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理解课堂中的形成性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形成性评价是一种能促进学生学习的有效策略,本文的核心问题正是如何理解课堂中的形成性评价。为此,本文将首先介绍目前美国教育系统中存在的一些问题,并就此问题提出一个可能的解决方案——形成性评价。在简要的背景回顾和文献综述之后,文章将提出我们建构的形成性评价工作模型。接着,本文将从我们围绕形成性评价设计的教师专业发展项目,以及我们自身的探索出发,讨论形成性评价面临的一些新问题。最后便是根据这些新问题,分析如何进一步理解形成性评价。  相似文献   

Several tasks used in research studies are presented with assessment rubrics and examples of the development of student understanding. The tasks focus on students’ appreciation of variation in several contexts and illustrate the need to discuss variation in the classroom and to ask students specifically about it during assessment.  相似文献   

结合高等学校的现状分析了本科教学水平评估指标体系及内涵要求,将迎评促建工作作了任务分解,指出评估的意义在于恢复高等教育的本来面目:以教学为中心、以育人为中心、以教育教学质量为生命线。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The present article offers comments on the infusion of methodologies, approaches, reasoning strategies, and findings from the fields of genetics and genomics into studies of complex human behaviors (hereafter, complex phenotypes). Specifically, I discuss issues of generality and specificity, causality, and replicability as they pertain to molecular genetic studies of human phenotypes. These issues are illustrated with findings from genetic linkage and association studies investigating the etiology of disorders of spoken and written language—an area of inquiry that has been consistently referenced as one of the most successful in terms of its progress in understanding the genetic bases of human behaviors. I complete this discussion with comments on how the stronger presence of genetics and genomics in psychology is changing the conceptualization and investigation of research questions and affecting the next generation of interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

基因是遗传学核心概念,对基因本质和概念的理解与认识是一条主线贯穿于遗传学教学始终.随着现代遗传学的快速发展,基因概念也在不断更新.本文对基因概念的发展过程进行了梳理,基因从最初孟德尔遗传因子的抽象符号,逐渐演变为基因组一段可编码多肽或RNA的DNA序列.但随着对基因本质认识的不断深入,特别是朊病毒和表观遗传信息的发现和研究,需要经典基因概念进行补充或完善.同时,指出了如何将基因概念的发展及科学思路和方法积淀、目前存在的争议及启示等应用到遗传学教学中的问题,旨在启发学生思维,激发学生学习兴趣,提高遗传教学效果.  相似文献   

The paper argues that no criterion-referenced assessment system can achieve both reliability and validity at one and the same time. It shows that the reasons for this are conceptual, and hence that empirical research into the'problem' is a waste of money and effort. Considerable discussion is devoted to ideas of knowledge and understanding, and to proper educational objectives pertaining to these. Much reference is made to the current National Curriculum context in the United Kingdom, and conclusions are drawn for appropriate educational policy in this area.  相似文献   

Building upon a methodologically diverse research foundation, we adapted and validated the Learning Progression-based Assessment of Modern Genetics (LPA-MG) for college students’ knowledge of the domain. Toward collecting valid learning progression-based measures in a college majors context, we redeveloped and content validated a majority of a previous version of the LPA-MG which was developed for high school students. Using a Rasch model calibrated on 316 students from 2 sections of majors introductory biology, we demonstrate the validity of this version and describe how college students’ ideas of modern genetics are likely to change as the students progress from low to high understanding. We then utilize these findings to build theory around the connections college students at different levels of understanding make within and across the many ideas within the domain.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of instructional innovations and coordinating instruction, assessment, and testing present complex tensions. Many evaluation and coordination efforts aim to address these tensions by using the coherence provided by modern cognitive science perspectives on domain-specific learning. This paper introduces an alternative framework that uses emerging situative assessment perspectives to align learning across increasingly formal levels of educational practice. This framework emerged from 2 design studies of a 20-hr high school genetics curriculum that used the GenScope computer-based modeling software. The 1st study aligned learning across (a) the contextualized enactment of inquiry-oriented activities in GenScope, (b) “feedback conversations” around informal embedded assessments, and (c) a formal performance assessment; the 2nd study extended this alignment to a conventional achievement test. Design-based refinements ultimately delivered gains of nearly 2 SD on the performance assessment and more than 1 SD in achievement. These compared to gains of 0.25 and 0.50 SD, respectively, in well-matched comparison classrooms. General and specific assessment design principles for aligning instruction, assessment, and testing and for evaluating instructional innovations are presented.  相似文献   

Since the work of Watson and Crick in the mid-1950s, the science of genetics has become increasingly molecular. The development of recombinant DNA technologies by the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries led to the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By the end of the twentieth century, reports of animal cloning and recent completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP), as well techniques developed for DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and others, raised important ethical and social issues about the applications of such technologies. For citizens to understand these issues, appropriate genetics education is needed in schools. A good foundation in genetics also requires knowledge and understanding of topics such as structure and function of cells, cell division, and reproduction. Studies at the international level report poor understanding by students of genetics and genetic technologies, with widespread misconceptions at various levels. Similar studies were nearly absent in India. In this study, I examine Indian higher secondary students' understanding of genetic information related to cells and transmission of genetic information during reproduction. Although preliminary in nature, the results provide cause for concern over the status of genetics education in India. The nature of students' conceptual understandings and possible reasons for the observed lack of understanding are discussed.  相似文献   

