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王佳 《海外英语》2013,(22):286-287
Mobile phone is regarded as"the fifth media"after newspaper,radio,TV and the Internet.The mobile phone short message further highlights the importance of written signs in communication".The thumb revolution"is eagerly anticipating one kind of trend by the hand replace of mouth,sound substitute for the quiet around us.My paper will analyze the language features and the culture features of mobile phone short messages which are written in Chinese and English.  相似文献   

Mobile Phone or SOS Phone To tell you the truth,I am not interested in owning a mobile phone except for use in an emergency,for ordinary mobile phone service is very expensive.How would I get help if I were in trouble or indanger?A good friend told me about a product she thought would settle my problem.It's SOS phone——a mobile phone service designed for emergency use.Withthetouchofabutton,theSOSphonewillconnectmetoaroadsideemergencyservice,a911serviceoratrainedSOSoperator,24hoursaday…  相似文献   

Edgar Allan Poe,a writer of a Romanism,is well-known for his grotesque and grim style of writing.In most of his grotesque and grim works,describing females is his major method to express his own emotion.All of these women usually have a perfect appearance and passionate character,but are afflicted with mysterious illness.It is a conventional means of voicing feeling for Allan Poe to describe the heroes' deep pain and their yearning for the beautiful heroines.This thesis will introduce Allan Poe's legendary life and analyze the features of the females in his life and works under the background of the United States at Edgar Allan Poe's times.And this thesis will describe of his denial of the patriarchy.  相似文献   

Phone Dinner     
One day, when I was at an airport waiting for my flight, I had to make a phone call. I looked around and found all the phones were busy. So I went to wait in line and stood there for a long time.The person talking on the phone was an old man and I could hear the conversation clearly. He was talking about his trip in this city. He said he was having a good time. He commented on(评论) the weather here and asked about the weather back there. While he was talking, he was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee.  相似文献   

Smart phones are a kind of phone installed with a corresponding open operating system that can make a phone work like a computer.More and more students are showing their dependence on them.Based on the smart phone platform,we can design many kinds of applicants for our phones that generate these suggestions,exploit a distant learning for M-learning on smart phone.It is a good way for people to learn a language and we should make good use of it.  相似文献   

About a year ago,touting rock musician Chris Dunn was in theback of a battered van driving down a wind-swept Wyominghighway when he realized the time had finally come to get a dayjob.His band’s album wasn’t selling,and he figured his dreams ofmaking a living from music were over。Then he discovered one of the hottest sectors of the music businesstoday:cell phones.Dunn,30,Now spends his days translating top 40 hits and televisionthemes into beeping musical snippets that announce mcotmng calls on acell phone.Modtones,the Japanese-owned company he works for,is oneof several that have sprung up in the past year to meet the growing de-mand for alternatives to the factory-installed electronic chirps that arestandard on most wireless phones.  相似文献   

Jack hadn’t seen the old man for a long time.In fact,Jack had moved to the country to follow his dream.He was too busy to think about the past and spend time with his family.He was working on his future,and nothing could stop him.Over the phone,his mother told him,"Mr.Belser died last night.The  相似文献   

A LOUD noise suddenly attacks your ear while you enjoy a movie in acinema.A stranger makes you jump as he shouts at his friend on the other side of the city.Mobile phones are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying.Although they are a necessity of modern life,it is common to hear people complain about mobile phones.Discuss with your classmates what manners people should have when using them.Most public places have cell-phone rules.So try to keep your phone ringer as low aspossi…  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(7):26-27
MY dad had done wellin his end of schoolexams and got agood job in the civil servicein Dubfin.This allowed himto leave the small farm hegrew up on and move tothe city for a better life.Hisbrother Joe stayed on theland but he hated having towork in the same place allthe time.So his uncles andmy dad chipped in(筹集资金)and helped him to buy a cattletruck.It was a big truck,capable of holding up to a dozen bigcattle.You could also slide boards into the middle of thecontainer,making it a two tier carrier for sheep.Uncle loedrove his own animals to markets and fairs in the western andmidland towns and as fir as Dubhn,the capital on the eastcoast.He also carried animals for others in return for a fee.Inother words he became a haulier(货运车夫)as well as a firmerin his own right.In this way he soon became the wealthiestman in his parish(教区),as well as the happiest,because heloved the roads.He loved meeting difierent people all thetime  相似文献   

More recent motivational research focuses on the identification of effective techniques for enhancing instructional design and meeting the needs of diverse student populations (Wlodkowski R. J., 1981). Learning-motivation researchers are applying some of the same theories and concepts found to be effective in industry to the development of motivational models that enhance the teaching-learning environment. One of such models is the Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design developed by John M. Keller (Small Ruth V., 2007). The continuous improvement in handheld devices technologies has led to a new learning paradigm called mobile learning which involves the delivery of learning contents to learners utilizing mobile computing devices. Handheld devices, however, have constraints which limit their use for effective learning. Towards improving the effectiveness of mobile learning is a new mobile learning model proposed by Shih on which instructional designs for mobile learning can be based to facilitate mobile learning design and to achieve better mobile learning outcomes (Yushin E. Shih & Dennis Mills, 2007). Shih's model is based on Graphical User Interface (GUI). This paper presents an enhanced Shih's model for effective mobile learning outcome in a university environment by making provision for instructional design to include online library search for both e-books and audio books using collaborative filtering algorithm to aid the search and posting and reading of testimonials about positive mobile learning outcomes so as to encourage other mobile learners. It also incorporates the use of Voice User Interface (VUI) to access the learning portal in order to overcome mobile devices interface limitations in addition to Graphical User Interface (GUI) proposed by Shih, so as to cater for the learning needs of the blind and the visually impaired.  相似文献   

