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让“电子标本”走进中学生物课堂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物标本种类较多,根据制作原理和方法,可分为干制标本、浸制标本、剥制标本、骨骼(叶脉)标本和显微玻片标本。其中干制标本又包括砂干标本、风干标本、植物腊叶标本、昆虫标本、贝壳标本等。那么,本文所说的“电子标本”又为何物,其制作方法和现实意义又怎样,下面分别阐述之。  相似文献   

教育应该以促进人的全面发展为目标,而要实现这一目标,必须把认知和情感两个方面统一起来。只有将理性与非理性(即认知与情感)的教育结合起来,才是完整意义上的教育。  相似文献   

As the largest public sector institution in the United Kingdom, education is a key site for studying the context of ‘choice’ and changes in the identities of professional workers in contemporary society. Recruitment and retention problems in education have led to the creation of new routes into teaching to attract career changers from other professions and occupations. In this paper we focus on career changers within the Economic and Social Research Council project ‘Primary Teacher Identity, Commitment and Career in Performative School Cultures’ who have entered teaching from other private sector occupations. We analyse these career changes in terms of ‘turning points’ in the participants’ lives in order to assess the extent to which choices are ‘self‐initiated’, ‘forced’ or ‘structural’. We are interested in the basis on which these choices were made and the impact of gender on career decisions.  相似文献   

乔晖 《现代教育论丛》2007,(10):69-72,25
教师教学研究方式应改变过去模仿专业教学理论工作者的研究方法,而应以叙事体验成长,以案例诠释理念,以行动解读案例,让经验回归课堂形成教学理性。  相似文献   

根据市场营销课程教学现状和课程特点,在网络环境下选择"传递—接受式"、"自主交互式"、"团队协作式"教学模式进行教学,课程教学目标借助于网络环境得到较好的实现,激发学生的自主学习兴趣,培养学生团队意识与协作精神。  相似文献   

弹性学制是一种以完全学分制为基础,集选课制、导师制、学分绩点制三位一体,是具有较大灵活性的教学管理制度和人才培养模式。目前,职业学校实行弹性学制已成为必然选择,虽然职业学校在弹性学制实施中还存在一定问题,但只要改革课程,加强师资队伍建设,建立科学的管理系统,设立导师制,并努力改善办学环境和条件,就一定能使弹性学制得以顺利实施。  相似文献   

通过利用博弈论相关知识建立博弈模型,分析了不完全信息下师生教学策略的选择.对师生行为博弈进行均衡分析,使教师和学生在权力控制与合作平等之间找到一个最佳均衡点,达到教师和学生教学收益的最大化,并针对得到的结论提出一些对师生激励为最优的建议.  相似文献   

案例教学作为一种具有启发性和实践性的教学方法,被广泛应用于高校专业课程教学中.针对传统教学的不足,基于案例教学的成功经验和优势,以马尔科夫决策分析为例,将案例教学法应用在 《管理决策支持系统》 课程教学中.实践表明效果显著,为提高高校课程教学质量提供了参考.  相似文献   

由娜 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(3):207+209-207,209
例文在高职应用文写作教学中起着非常重要的作用。选择例文时,要选择与学生的日常生活密切相关的新鲜例文;不能只选范例,还要选择病例,要将范例和病例结合起来;选择与学生未来职业相关的例文;选择数量充足的例文,建立例文资料库,使之成为学生经常翻阅、查找、参考的宝库。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高职院校汽车检测与维修专业实践教学在专业教学中的重要地位,并根据高职教学实际,提出了实践教学的建构模式以及选择依据,本文特别对实践基地教学模式作了重点阐述。  相似文献   

This two-wave survey study aimed at testing a hypothetical model of teacher education graduates’ decisions about whether or not to take a teaching position upon graduation. The model focuses on the relationship between teacher education and graduates’ choice on job entrance. Using path analysis and logistic regression, this model was tested in a sample of student teachers (n = 436), subsequently graduates (n = 251) of teacher training for secondary education. The results validate the relationship between teacher education variables and nearly graduates’ intention to enter the teaching profession. Furthermore, this intention proves an imperative predictor of graduates’ actual entrance.  相似文献   

