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The author remarks that globalization is here to stay and that it is much more than a matter of global markets. She points out some of its beneficial aspects in South East Europe. It will, for example, allow members of diasporas from former trouble spots to keep in contact with their home countries by Internet and to assist them. Such positive developments can already be identified in some countries of the region. UNESCO is encouraging such innovations in higher education so as to enable it to benefit from the opportunities offered by new global transforma tions.  相似文献   

吴多美 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(5):13-17,31
《中华人民共和国企业破产法》有较多的创新之处,其中重整制度就是一种新设计的制度。但该制度的设计还存在诸多的不足。笔者试图比较该制度与他国或地区破产重整制度的区别,探讨律师在司法实践中可以对新《企业破产法》有关缺陷予以再认识等,从而促进新《企业破产法》的不断完善,并提高律师办案的水平和质量。  相似文献   

近年来发达国家相继推出了有关新能源的法律与政策.发达国家不但普遍重视发展新能源、鼓励技术创新,而且有关的立法体现了低碳化的价值取向.未来几年,在新能源立法方面发达国家仍将处于领先地位;同时,新能源法律与政策的综合化、政治化趋势将更加凸显.今后中国应借鉴发达国家的经验教训,以完善新能源立法为出发点,以低碳化为立法目标,重视市场机制的作用,并加强国际合作.  相似文献   

This paper explores policy and practice in assessment in developing countries in anglophone Africa in the context of globalisation. A simple interpretation of some globalisation theory suggests that there should be a convergence in the form and content of assessment following on from innovations in practice in metropolitan countries, in this case England. The analysis of assessment instruments shows that there has indeed been some convergence across the nine African cases examined, but that this is not best explained by the adoption of innovations current in the metropole. More powerful explanations are grounded in the structural similarity between the African systems. Amongst other things this leads to gaps between the rhetoric of assessment reform and the reality of assessment practice. These persist despite consistent projections in the assessment literature (both national and international) and in externally supported curriculum and assessment projects of what should be valued, what should be assessed, and what may be relevant to future employment.  相似文献   

Major industrial and industrialising countries are investing heavily in new technology and with it investing in higher levels of vocational training. The history and the current practice of vocational training in the U.S.A. suggest that to assume a direct relationship between more vocational training and greater economic productivity could be misguided. The premise needs much closer examination than it is currently being given yet, despite numerous studies in this area, case studies of specific fields of employment in Los Angeles indicate that employers' perceptions of skills and qualifications have little to do with the demands of the new technology and call in question the nature and extent of the training demanded by these innovations. The evidence points to the need for policy makers to examine more closely the actual demands made upon workers by technical innovation.  相似文献   

政治经济学在西方资本主义国家的发展史上以教科书更新为代表的四次体系创新证明,制度合理性假设是政治经济学教科书体系创新的前提和理论灵魂,分析工具的规范化发展和演进是政治经济学教科书体系创新的基本内容。马克思主义政治经济学发展的根本出路在于教科书理论体系创新,发展的核心是制度假设与分析工具的创新和演进。  相似文献   

城市更新是当今世界各国普遍面临的重大城市发展课题。本文主要总结杭州城市更新与保护过程中的发展阶段以及若干重要的创新点,对比合肥的旧城改造阶段和现象,旨在为合肥城市更新问题的深入研究和进一步实践提出新的思路。  相似文献   

高校科技创新是国家创新体系中至关重要的环节.但在整个科技创新的过程中,还存在着诸多方面的问题,包括原始性创新能力薄弱,科技资源共享不够,科技创新合作欠缺,科技创新成果转化率低,科技创新中功利目的过强,等等.文章围绕高校科技创新中存在的这些若干问题,从制度层面进行分析,指出科技创新问题的根源在于制度创新的不及时化,并针对此提出了制度建设层面的一些建议.  相似文献   

论我国企业文化的观念创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业文化是从西方引入的一种新型企业管理理论,它在我国经历了近20年的风风雨雨,接受了中国特色的洗礼,极大地提升了我国企业管理水平。然而随着时代和社会主义市场经济的发展,我国的企业文化需创新。创新是时代的主旋律,观念创新是行为创新的的先导。因此,加强研究企业文化的观念创新,才能够卓有成效地推动我国企业文化走进新时时代。本文试从树立改革开放、以人为本、文化竞争3种新观念进行论述。  相似文献   

在经济全球化趋势下,国家主权正受到越来越严重的侵蚀。经济全球化对国家主权制约的强度日益增大。在经济全球化进程中处于主动地位的国家,才能更好地维护国家主权。面对经济全球化的挑战,发展中国家应通过制度创新,主动参与经济全球化进程,以有效维护国家主权。在21世纪的激烈国际竞争中,中国如何争取更加主动有利的地位,更好地维护国家主权,作者提出了几点应对建议。  相似文献   

This is a study of how a group of primary school teachers in Singapore dealt with the possibility of introducing informal educational innovations in their school settings. “Informal innovations” here refers to the voluntary adoption of new teaching methods, techniques and ideas acquired during an in-service teacher education programme, namely, the Further Professional Certificate in Education (FPCE) programme conducted by the Institute of Education, Singapore. Did these teachers attempt, when back in their schools, to experiment with the new ideas and methods of teaching they had been exposed to during the one year of the FPCE programme? What factors worked for, and against, attempts at innovations in their primary schools? Were there structural constraints and socio-psychological obstacles that they had to negotiate in order to adopt innovations in classroom and educational practices? If innovative ideas had remained dormant, was this because the teachers were unconvinced about the practicality and relevance of these ideas for the classroom and the school? These questions serve as the focal points of a small study involving 66 primary school teachers. Of the 66 teachers, sixteen had resumed work at school for nine months after they completed their in-service attachment at the Institute of Education (IE). The remaining 50 were in the midst of their in-service training when they participated in the study.  相似文献   

