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The issue of funding for basic research is investigated. Public funding models for research organizations are presented. A new approach to the assessment of possible thematic areas based on bibliometric and webometric indicators is introduced. The architecture of the state system of scientific and technical information is discussed. Scientometric methods provide an instrument for resolving the infrastructure problems of the Russian science.  相似文献   

We present the history, a present‐day analysis and perspectives of the market for scholarly e‐resources (e‐journals, e‐books, etc) in Russia. Our study is based on 10 years' experience of the Russian national library consortium NEICON, which is one of the major players in the market. Indicators and trends of the economics, human resources, and scientific output of Russian science are presented. The NEICON consortium activities are described. The perspectives, peculiarities, and practicalities of entering the Russian market are outlined, as well as what a new publisher entrant might expect to achieve.  相似文献   

The currently existing webometric rankings and methods of their analysis are focused primarily on the quantitative measurement of the contents of websites and almost completely ignore the study of the user audience (web traffic). In a pilot project the traffic of ten websites of scientific organizations has been studied with the emphasis on web-traffic sources and the analysis of the traffic of pages with scientific content. It is shown that the direct visits to the site are an indicator of the regular audience of an organization website. This audience consists mainly of the organization’s staff and their immediate colleagues, while new visitors come mainly from search engines. It was revealed that the most visited pages are the ones with information about staff and laboratories, as well as news pages if they are regularly updated. It was found that there is no strong relationship between webometric rankings and website traffic. The rank correlation is moderate and traffic from external links on other websites is weak despite the fact that such links are a key webometric indicator. The results of the study can be used to optimize the structures of the websites of scientific organizations and the analysis of their user audience.  相似文献   

An overview of Russian and foreign resources on the topic of the field of webometric research is presented. The research material is data collected from Scopus (Elsevier), the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), the Database of Computer Science (VINITI), and the Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary). Based on analysis of these data, the primary directions of webometric research in libraries are identified and reviewed. The importance and relevance of continued realization of this research is noted.  相似文献   

网络计量学基本问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"网络信息计量学"一词存在着多种定义,这些解释随学科的发展而不断变化。网络信息计量学是信息计量学的分支学科,也是一门交叉性的边缘应用性学科。"网络文献"所具有的三个层次的信息分别是:物理载体层次、元数据层次和信息单元层次。网络文献与传统文献具有相当大的相似性,传统文献计量研究方法可以运用于网络信息计量学的研究中。  相似文献   

科技基础条件资源涵盖科技物力和信息资源,主要包括科研仪器设施、科学数据、生物种质和实验材料三 大类型。科技部持续开展了对我国大型科学仪器设备、生物种质资源、科学数据库等科技基础条件资源拥有及使用状 况的调查分析。文章基于科技基础条件资源数据,构建了科技基础条件资源发展指数指标体系,测算了2012年以来我 国科技基础条件资源发展指数,分析了我国科技基础条件资源的总体发展趋势。同时,将科技基础条件资源发展指数 及其核心指标与国家创新指数等反映国家科技进步和创新能力数据进行了比对分析,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

胡升华 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):119-127
科学价值观引导着一个国家的科技发展战略,影响着科研成果的评价标准,从而也影响着科技期刊的发展。由于科学价值观出现偏差,使得以SCI为主导的学术评价标准得以盛行,对我国科技期刊的发展形成了制约,不利于国家创新体系的建设,也会威胁到国家科技数字资源的安全。从以往的实践经验看,科技期刊的发展要想取得实质性突破,还需要借鉴我国出版集团化发展的经验,制定科技期刊发展的国家战略,进行系统化的政策设计,多措并举,多方发力,才能收到实效。  相似文献   

