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"新工科"是世界高等工程教育领域的中国智慧和中国方案,是中国工程教育在新时代新作为的重要发力点。"新工科"的教育理念蕴含着中华民族优秀的传统文化底蕴和哲学内涵。在文化自信的语境下,文章试从中国传统哲学层面分析"新工科"的实践原则、方法论、面向未来的适应方略等内涵。通过哲学阐释,有助于我们更加认同新工科的教育理念,在认知与实践的辩证统一的关系中更好地把握新工科。  相似文献   

New forms of mathematical knowledge are growing in importance for mathematics and education, including tacit knowledge; knowledge of particulars, language and rhetoric in mathematics. These developments also include a recognition of the philosophical import of the social context of mathematics, and are part of the diminished domination of the field by absolutist philosophies. From an epistemological perspective, all knowledge must have a warrant and it is argued in the paper that tacit knowledge is validated by public performance and demonstration. This enables a parallel to be drawn between the justification of knowledge, and the assessment of learning. An important factor in the warranting of knowledge is the means of communicating it convincingly in written form, i.e., the rhetoric of mathematics. Skemp's concept of logical understanding anticipates the significance of tacit rhetorical knowledge in school mathematics. School mathematics has a range of rhetorical styles, and when one is used appropriately it indicates to the teacher the level of a student's understanding. The paper highlights the import of attending to rhetoric and the range of rhetorical styles in school mathematics, and the need for explicit instruction in the area.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

由于传统的二值逻辑无法解决诸多命题,三值逻辑乃至其他多值逻辑理论得到了迅速发展,其应用范围也日益广泛。三值逻辑的语义解释存在着很多分歧和“困难”,这并非语义解释自身存在着矛盾,而是因为人们在解释三值逻辑时仍然惯常于使用形而上学的思维方式。  相似文献   

本文试对哲学心理学及其体系、科学心理学及其体系、心理学哲学及其体系、元心理学及其体系、心理学学及其体系、脑理学及其体系、思行学及其体系以及它们之间的相互关系进行追问并进行探索回答。  相似文献   

北洋大学的工程教育与科学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北洋大学建立之初设有工程、机械、采冶等学门,是我国最早设立工程技术学科,传授科学技术知识和培养工程科技人才的大学。二十世纪二十年代起学校率先实现了由传统大学向现代大学的转型,在我国大学中具有典型意义。  相似文献   

Selection decisions have a major impact on our education, occupation, and quality of life, and the role of standardized tests in selection has always been a source of controversy. Here, I consider various definitions of fairness in measurement and selection—those emerging from within educational measurement and statistics, those from philosophy, and finally, those from the public. I use examples of public challenges to selection practices to illustrate the fact that technical and philosophical definitions of fairness do not align well with public concerns. I emphasize the importance of promoting awareness of existing standards, advocating for the fair use of testing and selection practices, and communicating in a candid and straightforward way when engaging with test takers and test users.  相似文献   

科学的人文价值和哲学研究中的科学精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学的人文价值是指科学对人的生存和发展的积极意义,它表现在:科学通过提高人们改造自然的能力而为人类的生存提供必需的生活资料;科学为人类树立正确的人生价值观和人生理想,破除迷信,实现人性的完善与解放。哲学研究可以分为哲学创新、哲学解释和哲学编篡,无论何种研究活动都需要科学精神的指导和参与。“实事求是“和“价值求好“都是科学和哲学的共同要求。  相似文献   

法律需要强制,道德需要自律.德治与法治的关系是一个古老的话题,在新的历史条件下,又获得了新的涵义,并赋予二者新的关系.德治与法治是社会健康发展的强力保障,我们既要依法治国,还要以德治国.如何准确理解和把握并在实践中正确运用这一重要思想,是我们迫切需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

新工科建设以培养高质量新工科人才为本体使命。知识生产与人才培养互通互构,基于三种知识生产模式的目的指向、内容组织、情境方式和主体构成等逻辑链及其应用导向性、多学科性、问题实践性和多元协同性等转型特征,型构了传统工科与新工科两类人才培养范式的要素差异。高质量新工科人才培养需要推进科学范式向工程范式变迁,遵循适应和引领社会需求及工程科技应用与实践的核心理念,实现目标定位从知识整全到能力卓越、内容结构从单一学科体系到跨/多学科交融、教学模式从以教为主线到学做贯通、参与主体从产教分离到多方协同的逻辑转向。为此,需立足工程本位,以卓越质量观统整新工科人才的多元结构与复合能力塑造;开放学科边界,基于跨学科建制创新新工科交叉融合育人体系;创建学习范式,实践以学生发展为中心的新工科教学共同体模式;深化协同育人,耦合内外需求与资源平台以增强新工科人才的社会效能。  相似文献   

