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The teaching of evolution in American high schools has long been a source of controversy. The past decade has seen an important shift in the rhetoric of anti-evolutionists, toward arguments of a strongly mathematical character. These mathematical arguments, while different in their specifics, follow the same general program and rely on the same underlying model of evolution. We shall discuss the nature and history of this program and model and describe general reasons for skepticism with regard to any anti-evolutionary arguments based upon them. We shall then survey the major arguments used by anti-evolutionists, to show how our general considerations make it possible to quickly identify their weakest points.  相似文献   

势力学第二定律具有极广泛和深远的意义。本文从几率概含入手讨论热力学第二定律的微观本质。  相似文献   

人类生育技术化与传统伦理框架的开放   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
人类自身的缺陷和与之相关的社会需求促成了生育技术的产生,而该技术引发出的有争议性的问题,往往又与技术所应用的社会环境的复杂性和人们某些观念的滞后有关,传统的封闭型伦理框架应该趋向开放,具有弹性的边缘区,以便在较大的程度上适应科学技术大发展的时代,同时,相应的法律和法规也应建立起来,以便对技术的应用加以调控和引导。  相似文献   

经济法形成于本世纪初的德国,作为新兴的法学学科和法律部门,从形成之日起,经济法就饱受争议.尽管经过近一个世纪的发展,经济法现象已经受到普遍的关注和认同,但无论中外,对于其是否形成独立法律部门的争论一直没有停止过,关于经济法的定位存有多种不同的界说,有的赞成,有的否定.在否定经济法之说中,“经济行政法“具有较大的影响,对经济法的冲击也最大.  相似文献   

J Srinivasan 《Resonance》2001,6(11):42-48
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the enigmatic laws of physics. Sadi Carnot, a French engineer played an important role in its discovery in the 19th century. We recount here how he proposed the basic postulates of this law although he did not fully understand the first law of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

卡诺循环的效率不能从热力学第一定律和热力学第二定律的推论导出,其效率公式更接近热力学第二定律而独立于热力学第一定律。  相似文献   

《民办教育促进法》中"合理回报"的规定被认为是民办教育立法中的最大亮点,然而这一规定存在着一定的法律问题,使其在现实中的效用并不理想。其中,"营利性"概念的立法界定的缺失,营利性与公益性的争论不休,"合理回报"被曲解及其在现实中缺乏配套制度,以及与相关法律的规定存在冲突等较为突出,需要我们对民办学校营利性规定加以完善。  相似文献   

Second law of thermodynamics can be apparently violated in systems whose dynamics depend on information acquired by measurement. However, when one considers measurement and erasure together with the system, it saves the second law. We consider the simple example of an information machine, where information is used as a resource to increase the machine’s performance. The system is connected to two baths, a work source, and a moving tape which is used as an information reservoir. The performance of the device is autonomous. The system acts as an engine, erasure or refrigerator. Even combination of any two is possible. All these possibilities are allowed by the generalized second law.  相似文献   

简化是汉字发展不可逆转的走向.汉字简化起初着力于形体的演变,汉字从甲骨文发展到楷书其形体是越来越适合于人们的书写.汉字发展到楷书阶段,形体相对稳定,于是人们便从形体本身的笔画省减,另辟简化的蹊径.解放后,我国政府进行了两次汉字简化工作,第二次汉字简化由于出台仓促,缺乏社会基础,在试行十年之后被废止,但不等于汉字的形体就此定型不变,它还必将朝着既要摆脱繁难,又要传承文化的方向发展.  相似文献   