开放科学环境下国家科技文献发展战略研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 科技文献是科学研究不可或缺的手段,是提升科技创新能力的支撑和保障,通过研究国内外科技文献建设情况,为国家中长期科学和技术发展规划的制订做好前期战略研究。[方法/过程] 针对我国科技文献建设发展现状和存在的问题进行研究,分析国外科技文献建设的经验,总结开放科学环境下科技文献的发展趋势和面临的新需求,提出我国科技文献建设的未来布局和发展规划。[结果/结论] 提出未来我国国家科技文献建设的重点方向:建成国际一流的新一代国家科技文献基础设施和科技文献长期保存体系,确保我国科技文献可持续供给和战略安全;建设国家科技创新开放知识服务系统,突破新一代科技文献智能知识服务的关键技术与产品的自主供给瓶颈;建成覆盖各类创新主体的国家科技文献协同保障服务体系,形成开放智能知识服务新业态;积极引领科技文献发展政策和发展方向,提升我国在国际学术舞台的影响力。并且,从5个方面提出我国国家科技文献建设的保障措施。  相似文献   

鲍里斯·帕夫洛维奇·雅科夫列夫是俄国鸟类学家,曾在黑龙江的东省文物研究会所属陈列馆及天津北疆博物院从事自然史研究及博物馆管理等工作。他卓有成效的工作,不仅为后世科学家提供了珍贵的研究成果,更促进了中西文化的交流互鉴。雅科夫列夫在中国早期两座博物馆中的工作成就及研究成果,使科学与文化研究跨越了国界,得以更长久地发展。本文分别以雅科夫列夫在东省文物研究会所属陈列馆和北疆博物院工作的情形,阐释这位科学家为世界自然科学领域做出的努力与贡献。  相似文献   

This paper cites statistical data describing the tendencies in Russian scientists’ publishing activity in the period from 1993 to 2006 according to the DB Web of Science (WOS). An important result of the research is the fact that about 50% of the papers written by Russian authors were published in foreign scientific journals used to prepare the WOS. This is a demonstration that Russian science is highly integrated into international science. To conduct a comparative analysis of the scientific productivity of the Russian scientists we used statistics obtained from the SCOPUS information system and presented in the SJR portal.  相似文献   

The composition of the innovation infrastructure, as well as the most critical phases of information security at stages of the innovation cycle, is shown at the macrolevel. The foreign information systems focused on the support of innovation activities are considered. The integration of national information systems of the countries–members of the European Union into a single science and technology and innovation space is noted as a steady tendency. The most important Russian information systems focused on the support of innovation activities and the functionality of the Federal Portal on Science and Innovation and the Unified State System of accounting results of scientific research, development, and engineering works are presented. There is a lack of development of the communicative functions of information systems in scientific funds and federal scientific and technical target programs. A number of conclusions and suggestions are formulated.  相似文献   

科技创新后备人才价值定位和培养需求的转变殷切呼唤新型科学教育实践载体和教学方式的支撑,在此背景下探索依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的实践路径势在必行。国际科学场馆教育在科技创新后备人才培养方面提供了诸多经验,其主要实践特征表现为:注重树立特色化的教育品牌、着力建设系统化的教学组织生态、全面推进科学普及和科技创新教育的协同发展、专注打造分层次模块化的创新课程体系。借鉴国际场馆创新教育的先进经验,我们可从科技馆教育的政策理念、学习资源、教师发展、课程教学、社会互联和技术支持维度入手映射科技创新后备人才培养的选才、育才和评价环节,构建依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的行动路径。  相似文献   

科学数据和信息是重要的科技资源,是科技创新活动的重要基础和工具。科学数据和信息是国家科技基础 条件平台建设体系中非常重要的一类资源,加强科学数据和信息资源管理与共享研究,是推进科技平台建设的重要理 论基础。本文在对比分析国外科学数据和信息资源管理与共享现状的基础上,系统总结了我国在科学数据和信息管理 和利用方面取得的主要工作成效,提出完善制度体系和管理机制、推动数据中心建设、加强数据和信息全生命周期管 理等意见和建议  相似文献   

