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Twenty-first-century biology rejects genetic determinism, yet an exaggerated view of the power of genes in the making of bodies and minds remains a problem. What accounts for such tenacity? This article reports an exploratory study suggesting that the common reliance on Mendelian examples and concepts at the start of teaching in basic genetics is an eliminable source of support for determinism. Undergraduate students who attended a standard ‘Mendelian approach’ university course in introductory genetics on average showed no change in their determinist views about genes. By contrast, students who attended an alternative course which, inspired by the work of a critic of early Mendelism, W. F. R. Weldon (1860–1906), replaced an emphasis on Mendel’s peas with an emphasis on developmental contexts and their role in bringing about phenotypic variability, were less determinist about genes by the end of teaching. Improvements in both the new Weldonian curriculum and the study design are in view for the future.  相似文献   

This article discusses how to deal with the relations between different cultural perspectives in classrooms, based on a proposal for considering understanding and knowledge as goals of science education, inspired by Dewey’s naturalistic humanism. It thus combines educational and philosophical interests. In educational terms, our concerns relate to how science teachers position themselves in multicultural classrooms. In philosophical terms, we are interested in discussing the relations between belief, understanding, and knowledge under the light of Dewey’s philosophy. We present a synthesis of Dewey’s theory of inquiry through his naturalistic humanism and discuss its implications for the concepts of belief, understanding, and knowledge, as well as for the goals of science teaching. In particular, we highlight problems arising in the context of possible conflicts between scientific and religious claims in the school environment that result from totalitarian positions. We characterize an individual’s position as totalitarian if he or she takes some way of thinking as the only one capable of expressing the truth about all that exists in the world, lacks open-mindedness to understand different interpretative perspectives, and attempts to impose her or his interpretation about the facts to others by violent means or not. From this stance, any other perspective is taken to be false a priori and, accordingly, as a putative target to be suppressed or adapted to the privileged way of thinking. We argue, instead, for a more fallibilist evaluation of our own beliefs and a more respectful appraisal of the diversity of students’ beliefs by both students and teachers.  相似文献   

Epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge and belief underlie many of the controversial issues fundamental to research and practice in science teaching and learning. In an effort to bring some clarity to questions of knowledge and belief embedded within science education research and teaching, we first describe the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief in both philosophy and educational psychology, each of which have shaped the various definitions employed within science education. This discussion is followed by an examination of the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief employed by three groups of science educators: the traditional distinctions of the foundationalists that are co-opted by researchers focusing on teacher thinking/cognition, the nonfoundational epistemology of the fallibilists and the evolution educators working from this framework, and the radical constructivists who react to and attempt to move past the limitations of these other positions. In this analysis, we explicate the different ways in which knowledge and belief are understood and operationalized in a broad spectrum of research, we describe the theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying these approaches, and we explore the important areas of contention (both theoretical and empirical) surrounding each of these distinctions.  相似文献   

This article intends to show that the defense of “understanding” as one of the major goals of science education can be grounded on an anti-reductionist perspective on testimony as a source of knowledge. To do so, we critically revisit the discussion between Harvey Siegel and Alvin Goldman about the goals of science education, especially where it involves arguments based on the epistemology of testimony. Subsequently, we come back to a discussion between Charbel N. El-Hani and Eduardo Mortimer, on the one hand, and Michael Hoffmann, on the other, striving to strengthen the claim that rather than students’ belief change, understanding should have epistemic priority as a goal of science education. Based on these two lines of discussion, we conclude that the reliance on testimony as a source of knowledge is necessary to the development of a more large and comprehensive scientific understanding by science students.  相似文献   

The present study investigated relationships among false belief, emotion understanding, and social skills with 60 3- to 5-year-olds (29 boys, 31girls) from Head Start and two other preschools. Children completed language, false belief, and emotion understanding measures; parents and teachers evaluated children's social skills. Children's false belief performance related to their understanding of their friend's emotions and to teacher's ratings of social skills. Aspects of emotion understanding related to social skills. Head Start (n =30) and non-Head Start preschoolers (n = 30) performed similarly on social skills and emotion understanding measures, however, non-Head Start children performed significantly better on false belief tasks than Head Start children. Results demonstrate the importance of including diverse groups of children in studies of social cognition.  相似文献   

