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A distinguished scientist was participating in a panel discussion on the results of the nation’s future water supply.“Gentlemen,” he said.“I have some good news and bad news for you,Our study shows that by the year 2010 everyone will be drinking recycled sewage from  相似文献   

"This house," said the real-estate salesman, "has both its good points and bad points. To show you I'm honest, I'm going to tell you about the disadvantage--there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse one block north." "What are the advantages?" inquired the prospective buyer. "The good thing about it," said the agent, "is that you can always tell which way the wind is blowing."Good Points and Bad Points$河北辛集中学@郭芙…  相似文献   

ice cream:凡荣登"翻译优胜榜"者,均可获得一份好礼!所以请参与者务必写清真实姓名、详细地址和邮政编码。  相似文献   

The soldiershad been marchingand fight- ing,theyweredirty,hotand tired. "M y m en, Ihave som e goodnewsand som e bad newsforyou. W hich one would "The goodnews!" you like first?" "OK,thegood newsisthat you will each be receiving a complete change "Hurrah!" ofclothing." "And now forthebad news.Jack,you willchange withJohn. John, you will changewithTom . Tom , you willchange withRobert.Robert… …"Good News and…  相似文献   

“Life is speeding up.Everyone is getting unwell.”This may sound like something everyone would say today.But infact,an unknown citizen who lived in Rome in AD 52 wrote it.We all love new inventions.They are exciting,amazing and caneven change our life.Bu…  相似文献   

许爱平 《新高考》2011,(Z2):103-104

The ‘Balance of Nature’ metaphor is a pervasive idea in ecology. However, the scientific community acknowledged during the last decades that equilibrium conditions are rare, while disturbance events are not uncommon. We suggest that the exclusive teaching of the ‘Balance of Nature’ metaphor produces cultural, scientific and learning misconceptions about the structure and function of nature. We outline an exemplary educational intervention for high school students to exhibit that the use of computer simulations could serve important educational goals in ecology and environmental education, such as the liberation of the concept of ‘balance’ of its metaphysic burden, the comprehension of the dynamics and the systemic nature of ecological processes and the appreciation of the mutual relation between society and nature.  相似文献   

2013年12月15日中国“嫦娥三号”携带“玉兔”号月球车成功着陆月球,揭开了中国探索太空的新篇章。太空探索一直都伴随着人类的历史发展,但是对于太空探索的争论也一直不断。有人认为太空探索花费太高,不能对民众的生活带来实质的影响;有人认为太空探索带来技术的革新,为人类“星际旅行”打下基础。那么太空探索到底是好还是坏呢?  相似文献   

This paper reports on my first‐hand experiences of being a ‘purist’ in Hong Kong, during which time I was not allowed to use mixed code, a common discursive practice among Hongkongers in Hong Kong. I shall discuss the difficulties in using ‘pure’ English and ‘pure’ Chinese in my daily life, as well as exploring the problems I encountered when I used ‘pure’ English in teaching English to a small group of ESL students at a primary school in Hong Kong. I argue that mixed code is very much characteristic of everyday language use by most Hongkongers and represents an important marker of their ethno‐linguistic identity. In relation to language teaching, I suggest that mixed code may be usefully adopted in teaching English in Hong Kong, rather than being shunned at all costs.  相似文献   

杨云  彭银梅 《海外英语》2012,(19):106-108
In the 15th century,Johannes Gutenberg introduced mechanical movable type printing to Europe,causing an explo sion of knowledge that changed the world.This new way of printing enabled the masses to be exposed to works of literature that would have been inaccessible to them previously.The rapid development of technology in the 21st century presents educators with similar opportunities to expose an ever-widening circle of students to previously inaccessible works of literature.Although controversial with some,the use of films in the ESL literature classroom is one such opportunity.This paper aims to show that the use of films in the ESL literature classroom is a good idea because it is inexpensive,effective in developing listening,speaking,reading and writing skills,exposes students to authentic cultural information,helps students to absorb English,and develops the habit of reading for pleasure.Finally,some tips on the effective use of film in the ESL literature classroom are given.  相似文献   

This paper reports on one preservice teacher’s use of the Inquiry-Application Instructional Model (I-AIM) to plan and teach an instructional sequence on photosynthesis to 5th-grade students. Analysis of the preservice teacher’s planned and enacted instructional sequences and interviews shows that the preservice teacher was successful in leveraging the conceptual change but not the inquiry aspects of the I-AIM. The mediators of this preservice teacher’s use of the I-AIM included her approach to teaching science, the curriculum materials she had available, and the meanings she made of the underlying frameworks. Understanding the mediators of preservice teachers’ uses of instructional models can inform teacher educators’ approaches to supporting preservice teachers in using instructional models for organizing science instructional sequences.  相似文献   


