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In their article published in Research on Planned Economy, no. 14, Wang Hong and Rong Zhigang indicate that operational expenditures for educational undertakings in China have scored a big increase. Right now per-capita operating expenses in elementary and secondary schools are close to or a little higher than the level prior to the "Cultural Revolution." Nevertheless, the actual spending level, adjusted for inflation, is still very low. Compared with 1977, educational outlays in Hebei province rose by 120 percent in 1980. But the per-capita spending on education in elementary and secondary schools, instead of going up, went down after being adjusted for inflation. The fall was nearly 40 percent in elementary schools and still more in high schools. For many years operating expenses in elementary schools were only one or two yuan per student a year. Under such circumstances, conditions of school operation can hardly be improved.  相似文献   

I am of the opinion that no elementary or secondary schools should be run as key schools. The reasons:

(1) It dampens the enthusiasm of most teachers and students for teaching and studying and hampers the effort to raise educational quality.  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

谈“办好人民满意的教育”的政策含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"办好人民满意的教育"是教育发展应该奉行的一个基准,需要有比较具体的政策含义。"办好人民满意的教育"要求基本教育机会的供给,主要指义务教育入学机会的供给让人民感到满意;教育资源的配置,尤其是优质教育资源配置的体制设计和机制的实施让人民感到满意;教育的结果能够达到一定的水平和标准,即教育的质量能够基本符合人民的期望和要求。  相似文献   

教育研究和教育改革应该有属于自身的独特特色,属于自身看世界、研究问题的独特视角。由于长期的自卑情结,我们习惯于迁移与移植,我们的改革总是以城市和重点学校为背景,缺乏对农村和薄弱学校的考虑。所以,当前的教育改革应当重构"本土",从本土的问题出发,建构起坚实的改革土壤。  相似文献   

基于教师专业发展的高师教育类课程设置研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等师范院校教育类课程存在着课程设置结构不合理、内容不完善、教育实习效果不佳等问题。主要原因是课程设置倾向于"学术性"以及受科学主义与工具理性的深层次影响。高师院校设置教育类课程应当充分考虑基础教育与师范教育改革的实际需要,应有利于职前教师培养与在职教师培训的一体化进程。通过设置条件性课程,提高师范生的基础教育理论素养,增强教育研究意识;通过设置实践性课程,开展教育教学实践活动,培养师范生的教师职业认同感和专业技能,从而提升其专业发展水平。  相似文献   

NCNA Dispatch January 24, 1978. With the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Education has recently issued a notice on the trial plan for successfully running a number of key elementary and secondary schools and decided which elementary and secondary schools of key status to be run by the ministry itself.  相似文献   

The symposium on nongovernmental basic education sponsored by the Guangzhou Zhonghua Yinghao School, the Guangzhou Modern Education Science Center, and the magazine Zhongxiaoxue jiaoyu guanli (Management of elementary and secondary school education) was held in Conghua, Guangzhou, from May 29 to May 31. Representatives of sixteen nongovernmental schools in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Sichuan, Anhui, Hainan, and Guangdong participated. Leading personnel and experts from the Statutes and Law Bureau of the State Council and relevant departments of the State Education Commission and from the Guangzhou Education Commission were also invited to attend. In his opening address, Comrade Wu Ziyan, director of Guangzhou's Modern Education Science Center, proposed the following topics for discussion: the position and role of nongovernmental elementary and secondary schools in the development of socialist education; how nongovernmental elementary and secondary schools should handle the relationship between the laws of education and the laws of the market economy; how nongovernmental elementary and secondary schools should implement the state's educational policies, improve educational quality, and do their best to acquire special characteristics. The following is a summary of the discussions.  相似文献   

Like a winter jasmine in full bloom, the experience of Dajing Middle School brought to people the message of spring on the educational front. Under the auspices of the Education Bureau, some comrades from elementary and secondary schools went in succession to visit and learn from Dajing Middle School. Among them were principals of key middle schools, secretaries of party branches, teachers of special grades, and teachers in charge of slow learners' classes. After visiting Dajing, they couldn't help gasping in admiration, "It's truly remarkable!"  相似文献   

论民办学校的范畴和性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民办学校是指由公益法人或自然法人自筹经费、自主经营与管理的面向社会专门提供选择性教育服务的学校或教育机构。在国家正式制度缺位的条件下,我国民办学校实际存在非盈利型、准盈利型和纯盈利型三种不同的组织模式,其中以准盈利型的民办学校居多。根据新制度经济学产权理论,由于民办教育服务市场内部存在较大的交易成本,民办学校只有组成非营利性的教育组织形式,才是节约教育交易成本的一种有效的制度安排。  相似文献   

Of late there has been more and more talk on the issue of key schools. The question boils down to the merits of the decision to run key schools and whether the undertaking should be continued or put to an end. These discussions indicate invigorating thoughts among the people and their concern for the educational front.  相似文献   

As we look around the world and observe the conditions of education in various countries, we can see that in the wake of the major growth in education in the 1950s and 1960s and, in general, since the 1970s, the educational enterprises in most countries have experienced a quantitative stagnation and a qualitative decline in the last two decades. In the United States, one hears the appeal: "The country is gripped by an educational crisis"; and in Japan, people are feeling deeply that: "Unless our educational system is reformed, our nation (i.e., Japan) will be confronted with a serious crisis." For our own part, our representatives to the Seventh National People's Congress have also spoken, with earnest and great emotion: "Our secondary and elementary education is already gripped by a crisis."  相似文献   