The present study investigated relationships among false belief, emotion understanding, and social skills with 60 3- to 5-year-olds (29 boys, 31girls) from Head Start and two other preschools. Children completed language, false belief, and emotion understanding measures; parents and teachers evaluated children's social skills. Children's false belief performance related to their understanding of their friend's emotions and to teacher's ratings of social skills. Aspects of emotion understanding related to social skills. Head Start (n =30) and non-Head Start preschoolers (n = 30) performed similarly on social skills and emotion understanding measures, however, non-Head Start children performed significantly better on false belief tasks than Head Start children. Results demonstrate the importance of including diverse groups of children in studies of social cognition.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between life satisfaction, gender, social security, and depressive symptoms of the Turkish elderly. This cross-sectional study included 216 (female = 127, male = 89) participants with ages ranging from 60 to 93 years (mean = 71.60 ± 7.39). Information Gathering Form and Life Satisfaction and Geriatric Depression Scales were used for data collection. It was determined that 42.1% of the elderly who participated in this study had high depressive symptoms scores. Life satisfaction (OR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.53–0.71), lack of social security benefits (OR = 3.52, 95% CI = 1.25–9.89), and gender (OR = 2.53, 95% CI = 1.17–5.50) predicted the depressive symptoms significantly. The results of the study indicate that while depression risk increases, life satisfaction decreases. In addition, lack of social security benefits and being female also increase the risk of depression in the Turkish elderly.  相似文献   

文章采用回归分析建立中介模型方式探讨高职学生自尊、社会支持和主观幸福感的关系.结果显示:自尊、社会支持和主观幸福感之间相关显著;社会支持对自尊、主观幸福感及其六个维度回归效应显著;自尊在社会支持基础上,对主观幸福感及其五个维度回归明显,且起到了中介作用,同时,自尊在社会支持基础上对情感控制起完全中介作用.为此,应加强高职大学生心理健康教育,关注自尊、社会支持等因素的影响,提高高职学生幸福指数.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - University support to students’ transition to university life can be divided into three dimensions, namely: academic adjustment, social adjustment and...  相似文献   

哈贝马斯无法解构“信仰和知识”的矛盾,他所面临的问题其实与其他人没有什么两样。只是他在人们无望的挣扎中试图找到一条出路。这就是缓和、而不是认同这种冲突。这个原则不仅适用于欧洲的后世俗社会。而且适用于不同宗教信仰之间的差异。在这点上本文与之共鸣。文章的一个新观点是。对科学的新的迷信具有宗教化倾向,这不仅是“信仰和知识”这个古老话题的继续,而且为之增加了新的麻烦。  相似文献   

This study of a preschool classroom of 4 year old children examines underlying skills of number sense such as counting and spatial skills and Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity. It also investigates children’s patterns of engaging in spontaneous mathematical activities in free-play activity centers in relation to behaviors associated with classroom achievement such as attention/persistence, self-regulation, perceived math ability, and motivation. A mixed method design with structured empirical measures and naturalistic observations was used. Several data sources were analyzed, including videotaped interviews, systematic observational data, and teacher ratings. Findings indicate that children who spontaneously focus on numerosity are advanced in their counting skills. Teacher rating of motivation and interest is also correlated with counting skills and spatial skills. Teacher rating of persistence is correlated with counting skills and child self-reports of persistence in math correlated with spatial skills. Variability existed in free play activity time, with social or dramatic play the only activity observed for all children. The major math activities chosen were those involving block construction and some computer games. It was noted that students less skilled in math tended to choose less cognitively challenging activities involving small motor tasks rather than more cognitively challenging activities. Using a Vygotskian socio-cultural lens, several suggestions are made about how verbal interactions with teachers and other adults may contribute to children’s cognitive competence in math.  相似文献   