2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过了《关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》(以下简称"新刑诉法"),这是自1996年修改刑事诉讼法以来,第二次对刑事诉讼法进行如此大规模的修改。此次《刑事诉讼法》的修改内容涉及大量有关证据制度的条文,特别对非法证据排除和不得强迫自证其罪予以明确规定。现围绕修正案主要集中讨论证据制度方面的问题,在肯定其保障人权和完善法治方面的重大进步的基础上,认真分析可能存在的一些不足并探讨和寻求完善的方法和途径。第一部分介绍不强迫自证其罪原则,论述其进步性及局限性;第二部分论述非法证据排除规则,尤其是围绕其与两个证据规定之间的关系论述非法证据概念的内涵与外延、非法证据的证明标准,排除合理怀疑与结论唯一两种理论的对比以及非法证据在量刑程序中是否具有证据能力的问题;第三部分论述我国证人出庭问题的法理基础、证人出庭难的问题与危害,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

从热力学第二定律的数学表达式——克劳修斯不等式出发,引出了一个表征化学变化方向的统一概念——化学亲和势(A_f)并对其本质及与各热力学判据的关系进行讨论。  相似文献   

Is it possible to develop the content and form of mathematical education in such a way that it may serve as a tool of democratization in both school and society? This question is related to two different arguments. The social argument of democratization states: (1) Mathematics has an extensive range of applications, (2) because of its applications mathematics has a “society-shaping” function, and (3) in order to carry out democratic obligations and rights it is necessary to be able to identify the main principles of the development of society. The pedagogical argument of democratization states: (1) Mathematical education has a “hidden curriculum”, (2) the “hidden curriculum” of mathematical education in a traditional form implants a servile attitude towards technological questions into a large number of students, and (3) we cannot expect any development of democratic competence in school unless the teaching-learning situation is based on a dialogue and unless the curriculum is not totally determined from outside the classroom. The social argument implies that we must aim at “empowering material” which could constitute a basis for reflective knowledge i.e. knowledge about how to evaluate and criticize a mathematical model, while the pedagogical argument implies that we must aim at “open material” leaving space for decisions to be taken in the classroom. Will it become possible to create materials at the same time open and empowering? To answer this question we have to analyse the concept ‘democratic competence’, which can be related to ‘reflective knowledge’ characterized by a specific object of knowledge and a specific way of knowledge production. The ultimate aim will be to unify these characteristics in an epistemological theory of mathematical education. This paper is a revised version of \ldDemocratization and Mathematical Education\rd, R. 88-33 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aalborg University Centre.  相似文献   

道德法律化的学理基础是道德和法律的内在共性及其道德功能的局限性。道德法律化无论是在我国当代立法还是西方国家立法中都有重要的表现。法律不是万能的,道德和法律调整的社会关系不尽相同,有些社会关系只能依靠道德来调节;法律是一种外在的规范,它一般只调节人们的行为;法律不能超越一定的历史阶段普通社会成员道德观念所能接受的程度;对法律的过分依赖可能造成道德的弱化。这些因素使道德法律化存在一定的限度。  相似文献   

合同成立与合同生效是两个不同的概念 ,合同成立不一定生效。合同如果不符合法律规定的有效要件 ,就是无效的 ,就不具有法律拘束力。无效合同因具有违法性 ,所以当事人不得依据合同实际履行 ,否则将承担违法的法律后果。《中华人民共和国合同法》不仅对无效合同的认定提供了具体标准 ,也对无效合同的法律后果作了相关规定 ,在处理案件时应予适用  相似文献   

关于Chebyshev多项式及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了展现第二类Chebyshev多项式的独特理论及其在分子轨道方面的应用,采用不完全归纳法、枚举法,研究两类Chebyshev多项式以与Un、正Tn和余弦及其实际应用,给出了以、瓦的三种等价定义。超几何函数表述、正交系以及在分子轨道方面的应用。研究第二类Chebyshev多项式更易于抓住问题的本质。这种处理问题的视角和论述有着深远的意义。  相似文献   

