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墨西哥“非法移民”是美国非法移民的主体。它根源于19世纪中期美国对墨西哥大片领土的占领,在发展过程中经历了三次大的浪潮。墨西哥“非法移民”对美国的发展做出了贡献,也带来了一些社会问题。在国内反非法移民的呼声下,美国政府多次出台控制非法移民的政策,墨西哥“非法移民”仍屡禁不止。增加对墨西哥的经济援助,帮助墨西哥发展经济,才是美国解决“非法移民”问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

美国非法移民子女的教育分为从小学到高中教育和高等教育两个阶段。经过社会力量的博弈和各种利益的权衡,美国向非法移民子女开放了从小学到高中的公共教育。目前,非法移民子女的高等教育是社会各界争论的焦点。尽管州内学费的开放促使更多的非法移民子女上大学,但是州内学费待遇不能完全解决非法移民子女高等教育存在的问题。呼之欲出的梦想法案被看作是解决美国非法移民子女高等教育问题和改变非法移民子女命运的理想方式。  相似文献   

美国高等教育界科技应用的认识与争议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在美国高等教育领域,现代信息和通讯科技的发展与应用使大学的教学和科研产生了许多变化,这些因科技应用而发生的变化,有的被认为是具有实际价值和发展潜力的教育改革措施,有些却受到了各方面的批评和指责。对此,美国教育研究者提出了许多不同的见解和看法。本文主要阐述在科技迅速发展以及机遇和压力交替作用的社会背景下,科技对美国高等教育发展所产生的诸多作用与影响,以期为我国高等教育中的科技应用提供一些可供借鉴的经  相似文献   

美国针对弱势群体接受高等教育的保护措施及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于弱势群体在高等教育中面临着入学率低、保持率低、就读学校层次低等问题.美国政府通过实施经济性和非经济性的保护措施确保他们接受高等教育的权益。美国保护弱势群体接受高等教育的经验。对我国解决高教领域的类似问题具有一定的现实意义和启示作用.  相似文献   

关于非法移民,国内学术界长期以来研究的重点对象是中国向外非法移民问题.罗刚教授《云南边境民族地区非法移民问题及其治理研究:以河口瑶族自治县为例》一书,将“非法移民”研究的侧重点从传统研究中国公民非法移居外国,转向研究外国人非法移居中国,并将外来非法移民问题放置到主权国家非传统安全的框架结构下进行考察.该书理论方面的贡献主要有将“三非人员”纳入外来非法移民范围、总结了云南边境民族地区非法移民的基本特征、提炼了云南边境民族地区外来非法移民的成因并分析了民族(族群)认同与国家认同的关系.  相似文献   

187法案和1996年非法移民改革和移民责任法是90年代初、中期美国非法移民问题,特别是墨西哥非法移民问题激化以及由此而起的反移民情绪的结果,标志着美国新移民时代的到来.这两部移民法打乱了墨西哥移民的生活,给他们带来了重大影响.墨西哥移民在美国的的生活更加艰难了,同时他们为了改善境遇,归化率提高了.但是两部移民法阻挡非法移民的作用是有限的.特别是当美国的政客们为了政治目的不得不拉拢日益壮大的墨西哥移民团体.  相似文献   

我国现有高职入口模式“门槛高”、“面向窄”,不适应职业教育的发展方向。我们要改革高职入口模式,坚持以考查职业技能为主,面向全民,建立相关改革配套措施,推动全民职业素质的提高。  相似文献   

论学生资助对高等教育入学机会的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文论述了学生资助对当前我国高等教育入学机会的影响 ,并分析了国家助学贷款对贫困生入学机会的公平作用及其可持续发展需要的条件。研究认为 ,要使学生资助更有效地改善低收入家庭学生的入学机会 ,还应加大资助力度 ,丰富资助的种类。针对国家助学贷款而言 ,应使贷款和还款的机制和计划更加优化 ,以更有效地改善低收入家庭学生的入学机会、提高还款效率和促进其可持续的发展。  相似文献   

