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马克思在其早期著作中多次提出要“消灭哲学”,这是马克思主义哲学的研究者必须给出解释的问题。对此,俞吾金教授认为,这句话的中文翻译有误,马克思的原义是要扬弃哲学。根据马克思相关文本的中译文和英译文,从“消灭哲学”的出场语境出发,得出结论,“消灭哲学”的翻译无误。但是马克思原义是要消灭具有意识形态特征的那种哲学而并非所有哲学。俞吾金教授所提出的翻译问题具有重要的现实意义,它提醒人们将马克思的格言放入特定的文本语境中来理解,而不是脱离语境任意的引用。  相似文献   

"无所谓"的词汇化经历了"所谓"的词汇化和"无所谓"的词汇化两个阶段,词汇化的机制是重新分析和类推。在重新分析作用下,"无/靡+所+V"结构中"所"和处所相关类的动词结合为词汇单位。在类推作用下,"所V"结构大量出现,并扩展到包括"所谓"等言说类在内的其它动词类型;"无所谓"之后的名词性成分变为动词或形容词短语。词汇化过程中,"无所谓"的词义产生了虚化,从表示"没有什么说的"演变为可以反映说话人主观态度的"不在乎"。  相似文献   

In the history of South African education there have been three contrasting attempts to incorporate learners into the authority structures of schools, namely: “boy-government” (prefect system), “student-government” (Student Representative Councils (SRCs)) and “learner-government” (Representative Councils of Learners (RCLs)). This article traces the historical development of these traditions in governance in South African schools. Against this background, it proffers a historical analysis of these traditions to show that the phrase “learner representative council” is at a crossroads, that is, it is being stretched and pulled in different directions in post-apartheid South Africa. It points out that “student-government” was born out of the rejection of the unpopular “boy-government”. It also provides a critical analysis of the attempt of the national Guides for Representative Councils of Learners (Guides for RCLs) (DoE 1999) to blend the “prefect” and “SRC” traditions in order to strengthen democracy at school level. In doing so, it argues that the Guides for RCLs undermine democratic SRCs developed in the anti-apartheid education struggle. In the end, the article defends the “student-government” tradition because of its potential to educate for democratic citizenship in post-apartheid South African schools.  相似文献   

“X时”是汉语指示时间位置的一种非常重要的结构。由谓词性“X”构成的“X时”结构在《史记》中大量存在,这一结构满足了复杂叙事的需要,其实质是使“X”仂语化,并将两个没有语法形式关联的陈述性成分组合起来,形成有同时关系的表意整体,使句子的语义表达和语法结构更为严密。  相似文献   

“哪门子”是现代汉语中使用频率较高的一个词,其由“哪+一门子”词汇化而来,由于其搭配对象由亲缘关系名词逐步扩展、泛化,加之用于反问句和数词“一”的省略,其意义上表否定,结构上凝固,逐渐发展固化为词“。哪门子”与“什么”表否定有一定的共同点,但二者在句法和语义上也存在诸多差异。此外,“哪门子”还具有较强的主观贬义色彩。  相似文献   

Purdue Univ.'s College of Agriculture developed an Advanced Life Sciences (ALS) program in partnership with several high schools across Indiana. As part of ALS, secondary educators take an introductory food science (FS) course (ALS‐Foods) and teach it at their high school. High school students taking the ALS‐Foods receive dual credit for an introductory course required for all FS majors at Purdue. The goal of this project was to develop an online course to improve content knowledge and self‐efficacy of secondary educators in the field of FS. The course was offered over a 3‐wk period and consisted of 3 learning modules focused on food chemistry, food microbiology, and food processing. Modules included class activities, videos, study questions, and teaching tools. Participants were assessed on content knowledge through written assignments, quizzes, and a final examination. Twenty secondary educators from several states were enrolled. Overall, content knowledge increased significantly (P < 0.05) across all 3 modules after completing the course. Highest scores were in food microbiology/safety (84%), followed by food processing (76%) and food chemistry (70%). A precourse survey indicated that the majority (>80%) of participants felt they had “no‐confidence” to “little‐confidence” in teaching FS concepts related to the 3 modules. Upon completing the course, the confidence level of all participants increased to “some‐confidence” or “complete confidence.” By strengthening the knowledge level of secondary educators, they will be better prepared to teach FS and subsequently, more high school students could be exposed to FS and consider it as a career.  相似文献   

