitude toward a change in the research climate. Approximately 50 percent of the staff responded. A scaling system reflecting the rank-order of research commitment was used. The data were treated three ways: (1) without non-respondent consideration; (2) including non-respondents; and (3) a combination of the first and second approaches. Results indicated that departments included under supporting services had the least favorable attitude toward research. Using non-respondents as data had little effect other than to depress all positions on the attitude scale. It was concluded that the faculty was interested in research but was not highly committed to it.  相似文献   

对视障生接受普通高等教育的态度调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对视障学生接受普通高等教育的态度进行了调查,结果表明,师范院校学生和社会人士对视障学生接受普通高等教育这一现象持乐观态度。师范学生认为普通高等教育对于视障学生的个人发展和未来就业都起着重要的作用;对于视障学生具备接受并完成高等教育的能力给予了有限积极的评价;认为视障者的普通高等教育的实行主要取决于教育体制调整、社会态度接纳、普通高校提供合适的学习条件,同伴群体的态度等因素的影响。与师范学生相比,盲校教师的态度最为积极且差异显著,因此加强师范学生的特殊教育知识传授,对扩展师范学生与残障人士的互动渠道,增进大学生对残障群体的理解有促进作用。  相似文献   

Computer packages that assist the test developer in writing items, generating tests, and building item banks are critically examined. There appears to be a lack of fully integrated software packages for item writing. Although there are many test generators, they do not really assist the test developer in checking the wording of items. Packages are available, however, for building quality item banks.  相似文献   

国内高校理工科的专业课双语教学实践活动已历时近20年,全英语教学活动也正在积极开展中。本文尝试在教育资源网络化全球化的今天,调查分析大学生对全英语教学专业课的态度、意见和建议。此次共有100位大学生参加了调查,调查问题涉及英语学习、专业学习、教材选取、课堂教学、实验教学及考核方法等各个方面。结果表明:学生普遍认同国内高校理工科应该推广双语和全英语教学,但自己愿意选修全英语专业课的比例只有55%。本文通过对调查结果数据的统计对比,深入分析了各方面现有的问题并给出具体建议,以期为国内理工科全英语教学的未来发展方向提供思路。  相似文献   

The ideology of college and university teaching faculty is generally healthy and forward-looking. The broad mass of teachers has placed their hopes in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and their political enthusiasm is at an all-time high. They have adopted the values and moral concepts of socialism and keenly support the reform and development of higher education. At the same time, teachers have expressed concern about problematic aspects of the nation's social and economic development, with some teachers exhibiting ideological tendencies that merit attention. Political and ideological work with teachers must therefore be strengthened in the areas of morality and the overall development of teachers.  相似文献   

本文应用矩阵有关知识分解多项式的因式,特别是联合使用列表法分解出一次整因式,大大减少了计算上的麻烦。  相似文献   

本文运用调查数据对美国大学教师退休收入计划、退休奖励计划、分阶段退休计划、退后福利情况以及退休与招聘、留用的政策进行了比较分析,充分揭示了当前美国大学教师退休政策的变革趋势,得出待遇确定型(DB)计划仍具生命力,分阶段退休计划方兴未艾和教师退休工作相比教师招聘和留用不被重视三个结论,对我国未来高等院校教师退休制度的变革提供了极好的借鉴.  相似文献   

研究生择业观的调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
就研究生的择业问题选择了西安三所高校的256名研究生,采用问卷、访谈的方法进 行研究后发现,尽管研究生的就业率很高,但他们对就业形势并不太乐观,他们关注就业质量,追求 就业满意度;他们和本科生一样渴望就业指导,尤其是希望得到更多的就业信息;择业观表现出较 明显的个人主义倾向;创业意识较弱;在自我期望和现实间能较理性地寻找平衡等。据此,笔者认 为高等学校应加强以下四个方面工作:①培养研究生树立先就业后择业的观念;②培养研究生适应 社会主义市场经济的现代价值观;③完善就业信息机制;④强化研究生创业意识,培养创业能力。  相似文献   

运用转动主优势模型对小学教师对待学生错误的态度概括为3种模式,每种模式在其态度3维因素上均有不同表现:认知和情感、行为倾向和行为没有必然的联系,认知模糊也可以有积极的情感、积极的行为倾向和行为;认知明确,情感积极,行为倾向积极也会出现不积极的行为;存在对学生错误的认知、情感、行为倾向和行为均消极的教师.因此,教师对待学生数学错误的态度还没有达到课标所倡导的水平:如果能够在数学教师组内形成研究错误的氛围,这种团体的力量也可以加速个体教师对待学生数学错误态度的转变;对教师的评价应从单一的分数评价转向多元化评价,唤起教师自身生长的内在需要.  相似文献   