As higher education has evolved in the highly developed countries from being elitist and reserved to a relatively small minority of the relevant age cohort to a mass form of education, the problem of how to finance it has become very pressing. In Europe in particular, since higher education has traditionally trained the cadres who govern and administer the state, it has seemed normal that the state should finance higher education. Now that it is a mass affair, other interests are profiting from the results, particularly private enterprise and the individual graduate. It therefore seems fair that enterprises and individuals should pay a correspondingly larger share of the costs of higher education than has been the case in the past, the principle being that the ultimate beneficiaries of higher education should pay for it. The question of equity in the cases of persons from modest socio‐economic backgrounds remains, and ways of assisting such persons are proposed along with the reminder that inequalities with regard to future educational attainment begin before children reach the age of university matriculation. Various proposals for the financing of higher education are proposed.  相似文献   

高等教育升学机会地区间不平等的现状及其成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先通过招生来源比例这一指标来分析我国高等教育升学机会省间差异的现状,并运用多变量线性回归分析方法对升学机会省间差异产生的原因进行了定量分析。其次,对造成我国高等教育升学机会省间差异的主要原因之一的新生来源计划制度的利弊进行了分析。最后从教育社会学的角度对我国现行的高考招生制度及其改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

如何构建州高等教育管理机制,如何在政府部门和高校之间分配权利和责任,领导和影响着美国各州高等教育事业的发展。当前美国州高等教育系统的管理结构可分为分割式、统一式和联邦式三大类型。不同的高教系统管理模式均有其优缺点,每个州的高教管理系统都是政府与高等教育在其政治、经济、历史、文化环境作用下的结果。  相似文献   

Nowadays access has become probably the most fashionable word in the world of higher education. Its popularity owes much to demographic desperation, but something also to the success of Access entrants in higher education. In the current climate, Access Courses, so recently labelled a threat to quality, have apparently come in from the cold, and are now identified as one of, ‘three recognized routes to higher education’. Yet, by comparison with the other two routes (‘A’ levels and vocational qualifications) very little is known about these courses and Access students are still classified as ‘non-standard’ entrants. This paper offers a basic guide to Access Courses, predicts their future in a post-Reform Bill world and considers whether the, present a lifeline or a threat to conventional departments, as the focus of debate begins to shift from the quality of the entrant to the quality of the higher education curriculum, and the question is not only who higher education is for but increasingly what is it for?  相似文献   

我国高等教育入学机会的性别差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从总体上看,我国高等教育入学机会性别差异依然存在,但并不突出;从城乡、学校类型、学科门类等角度看,高等教育入学机会的性别差异则十分显著。而从目前来看,发展经济、提高全民族文化素质、鼓励女性自立自强等是缩小我国高等教育入学机会性别差异的有效措施。  相似文献   

Undocumented students, many of Hispanic origin, face among the strictest cost barriers to higher education in the United States. Lack of legal status excludes them from most state and all federal financial aid programs. Furthermore, most states require them to pay out-of-state tuition rates at publicly supported institutions. In a new direction, boards of trustees at universities in several states have bypassed the legislative process to lower the cost barrier. This policy article evaluates one such university-level innovation.  相似文献   

自我国高等教育扩招以来,高等教育大规模发展,而高等教育收费也逐年增加,学费的上涨使学生的入学机会受到家庭经济状况的影响。对辽宁省6所不同类型院校2007级学生的家庭经济状况调查结果显示,低收入家庭的子女更多集中在公立普通本科和公立高职院校中,高收入家庭的子女更多集中在民办院校中。同时,在公立院校中,不同收入家庭子女的入学机会差异与其家庭经济关系不大;在民办院校中,家庭经济状况在很大程度上决定着子女的入学机会。  相似文献   

This article analyses research on social inequality and access to higher education in Russia. It argues that the myth about equality of life chances, as with certain other myths, was an important part of the Soviet ideology. However, children from privileged groups traditionally received the education and professional training which were most advantageous for their subsequent lives and careers. Recent research indicates that conditions in post-Soviet Russia are not eliminating social differentiation. This is clearly seen in access to higher education. It is shown that the inequality is noticeable in secondary education and is aggravated during the transition to higher education and vocational training (universities, colleges, vocational schools). In order to explain the genesis of such inequality, the article considers research focusing on the situation at secondary school. The dynamics must be analysed over a long period, since the problems that post-Soviet youth face today have roots in the Soviet past. Hence, the article considers the results of studies conducted between the 1960s and today.  相似文献   

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