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After more than two months' visit and study in Soviet Russia, I deeply understand that in socialist countries the profession of people's teacher is one of the most respected professions. The secondary school students we met, especially girl students, were all willing to choose teaching as their profession. According to the headmaster of the First Normal [Teacher Training] School in Moscow, each year during the period of entrance examinations, he would personally conduct interviews with each of the applicants. In the conversation he would introduce the conditions of the school and ask the applicant's opinions. If he should discover that a student had not applied to the normal school on [his or hers] own initiative, or had no great interest in the education of young children, he would dissuade the applicants from taking the entrance examination. Nevertheless, each year applicants who take the entrance examinations to the normal school are very numerous even though these applicants all have the qualifications to apply to other schools. From this we can tell how much the young people of Soviet Russia love the teaching profession.  相似文献   

The education profession in Germany is presented as a feminised profession. This is defined and qualified, showing what sort of schools women are employed in and why there is a difference between women's opportunities in certain school types. An analysis is presented as to why women were allowed to enter the education profession when they did, linking women's employment opportunities and national shortages. The prejudice still existing against women's professional status within the employment sector is questioned. The paper shows how the education profession in Germany has been feminised and how the feminisation of a profession affects its pay and social prestige.  相似文献   

The inadequate number of American young adults selecting a scientific or engineering profession continues to be a major national concern. Using data from the 23-year record of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY) and working within the social learning paradigm, this analysis uses a set of 21 variables to predict young people's employment in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or medicine (STEMM) at ages 36 to 39. The LSAY is one of the longest and most intensive longitudinal studies of the impact of secondary education and postsecondary education conducted in the United States. Using a structural equation model, the study found that mathematics continues to be a primary gateway for STEMM professions, beginning with algebra track placement in grade eight and continuing through high school and college calculus courses. Home and family factors such as parent education and parent encouragement of science and mathematics during secondary school also enhanced the likelihood of entering a STEMM profession.  相似文献   

For some people, respect is due to people of particular standing and involves formality and deference. For others, respect is based on regard and attention. This approach is essentially informal. This article explores young people's interpretations of respect and shows how an understanding of its theory and practice may enhance relationships between adults, especially those employed in the social professions, and young people. Two frameworks are employed to assist in exploring the issues involved; one is located in communication theory within educational contexts (Burbules, 1993) and the other in the politics of self-definition (Wilson, 1993). The discussion draws on three pieces of empirical research involving young people and professionals. The different interpretations of respect are shown to provide a means of understanding a source of conflict between professionals with positions of authority in young people's lives and the young people themselves.  相似文献   


The article begins by examining the predominant image of young people today as alienated, apathetic, and uninvolved in their communities. It is argued that any debate about participation and politics should consider young people's involvement in voluntary and campaigning activities. Using data from a study of 1160 14-16 year-olds, it is shown that a considerable number of young people are involved in volunteering and campaigning, and also that these activities are influenced by gender, ethnicity, locality and the family. The article then explores the ways in which participation in volunteering and campaigning can promote the development of young people's political knowledge, awareness and understanding. It is demonstrated that involvement in these activities affects young people's political development in five ways, specifically in developing an understanding of the needs of different groups in society; a sense of influence over political and social events; a growing sense of party political differences and voting intent; reflection on social structures and processes; and acquiring skills useful in political campaigning. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies focused on attachment‐style differences in people's social skills. Study 1 had a sample of 237 students who completed questionnaires assessing their own attachment styles and social skills (based on Riggio's six dimensions of social skill). Study 2, which focused on partner‐reports, used data from 258 couples to determine whether people's perceptions of a partner's social skill would vary based on the partner's self‐reported attachment style. The results revealed attachment‐style differences in various social skills across self‐and partner‐reports; however, these differences were generally less robust for partner‐reports. Differences in self‐reported social skill were consistent with Bartholomew's two‐factor conceptualization of attachment. Dismissive and fearful individuals rated themselves as relatively antisocial and unexpressive, in line with their negative models of others; preoccupied and fearful individuals rated themselves as overly sensitive, in line with their negative models of self. Preoccupied individuals were also perceived as the most socially sensitive by their partners, and across all the analyses, secures were ostensibly the most socially skilled.  相似文献   

高等教育科类结构直接影响着人才培养与社会需求之间的吻合程度。当前河南省高等教育科类结构存在着专业调整滞后、学科比例失调,专业设置重复、经济效益低下,专业划分过细、专业口径偏窄,新兴学科、交叉学科建设落后等问题。若要形成与中原崛起背景相适应的高等教育科类结构,需要从改造长线专业、保护优势专业、发展新兴专业、平衡科类结构等方面入手。  相似文献   