This article considers the nature of complexity and design, as well as relationships between the two, and suggests that design may have much potential as an approach to improving human performance in situations seen as complex. It is developed against two backgrounds. The first is a world view that derives from second order cybernetics and radical constructivism. What is particular about this view is that it accepts that our understanding of the world is made by us, regardless of whether it originates in an external reality or not. Indeed, it regards the question of whether an external reality can ever be known by us as essentially undecidable, which is part of its power. In terms of complexity, this leads to the position that we choose the complexity we see in the world. The second is design. Design is a way of behaving that approaches complexity in a different way (and expecting a different type of outcome) than we have conventionally used. Designers work in a way (a conversation with the self via the medium of drawing) that allows them to deal with very complex, ill‐defined and ambiguous situations that would probably be inaccessible using conventional approaches. The outcomes of design are generally novel but can never be argued to be the best solution. Design is necessarily a constructivist, second order cybernetic activity. It is suggested that, as second order cybernetics and radical constructivism give us new insights into the nature of complexity, design gives us a way of acting that comprehends these insights.  相似文献   

通过对核能和热力学的分析,提出了在物质结构中,自宇宙演化之初就存储了能量.并建立了元能量、元能量系统及其演化模型.通过对元能量系统演化的分析,对耗散结构和相关热力学概念作了梳理及系统定位;提出了用"能级"和"能量梯度",对耗散结构的能量交换进行度量;在元能量基础上,分析了系统的"有源"与"无源"构成;提出了现生物"演化悖论"的不合理性;物质结构中的元能量是宇宙演化的动力源,此能量的释放,推动了宇宙的演化.  相似文献   

听证制度被誉为现代行政程序法的灵魂和核心。为了实现行政听证的立法目的,保证行政效率和公共利益,大多数国家的立法将其概括限定在行政机关作出的对相对人不利的行政行为之中,并规定了一些排除和例外情况。而且,根据听证自身性质又可以将其作不同的划分,有的听证法律作了严格的程序要求,不依法举行,即构成程序上违法;有的则可以采取较为灵活的形式。我国行政听证制度创立不久,适用范围明显过窄,今后应借鉴国外的做法。逐步将其拓宽。  相似文献   

2010年最高人民法院颁布法发[2010]36号《人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》、2004年江苏省高级人民法院正式通过《量刑指导规则》,2010年上海市高级人民法院试行《上海市高级人民法院〈人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)实施细则(试行)〉》,2004年山东省淄博市中级人民法院颁布《数学量刑规则》。虽然仍有相当多的学者认为刑罚的量化是一种错误的、与刑罚本质相背离的做法,也拒绝以数学化的思维方式思考量刑的精确化。然而,不可回避的是,在今天的中国,量刑的精确化越来越受到重视。究其原因,随着法治进程的愈加深入,越来越多的人意识到我们必须把关乎自由和公正的决定权更多的交之于客观理性的量刑,而不能完全交之于法官主观的“自由裁量权”。笔者认为,量刑的精确化是法治文明进程的重要一步,以数学化的思维方式思考量刑问题将会给刑罚理论带来新的生命力,而建立一个数量化的量刑参考体系则是量刑精确化的首要也是最重要的步骤。  相似文献   


In the last twenty years researchers have studied students’ mathematical and scientific conceptions and reasoning. Most of this research is content‐specific. It has been found that students often hold ideas that are not in line with accepted scientific notions. In our joint work in mathematics and science education it became apparent that many of these alternative conceptions hail from the same intuitive rules. We have so far identified two such rules: ‘The more of A, the more of B’ and, ‘Everything can be divided by two’. The first rule is reflected in students’ responses to many tasks, including all classical Piagetian conservation tasks (conservation of number, area, weight, volume, matter, etc.), in all tasks related to intensive quantities (density, temperature, concentration, etc.), and in tasks related to infinite quantities. The second rule is observed in responses related to successive division of material and geometrical objects, and in successive dilution tasks. In this paper we describe and discuss the first rule and its relevance to science and mathematics education. In a second paper (Tirosh and Stavy, in press) we shall describe and discuss the second rule.  相似文献   

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