良晨 《海外英语》2003,(6):28-29
Part oneCatacombs, Pistols and CarbinesI.坟墓,手枪,卡宾枪Lonely and homesick, I was staring at the Eiffel Tour from the single window of my attic. Suddenly"Rhig, ring, ring", the phone rang. I cheerfully rushed on my phone. It was my partner for table tennis, a student in Paris. "Do you like adventures?" "Yes, of course! " "How about an adventure in the sewer system1 tomorrow night?" "In the sewers! ! Why the sewers?" "To find the Catacombs! " As a foreign student in Paris, I felt so alone that I accepted his invitation in excitement. It was 15 years ago.  相似文献   

“Is this Jenna?”the voice on the phone asked. Jenna clutched the receiver with a trembling hand.Thatvoice was exactly as she had dreamed it would sound.Justexactly like his father's. Jenna had known for thirty years that this day wouldcome.Adopted children seem to want to know all abouttheir natural families.Feelings of dread,but a sort of elation,filled Jenna while she carried on a conversation with theyoung man on the phone  相似文献   

Gary Snyder applies Zen philosophy and Tang nature poetics to his Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout.His diction and use of sounds create a calm context for a journey to the spiritual condition of no self:from the speaker’s self within the landscape to renunciation of his social identity,then to the unity between his self and nature.Thus Snyder shows how the speaker expands his self through sympathy with nature and searches for the ultimate truth.  相似文献   

Mobile computing facilities may provide many assets to the educational process. Mobile technology provides software access from anywhere and at any time, as well as computer equipment independence. The need for time and place independence is even greater for medical instructors and medical students. Medical instructors are usually doctors that have to treat patients on top of their tutoring duties. Mobile features are complementary to web-based features for desktop computers to a high extend in asynchronous e-learning environments. Time and place independence is also a considerable potential for medical students with overloaded educational duties. This paper examines the degree of the usefulness of mobile facilities for medical instructors who wish to author and manage their courses by using a mobile authoring tool. Furthermore, this paper investigates how acceptable and useful the mobile features of an e-learning system have been to medical students who have used the system, in comparison with the use of the system through a desktop computer. In addition, it investigates usability issues.  相似文献   

After his father's death,the son left his mother at an old age home.The son used to visit her sometimes. One day,he received a phone call from the old age home.On the other side of the call was his mother.In a very serious 1)tone she said,"Please come to visit." The son went and saw that his mother was very serious.  相似文献   

Stephen Leacock(1869-1944) is one of the founding parents of Canadian letters and literature. In the early 20thcentury, his reputation as a humorist and a political economist was not limited by the boundaries of Canada but spread around the world. As one of his works, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town has attracted world-wide admiration. It is a series of vignettes dramatizing the comedy of day-to-day life in Mariposa. It is bathed in the warm sunshine for all of us to laugh at as one of us remembers the little towns we might have known or come from. As a matter of fact, Leacock employs several techniques in his writing for humorous effect. This paper elaborates on the auther and the work, and makes an analysis on the character—Smith.  相似文献   

杨亚歆 《海外英语》2012,(23):221-222
According to Freud,the formation and the dissolution of Oedipus complex are the natural processes of one’s psychosexual development.The growth of Amory Blaine chronicled in Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise can be a case in point.His formation of the complex is promoted by his mother’s exclusive love and the indifference of his father in his growth,while his dissolution of it is accompanied by his identification with the father figure Monsignor Darcy and his efforts to search for a suitable object of love with several women.All those are very important experiences for Amory’s psychological maturity.  相似文献   

张小未 《海外英语》2012,(13):203-204
This paper has a brief look to the life of Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945),one of the most important writers in American literature and background information of composing his first novel"Sister Carrie".It mainly touches on the causes for the fall of Hurstwood.Three reasons are listed:theft,his crazy infatuation for Carrie and not adapting for the new circumstances.  相似文献   

Sympathy is one of the essential themes that George Eliot discusses in her novels. She uses various effective narrative strategies for the emergence of that theme. This paper, based on a close reading on the passage from Middlemarch, explores one of them——the incarnation of the narrator as a character. In Middlemarch, the narrator, as a character, both shows sympathy to the characters and asks for sympathy from the readers. To show his sympathy to the characters, he provides his comprehensive analysis of the characters and authorizes his characters to present their opinions. To ask for the sympathy, he directly addresses to the readers, uses free indirect speech in the narration, and expresses his own emotions. By the strategy of incarnation of the narrator as a character, Eliot clearly presents the readers her purpose of writing.  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on upbringing story problems of Hungarian. Sandor Karacsony's educational philosophy has already had several criticisms, primarily from the communist party's people, and from ideological and political viewpoints. But there were people blaming him for the deficiency of the concept and the lack of the pedagogic system. While studying and thinking his works, it might be declared that Karacsony's thoughts were embed in a peculiar system, revealing what must not be given up. Although, his language is slightly difficult, his direct style of writing brings learners through less understandable chapters and parts. The author grouped the overview of Karacsony's pedagogic system around 3 fundamental notions: the aim of the upbringing, the education and the theory of education. Sandor Karacsony was not only a high-school teacher and university professor, but also in his public functions, strived for restoring the relation between the educators and the pupils into a natural (for him) connection, he was out for developing tasks, expectations of the schools and the reformed institutions.  相似文献   

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