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巨人杰弗瑞有许多朋友。他们都喜欢杰弗瑞,因为他是如此的友善。他喜欢帮助他的朋友。如果彼得的球卡在树上了,杰弗瑞会把它弄下来。“谢谢,杰弗瑞。”“噢,不客气,彼得。”如果玛丽受伤了,杰弗瑞会带她回家。“噢!我的腿!”“玛丽,你怎么样?让我扶你起来。”“哎唷!痛。我不能走了。”“我送你回家。”“谢谢,杰弗瑞!”  相似文献   

余倩 《留学生》2009,(9):56-56
儿子出国前,我就给他打“预防针”。我说,你语言不好,没法跟美国人交流,去了以后,不会没朋友吧?儿子认真地说,如果一个人没有朋友,不会是因为语言不好,而是因为品行太差。你想,如果一个外国人来到北京,他的普通话说得不如中国人好,你会因此不喜欢他吗?你肯定会原谅他糟糕的语言,而更看重他的为人。他的这番话,让我放下心来。  相似文献   

如果你能每天关注、鼓励孩子课外阅读,相信他会爱上书的,他会和书交上朋友的。一个和书交上朋友的孩子,谁还担心他学习不好呢?!一名普通小学语文教师的呼吁  相似文献   

朋友很多次质疑,如果他不这么红,你会喜欢他么?也许会,也许不会。谁知道呢?大概这就是所谓的"命运使然"吧!谁叫我的青春遇到了他呢?  相似文献   

正人一生中会遇到许多类型的朋友,有指路型、默契型、互助型、倾听型等。不同时期,不同人在朋友的选择上也是不同的。如果是个初出茅庐、没有什么社会阅历的年轻人,指路型的朋友适合他;如果是想合伙做一番事业的人,默契型的朋友肯定是他的首选;如果是想找个分担痛苦失意的人或者有强烈表达欲望的人,  相似文献   

如果有一个陌生人在注视你,你就对他微笑;如果他冲你微笑,你就对他点点头; 如果他冲你点头,你就说一句:你好。——这样,你就会交到很多朋友,得到更多的机会。  相似文献   

如果有一个陌生人在注视你,你就对他微笑;如果他冲你微笑,你就对他点点头;如果他冲你点头,你就说一句:你好。——这样,你就会交到很多朋友,得到更多的机会。  相似文献   

Easy Know Star     
小池彻平能治愈小池彻平的是他的朋友,这对他来说是非常重要的一个存在。比如一起吃吃饭、发发消息什么的,立刻就可以把工作的疲倦给忘记了。另外如果听已经工作的朋友说话的话,会感到很新鲜,并且也会觉得"自己是不是也要更加努力了?"的感觉。  相似文献   

李兰 《初中生》2002,(36):7-8
很多同学喜欢用"亲密无间"不分彼此"等词来形容朋友之间非常要好.其实,朋友之间如果真的到了亲密无间、不分彼此的程度往往会适得其反.志伟已读初三了,平素大大咧咧、不拘小节的他却很难找到知心朋友,这令他困惑不已.  相似文献   

朋友向我推荐了美国女诗人狄金森的一首诗:篱笆那边篱笆那边/有草莓一棵/我知道,如果我愿/我可以爬过/草莓,真甜!//可是,脏了围裙/上帝一定要骂我! /哦,亲爱的,我猜,如果他也是个孩子/他也会爬过去,如果,他能爬过!他说,这是一首很美的诗,堪称经典。我急忙找来,仔细阅读,逐字逐句思考,想在这平实、简单得犹如儿歌一样的文字中品味出经典所特有的味道。但我失望了。反复阅读,读到的只是一首普普通通的诗歌而已,我甚至怀疑起朋友的推荐来。于是,朋友对我做了这番讲解:  相似文献   

潘佳 《中学生英语》2006,(10):20-20
Passage 1 I am Kate. I am an American girl. I have a brother. His name is Mike. He is twenty-five. He likes playing football. He has many pietures of famous football stars in his bedroom. The pictures are on the wall. He works in a computer company. In his spare time, he likes playing football with his friends. In the evening, he often watches football games on TV in our riving room. There is a big color TV set there.  相似文献   