逻辑方法是密码协议分析中具有代表性的形式化方法.从已有文献的技术成果出发,以经典的类BAN逻辑作为主要对象,把逻辑方法在密码协议分析上与经验方法和计算方法分别进行比较.通过这种比较,分析了类BAN逻辑方法在分析结论的全面性、可操作性方面所具有的优势以及在有效攻击的构造和分析结论可信度上的局限性,以及从参与分析的主体角度分析了类BAN逻辑方法在协议分析上的主体特征.除了这种比较分析,也试图在计算主义框架下提供类BAN逻辑方法应用于密码协议分析的哲学基础,并给出了方法论上的启示.  相似文献   

时间先在性表述的是经验对象之间在时间序列中的先后顺序,逻辑先在性陈述的是事物之间在逻辑上的优先地位。哲学唯心主义把意识说成是物质的本原,并不是就时间先在性而言的,而是就逻辑先在性而言的,不存在形而上学唯物主义所指斥的“胡说”。要超越形而上学唯物主义而达到辩证地理解哲学唯心主义,必须从“逻辑先在性”角度深入研究哲学唯心主义的认识论根源。  相似文献   

思想政治教育批评方法是思想政治教育的基本方法之一,实现该方法的科学化是加强和改进思想政治教育的关键所在。客观性、逻辑性、系统性、针对性、有效性是思想政治教育批评方法科学化的具体表现,思想政治教育批评方法的本质、困境和环境变化决定了其科学化的必要性,传统批评方法的经验借鉴、本学科深入研究的基础、他学科的成功示例以及数据分析技术为思想政治教育批评方法科学化提供了可能。立足当前思想政治教育批评方法的发展现状,应整塑思想政治教育批评理念、改进思想政治教育批评技术、完善思想政治教育批评规范制度以及优化思想政治教育批评环境,合力推进思想政治教育批评方法科学化。  相似文献   

As a contribution to thinking about the possibility of spiritual education, I examine Pierre Hadot's important distinction between 'philosophy as theory', a detached investigation into 'the natures of things', and 'philosophy as a way of life', practical exercises which Socrates introduced as a means of 'learning to die'. While most philosophy today amounts to 'philosophy as theory', 'philosophy as a way of life' remains a respectable and viable tradition and a most exacting education of the spirit. I illustrate it here through an examination of some of its practitioners such as St Bernard of Clairvaux, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Etty Hillesum.  相似文献   

文章指出软件工程知识中蕴涵了丰富的哲学思想,让学生掌握这些哲学思想,对学生深刻理解并灵活运用软件工程知识,激发学生的想象力和创造力,意义重大。  相似文献   

Greek society of the eighteenth century did not have the institutional or theoretical background for the development of an original interest in scientific pursuits. The contact with the new scientific ideas aimed basically at the assimilation of these ideas in the body of the existing contemplative philosophy and the context where such undertaking took place was exclusively education. At the same time, education was the field where the political and ideological pursuits of various social groups intersected. A quasi modernistic profile of the educational activity was especially favored by a new generation of scholars who wished to assert their distinctive intellectual physiognomy, as well as by the emergent group of merchants who strove to establish their distinctive cultural and political authority. As a result, the new interest in the sciences reflects the confluence of the aims of these two social groups. The study of scientific textbooks, which were produced under these circumstances, depicts the consequences of this confluence and brings to light some important aspects of the social and intellectual environment within which the contact of Greek intellectual life with modern sciences occurred.  相似文献   

首先请允许我代表教育部高教司对清华大学工程教育研究中心的成立表示热切的祝贺!借此机会,谨向各位老领导致以新春的祝愿,也向多年来从事工程教育的各位专家、老师表示诚挚的问候! 清华大学作为新中国"红色工程师的摇篮",具有很好的工程教育传统,也是目前我国工科实力最强的学校之一,曾培养出大批优秀的工程师,为中国工程教育的发展作出了突出贡献.在改革开放三十周年之际,清华大学成立工程教育研究中心,对工程教育进行系统、深入的研究,探讨在新形势下创新型工程人才培养的基本规律,必将对未来我国工程教育的发展和工程教育的质量的提高起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

Maintaining the vitality of human resources is as important as maintaining the level of capital equipment. In this paper a model for the continuing education of industrial professionals in the field of control technology in Slovenia is presented. The main idea concerns a programme of courses that serve to disseminate knowledge through active learning. The programme was launched by means of a Tempus project. The main achievement is the cluster of eight courses that already runs on a regular basis. The first experiences, resulting from positive initial response from industry, are summarized and some of the problems and perspectives are outlined.  相似文献   

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