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班固比司马迁更严格地遵循了封建正统思想,《汉书》更被后世史家尊为"万世不祧之宗"。文章结合正统思想的渊源,对《汉书》中正统思想的体现作了简单的论述,以初步探讨班固的正统思想。  相似文献   

The American public landscape has shifted in concert with a newly emboldened political right, and the public school has again become an important battlefield in the latest culture wars. In addition to confrontations over educational policy issues is a largely untheorized area where the everyday classroom takes center stage: Teachers face a difficult situation when it is students’ spontaneous utterances, rather than curricula or policy issues, at the center of religiously rooted controversy. How teachers respond to these situations, and the basis for their responses, is crucial as they continue to navigate the increasingly problematic relationship between the religiously orthodox and pluralist public schooling. Pushing the conversation into the everyday workings of the real, live public school classroom is critical to liberal theorists if they are to significantly impact discourse related to the purposes and aims of public education in pluralist societies.  相似文献   

In geographical areas bordering those of other states, the function of educational systems, as the means for states to foster their citizens, is challenged by ambiguities and tensions connected to intercultural experiences. In this article, I illustrate some of the findings from a project that studies religious education in four border areas around the Baltic Barents Sea, by bringing forward the case of a school teacher who teaches Orthodox religious education (ORE), in a town in Finland close to the border with Russia. Thus, the aim is to present and discuss ORE in Finland as well as to understand what implication the border situation can have on religious education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of the relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every new finding in scientific research.

Each abstract or group is preceded by an evaluation and interpretative comment, which aims to guide the reader in understanding the research reported.

All of these abstracts are from PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and used by permission of that periodical. The abstract number is Volume 31, Number 2, April 1957.  相似文献   

俄罗斯民族是一个伟大的民族,东正教是现今俄罗斯民族信仰的最主要的宗教,东正教对俄罗斯文化影响巨大,其宗教思想已深入到人们的日常生活中,成为俄罗斯传统思想的重要组成部分。本文通过对影响俄罗斯民族基督教化的各种因素剖析,加深对俄罗斯民族向封建社会转化过程中的宗教的发展变化缘由,即从多神教向一神教东正教的变化缘由的认识,以增进对俄罗斯宗教文化的进一步了解。  相似文献   

孔子“正名”思想的研究,无论是对于孔子思想本身的理解还是对于后来的名学的发展探讨都有重要的意义。历代对于孔子“正名”思想的阐释大致经过了三个阶段:古代的“正字”、“正名分”阶段;近代现代的“以名正名”、“以名正实”阶段;近十年对于“正名”问题的语言哲学阐释及政治哲学阐释阶段。  相似文献   

本文通过将叶适思想放在道统观念的整体性质和发展全程的背景中加以个案分析来研究道统,以及叶适思想在道统确立过程中所具有的地位与价值。本文指出,虽然道统从韩愈及宋儒着力通过阐释传统来建设宋代新儒学,形成了特定的思想和方法.但作为朱熹在思想上的真正对手,叶适以同样的方法,即阐释传统的形式。确立起自己的道统观,标示出儒家文化的基本精神是“治道”.使其功利哲学得以张本。文章最后通过对比分析叶适和朱熹的道统观,指出叶适和朱熹在建设宋代儒家文化运动中,正以其独立的见解凸现了整个儒家文化的精神,其对立的道统观对儒家文化实是离当俱损,合则成嬖;同时指出了道统观自身的价值所在,以及其确立的过程对我们今天通过阐释传统文化以创建新文化的启示。  相似文献   

东正教与俄罗斯民族性格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东正教是俄罗斯精神的基础和核心。在长期的历史发展中,东正教对俄罗斯民族性格产生了质的影响,俄罗斯性格的极端性、矛盾性、神秘性都可以在东正教中找到源头。宗教性是俄罗斯民族性格的本质特征。  相似文献   

本文证明了局部纯正半群的正则子半群、同态像和直积是局部纯正半群, 以及带与完全单半群的Pastijn 积是一个局部纯正半群。  相似文献   

古代诗文总集的编选历史上有一个选本非常值得重视,就是《文章正宗》。南宋真德秀的《文章正宗》打破了《文选》的体例传统,以理学思想为指导来编选诗文。在真德秀之后,文章总集的编选史上便出现了四库馆臣所说的"谈理一派"。真德秀的《文章正宗》是在理学文化的大背景下产生的,是一部以理学思想为宗旨的选本。随着理学文化的兴衰,后世对《文章正宗》的接受、批评也表现出了一些历时性变化的特征。文章从三个方面来分析后人在《文章正宗》流传过程中的评价问题,可以看出理学文化、后人对文学的本质和形式的认识等方面都对这部选本的传播产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