This article explores the widespread emphasis on parental involvement in education from the perspectives of children and young people. In contrast to the conceptualisation of children as variable social actors, policy initiatives to link home and school more effectively, and research-generated typologies of parental involvement, unthinkingly familialise and institutionalise children by ignoring any part they may play in parental involvement in their education. Drawing on data from our study of children's understandings of home-school relations, we develop and elaborate a typology that centres on the complex ways that children and young people talk about creating, acceding to, and resisting their parents' involvement in their education. The socially patterned differences between the children and young people's understandings and experiences demonstrate how the broad social processes of familialisation, institutionalisation and individualisation are, in fact, concretely lived and negotiated in variable ways. Nevertheless, there are also some commonalities in children and young people's resistance around notions of privacy.  相似文献   

Beginning with the study of significant life experiences initiated by Tanner, this article reviews a growing body of related research in the form of surveys, interviews, and questionnaires that explore people's accounts of the sources of their environmental interest, concern, and action. The questions, methods, and results of studies in this field are closely compared. In conclusion, the article notes that the experiences that people describe can be understood as exchanges between the ‘outer environment’ of the physical and social world and the ‘inner environment’ of people's own interests, aptitudes, and temperament, and that more attention needs to be paid to the influence of this ‘inner environment’ of individual differences.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of this journal, Steven D. Tripp proposed some innovations in the education of instructional designers based on his analysis of education practices in other design professions. His principal proposals were that students should analyze great instructional designs of the past and that instructional design studios should form part of the educational preparation of students entering the profession. This paper proposes some extensions and modifications to Tripp's original ideas. These include extending his concept of the analysis of great lessons of the past to the analysis of current examples of expert work, the use of an expanded jury system to incorporate peer and practitioner evaluation of students' work, and the criticality of students developing solutions to actual performance problems during the instructional design studio experience. Finally, it is proposed that opportunities for critical reflection on the process of instructional design be built into the studio experience.  相似文献   

As we analyze our country's social and economic development, the following sets of contradictions stand out in the picture of this development. These include: (1) the contradiction between the expansion of population and the growth of per capita income, (2) the contradiction between a high employment rate and a low rate of production efficiency, (3) the contradiction between a sense of common wealth and well-being and the expansion of the gaps between people's incomes, and (4) the contradiction between the policy of opening up to the outside world and the construction of spiritual culture. There are many ways to solve these contradictions, but, under the system of socialism, in addition to organizing production and the people's lives in a reasonable way, the fundamental way out of the potential impasses seems to be nothing more than strengthening the education system and developing the cause of education. When education is done well, and our people's quality is enhanced generally, then the expansion of the population would not just be an explosion in consumption; rather, it would mean an expansion in technique and skill, and an enhancement in the labor productivity and efficiency rate. Our common wealth and well-being will then also be based on ability and contribution. Then, too, we will be able, under the conditions of opening up to the outside, to absorb truly and correctly the essence of foreign cultures to help us in building up the spiritual culture of socialism in our country. Therefore, we believe that it is a mark of true foresight and acumen that the party center designated the development of education as a strategic focal point for our country's growth in the current period and for some time into the future. The "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Reforming the Education System" pointed out that we must give the enterprise of education a tremendous boost in its development as the foundation of the nation's overall economic development. Furthermore, this resolution stipulated that the growth of the state's annual expenditure in the area of education must be kept at a higher level than the growth of the normal and regular fiscal income of the state. It also stipulated that there should be a year-to-year increase in the per-student annual average educational expenses. These very important decisions will propel with great force the development of our nation's enterprise of education and will allow it to have a greater and greater impact on our country's economic revival and recovery, its social growth, and its scientific and technological progress.  相似文献   

作为中国马克思主义的先驱和中国共产党的早期创始人,李大钊重视民生问题,他将马克思主义民生思想与中国实际相结合,通过撰写文章、教育指导等方式传播相关理论,并在其短暂的革命生涯中身体力行,推动马克思主义民生思想中国化,这对当代中国民生建设亦有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

