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XU Guangxian, chemist, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in November 1920.In 1951, he received his Ph.D.from Columbia University in US.He was elected a CAS Member in 1980.He serves as a vice editor-chief of Science in China and Chinese Science Bulletin.He has long been engaged in teaching and research in physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry which involves the fields of quantum chemistry, chemical bond theory, coordination chemistry, extraction chemistry, nuclear fuel chemistry and rare-earth science, etc.  相似文献   

一位奠基人和开拓者是谁在30岁上下就在自己从事的科学研究领域攀上了巅峰?是谁在理论物理学发展进程中树立起一座中国人的里程碑?是谁在功成名就50年后仍保持着不断进取的心态?他就是中国科学院院士黄昆。2002年元旦刚过几天,中国科学院半导体研究所黄昆院士的办公室里热气扑面,而82岁高龄的黄院士仍穿着带风帽的防寒服,俯在案头,一笔一划地写着什么。办公室不大,陈设简单,书柜里,中国科学院前任院长卢嘉锡为庆贺黄昆从事半导体科学研究工作50周年题写的“业绩辉煌、硕果累累”,以及周光召先生题写的“科学先驱”几…  相似文献   

Chinese researchers have been bestowed the 2003 Prince Mahidol Award in medicine for their contributions to the development of an anti-malarial medicine, Qinghaosu and its derivatives. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand conferred the awards on January 29 at the Chakri Throne Hall in Bangkok.  相似文献   

Prof. Li Baoqing from the CAS Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC) won the 2004 Award for Innovation in Coal Conversion at the 21 st International Pittsburgh Coal Conference held from September 12 to 17 in Osaka, Japan.  相似文献   

By integrating 38 observing sites along the 120°E longitude and 30°N latitude, China has set up two new chains to better understand and predict near-Earth space environment. Shown is a very high frequency radar array in south China built by scientists from the National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences to detect ionospheric variations. China has also launched an international initiative to invite ground-based stations from Russia, Canada, the US and Brazil, etc. to participate in global-scale observations.  相似文献   

On January 20, 2010, ten S&T advances were announced to have distinguished themselves as the most outstanding work made by Chinese scientists over the past year, as the result from a ballot attended by 563 Members of CAS and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).  相似文献   

The National Supreme Science and Technology Award in 2006 goes to Prof. LI Zhensheng, a geneticist from the CAS Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology. At the Awarding Ceremony held on 27 February in Beijing, Prof. Li, also a CAS member, received the certificate for the prestigious award, which comes with a five million yuan (about $650,000) prize, from Chinese President HU Jintao.  相似文献   

Prof. Huang Kun is an internationally renowned specialist in solid state physics and semi-conductors. He is a CAS member and also a foreign member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences. He received China's 2001 Supreme Scientific and Technological Award on February,2002, for his lifetime achievements.  相似文献   

<正>YU Min,a hero behind China’s first hydrogen bomb explosion,has won this year’s State Supreme Science and Technology Award.On January 9,2015,he received the award from Chinese President XI Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Born into a clerk’s family in Tianjin,YU grew into one of the most talented students in his high school.Almost missing college due to his family’s financial plight,he managed to  相似文献   

A total of 556 members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) recently selected China's top 10 news events of scientific and technological progress for the year 2001. The selection was jointly organized by Science Times, and the Academic Divisions of both CAS and CAE.  相似文献   

Chinas top 10 events of S&Tprogress in 2002 was re-vealed at a press conferencejointly organized by the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) and theChinese Academy of Engineering(CAE) on January 26 in Beijing.These S&T achievements were se-lected by 568 CAS and CAEmembers.1.Refined Map of Rice Genomeand Detailed Sequencing Map ofRice Chromosome 4Completed by the CASGenomics and BioinformaticsCenter, the refined map of indica ricecovers 97% of its genetic sequences,among which 97% ar…  相似文献   

黄昆先生是世界著名的物理学家和杰出的教育家,晶格动力学的奠基人和权威,“极化激元”概念的最早阐述者。黄昆的名字是与多声子跃迁理论、x光漫散射理论、晶格振动长波唯象方程、半导体超晶格光学声子模型联系在一起的。他致力于凝聚态物理的科学研究和教育,以勤奋、严谨、严于律己和诲人不倦而著称。他长期从事物理教学工作,是我国固体物理和半导体物理学科的一位开创者,培养了一大批中国物理学家和半导体技术专家。黄昆于1919年诞生在北京,祖籍浙江嘉兴。1932年秋至1936年夏,黄昆就读于通州潞河中学,并于1937年通过潞河中学向燕京大学的…  相似文献   

刘青芬 《情报杂志》2001,20(5):97-98
阐述了自苏联解体后的十年来,俄罗斯科技情报信息系统的建设、发展趋势及工作特点。  相似文献   

Under the joint auspices of CAS, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the editorial office of the newspaper Science Times, the Top 10 S&T achievements in China in 2005 have been elected by 570 CAS and CAE members.  相似文献   

我国在国家创新体系建设方面取得了突出的成就,但存在着战略定位不高、顶层设计不具体等问题。建设科技强国,迫切需要构建新型的国家创新体系。其中,进一步加强基础研究体系、加快建设产业创新体系,进一步完善企业创新综合体系,进一步协同区域创新体系,进一步加强教育体系在国家创新体系中的作用,进一步强化科技与金融、贸易等的协同,是新型国家创新体系建设的要点。  相似文献   

国家科技基础条件平台的系统动力学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用系统动力学的定性分析与定量分析相结合的原理和方法建立了国家科技基础条件平台的仿真模型,并通过所建模型的动态模拟,讨论分析了国家科技基础条件平台的系统结构及运作机制,并以平台制度体系建设为例进行了政策实验。本文的研究结果表明:系统动力学方法是研究国家科技基础条件平台中各种因素之间的错综复杂关系的有效手段,平台的政策实验为平台建设决策提供了科学的依据和有力的支持。  相似文献   

A set of new standards willbe employed for S&T as-sessment in China, accord-ing to a directive jointly issued bythe Ministry of Science and Tech-nology (MOST), Ministry ofEducation, CAS, the Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering, and the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation ofChina.The document stresses thatquality of a research result is the pri-ority consideration in scienceevaluation, and the final goal in theappraisal lies in encouraging andguiding S&T workers in innovativeresearch. S&T…  相似文献   

Prof. Huang Kun made many pioneering contributions in solid-state physics. In the late 1940s, for example, he theoretically predicted diffuse X-ray reflection due to point defects in crystal lattices, which was experimentally confirmed in the 1960s. Known as "Huang Scattering," the theory has already developed into a method for studying micro-defects in solids.  相似文献   

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