生物学课题研究中选题与立题的指导策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学阶段学生进行课题研究的主要目的是培养学生研究问题、解决问题的能力,在研究过程中,通过课题选择、文献检索发现问题,通过设计实验、动手实践来解决问题。日常生活中发现的很多课题属于生物学范畴,在近几年的各级各类科技创新大赛中生物学领域的课题范围也很广,因此在生物学课题指导过程中,生物学教师可以充分发挥自己的专业优势,以此为平台来培养学生的科学探究能力。课题研究大致包括五个阶段:选题与立题、开题、课题实施、撰写论文与答辩,其中课题的选题与立题至关重要,如果这部分工作做不好。课题的实施就无法进行下去。近几年笔者带领学生进行了多项课题研究,在实践中认识到,教师的指导作用对把握选题乃至最终的立题起关键作用。现将指导学生在选题与立题中的一些体会总结如下。  相似文献   

随着我国教育的不断深化改革,各高校不再一味的重视学生的学习成绩,忽视身体素质的培养,而是逐渐的提高对体育课的重视程度,将其与其他学科放在相同的位置。在体育课堂中,学习排球是非常重要的,学生在学习排球的过程中,不仅可以锻炼身体,提高自身的身体素质,还可以使自己放松一下,缓解学习压力,劳逸结合,可以帮助学生以更加良好的状态进行学习。因此,体育教师必须对排球教学模式进行创新,选择效果最佳的教学模式,从而促使学生更好的学习排球,掌握排球技能。  相似文献   

Learner-centered teaching (LCT) has been found to be a more effective pedagogy for online students, as traditional teaching methods do not work well in online courses. Professors in an upper-level technology management class revised their online introductory course to incorporate cafeteria-style grading. This LCT approach allowed students to select assignments they wanted to complete. More assignments were offered than needed to achieve an A grade. They included traditional projects such as research papers as well as more engaged activities such as demonstrating or mastering skills. To determine whether these changes promoted active learning, course data were obtained and analyzed. Students completed a range of assignments, showed mastery on a number of skills, and were overwhelmingly positive about having flexible options. Tellingly, 36% of students completed more assignments than were needed to earn the top grade.  相似文献   

The prison population has increased substantially in countries around the world and significant numbers of these prisoners are parents. Children of prisoners experience separation from the imprisoned parent. The separation and precursors to the separation often diminish these children's social‐emotional and educational well‐being. In this paper, the social‐emotional and educational functioning of children of prisoners is examined. Additionally, choice theory is described as a relevant theoretical teaching and learning model to facilitate the children's school‐related functioning.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the mediating role of prospective English teachers’ future time perspectives in relation to their motivations for teaching, beliefs about the profession, career choice satisfaction, and professional plans. A total of 423 prospective English teachers voluntarily participated in the study. The mediating role of the future time perspective was investigated through correlation, regression, and structural modeling analyses. Results showed that the prospective teachers’ future time perspectives played a significant mediating role in relationships among planned effort, planned persistence, ability, intrinsic career value, making social contribution, and career choice satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that the quality of university teaching in the research-intensive university is affected by various compliance demands on academic work that are meant to either enhance or be complementary to teaching. These include holding academics to account for the quality of both research and teaching. Our research aims to contribute to evolving theories about the research-teaching nexus and the relationship between compliance and teaching quality. Twenty five in-depth interviews were undertaken with lecturers at a research-intensive university. It was found that research was valued more than teaching, and teaching quality only needed to be good enough to achieve career goals. Once a certain compliance level had been reached in teaching, lecturers could justify apportioning more time for research. We have described teaching in this context as ‘vanilla’ and argue that vanilla teaching is a rationale choice for university academics.  相似文献   

谈课堂教学中提问时机的把握   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在教学活动中教师适时点拨,善于发问,创设问题情境,能有效地鼓励学生求知、求同、求异和评价,激发学生探索、讨论的热情和欲望,从而使教师的“教”转变为“学生主动的学”,课堂教学也就不再是学生被动的接受过程,而是学生主动参与的探究过程。有关课堂提问的技巧,不少老师谈了自己成功的经验,下面仅以“细胞质遗传”为例,谈谈课堂教学中提问时机的把握。  相似文献   


This paper aims to shed light on some of the issues raised in the often polarised debate around effective schooling by exploring the complexities involved in trying to uncover the determinants of the differential ‘success’ of schools. In doing so, the paper challenges the oversimplification which characterises many of the arguments around school improvement by demonstrating that it is not a question, of either management and teaching or the social context of schooling determining the success or otherwise of schools. Drawing on in‐depth qualitative research, the paper demonstrates the intricate and intimate connections between what school managers and teachers do and the socio‐economic and discursive environments within which they operate.  相似文献   

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