Scotland, in common with many countries internationally, has been learning how to align ideas from research with policy and practice. This article considers what Scotland learned from large-scale evaluations of its Assessment is for Learning (AifL) programme and the extent to which this evidence was used to inform future learning within the national programme. More recently, the policy focus in Scotland has shifted to the creation of a new curriculum, Curriculum for Excellence, subsuming AifL. Merging curriculum and assessment innovations brought new challenges in the alignment of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Drawing on a Scottish Government-funded research project, Assessment at Transition, designed to identify and explore emerging gaps between practice in schools and local authorities and national curriculum and assessment policy aspirations, the article argues that assessment is learning and explores how formative approaches to evaluation at a national level might be used to prevent countries repeating past mistakes.  相似文献   

为克服同行评议和文献计量法的根本缺陷,作者于15年前提出开放评价法这一替代方案。经过不断改进,迄今在实现学术评价客观化方面又有新的进展。为了突破同行承认是硬通货这一金科玉律,让非共识的原创、突破、颠覆性创新成果及时胜出,让原创人才、颠覆性创新人才及时胜出并充分发挥作用,建议用规范推荐取代通行的同行承认。这一主张基于程序公信、评价结果可重复的开放评价原则,它会使包括用户在内的外行评价成为可能,由此形成真正的学术市场和思想市场。工业革命形成经济市场实现了人类创造力的第一次大解放,让拥有商业才能者如鱼得水;开放科学革命将形成有效的学术市场和思想市场,实现人类创造力的第二次大解放,它会使拥有学术才能者如虎添翼,新型科研机构、教育机构如工业革命之后的公司企业,迅速崛起,纵横天下。率先发动和实现开放科学革命和人才制度革命的国家、地区与机构,将在吸引、保持拔尖人才方面赢得先机和优势。  相似文献   

This article reports on the evaluation of an extensive reading programme in primary schools in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in Africa. The programme involved the delivery of book boxes at Years 4 and 5 to every Malawian primary school. Summative evaluation was achieved through baseline and project‐end testing, with observations and interviews employed for illuminative purposes. A time‐lapse design was employed, with testing in 1995 of Year 6 students (who had not had the programme in Years 4 and 5), and retesting in 1999 of Year 6 students in the same schools (who had had the programme in Years 4 and 5). Results unexpectedly showed a statistically significant decrease in mean score. The article explores deficiencies in programme implementation, but concludes that implementing educational innovations in Malawi requires sensitivity to the cultural‐educational context. Furthermore, there is merit in Malawians radically questioning the appropriacy of innovations.  相似文献   

Dutta  Kishore 《Science & Education》2021,30(3):693-716
Science & Education - Behind the creativities and innovations in human history, there lie the humble practices of multidisciplinary studies that drive new revolutionary ideas and unconventional...  相似文献   

The traditional approach to behaviour problems in secondary schools has been reactive and largely negative. The introduction in recent years of a systems perspective was due to general dissatisfaction with the effectiveness of the traditional problem‐focused model and to a recognition of the benefits that preventive practices might bring. The reports of whole‐school innovations, which are available, are encouraging. However, to date only certain types of systems interventions have been thoroughly evaluated and there is a need for more empirical data. This review also considers the practical implications for educational psychologists in introducing new approaches to secondary schools.  相似文献   

There are increasing calls within the educational research community to undertake more randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Whilst educational researchers turned away from using the RCT in the last 30 years, health care researchers have adopted the method with vigour. However, there have been many methodological innovations of the RCT, developed by health services researchers, in recent years. Many of these innovations are directly applicable to educational research. In this paper we describe some of the important aspects of trial methodology that educational researchers ought to consider when they design and undertake trials. Specifically, we describe the importance of systematic reviews, the need for a trial protocol, sample size requirements, outcome measures, concealment of the randomisation process from the investigators, intention to treat analysis, and the metric--numbers needed to teach (NNT). Addition ally, we argue that there are considerable similarities between health and education allowing the use of RCT methodological innovations to be directly utilised in educational research.  相似文献   

中医药作为服务“一带一路”的重点产业,在“一带一路”沿线国家和国内市场不断探索新的发展路径,逐步走向“国际化”。在此背景下,培养熟练应用英语的中医药人才显得尤为重要。本文立足于中医药发展现状、医学职业素养和英语核心素养培养,在教学内容、教学方法、教学活动和教学评价四个方面实施智慧、实效和可操作的革新,打造“DOM”英语课堂。  相似文献   

质量一直是远程高等教育发展过程中一个永恒的话题。世界上诸多的远程教育机构,尤其是那些位于发展中国家的远程教育机构都在努力为更多的学习者提供成本相对低廉的优质教育。为了让读者更好的了解远程教育的质量保证,我们有幸采访了印度尼西亚国立开放大学质量保证中心主任艾米鲁汀·祖哈利博士,从中较详细地了解了他们在质量保证方面所做的努力。  相似文献   

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