高校教师思想状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师思想状况的主流积极健康向上,广大教师对中国共产党寄予希望,政治热情空前高涨,树立了社会主义的价值观和道德观,积极支持高等教育的改革和发展。同时,广大教师也对我国经济和社会发展中的难点问题表示忧虑。部分教师中还形成了一些值得注意的思想倾向。为此,必须加强教师的思想政治工作,加强师德建设,促进教师的全面发展。  相似文献   

主观题评分标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2006年上海市高考政治学科论述题评分标准为例,从三个方面研究如何评价主观题评分标准的优劣,即每个评分项是否具有相对独立性;根据若干评分项的结果是否能够推测出考生的综合论述的能力;每个评分项等第划分是否合理。因子分析表明该主观题四个评分项具有单维性,一个因子可以解释为考生的综合论述能力。相关分析表明四个评分项均具有相对独立性,对推测考生的综合论述能力起到了彼此独立的作用。Rasch评分量表模型分析显示,各评分项等级划分基本合理,但个别等级出现信息量不足,在此基础上,提出了改进评分标准的若干建议。  相似文献   

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) has gained deserved popularity in the administration of educational and professional assessments, but continues to face test security challenges. To ensure sustained quality assurance and testing integrity, it is imperative to establish and maintain multiple stable item pools that are consistent in terms of psychometric characteristics and content specifications. This study introduces the Honeycomb Pool Assembly (HPA) framework, an innovative solution for the construction of multiple parallel item pools for CAT that maximizes item utilization in the item bank. The HPA framework comprises two stages—cell assembly and pool assembly—and uses a mixed integer programming modeling approach. An empirical study demonstrated HPA's effectiveness in creating a large number of parallel pools using a real-world high-stakes CAT assessment item bank. The HPA framework offers several advantages, including (a) simultaneous creation of multiple parallel pools, (b) simplification of item pool maintenance, and (c) flexibility in establishing statistical and operational constraints. Moreover, it can help testing organizations efficiently manage and monitor the health of their item banks. Thus, the HPA framework is expected to be a valuable tool for testing professionals and organizations to address test security challenges and maintain the integrity of high-stakes CAT assessments.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education reform efforts have called for widespread adoption of evidence-based teaching in which faculty members attend to student outcomes through assessment practice. Awareness about the importance of assessment has illuminated the need to understand what faculty members know and how they engage with assessment knowledge and practice. The Faculty Self-Reported Assessment Survey (FRAS) is a new instrument for evaluating science faculty assessment knowledge and experience. Instrument validation was composed of two distinct studies: an empirical evaluation of the psychometric properties of the FRAS and a comparative known-groups validation to explore the ability of the FRAS to differentiate levels of faculty assessment experience. The FRAS was found to be highly reliable (α = 0.96). The dimensionality of the instrument enabled distinction of assessment knowledge into categories of program design, instrumentation, and validation. In the known-groups validation, the FRAS distinguished between faculty groups with differing levels of assessment experience. Faculty members with formal assessment experience self-reported higher levels of familiarity with assessment terms, higher frequencies of assessment activity, increased confidence in conducting assessment, and more positive attitudes toward assessment than faculty members who were novices in assessment. These results suggest that the FRAS can reliably and validly differentiate levels of expertise in faculty knowledge of assessment.  相似文献   

大学教师发展,对不同类型教师有不同的价值效用。通过针对性、实效性的发展项目,能支持未来的大学教师充分准备,帮助新入职教师顺利适应,促进职涯中期教师保持活力,促使资深教师保有激情,推动兼职教师全面融入,进而整体增强大学教师能力水平,协同提升高等教育质量。  相似文献   

通过对学生的筛查得到小学儿童学习障碍的检出率为7.48%,通过对教师、家长关于学习障碍的态度和观念的调查,发现目前教师、家长对儿童学习障碍的了解都停留在表层,影响了他们对学习障碍儿童的判断和行为措施的选择。因此提出了普及相关知识,建立相应机制,强化学校责任的建议。  相似文献   

Recent discussions of practices in higher education have tended toward muck-raking and self-styled exposure of cynical self-indulgence by faculty and administrators at the expense of students and their families, as usually occurs during periods of economic duress, rather than toward analytical studies designed to foster understanding This article looks briefly at some examples of this tendency and then offers an analytical approach to understanding faculty workloads and the ways of assessing and evaluating faculty work.  相似文献   

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