正统思想是中国古代史家解释政权合法性和政权更替合理性的重要理论。范晔的正统观念非常强烈,左右着他对东汉历史的认识,如他对东汉前后其它诸多政权贬斥,对东汉衰亡的反思,但着力点在于确立东汉的合法地位。无论体系结构,还是语言,《后汉书》都突出了东汉纲举天下、总揽一代的正统地位。  相似文献   

明初崇唐诗风日益高涨,推动了高棵的《唐诗品汇》和《唐诗正声》的出现。他总结并超越了时贤的“世变”观念,形成在时代影响和文学自身发展规律双重作用下的唐诗“正变”观。以四唐为依托,把唐诗各体还原为一个动态的发展过程,同时以盛唐诗歌为正声作为阐释唐诗“正变”的依据,构建了其自足的唐诗学体系。但是他毕竟不能完全脱离自己的文化环境,其“正变”观在影响有明一代唐诗学的同时,也暴露出其局限性。  相似文献   

UK Orthodox Jewish educators face a number of ethical dilemmas surrounding truth-telling in the classroom. While they must comply with government legislation and high standards of professional conduct, they may also wish their practice to be informed by halachic considerations. This theoretical study explores the potential tensions that may arise when allegiances to the above areas lead to conflicting courses of action, and attempts to plot a course of appropriate conduct that can satisfy all considerations. Direct distortion is identified as an inappropriate tool, whereas omission of content that will hinder students’ Orthodox development is considered preferable to unfiltered disclosure.  相似文献   

文章回顾了近年来文化市场中出现的“清宫文化热”现象,重点叙述了2005年清宫文化由“戏说”到“正说”的转变。在勾勒普通大众、专家学者对“正说”“戏说”看法与评价的同时,挖掘“清宫文化热”之所以出现的背后原因,阐明“清宫文化热”对文化发展所带来的影响。  相似文献   

初期词遭到当时理论界普遍贬斥,持论坚持的是正统的论立场。面对词本的离经叛道,这一立场陷于空洞的两难之地。本试图通过分析贬词说的化参照系统,梳理这一词论的内在指涉。  相似文献   

In April 2010 a new school subject group called "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (FRCSE) was introduced as an experiment in selected regions of Russia. It consists of six subjects, or "modules." One module is "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" (FOC). This article examines FOC within the context of religious education in Europe to assess how much it has traits of a confessional or a nonconfessional course and shows that the differentiation of confessional and nonconfessional religious education courses cannot cover the complexity of how religion is taught in Russia.  相似文献   

在世界文明体系中,基辅罗斯选择东正教的历史往往被置于拜占庭文明光环之下,而忽视了此过程中的主动性因素。长期扩张过程中的实力汇聚及在与拜占庭贸易和战争关系中的实力呈现,是基辅罗斯主动性选择的基础,主要表现是基辅罗斯从多种宗教并存的情况下选择东正教并使之日渐罗斯化,同时,在这一过程中始终伴随着基辅罗斯统治者维持社会稳定、统一和扩张的需要。  相似文献   

俄国东正教在哈尔滨的传播及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中东铁路的修筑,东正教传入哈尔滨,并在当地得到广泛传播和发展。俄国东正教在哈尔滨活动期间,通过传教布道毒害中国人民,用“基督的福音”为侵略者开拓道路。但是,东正教在哈尔滨的传播过程中,也在一定程度上促进了中俄文化交流。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to examine the ideological, political and social implications of the preference for orientating the public school curriculum in Russia towards Orthodox education. In some regions of the Russian Federation, Orthodox preferences increased by 20% over 4 years, and the indices reflecting enchurchment in the Russian regions are consistently lower than in the Moscow region, especially in rural areas. The confusion of Russian moral and patriotic traditions with Orthodox values and the ideological partnership between the public school authorities and the Orthodox organisations could explain the growth in Orthodox preferences. Although most teachers of the Orthodox curriculum, and most of the parents who choose it for their children, are not practising members of the church, Orthodox education implemented in public schools could result in an outcome opposite to the goals of the Orthodox curriculum.  相似文献   

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