齐芳 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(5):126-127,134
"成语是一种具有固定的结构形式和完整意义的固定词组。""在结构形式方面,成语结构定型的特点特别突出。"异序成语是同义成语的一种。由异序成语形成的原因出发,研究了其内部结构和使用频度以及由此导致的在使用时的大同小异,来更好地理解成语结构的定型性。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among educational researchers in exploring the relationships between learners’ epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of learning. This study was conducted to investigate these relationships particularly in the domain of science. The participants in this study included 407 Taiwanese college science‐major students. All of them responded to two major questionnaires, one assessing their scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) and the other one probing their conceptions of learning science (COLS). The SEB questionnaire included four factors: “certainty,” “source,” “development,” and “justification” of science knowledge. The COLS survey consisted of six factors in a hierarchical order, that is, learning science as “memorizing,” “preparing for tests,” “calculating and practicing,” “increasing one’s knowledge,” “application,” and “understanding and seeing in a new way.” The students’ confidence and interest toward learning science were also assessed by additional questionnaire items. Stepwise regression analyses, in general, showed coherence between students’ SEBs and their COLS, indicating that the sophistication of SEBs was consistent with less agreement with lower‐level COLS (such as “memorizing” and “preparing for tests”) as well as more agreement with higher‐level COLS (such as “understanding and seeing in a new way”). However, the SEB’s “justification” factor was positively related to almost all of COLS factors from the lower‐level to higher‐level. This study finally found that among all of the SEB and COLS factors, the “preparing for tests” factor in COLS was the solely significant variable for predicting students’ interest in science and confidence toward learning science.  相似文献   

“疾”、“病”和“疾病”的各种意义在先秦文献中都已出现,没有时间上的明显先后。“疾”和“病”在表示“疾病”义时也无意义上的差别,同义并列不构成句法上的并列关系,即“疾病”不能构成并列短语。“病”由“困苦”引申为引发困苦之一的“疾病”义,二者的意义联系也很紧密。因此,名词“疾病”是通过词法途径并列两个同义单音词形成的,与同形的主谓短语不具有衍生关系。  相似文献   

词缀“的”有所有格性和形容词性之分,前者来源于唐代“底”字,后者来源于上古“之”字,“的”与其前成分构成“所有格短语”和“形容词短语”,“的”字是插入到“的”字短语里的,“的”与其前成分组成的语法单位使独立“的”字结构成为可能;现代汉语人称代词所有格意义的非“的”字短语用法源自古代;独立“的”字结构是名词化结果,不同于数量词短语的独立使用。  相似文献   

Currently there is concern among some educators regarding the reliability of criterion-referenced (CR) measures. In this comment, a recent attempt to develop a theory of reliability for CR measures is examined, and some considerations for determining the reliability of CR measures are discussed. Conventional reliability statistics (e.g., coefficient alpha, standard error of measurement) are found appropriate for CR measures satisfying the assumptions of the measurement model underlying classical test theory. For measures with underlying multidimensional traits, conventional reliability statistics may be used at the homogeneous subscale level. When the confidence interval about a student's “below criterion score” includes the criterion, additional evidence about the student should be obtained. Two-stage sequential testing is suggested as one method for acquiring additional evidence.  相似文献   

韩国留学生直到中级阶段才逐渐习得“没有”句和“不如”句。由于母语中缺少相对应的句型,“不比”句直到高级阶段才有所习得,其使用频率明显低于汉语本族语者,常被“没有”句替代或产生截搭的偏误。正确使用频率“不如”句最高,其次是“没有”句,“不比”句最低。  相似文献   

By searching the keywords of “older adult” and “computer” in ERIC, Academic Search Premier, and PsycINFO, this study reviewed 70 studies published after 1990 that address older adults' computer learning and usage. This study revealed 5 prominent themes among reviewed literature: (a) motivations and barriers of older adults' usage of computers, (b) age-related differences in computer learning and usage, (c) instructional tips and design, (d) changes in attitudes and benefits, and (e) Internet usage. The limitations of the studies are reviewed and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