Mustering strength to run key schools successfully is one of the major tasks on the educational front. Many ordinary schools regard it as an unshirkable duty to supply key middle schools with junior high graduates who do well in their studies. Nevertheless, there are now some ordinary schools that, proceeding from selfish departmentalism, do not encourage their junior high graduates with better scholastic attainments to sign up for the entrance examination to senior grades of key middle schools. Instead, they caution the students, "If next semester you will continue to study at our school in senior grade one, we'll put you in the key class. If you apply for the entrance examination to a key school and return to our school when rejected, then it would be impossible for us to assign you to the key class." Some even warn, "You will not be accepted if you come back." In this way, a batch of students who do well in their studies are pressured not to sign up for the entrance examinations to key schools. They are afraid that they may have no opportunity to study at all if they fail in the entrance examinations. This practice is obviously wrong. If every school does things this way and every student with better scholastic aptitude does not apply for the key school, how can the key school recruit the better qualified? Where can the "better qualified" come from?  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突.为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强...  相似文献   

Subregion Commissioners and district (City) chiefs (mayors): 1. "When the days are cold and the ground's frozen, it is time to study. When flowers bloom and the water's warm, it is time to serve the peasants." These two sentences, a north Shensi proverb, explain the popular historical basis of the winter study program. Today, due to the situation of the rural villages, where economic development is inadequate and most of the inhabitants are illiterate, winter study is still an extremely important form of education. It not only expands the capacity of the schools for educating youth but also results in an increase in training schools for adult men and women and for lower-level cadres. If we wish to eliminate illiteracy, if we wish to raise cultural standards, then we must broaden the winter study movement. We have in the past operated winter study schools, and in some areas they have met with success, but because the financial status of the majority of the people had not been raised to a satisfactory level, and because the way in which we ran winter schools was in some respects faulty, the schools were unable to develop, and those in operation were unable to continue. With the great development of agricultural production in the past two years, the life of the people has improved to the point where they may be said to be well off, and labor has been gradually collectivized; the demand for literacy and the need for an increased understanding of production have at the same time grown and spread, so that favorable conditions for a winter study movement have been created. Because of this, it has been decided that beginning this year winter education will be organized each year throughout the Border Region; the slogan for this winter is "every township run one winter school." Where conditions are favorable, as many schools as possible should be run. Classes in reading should be added to the winter training program of the self-defense forces. In the future, we wish to have a winter training program in every village, so as to attain the goal of having all citizens of the Border Region, except for those past the age of fifty who are decidedly unwilling to study, able to understand 1,000 characters and thus able to read mass newspapers; cadres who cannot read or whose reading ability is limited should in particular act as the vanguard and as models for the people's literacy movement.  相似文献   

我国中小学课堂管理制度的审视——制度伦理学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡辰梅 《教育学报》2006,2(2):80-84
课堂管理制度虽是极为微观具体的教育制度,但其在现实教育生活中的实际影响却不容忽视。本文从制度伦理学的视角对中小学课堂管理制度进行审视,从制度形成过程,制度执行过程,制度执行之后的补救和对制度的超越等方面对其进行“善”的诘问和伦理反思。从而,为完善中小学课堂管理制度,使之能够回归教育的本意,实现教育原仞的美好目的提供一种参照。  相似文献   

After presenting the essential principles relevant to the education of teachers, according to which the Israeli educational system is organised, the article examines teacher education patterns in the various institutions in Israel. These are divided into institutions for the education of teachers in nursery schools and elementary schools run by the State, and schools of education in the universities which train teachers for secondary schools.

Ideological concepts divide the institutions of both kinds into those that train teachers for religious and non‐religious nursery schools and elementary schools.

The teacher training institutions in Israel (together with the whole educational system) have been immersed, during recent years, in a process of reform which reflects the changes that Israeli society has undergone since the establishment of the State.  相似文献   

论新课程与中小学教师培训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以课程改革为核心内容的本次基础教育改革,呈现了全新的教育教学理念,推出了全新的课程体系,提出了全新的课程目标。新课程推进、实施的关键在教师。如何使我国现有的中小学教师从教育教学理念、专业知识和技能等方面全面适应新课程的要求呢?建立一套适应中国国情、适应中国基础教育和中小学师资队伍现状的教师培训体系至关重要。  相似文献   

阐述了区县教师进修学校建设的现状和存在的问题,指出基础资源配置与中小学和教育机关相比严重不足,这是制约区县教师进修学校建设和发展的瓶颈;教师进修学校处于基础教育改革的中心地位和重要环节;不断创造条件,优先、超前建设区县教师进修学校是一项具有历史意义和广阔前景的工作,只有提高认识,尤其是提高主管教育的政府领导的认识、准确定位,加上制度保障,才能真正处理好基础教育发展与加强教师进修学校建设的关系,建设好教师进修学校。  相似文献   

华伟 《成人教育》2013,(4):20-23
如果将现行教育体系内的初等教育、中等教育和高等教育视作教育资源的"初次分配"的话,那么,成人教育应可视为教育资源的"二次分配",其社会功能应当定位于———"再塑平等"。意即推动教育资源的二次公平分配,以弥补因教育起点不公正或"少壮不努力"等因素而造成个体发展的不均衡;通过成人教育开启民智,让每个有需求的个体都能获得机会通过主动学习、增强能力从而改变自己的经济命运和政治命运。"再塑平等"的成人教育延续的是传统和近代中国对教育价值的理解,承担的是当代中国对教育功能的希冀。  相似文献   

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