A recent editorial in the Scottish Educational Journal, the publication of the teacher trade union the Educational Institute of Scotland, headed 'More action, not words needed on discipline', condemned the level of indiscipline, violence and aggression in Scottish schools - in particular that directed against teachers - and criticized the government for its lack of action in tackling the problem. This article examines the way arguments such as this position the individual as 'deviant’ within educational systems. It discusses the importance of metaphor in organizing our perceptions and suggests that an analysis of power relations in schools could give rise to alternative metaphorical concepts that may help to promote the inclusion of children whose behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable.  相似文献   


What are the dominant images of the Child in contemporary Western societies? In order to challenge some dominant images of the Child, this essay explores the possibilities of analyzing an experimental dance practice with preschoolers aged 1–2 years with Claire Colebrook's theorizing on ‘the war on norms’. Colebrook suggests a Queer Vitalism to push the limits of how to understand humanness generally, and more specifically, how to understand processes of subjectification. She moves from a post-structuralist understanding toward the Deleuzian notion of practices of individuation and processes of becoming-imperceptible. In this essay, we draw on Queer Vitalism to show how it is possible to understand children's constructions of subjectivity in events of experimental dance practices for preschoolers. The analysis is performed in close interactions with video-films from these workshops transformed to still photography. We aspire to show how these practices can be understood as counter-power strategies in the enactment of an image of a Monstrous Child. Such an image might transform the taken-for-granted image of the Child and preschool practices in subversive ways.  相似文献   


This paper describes an initiative to promote social justice in two groups of primary aged children. The initiative was concerned with the extent to which first‐ and third‐year juniors can apply principles of unfair discrimination to issues of gender, ‘race’ and social class having been taught the principles in contexts unrelated to structural inequality. The study provides evidence consistent with the claim that children between the ages of seven and 11 can learn to recognise certain manifestations of unfair discrimination against oppressed groups. The data further suggest that children in this age group can learn to recognise such discrimination on the basis of principles acquired in contexts that make no reference to oppressed groups. It is argued that the data are sufficiently encouraging to warrant a replication of the study on a larger scale.  相似文献   

The inclusion of the practice of “developing and using models” in the Framework for K-12 Science Education and in the Next Generation Science Standards provides an opportunity for educators to examine the role this practice plays in science and how it can be leveraged in a science classroom. Drawing on conceptions of models in the philosophy of science, we bring forward an agent-based account of models and discuss the implications of this view for enacting modeling in science classrooms. Models, according to this account, can only be understood with respect to the aims and intentions of a cognitive agent (models for), not solely in terms of how they represent phenomena in the world (models of). We present this contrast as a heuristic—models of versus models for—that can be used to help educators notice and interpret how models are positioned in standards, curriculum, and classrooms.  相似文献   

The present paper is an analysis of the recently formulated concept of Lived Pedagogy. With roots in phenomenology and narrative research and research on ‘student voice’, the concept is coined as a way to research participants’ experience of practical pedagogy in school. The main theoretical and methodological challenges in Lived Pedagogy stem from the use of relational theory (i.e. phenomenology and narrative theory) while a priori maintaining a number of divisions that challenge this relational logic. Having outlined these problems, a suggestion is made to inform Lived Pedagogy by way of the German Pädagogik with its central focus on purpose(s) of education. Specifically, I employ Løvlie’s educational transformation of Habermas’s discourse ethics as a framework for structuring the deliberation of what is educationally desirable.  相似文献   

LUO Luo 《海外英语》2014,(13):212-213,250
Metaphor is more than an ostensible decoration of language.It is an integral part of human thought of ideologized world.This article analyzes the metaphor use of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech at Cambridge in February 2009,in an attempt to display how the preferred metaphors serve the purpose of this speech and reflect Premier Wen’s construction of China’s situation.  相似文献   

In the field of teacher attrition, there is a significant body of literature on why teachers leave high-needs urban schools and particularly why beginning teachers leave their schools and the profession. However, there is little research on the reasons why experienced teachers leave the teaching profession. This paper examines this subject by considering whether teachers experience an ‘identity crisis’ in their careers which prompts them to leave. Drawing on identity theory, data from a single case study of an experienced urban teacher are taken from a wider qualitative research study carried out in London, England. The case is made that decisions to leave or stay in a school are contingent on a number of personal, professional and situational factors related to the teacher’s identity. The article concludes that one way to understand why long-serving teachers leave the profession is to examine aspects of their teacher identity and explore how a crisis in professional identity can contribute towards teacher attrition. In the light of this alternative approach towards understanding attrition, at the very least, supportive structures can be put in place to encourage more teachers to stay and contribute to the success and well-being of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

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