“之”字是《世说新语》中使用频率较高的一个字,它的使用使得《世说新语》语言更加紧凑,表达性更强。文章以《世说新语》前五类为研究对象,釆用穷尽式以及定性定量的研究方法,考察“之”字的代词、助词、动词、连词等用法,探讨《世说新语》前五类中“之”字的语法功能和语法意义,具有一定的参考价值和研究意义。  相似文献   

One morning, two-year-old Jennifer impressed her mother with the rather sophisticated exclamation, “Daddy went bye-bye,” as her father left for work. In fact, Jennifer's mother encouraged her to repeat the phrase so that it could be audiotaped and preserved for posterity. Sadly, Jennifer was more interested in commenting on the turning wheels of the recorder than in performing as her mother requested. The mother's repeated, probing inquiry, “Where did Daddy go, Jennifer?” was all that was audible on the tape.  相似文献   


The analysis examines the genesis of the Lippman-Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah’s Prize in Applied Jewish Wisdom (AJW) that was first awarded in 2016. The foundation invented both the phrase AJW and the prize to highlight the qualities of Jewish content being employed by promising educators and activists in the “Jewish innovation ecosystem.” This paper traces the emergence of the term in the writing of the foundation, and then delves in the sorting process undertaken by the foundation to determine the prize winners. AJW functions as a “boundary object.” The Prize is a means of constituting AJW. The development of AJW positions the foundation to be able to claim “philanthropic authority” regarding a domain it wants to cultivate and champion. It is a way for LKFLT to assert its voice in the Jewish innovation sector and articulate a new rationale beyond simply funding innovation for its own sake.  相似文献   

“非吏比者三老、北边骑士,轺车一算;商贾人轺车二算”一句中的“非”字对“吏比者三老”、“北边骑士”构成否定关系,“非吏比者”不能合为一个词,“吏比者”专指三老。  相似文献   

语言中的“同位”不等于“复指” ,“复指”也不等于“同位” ,只有既“同位”又“复指”的短语 ,才可称为“同位短语”或“复指短语”。在短语结构类型中应定名为“同位短语”。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Professional organizations have linked core competency to professional success and competitive strategy. The Research Chefs Assn. (RCA) recently released 43 core competencies for practicing culinologists. Culinology® is a profession that links skills of culinary arts and food science and technology in the development of food products. An online survey was created asking RCA members from all 6 membership categories (Associate, Affiliate, Chef, Culinology, Food Science and Technology (FS&T), and Student) to rate their knowledge level based on a 7‐point scale and agreement to importance in job performance based on a 5‐point Likert scale for each competency statement. RCA participant's (N = 192) survey results were analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 13.0 at a significance level of P < 0.05. Statistical survey validation grouped all 43 competency statements into 8 factors (groupings) according to level of competency proficiency (opposed to the 7 groups each competency was originally designated by the RC A) and into 9 factors according to job success. Results suggest that Chef Members know “Culinary Arts” best and FS&T members know “Food Science” best. A gap analysis determined what competency factors were low in knowledge level yet important to job success for each membership category. Chef members have a lower level of knowledge in “Product Development,”“Food Science,” and “Quality Assurance” factors; however, the factors are important to job success. FS&T members have a lower level of knowledge in “Nutrition” yet identified the factor important to job success. An opportunity exists to improve educational efforts for specific membership categories.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of early childhood educators' experiences with learning and implementing positive guidance skills are absent from the extant literature. This study explored this topic with 63 junior and senior level university students who were involved in concurrent instructional lecture and practicum experiences. Participants defined “positive guidance” diversely with definitions ranging from accurate to inaccurate. Most participants held inaccurate or somewhat inaccurate definitions both before and after class. Participants considered several positive guidance skills difficult to master, including conflict resolution, positive language usage, setting and following through with limits, and offering choices. They rated positive language usage and conflict resolution as two of the four most improved skills during the course and addressing children's individual needs and confidence as most improved after the course ended. The majority of participants cited the hands-on aspects of class and lab as being important in contributing to positive attitudes about positive guidance.  相似文献   

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