In May 2011 the Bing Search API 2.0 had become the only major international web search engine data source available for automatic offline processing for webometric research. This article describes its key features, contrasting them with previous web search data sources, and discussing implications for webometric research. Overall, it seems that large-scale quantitative web research is possible with the Bing Search API 2.0, including query splitting, but that legal issues require the redesign of webometric software to ensure that all results obtained from Bing are displayed directly to the user.  相似文献   

The paper describes practical experience in preparing and managing European research projects of the EU Framework Programs on research and technology development. We note that creating bifurcated net-works focused on working with FP7 at the national, regional, and institutional levels would enable one to critically improve competitiveness of Russian research, and that active participation of the leading Post-Soviet scholars in the Program would give a unique chance to start the restoration process of the Post-Soviet research area taking into account the meager enthusiasm of officials at the governmental science agencies as regards integration of the former USSR science and research systems.  相似文献   

This paper gives the webometric estimate of the functioning of the universities included in the Near-Frontier Belarusan-Russian-Ukrainian University Consortium (in the context of the adoption of the Belgorod Declaration on open access to scientific knowledge and our cultural heritage) during 2008–2009 on the basis of the Spanish webometric university ranking and the potential of the Google Scholar search engine. The classification of the universities of the Near-Frontier Belarusan-Russian-Ukrainian University Consortium has been built according to the degree of publication activities. The influence of the Belgorod Declaration on university publication activities was shown.  相似文献   

我国科技基础条件资源配置效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型科学仪器资源是保障国家科技进步和科技创新的重要物质基础和手段,同时也是国家的重要战略资 源。随着我国对大型科学仪器资源投资越来越大,如何度量各地区的资源的配置效率成为当前国家科技管理部门关注 的重要问题。首先从整体、区域和应用领域介绍我国大型科学仪器资源分布情况,然后通过建立地区大型科学仪器资 源配置效率评价指标体系,并运用DEA方法中的BCC模型对各地区资源配置的效率进行比较。最后根据评价结果提出 相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper notes the interrelations between the types and methods of information searches, including Internet searches. It suggests the general approach for making a search for documents on the Internet, for example, scientific articles on information and communication. The methods for information searches used on the Internet are characterized with placing a particular emphasis on the method of searching with the use of search systems. General recommendations for successful conduction of searches are advanced to increase their efficiency. The goals and problems faced by a user during scientific information searches are presented. A user’s rights for the results of a search for scientific information are described from the standpoint of legal relations regulated by Russian legislation. Copyright protection methods are also considered based on Russian and foreign legislation.  相似文献   

科研人员是从事科普活动的重要力量,然而目前国内鲜有研究聚焦科研人员参与科普活动的实施效果。本研究以上海自然博物馆“与科学家面对面”科普活动的效果评估为案例,通过对参与活动的观众进行无干扰跟踪观察和活动后的访谈,以探究科研人员在科普活动中对观众体验的直接价值与潜在影响。结果表明,科研人员介入科普活动,不仅对观众认知能力及其对科研工作的认同感有积极影响,而且科研人员面对公众的交流能力也有显著提升。但是,科研人员在科普经验上的欠缺也成为制约活动效果的潜在因素。研究结果将为科研人员参与的科普教育活动的策划和实施提供参考。  相似文献   

刘娜  吴志杰 《档案学研究》2022,36(4):101-107
国家重大科技基础设施是突破科学前沿、解决国家经济社会可持续发展和国家安全瓶颈问题的利器。国家重大科技基础设施运行阶段档案作为一种重要的战略资源,对保障国家重大科技基础设施的有效运行和相关科研项目的顺利开展具有至关重要的意义。本文基于四项国家重大科技基础设施的档案管理实践,阐述了国家重大科技基础设施运行阶段档案管理的主要特征,分析了运行档案管理存在制度不健全、验收要求不明确、考核管理不到位和管理力度不足等方面的问题。基于问题成因分析,从构建管理制度、明确归档范围、强化责任落实、推进数据管理等四个方面提出了解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

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