高斯定理是大学物理电学部分的重要内容。以大一学生作为调查对象,以概念考评和深度访谈作为主要手段的调查结果表明:学生在与高斯定理相关的基本概念、基本技能上均存在较多问题,有些问题从来未被发现,另有一些重要且被忽视的教学目标在调查过程中显现出来。调查研究既发现了问题,也给予重要的启示:任课教师应当以互动的方式强化概念性问题教学;适当阅读中外实证类文献以获取相关信息;适当结合课堂教学开展小型实证研究。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a two-year research project focused on developing students' understanding of assessment criteria and the assessment process through a structured intervention involving both tacit and explicit knowledge transfer methods. The nature of the intervention is explained in detail, and the outcomes are analysed and discussed. The conclusions drawn from the evidence are that student learning can be improved significantly through such an intervention, and that this improvement may last over time and be transferable, at least within similar contexts. This work is a development within a longer and ongoing research project into criterion-referenced assessment tools and processes which has been undertaken in the pursuit of a conceptually sound and functional assessment framework that would promote and encourage common standards of assessment; that project is also summarised.  相似文献   

理解问题是藏汉双语教学中的主要障碍,然而目前缺乏量化的评价指标。基于扎根理论的研究思路,通过整理大量的原始文献资料,梳理并构建了评价藏族学生汉语教学过程中理解现状的评价体系。从理解层级、理解内容、理解影响因素三个维度构建了模型并作了阐述。  相似文献   


The authors describe results from a study of a middle school mathematics formative assessment strategy. They employed a randomized, controlled design to address the following question: Does using our strategy improve student performance on assessments of key mathematical ideas relative to a comparison group? Eighty-five teachers and 4,091 students were included. Students took a pretest and a transfer measure at the end of the year. Treatment students completed formative assessments. Treatment teachers had exposure to professional development and instructional resources. Results indicated students with higher pretest scores benefited more from the treatment compared to students with lower pretest scores. In addition treatment students significantly outperformed control students on distributive property items. This effect was larger as pretest scores increased. Results, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

对高职院校评估指标体系的认识和思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
这几年高职教育得到了突飞猛进的发展。量的急剧扩张,要求高职教育要更加注重质的进一步提升。高职院校评估问题,已成水到渠成之势。五年一轮评估制度的确立和实施,要求出台客观而公正的高职院校评估指标体系。这是高职教育发展之必然,也是高职教育发展之应然。外在的要求和压力,务必要转变为高职院校的自觉和自律,否则高职教育的可持续发展也就成了一句空话。本文拟对已出台的高职院校评估指标体系.谈些粗浅的看法和建议,以期对高职院校评估指标体系的进一步完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

文章基于同伴互评与网络同伴互评学习活动的相关分析,从"理解"的角度探讨了网络同伴互评学习活动的内涵。基于此,文章围绕衍生性主题、理解性目标、学习任务、学习环境等四个核心要素,构建了理解视域下网络同伴互评学习活动的设计框架。依托此框架,文章以"网络教学平台的设计与开发"课程的相关学习内容为例,从理论层面设计了相应的学习活动。文章的研究,一方面可为同伴互评研究提供新思路,另一方面也可为教师的教学实践提供设计案例与方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   

We review the state of genetics instruction in the United States through the lens of backward design, with particular attention to the goals and assessments that inform curricular practice. An analysis of syllabi and leading textbooks indicates that genetics instruction focuses most strongly on foundations of DNA and Mendelian genetics. At the same time, a survey of faculty indicates that other concepts, such as the application of genetics to society or the environment, are viewed as equally or even more important than foundation concepts. This disconnect suggests a need for more explicit goal setting prior to curriculum development. We also review the relationship between concept inventories, multiple-choice tests measuring conceptual understanding, and curricular goals. Existing concept inventories offer a strong foundation on which to build community-developed concept assessments of genetics knowledge. Concept assessments such as these would allow the genetics education community to test hypotheses of curricular change.  相似文献   

Successful learning outcomes require the integration of content and meaningful assessment with effective pedagogy. However, development of coherent and cohesive curriculum is seemingly overwhelming even to experienced teachers. Obviously this creates a barrier to successful student learning. Understanding by Design (UbD) overcomes this impasse by providing concise and practical guidance for experienced and inexperienced teachers. In programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, teams composed of University of Wyoming graduate students and science teachers from grades 6 to 9 designed motivating, inquiry-based lesson plans intended to get students to think and act like scientists. In this process, teams utilized principles outlined in UbD with great success. UbD describes a practical and useful “backward” design process in which anticipated results are first identified; acceptable evidence for learning outcomes is established and, only then, are specific learning experiences and instruction planned. Additionally, UbD provides procedures to avoid content overload by focusing on “enduring principles.” WHERE, the UbD sieve for activities, was used effectively to develop tasks that are engaging, that are consistent with state educational standards, and that promote self-directed, life-long learning.  相似文献   

《New scientist (1971)》1996,149(2013):11

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