我国民办高校发展已进入实质性制度规范转型期,国家于2007年建立了民办高校督导评估制度,对管理民办高校依法办学意义重大。民办高校督导评估制度在发挥其职能的同时也具有一定的局限性;应促使政府督导评估与社会评估相结合;促进社会评估机构的合法性和独立性;促进民办高校形成科学合理的自我评估制度。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of university education on developments relating to people's choice of residence in Iceland. In order to gain answers to the research questions, secondary data were obtained from official sources, trade unions, the data bank of the Social Science Institute, University of Iceland, and by interviewing 20 nursing and business administration graduates in Akureyri and Reykjavík. The conclusions indicate that a university education strongly affects various aspects of regional development. Graduates from the University of Iceland are a great deal likelier to settle in the area of the capital than graduates from the University of Akureyri, and vice versa . University education also has a notable influence on earnings, depending on the constituency in question, and a survey demonstrated that the origin of the persons interviewed and the residence of their parents were highly significant factors concerning the university they selected for study and their choice of residence after graduation. Furthermore, project work undertaken by the interviewees and their professional training during their course of study also had a considerable influence on their choice of employment after they had completed their studies. This is explorative research based on a restricted sample. The project provides important information, but the reader is warned against excessive generalisation based on the conclusions.  相似文献   

职业意识是个体对不同职业的看法和认识,对于高师生来说,只有具有明确的职业意识,才能培养他们的职业情意,毕业后迅速适应工作,具备不断发展的潜力和内在动机。但是,由于各方面的复杂原因,目前师范生的教师职业认同感普遍不高。通过改革师范生的选拔方式、引入竞争机制、建立交往的教育模式等方面的探索,可以有效提升师范生的职业认同感,进而增强师范生的教师职业意识。  相似文献   

Guardians have been implicated in the development of children's academic self-regulation. In this case study, which involved naturalistic observations and interviews, the everyday practices of a working class family were considered in the context of self-regulated learning development. The family's practices, beliefs, dispositions and home structures were not aligned with conditions recognized as supporting self-regulated learning development. It is suggested that for the family to adapt or adjust home practices in a way that supports their children's self-regulation means adopting a different logic of parenting, valuing and promoting certain kinds of self-knowledge, forming different kinds of social networks, and mediating and controlling affects of occupational conditions. It is suggested that shifting home practices to teach academic self-regulation in the family's home is value-laden and reflects class-based narrowness.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查等方法,对中小学教师职业声望总体以及教师职业道德声望、能力声望和贡献声望等进行了调查研究。结果显示:(1)各类群体对我国中小学教师职业声望的总体评价比较高,居中等偏上水平;(2)中小学教师职业道德声望和能力声望水平"一般",但声望水平有所上升;(3)与医生、律师、公务员相比,教师的经济地位和社会地位还处于较低水平,初中和小学教师在20种职业排名中,排位靠后;(4)社会公众对中小学教师有较高的职业期望,教师职业是许多家长在对孩子进行职业选择时,优先考虑的三大职业之一。  相似文献   


Recent commentators on Durkheim have stressed his work's emphasis on the moral dimensions of social reality. Building on this premise and using it to explore the contemporary education of aspiring computer professionals, we think many of Durkheim's claims are verified in the process. We posit that the college computer department studied has developed an interlocking set of images, maxims and operating assumptions‐‐a collective moral account‐‐which frames its curriculum, courses and student evaluation. In short, we contend that even in a profession dealing with arguably the most advanced edge of late 20th‐century technology, only a very thin boundary separates its technical professional education from its essentially moral claims.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with some of the theoretical and methodological complexities of collecting young people's preferences for sexuality education content and using them to inform educational practice. Data are drawn from focus groups and questionnaires undertaken by 16–19‐year‐olds. Participants' suggestions often reflect dominant discourses of sexuality circulating in wider society, providing insight into social norms and cultural contexts in which they live. Suggestions do not reflect dominant discourses in any simple way, but involve a complex interplay of these and subordinate meanings of sexuality. When working within a methodological framework that values and centres young people's perspectives, these proposals can be problematic. As dominant discourses of sexuality often reinforce social inequalities, programme implementation of young people's suggestions may perpetuate these. How to reconcile a commitment to a methodological paradigm that prioritises young people's perspectives with the creation of sexuality education which promotes social justice is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we examine gender differences in factors related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) education and employment between the ages of 36 and 39. Using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, we identified a STEMM high school talent pool. We found early gender differences in interest in engineering, although we found no such differences in entry into a general STEMM undergraduate major. Throughout the course of the study, we developed and tested structural equation models. We discovered that there were no major gender differences in family encouragement or precollege educational experiences, except that high school boys were slightly more likely to take calculus in high school. There were no significant differences in entrance into medicine and other health professions, but there were substantial gender differences in earned engineering degrees and employment in engineering. The completion of a graduate or professional degree was a stronger predictor of female employment in a STEMM profession than for young men. Among young adults with academic qualifications for a STEMM profession, the presence of children 18 years of age or younger in the family made no difference in the likelihood of employment in a STEMM profession.  相似文献   

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