The present study investigated gender differences in social mastery motivation, vocabulary knowledge, behavioral self-regulation, and socioemotional skills and examined the relationships among this knowledge and these skills by gender. Participants were 134 Chinese children (68 boys, M age = 3.80; 66 girls, M age = 3.89) and their parents recruited through local kindergartens’ parent groups. The children were administered measures of social mastery motivation, vocabulary knowledge, behavioral self-regulation, and nonverbal intelligence. Parents reported their education level and children’s socioemotional skills. Research Findings: Results revealed that boys exhibited more social mastery interactions than girls, and girls showed better behavioral self-regulation and socioemotional skills than boys. Girls with higher social mastery interaction frequency demonstrated better vocabulary knowledge and socioemotional skills, whereas boys with higher social mastery interaction frequency showed lower behavioral self-regulation. Boys, who showed more positive affect during social mastery interactions, tended to have better expressive vocabulary, which facilitated their behavioral self-regulation. Practice or Policy: Findings highlight social mastery motivation as a potential factor that facilitates children’s early development, but it may contribute to boys and girls in different ways.  相似文献   

Older adults are less likely to be using computers and less knowledgeable about Internet security than are younger users. The two groups do not differ on trust of Internet information. The younger group shows no age or gender differences. Within the older group, computer users are more trusting of Internet information, and along with those with more education, are more knowledgeable about security hazards. The oldest women are less knowledgeable about security hazards. Older adults' greater risk when using computers and the Internet may be primarily due to cohort differences in education and computer use.  相似文献   

This study examines the female postsecondary advantage in matriculation among Hispanic and white youth with the goal of exploring whether social capital, in addition to academic performance and orientation, function similarly to help explain females’ higher likelihood of college attendance for each group. Utilizing data from the Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project (THEOP), results indicate that girls’ higher academic performance in high school is an important factor behind their subsequent gender advantage in 4-year college attendance, particularly for Hispanic students. Additionally, compared to their co-ethnic male peers, Hispanic and white girls have greater levels of social capital, such as more academically-focused friendship groups in high school, that are associated with higher rates of college attendance. However, girls’ greater frequency of discussion with high school counselors about college appears to contribute to the female advantage in matriculation only for Hispanic students. For both groups, the analyses suggest that all of the factors considered explain substantially less of the female advantage in 2-year college matriculation than they do for the female advantage in 4-year matriculation. In general, the results underscore the need for more research considering the complex processes through which gender and race/ethnicity intersect in shaping individuals’ paths to college.  相似文献   

The authors explored the pattern of change in counseling students’ (N = 373) counseling self‐efficacy (CSE) throughout their program and the influence of identifying variables. Results indicated that specific factors significantly predicted students’ initial CSE levels and the rate of CSE change. Implications for future research and counselor education programs are presented.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education -  相似文献   

生态文明是对现代危机的歧路反思后以发展共识为核心的新型文明,是人类在特定时空中应对世界的一种积极的存在方式。生态文明从知识的视角而言,即是以科学技术为主体手段,将整个社会纳入到可计算、可分析的量化统计中,形成数字化生存方式。从信仰的角度来看,即是把生态文明作为世界观和价值观的要素,将公共利益的诉求放在核心地位,让自己有了一份超越世俗利益冲突的内在神圣性。在发展的共识下,党和政府提出了建设生态文明的战略思想,意味着发展方式的变化。  相似文献   

混沌是非线性动力系统在一定控制参数范围内产生的对初始条件具有敏感依赖性的回复性非周期行为状态,表现动力系统混混行为的时序数列的内在随机性,实际上是一个伪随机性,确定性是动力系统混沌行为最重要的基本属性之一,混沌理论只是被除了“所有决定论系统都是可预测的“神话和误读,以它特有的方式否定了拉普拉斯的机械决定论,丰富和发展了科学决定论。  相似文献   

信仰作为价值观,存在两对矛盾:终极性(超越性)与现实性,理性与非理性。科学并不消解信仰,相反二者还会交合,产生科学信仰。马克思主义是信仰,是科学信仰,我们应用现实运动与终极理想相统一的思维方式对待马克思主义信仰。  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among perfectionism, acculturation, and stress in 76 Asian international students. Results showed that perfectionism and acculturation predicted stress, together accounting for 50% of the variance in stress. Furthermore, acculturation explained students' experience of stress above and beyond perfectionism, and 1 specific acculturation variable examined, perceived prejudice, revealed the strongest relationship with stress. Implications for providing counseling services to international students and for future research are described.  相似文献   

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