I have many friends. But I like Sunny best. He is my good friend. Sunny is ten years old. He has two small eyes. He is thin and tall. He like reading picture books, watching TV, and he also likes playing computergames.  相似文献   

白居易爱鹤,视鹤为老伴,为知音,留下了很多轶事和诗篇,表达了对鹤的深情与自由之趣。白居易的咏鹤诗为唐代之冠,诗中的鹤意象内涵丰富,表现了他对生存状况的思索和对生命的慨叹;同时,诗人也以鹤来寓意自由的人格和闲适的心境。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between knowledge of popular culture and power negotiations among young children's friendship groups and derives from a research project on the identity formations of 'mixed race' children. The paper begins with a consideration of existing work on music, ethnicity and cultural identities and how this is implicated in formations of 'imagined communities' (Anderson, 1991, Imagined Communities , Verso). Next, I look at the ways in which this work has been gendered with particular reference to the female music 'fan'. Throughout I use data from my research to show how the children engaged in friendship/power relationships that challenge much of this material. The paper centralises the way readings are used by friends in processes that are implicated in en/gendering identities and identifications - how likes and dislikes are mobilised differently among children who are becoming 'boys' and 'girls' who are friends, through use of the love/loathe discourses. The allegiance work is saturated with and constitutive of relations of power/knowledge which are both painful and pleasurable for children who are differently positioned within networks of learning and cultural expertise.  相似文献   

Expectations about the outcomes of retaliation against siblings were compared to those about peers in a group of 10–14-year-old, mostly African-American or Hispanic youth. Boys believed that parents would disapprove more of retaliation against siblings than friends, while girls believed parents would equally disapprove of retaliation against either target. Participants of both genders expected that retaliation would deter additional aggressive actions of friends more than of siblings. Participants expected younger siblings, especially brothers, to feel worse than older siblings following retaliation, and girls expected to feel worse retaliating against younger siblings. Siblings close in age expect fewer negative consequences of retaliation. Children's expectations seem to promote more aggression toward friends than siblings and to promote aggression toward siblings closer in age. No ethnic differences emerged in expectations about conflict. The findings are discussed in relation to research on expectations as a mediator of behavior.  相似文献   


Literature highlights friends as a main support for young people who self-harm, yet limited research explores specific supports offered by friends, or any help required to provide successful support. This research aimed to determine how friends support young people who self-harm; what friends could further do; and additional help needed to be a supportive friend. An interpretative phenomenological analysis approach was used to explore participants’ lived experiences. Qualitative data were gathered from secondary pupils in Scotland via semi-structured interviews. Findings indicated that friends provide support by being directly there for young people, providing distractions and taking responsibility. Friends could consider young people’s perspectives more, initiate conversations about self-harm and spend more time with young people. Supportive friends speak to others for reassurance and would like additional people to provide support. Implications for practice included highlighting support provided by friends, normalising the term ‘self-harm’ and providing peer support training for friends.  相似文献   

“知者乐水,仁者乐山”是一个深刻的哲学命题。“知者达于事理而周流无滞”,“仁者安于义理而厚重不迁”;“山”壮美,象征着稳重、宽厚和刚毅,“水”柔美,象征着灵活、周流和顺达;“乐水”者善于权变,“乐山”者善于坚守。它们都是对立的统一体,是“和谐”世界的组成部分。  相似文献   

The Goat Story     
Billy is a little goat on a farm. He likes to eat and play. He likes to run and jump.  相似文献   

"知者乐水,仁者乐山"是一个深刻的哲学命题。"知者达于事理而周流无滞","仁者安于义理而厚重不迁";"山"壮美,象征着稳重、宽厚和刚毅,"水"柔美,象征着灵活、周流和顺达;"乐水"者善于权变,"乐山"者善于坚守。它们都是对立的统一体,是"和谐"世界的组成部分。  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamic interplay between bullying relationships and friendships in a sample of 481 students in 19 elementary school classrooms (age 8–12 years; 50% boys). Based on a relational framework, it is to be expected that friendships would be formed when two children bullied the same person and that children would start to bully the victims of their friends. Similarly, it is to be expected that friendships would be formed when two children were victimized by the same bully and that children would become victimized by the bullies of their friends. Longitudinal bivariate social network analysis supported the first two hypotheses but not the latter two. This study provides evidence for group processes in bullying networks in childhood.  相似文献   

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